
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Teenager
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Today was the first day of graduation season she was about to graduate but still didn't know what to do with her life Red curled her last black lock and went downstairs to see her father busy as usual she looked at him in disappointment he never paid attention to her and after what he pulled last season she still despised him "Red and were do you think you are going?" he looked at her through his thin glasses his thin lips in a frown "why would you care?" Red shot back she loved her father dearly but the fact that he was so cold " Red" he sighed and looked away he looked back at his wife who wasn't even concerned about what their daughter was doing what she said during the Christmas party he waved her off and she left Red could feel the tears pricking in her eyes she drove off toward the one place she could find solidarity but this time she couldn't the words kept ringing through her ears its just a game ever since she was young but the fact that she couldn't scream and voice what was happening in her life.

"hey Red" Casey said looking Red up and down in shock "what Casey?" Red said rolling her eyes she didn't want to here it for once she was enjoying herself "what are you doing here, you know what people will say at you at the library in sweats" she said emphasizing the word sweats she looked around "so?" Red said "well I would let you know that Ryan is here with Valerie" she pointed toward to the other end of the library to find Valerie nose dip in a book while sitting on Ryan 's lap while he was on his phone she looked at her friend "so whats the plan?" she said at Casey who brought out a black short skirt, a white tank top and knee high boots she pointed toward the bathroom and both of them went and she changed she dint like the way she looked she actually enjoyed wearing baggy clothes they brought her a sense of comfort Casey threw away the sweats and both of them left the library after she checked out her book she locked eyes with Ryan on her way out and she felt her blood boiling she left the room and went toward their lockers "well after graduation we then go and have a hot girl summer" Casey said handing Red a leather jacket Red looked at her what she would rather do was go to college instead of getting a rich boyfriend "What about college" Red said staring at the ceiling "state college" Casey answered they left their lockers Red didn't want state she wanted to go to Stanford but she was scared for her status she was already freaked out because she was supposed to give a valedictorian speech everyone thought Valerie was the Valedictorian but she was she looked at casey as she was talking to the other girls while she was trying to run away from it why did she ever change herself why did she change schools why did she want to visit his house this life could have been avoided.

She left with her friends to a small café down town they were talking about their outfits for the after party but she wasn't even paying attention she looked outside at the couples holding hands or kissing she laughed at that it would always end because of some nerdy good girl who could turn her life upside down in a matter of months but so could she, she was still very angry at the fact that her life was upside down she needed that sweet escape she always had the fact that her sanity was taken away while her family never gave a damn drived her insane "you know Red if you hate your smoothie that much get another one" Hariet said looking at her phone she took a selfie and compared herself to Red she was too perfect in her eyes her black long wavy hair, her brown eyes that became pools of honey once under the sun or reflected the moonlight at night, her perfect body and smooth skin she sighed and looked away "so Redwho is your date for the bon fire" Hariet said knowing it was a topic she didn't want to discuss "Hariet you know very well she doesn't want to discuss that topic ever since her break up" one of the other girls said laughing "at least I didn't get knocked up at a party by the football team" Red said her eyes looking her friend over both of them slouched in their seats and stayed quiet.

After the long day Red went back home she was so tired and stressed out while her loving mother had a guy back home when she got there she sighed and went to her room there she sat and waited for the heat her father arriving home and fighting with his wife the only reason they were still together was because if they divorced they would lose a lot of money so they made home a hell for their two children her brother who was older than her by a year left home as soon as he graduated and called their mother a devil and left he even cut all ties with his baby sister because as he said 'I need a new awakening'.

She went down stairs for dinner after she heard the glass break "for goodness sake Delilah pull your self together" her father said she rolled her eyes and sighed she sat down in her seat and looked at her parents "what if I don't want to?" her mother shot back Molly just sat there enjoying her food while enjoying the show "you know what I wonder what I did to get a wife like you, you truly lived up to your name " her father said sitting down Red smiled at the comment her father met "why are you smiling?" her mother said looking at her she just stayed quiet she new better than to upset her mother "I thought so now I see the real reason your little boyfriend broke up with you" her mother said she looked at her dad who was quiet or how she wished death would come and devour her right this moment.

In the meantime Ryan was staring at his princess how he loved her so much he hugged her sleeping phone he wished he could have her to himself keep her safe from the people who tried to hurt her he thought about the way Red would cling on him and destroy the competition he cringed at the thought of him using to call her he sweet love they always hurt each other somehow it was either she would sleep with another guy or the other fact that she would lie about family issues her mother told him how much of a liar she is a pretty face but a black heart he kissed Valerie 's temple as she stirred in her sleep today she cried because she didn't get the score she wanted at least she was the second highest he stood up and left his room and went to find his mother in the kitchen "so did you guys find a great apartment" she said with a sweet smile her diamonds reflected that warmed his heart "yes we did and we are moving in this Thursday" he said smiling at her him and Valerie were moving in with each other and he was so excited "oh I almost forgot next week there is a family dinner your dad wants to meet her and your brother is also coming" he smiled at the thought of his brother coming he had cold blood with his brother he knew that since he broke up with Red Luciano was playing his cards carefully this time, he left the kitchen and went to lie down next to Valerie he took her in his arms and slept while Red looked herself in the mirror and smiled she wasn't the problem Valerie was she got up and went down stairs to her kitchen she took a bag of chips and started stuffing her face with it "no wonder you are fat" she heard her mother 's raspy 's voice ringed through the air "I'm not fat I'm the average weight" Red said her voice coming out nearly a chock she looked at her mother who was looking at her like she said the most horrible thing she has ever had "listen here I am going to rid this house of that kind of food" she said grabbing the bag of chips away from her daughter 's hands she threw them in the bin and looked at her daughter and then went out she just wanted her daughter to be perfect girl she always wanted she wondered were she went wrong her sister 's daughter didn't gain weight she was very light and beautiful and smart but her daughter wasn't any of that no matter how much she tried he stomach wasn't flat enough her thighs were too big and with her chubby cheeks it just didn't make sense she was on a diet while she was pregnant she made sure not to feed her too much when she was a child but that didn't seem to work, she soon arrived at her new lover 's house and spent the night there.

Next morning everyone was busy back at Red 's home apparently there would be a family gathering soon and she was on a strict diet her mother had already forced her to run five rounds around the house and she was tired she walked in and got her breakfast a salad she sighed and stepped on the scale yes she did gain a few pounds but she liked her body she thought about Valerie and her slim petite figure and she sighed she needed to lose weight and get her self together she left her house and went to the library and sat right next to her lovely ex "Red what are you doing here?" he said shock written all over his face was this another one of her schemes her in the library wearing glasses was like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon he looked her over and sighed classic Red Greene "well as you can see reading a book" Red said biting her tongue she only did that when she was covering up her emotions "so I had the rumor you had a new toy" Ryan said changing the topic yes he believed it but he still wondered which guy in this school would want to date a skank like her "yes I do and you will meet him soon" Molly said looking at her book no she didn't why was she lying? "No Red you know how much I hate guessing games just tell me whats his name?" he said he knew she was lying Red Greene if she had a new guy it would have hit the headlines Ryan smiled and then stood up and left he scanned her one more time and left the library while Red was left laughing to herself she knew what was going through his brain he didn't believe and still after all this months he knew her well she stood up and left laughing to herself God when was this going to end she was playing in fire and she is yet to burned she bumped in Valerie who was carrying a pile of books and had been watching her boyfriend talk to his ex she looked at Red a said a quiet sorry and Red just stayed quiet she left and went to find Ryan who was on a phone call with someone else Red was following her close behind she saw how Ryan kissed her goodbye and how Valerie ran into her mother 's arms her mother smiled at her daughter and they both left Red could feel the tears prick her eyes her mom never hugged her like that when she ran into her mother 's arms she was always pushed away literary onto the ground tongue but could fell the pain the pressure had brought her she went back home to prepare for the party she was going to today to be honest she didn't want to go but she was going to bring out the worst in Ryan before the game day and then this little game he was playing with her would be soon over .

she wanted to cry but she couldn't she took a shower and put on her favorite dress and shoes it was the only dress that she could wear without being called a whore it was a royal blue knee length dress it was an old gift from someone she would rather not talk about she went down stairs "and were do you think you are going?" her father 's voice boomed from the kitchen she rolled her eyes "to a party " she answered coldly she looked at her father he had been trying so hard to make things right in his family he wants to get his old daughter back not let her become a version of her mother he hated "and who gave you permission?" he looked up from the newspaper and looked at her straight in the eye "I don't need permission to do anything" "well you do need permission to do anything as long you are under my roof" he said sternly Red had hit his last nerve and he was crazy "yes this might be your be your house but you don't have control over anything you don't even know what happens here"Red said looking at her dad she was shaking her never raised his voice to her maybe that's what happens when you grow older you see a side of people you have never seen before "trust me I know everything that happens here" he said "Red if you step out that door….." before he could finish his sentence Red had already left she got into her car and drove off when she arrived she saw some kids already high on drugs and alcohol she went upstairs "hey the Queen has arrived" Charlie screamed he gave Red a hug and smiled "well if it isn't the king of gays" she said smiling back at him Charlie understood Red very well she was a gem in his eyes they were all smiling until Ryan arrived with Valerie all eyes were on the couple and the worst part is she was wearing the same dress as her "look at her she doesn't even look good" one of the girls whispered "yeah I guess copying doesn't suit her very well "Cassey replied Red stood up and the dead silence in the room was enough to tell people that there could be an explosion "Ryan and Valerie I'm so glad you two could make it" Red said looking Valerie over Valerie looked at Red she was looking beautiful in her eyes she could feel her heart beating faster than before "Nice to see you too" Ryan just said and guided Red to her seat and she sat on his lap Red sat down and offered Valerie a drink "No thanks I don't drink" she answered looking around "the classic cliché" Red whispered to Charlie they all resumed their chit chat while Ryan smirked calling on Red 's Bluff she didn't have a date well that was true she doesn't have a date but she does have revenge in mind Red looked at Ryan and smiled it was either you were with her or better yet in a grave Red 's thoughts said to her she licked her lips and smiled Ryan got a call from his mother and one name caught Molly 's attention Luciano the one person he showed great hatred for she remembered how when they were dating he told her not to associate herself with him well she guessed this was the right time to acquaint herself with him she stood up from her sit and went to grab a juice box from the kitchen when she got back she found Valerie busy talking to some of Ryan 's friends "hey Valerie here is a juice box for your self, I didn't want you to get thirsty" Red said with a sinister grin everyone laughed Valerie looked at Ryder she wanted to cry "Red that isn't nice" Yasmine said she was one of the cheerleaders that Red sometimes hung with "She might poke her eye out with straw you have to do it for her" Yasmine said everyone laughed while Ryan was still on his call he dint even notice how Valerie was easily breaking "I mean she is right that's how little kids want their juice" Molly said fixing the straw for Valerie "what are you gonna do next Cry to your mommy about this" Cassey said Valerie looked at Ryan and she ran out he ran after her while the others laughed "you know guys we should have been welcoming" Charlie said "Charlie if she wants to be a part of us then she has to be strong not to be a damsel all the time" Yasmine said "yeah its either you are the leader, part of the pose or in our way" Red said and they all agreed.

"Valerie wait!" Ryan said chasing after Valerie she stopped and looked at "this is why I dint want to come" she said tears rolling down her cheeks "what happened" "Red, Ryan you promised me she wouldn't bother me but there she is making fun off me" "Ryan who cares about what she said she is just an attention seeking whore" He said "No she is not she is beautiful" "a bimbo" Ryan said he opened his arms for her and she ran into them "don't worry about what she says you are beautiful" He kissed her temples and they left Red was looking around "Harriett I thought you were going to handle it" Red said looking at Harriett "I'm sorry he pushed me off him "well then , I will just tell people you are hooking up with some hippie on the streets" Red said "No I will try better next time" "good" "but why are you so obsessed with them I mean he left you" Harriett said she knew she had stepped on a snake and it was about to bite her "Listen here you piece of shit I can make this last days hell week for you now I want you to remember that you are either behind me, beside me or in my way you choose" Red said squishing Harriett 's face with all her strength Harriett tried to stop the tears from falling "beside you" she said choking on her tears "good" Red said and left, she straightened herself up and left also meanwhile Red wanted to drive Ryan crazy she wanted him to beg for her and admit he was wrong she was driving around town when she got a call from her Mother "were are you?" she could here her mother 's voice booming from the other end "somewhere you are not " Red said rolling her eyes she could hear her mother 's heavy breathing and when she started to yell she ended the call she has had enough of the yelling for one night. She arrived at the apartment building she couldn't believe she was doing this but it was the only thing that could bend Ryan the last time she saw him was when she was still with Ryan and she was so mean to him she went into the elevator and found his door when she knocked on the door she was hoping he didn't answer but there he was wearing a tight shirt that hugged his body with a pair of jeans in his hand was a glass of wine "Meredith Greene to who's pleasure do I owe this visit to?" He said leaving the door wide open for her to come in "no one 's pleasure Luciano" she said looking around " then you can leave" he said pointing to the door "no I came here with a proposition" she said her voice shaking he was her last hope "go on I'm listening" he said playing with his glass he pointed over to a stool behind the kitchen island and she sat there he poured her some of his wine and smiled at her "I need your help" "is this some type of sick prank Meredith" he said using her first name his thick Italian accent lacing perfectly over her name "unfortunately its not other than me you are the only one that can make your brother blood boil" he looked at her and smiled the mention of his brother made him even more eager to know more her looked Red over she still hasn't changed his inner voice said he couldn't understand why she didn't use her full name it was more beautiful than the name she is called "I'm certain you don't need my help to make his blood boil you are perfectly capable of that on your own" he said looking at her as she played with her hands "listen here Luciano" he smiled at how she pronounced his name it was music to his ears "every time if I want something its taken from me if I win a fight I lose a war and I just lost the war but I never accept defeat I never thought this day would come bit I need your help Mr Price" Red said biting on her tongue he looked at her while smiling it looked like the heavens were finally on his side