
I'm starting to like you guys


Xiao Zhihao finished his project with the twins earlier than expected, so he went to find Tian Le, who was playing basketball with Quinn at one of the indoor basketball courts. 

"Hey, Quinn..." Xiao Zhihao called out as he placed his backpack on the bleachers. 

"Wait! I'm going to get the ball first!" Quinn yelled as she waved her hand at him nonchalantly. Her eyes were on the basketball that Tian Le was dribbling. She had been at it for 30 minutes, and she did not even get the ball once. 

"Come on, Q. You can do better than this," Tian Le said as he goaded her to come for the ball. He had been training her since two hours ago, on her request. 

"Argh!" Quinn yelled as she charged for the ball. She always lost to the twins whenever she played against them, and she hated it. Oh, no. Wait. She won before. But only because Lyle let her win.