
Chapter 87: What Background Do I Have?

Are you calling her? Xia Yuxi glanced back, behind her was the background wall.

At this time, a staff member came to the photographer and whispered a few words. The eyebrows became more angry. "I care how they mix in this circle. Whoever stands in front of me, I say... Never mind."

What would the staff say?

The photographer's decibels have risen again. "Come and come, or you can use whatever you want."

"Thank you, don't, don't do this..."

Xia Yuxi's shoulders trembled, and she slowly swallowed. This photographer, who changed her face very quickly, was really scary. She thought that she should stop talking.

Xia Yuxi was standing calmly at the top of the V when she was old enough to solve the internal problems. She slightly glanced down at the ground softly, quietly as if it had just happened, she was not present at all.

Xie Lao glanced at her and finally felt calmer. He knocked on the pipe and stood behind the camera again, muttering in his mouth, "Well, this is almost..."

Although Xia Yuxi is not professional, her mind is flexible.

She had observed each person's standing and the movements they had to take for several consecutive shots in the morning.

So she didn't use the bad-tempered photographer's nonsense. She took every position very seriously, and gradually the studio really became quiet, except for the click of the camera shutter.

After the end of this group's shootings, the brightest light overhead were dimmed. Xia Yuxi's hanging heart finally landed, and her shoulders fell down.

Not far away, Xie Lao held the camera for the first time to watch the photo playback, and then burst into a hearty laugh.

This laughter is the best reward for Xia Yuxi's performance today. She is a newcomer, which is enough, so she also bent her lips lightly when she lowered her head.

Ugly, her knees shook strongly, and when her joints were bent, Xia Yuxi stepping on her heels fell to the ground unprepared. There were several surprises in the studio.

Nu Hai is walking towards this side. Although the light is not strong, but he can see clearly, he said in his heart, 'Broken! So he hurried towards Xia Yuxi's direction.'

Just two steps out, the phone in his pocket rang.

Nu Hai clenched his face and touched the phone, and sweat beads on his forehead rolled down, ..Wei Zexuan.

He looked up at Xia Yuxi under the light, gritted his teeth and answered the phone, "President Wei..."

"This time should be over!" The man on the phone asked, looking at a table of dumplings, without hesitation. "Don't arrange other work for her today, she's fine."

Nu Hai shoved the glasses on his face and felt that the scalp was numb and crisp. "President Wei, it may take some time."

Afterwards, he once again nervously looked at Xia Yuxi not far away and edited it. And explained, "Today is the model of the Tourism Bureau, Xie Lao came out. You know Xie Lao..."

Thanks old?

Wei Zexuan thought about it in his heart, and then straightened up, "Then say to Xie Lao, you can shoot again tomorrow."

Nu Hai was really forced to the corner. In a hurry, he reminded him, "Xie Lao can't see the main model. He changed his wife and you see..."


This surprised Wei Zexuan. He was leaning back and his lips chuckled.

In this circle, Xie Lao is not a moving person who can invite anyone. The nature of his wrists is not so high. He chose Xia Yuxi as a model? It is also an honor for businessmen who do not understand art.

The man pursed his lips and thought, "It's time to eat at this time. Since it's Xie Lao's class today, don't let the old woman be too hard, and ask everyone in the studio for a takeaway."

"Everyone." Wei Zexuan chewed words, fearing that Nu Hai could not understand.

The CEO's phone number was finally his Majesty, and Nu Hai casually called a staff member to instruct him, and then hurried to Xia Yuxi's side.

Xia Yuxi is a newcomer. No one cares about her. At this moment she got up from the ground alone and was sitting in a dark corner with her knees.

It looks very painful, because being laughed is unnatural.

"Serious? No need to go to the hospital?" Nu Hai asked nervously out of escort.

Xia Yuxi blushed slightly and tried to stand up in front of him. "It's okay, just accidentally stunned, I can walk."

She braced her for two steps, and then fine sweat dripped from her forehead.

Nu Hai was a little distressed because he knew it wasn't a stomping foot, but he was severely stomped. Xia Yuxi can feel it even if he is fool! But she hid it.

The quality of the practitioners in the model circle is indeed uneven. Some people don't even read book in order to sell their youth early in the debut, and all the secret shameful behaviors happen from time to time.

In the past, Nu Hai wouldn't ask questions about the models, but Xia Yuxi is different. If he doesn't understand this matter, it is estimated that Wei Zexuan will let him get away tomorrow.

After thinking about it, he said to Xia Yuxi, "Don't be stubborn. I'll help you to the dressing room, and I'll check it out by the way."

"....." When Xia Yuxi pushed the door and walked into the dressing room, the room that was so busy was suddenly quiet.

She thought that the appearance of Nu Hai made these people nervous, but saw the hatred of several people fell on her face. She opened her lips in surprise.

Behind him, Nu Hai said quietly, "Who kicked her just now. Before I call your name, I hope you take the initiative to stand up."

Then his gaze fell directly on the face of a model.

Xia Yuxi turned her head in surprise, looking at Nu Hai's serious face was not joking, 'did he see it?'

In the crowd, the stared model knew that she couldn't hide, so she stepped forward.

It was the young girl who originally stood on the top of the V. Her slender eyebrows were soft and gentle under the lights, and she brought the beauty of the tenderness of her country. And was very tricky.


She slightly raised her breasts and leaned back lazily against the makeup mirror. Because she is the invited model, she has this kind of power.

"You know that you have signed a contract with the media. The liquidated damages will be charged to your account tomorrow. You can go now!"

The model listened and stood up straight.

"Manager Nu! You... what are you talking about?"

"Cancel, don't understand?"

The atmosphere changed around for a moment, the expressions were tense, and she pulled back slightly.

Xia Yuxi felt from their expressions that this was not a trivial matter. Although she did not understand the relationship between the model and the contracted company, she knew that the termination of the contract meant that the model lost her job and starved to death in this industry...

Her heart tightened slightly, and she looked back at the man named Nu Hai again.

This is really not a joke.

Xia Yuxi wouldn't let the virgin beg for someone who hurt her, but she felt a bit intolerable. Such punishment is obviously heavy because of being kicked and unemployed.

Her unnatural figure moved slightly, and the man behind him dropped a big hand on her shoulder and patted it with a heavy weight. The meaning seemed to be to say, 'rest assured, I will deal with it.'

Then, Xia Yuxi watched the model arbitrarily, and stretched her fingers to point on her face, from indignation to bowing her apology, and finally, she cried and pleaded with Nou...

With models flooding today, she said that no matter how many results will not change.

At this time, a staff member came in and brought a basket in his hand. "Manager Nu, takeaway for everyone."

A farce ended as simple as this, and the women who had nothing to do with themselves hung up and picked up things, and naturally excluded that woman.

She lifted her bag lonely, hurriedly walked to the door of the dressing room like visitor, and paused beside Xia Yuxi.

The voice was very low, turning her head and humming: "What background is there, so... Not bad?"

After this sentence, Xia Yuxi's heart was strongly ups and downs.

After the model left, the previous noises was restored in the dressing room, but no one dared to look at it again, saying nothing.

Xia Yuxi slowly turned around, her eyes fell on Nu Hai's face persistently, "Manager Nu Hai, what is my background?"


Nu Hai shoved the glasses that fell on the tip of his nose. "No punctuality today and extended working hours. Would you like to eat something first?"

How can Xia Yuxi feel like eating?

She wanted to know who gave her such good luck. Why Nu Hai only cared for her alone, and why she was able to exclude a contracted model.

However, Nu Hai looked away, turned around, took a box lunch and stuffed it into Xia Yuxi's hands. "Now, eat, I will let someone in the infirmary come over to help you look at the wound."

Nu Hai dropped this sentence and turned away. Xia Yuxi quickly grabbed his arm.

"Wei Zexuan?"

"What?" Nu Hai looked blank when he turned back, so that no flaws could be seen.

Xia Yuxi shook her head now, she might be sensitive again.

After Nu Hai left, people from the infirmary came to help her check the wound and simply applied a medicine bandage. In fact, Xia Yuxi could not feel the pain before they arrived.

When she got her salary for the day and got out of the media, it was already 8pm.

The dumpling feast on the mother's side should be gone. It's strange that no one called to urge her. Xia Yuxi remembered the heart disease medicine is still in her hand, so she still had to go.

On the bus and down the subway, Xia Yuxi entered the gate of the villa at exactly nine o'clock in the evening.

The light was dimmed in the living room, quietly around.

She took off her shoes quietly, intending to go upstairs to put down the medicine for her mother and leave.

When she touched the handrail of the stairs, she suddenly heard someone talking softly, "Come here so late, have you eaten?"

Xia Yuxi turned her head and saw Wei Zexuan sitting at the dining table. He had not changed his black suit with the dim light around him. She didn't really see him.

"You just came back?"

Wei Zexuan didn't answer, and waved at her.

When Xia Yuxi walked over to sit at the dining table, he saw that he pushed a lid-covered plate in front of himself, "I left you dumplings, just heated it, and hurry eat!"

Xia Yuxi put her hands on the edge of the plate, and it was really warm. She hurried to the studio in the afternoon, and for four hours now, her stomach was empty.

As soon as the lid was lifted, the aroma inside came out, and then saw that the dumplings that were not so good, were stacked and filled up.

She squeezed one and stuffed it into her mouth, but stuck in her throat and couldn't swallow anything.

Whimpering, Xia Yuxi asked, "Do you make this dumpling?"


"When did you come back this afternoon?"

"Well... about three."

A dignified president, why do you leave so much work and come back to make dumplings yourself? Sit from three in the afternoon to nine in the evening without changing clothes? Is he sure that Xia Yuxi will come?

The woman glared across the cheek, her chest undulating.

"Why? Isn't it delicious?" Wei Zexuan asked nervously, then leaned over to the side, "Come, give me.. I try."

The next second, Xia Yuxi anxiously pushed the plate in front of her.

"Wei Zexuan! Did you arrange my work?"


Xia Yuxi laughed twice, and she got up from her chair with excitement. The sudden movement put stress on the knee, and there was an instant pain.

She squeaked softly in her mouth, and then sat down again.

The pain is sobering up, 'work is work, Wei Zexuan is Wei Zexuan.'

The man walked quickly around the table, his eyes fell on Xia Yuxi's legs, his eyes frozed tightly.

He crouched down and lifted Xia Yuxi's trouser legs, then saw her sitting on the leg with a bandage tied up.

"What happened. How...?" Wei Zexuan carefully touched his fingers, then looked up to observe the expression on Xia Yuxi's face.

His nervous expression made Xia Yuxi's heart go up and down again, unconsciously remembering the scene when she hurt her arm and was taken care of by the people in front of her.

Afraid she couldn't control her heart, she dropped her head and dropped her trouser legs.

"It's okay, I accidentally got it at work."

Wei Zexuan stood up and cursed in a low voice, "They don't want to live."

"You leave my job alone."

The next second the man said with some whimpers, "I see."

Xia Yuxi sat quietly eating the plate of dumplings that were already cold. During this time, Wei Zexuan tried to say something, but she ducked and hid.

So he just sat there until she finished her plate.

When Xia Yuxi got up, she pushed the medicine on the corner of the table. "These are for my mother. Let her take it on time." After speaking, she stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

When leaning over the door to wear shoes, Wei Zexuan walked over quickly. He bent over and took back the shoes in Xia Yuxi's hands, and threw them directly into the shoe cabinet.

"Don't go tonight, it's too late."

"No." Xia Yuxi reached out to get her shoes, and Wei Zexuan held her back.

The man was close, and the throat knot rolled dry, as if pressing a certain emotion in his heart.

Xia Yuxi's body was slightly hot, and trying to hide.

The next second, Wei Zexuan leaned over and held her in his arms.. princess style.

"Wei Zexuan! What are you going to do?"