
The Execution

Isla followed them outside and they went through a passageway and to an open space that she guessed was the living room.

"I'll be in the kitchen," the woman informed her and turned around.

Isla flinched back in fear that the woman might see her but to her greatest shock, the woman looked straight and walked past her like she wasn't there. This shocked Isla greatly.

How? She kept wondering. Isla walked slowly to observe the girl in front of her. The lady's hair was beautiful even with it being blonde. Isla observed her closely. The lady was busy arranging the living room that didn't seem to need any arrangements. The lady must've noticed that and left for the kitchen. Even the lady treated her like an air.

She walked behind the lady and followed her to the kitchen where the woman named Sarah was washing the dishes. The woman had long black hair with light skin.

"If there's nothing to do then you can help me wash the clothes." The woman suggested.

"Or you could have let me sleep the day away," she whined.

"Don't act spoiled and help me do the dishes-"

The sound of a man screaming cut her off. The both looked at each other with a confused expression. They walked their way outside and stood on the porch of the house.

Isla was shocked to see bodies of men being nailed to crosses from afar. The man cried in agony as two men nailed his legs.

"No, just kill me already!" The man on the cross screamed.

Sarah and Hesebel walked closer to where the man was but stood at a far distance away. Isla could clearly see the skeletons that lined up on the cross beside the man. The men she saw earlier were already dead.

"Just kill me!" The man kept asking for death.

"Don't you know that priests are not allowed to step foot in this place? But you and your filthy people managed to sneak yourselves into this place." A man in all black said coldly as he stepped out from the crowd and walked towards the man on the cross. His aura made her instantly know that he was their leader.

"We were only doing what we ought to do, we are priests for Christ sake," the man on the cross screamed.

"Oh? But Christ can't save you now and death seems to be the only thing you can think of, possibly because you know it's the only thing that can save you from the cruel fate that awaits you and soon you'll be another example for people to remember or forget," the man sneered.

Turning around, the man spoke. "By twelve in the morning he shall be executed." The man announced.

"Just end me!" The man screamed as the man walked away from him. "Hey please, I'm begging you. Just kill me please."

Isla shrieked back when the man in black walked past her. He had a deadly look that made her gulp in fear.

The woman turned around, pulling the lady with her. They walked back to the house without looking back but Isla couldn't help but glance back at the man.

Later that day when Isla felt tired after following Hesebel and Sarah throughout the day. Those two were too hard to keep up with. It was already late at night and everyone seemed to be retiring back to their house.

Hesebel and Sarah sat around the dining table and had dinner but she wasn't hungry. She was still trying to understand what she was doing there and why she was even there in the first place.

That night when they were in bed, she slept close to the wall in Hesebel's with her back against it to rest her head. She saw a shadow move quickly and she immediately snapped her eyes open. They fell on the empty bed Hesebel laid on.

Confused, she walked to the open door of the room and went outside to the porch where she saw Hesebel from afar close to the cross. Still wondering what was going on, she walked over to Hesebel and was shocked to see the lady enchanting some unknown spells.

What was she trying to do? Isla watched her stretch her hands in front of her while moving her fingers slowly. Her eyes were closed and she looked focused.

"Hesebel!" Isla shrieked when she heard the loud voice behind her.

The both of them turned around simultaneously and saw Sarah walking towards them with an angry look.

"What are you doing?!" Her voice was harsh. "You shouldn't be here. What if they catch you?" Sarah said in a loud whisper as her eyes kept looking around. "I thought I told you not to use magic. You were forbidden. If Luca sees you here then you're done for. Now, come let's go back before you get yourself into trouble," she said and reached out for Hesebel's hand.

Hesebel moved her hand away from her reach. Sarah had a confused look. "What are you doing, Hesebel? You better stop whatever you're thinkin." She warned.

"I don't want to go with you," Hesebel finally voiced out.

"It's not something you should want but something you must do now, give me your hands so we let's go." She said impatiently.

"No! I'm not going with you, godmother. I must save him at least before I do that." She lowered her voice while saying the last words.

"Are you crazy?! Do you even know what you are doing? It's almost time for the execution so you better come with me and stop acting stupidly." She was speaking in a loud whisper so no one would hear them.

"Then you can go and let me be act stupidly," Hesebel said with a calm voice.

By this time Sarah had had enough. "You must be insane to think that'll you risk your life. Your mother kept me incharge of you before she died and that I must do." She spoke harshly before grasping Hesebel's but she flung her hand away from Sarah's grip.

This made Sarah mad and she instinctively slapped her across the face. Sarah seemed surprised at first while Hesebel jerked back in shock with a hand on her cheek.

"Look, I didn't mean to," Sarah started, wanting to explain herself "I only did because how worried I am. I really sorry." she tried to reach for Hesebel. Hesebel kept moving back while asking for Sarah to leave her alone.

"Hesebel please-"

"I said leave me alone!" She finally yelled as she swung her right hand up.

A force from nowhere flew Sarah in the air and she fell far away on the ground in a bone breaking way.

As if her eyes finally opened, Hesebel gasped and rushed to her godmother who was unmoving on the ground.

"Godmother? Oh my God what have I done?" She started crying while trying to wake her up.

Sarah coughed painfully, opening her eyes weakly. She was coughing blood. "Godmother!" Hesebel beamed happily.

"Hesebel," Sarah smiled like it was the first time she saw her goddaughter's face. This surprised Hesebel because she was the cause of all of it.

"Godmother I'm sorry-"

"Go, Hesebel. Run away from here before they come." She said with difficulty.

Voices were heard from behind and Hesebel knew instantly that the time for execution had reached. She crawled back in fear as she heard the voices and their treading feet approaching.

"Hesebel just go."

"No I can't leave you here," she said with tears streaming down her face.

"I promised your mother that I'll protect you so if it were my last then I must at least make sure you're safe."

"Godmother, I'm so sorry." Hesebel whispered.

"Just go Hesebel. Go now!" She yelled and coughed more blood.

Hesebel looked helpless before she stood up and ran towards a stable where she grabbed a horse and rode to the south.

Isla looked at her as she rode away to the South. So she was indeed a witch after all.