
I'm not going to hurt her

Without even looking at him, Xiao Lei replied in a soft voice, "Yeah." 

Lu Ziyan had to strain his ears to listen to her. "You guys fought again?" 

"No." She was not really in the mood to talk, but Lu Ziyan had been nothing but kind to her, so she did not want to be rude to him. 

"They fought!" Mo Yuan said while looking up at the two of them. 

"Hey, no snitching me out, Yuan Yuan," Xiao Lei said before gently pinching the toddler's cheek. "That's your punishment." 

"Hehe..." Mo Yuan giggled before sitting back down quietly. 

"What did you guys fight about this time?" Lu Ziyan asked. He felt that these two often fought about senseless things, and that he might be worrying too much about them. 

Xiao Lei sighed. With a shrug, she then waved her hand nonchalantly as she said, "Nothing. Just a little misunderstanding. He was being a blind idiot as usual."