
Chapter 85: Get Your Big Brother

If they remember correctly, this is the first time that Xia Yuxi has offered an invitation since they separated.

Wei Zexuan was so happy that she didn't forgot about it, even though she finished her sentence and turned her head indifferently to cook.

With the help of her mother, a few dishes were quickly served.

Fang Jinghua filled a full bowl of rice and handed it to Wei Zexuan. She looked very happy and kept boasting about her daughter. Aunt only help cooked, but the old woman still like her daughter 's craftsmanship, and with this intent, no one can compare... "

Sister Joe stood behind several masters, "Cough!"

Wei Zexuan knew that Fang Jinghua was a bit mean and powerful, but his good mood made him purse his lips with a smile. "Mom, I know. I have eaten this meal for two years."

"Oh! Right! Aren't you husband and wife..."

Xia Yuxi held chopsticks and was pierced in her heart. She quickly pulled her mother's arm, let her sit next to her, and passed a bowl of soup.

This is too clear, 'drink soup, shut up.'

However, Fang Jinghua is particularly happy today, not only because her daughter is willing to come and see her, but she also brings a good news.

Therefore, Fang Jinghua took a sip of the soup and couldn't help showing off, "Ze Xuan, Xiaoxi came to buy me a lot of things today, and said he found a good job!"

As soon as this word came out, Wei Zexuan, who was drinking soup, was stung. He covered his nose and mouth and coughed several times, his face gradually turned red.

Xia Yuxi looked up at him with a guilty concealment.

But she didn't think much, just tore her mother's corner under the table, and whispered to her to stop talking.

She has always been a low-key kind of person, and rarely tells her own affairs, not to mention this kind of work that has not even signed a contract.

But thinking of the interview in the afternoon, Xia Yuxi was indeed in a good mood.

Such a good mood makes her appear in front of the Wei family and Wei Zexuan no longer embarrassed, because the work is won by herself, not from the favor of anyone.

Since this time, Xia Yuxi's perseverance and sensitivity are all helped by Wei Zexuan.

She should have been grateful, but it felt like coercion. Once two people were involved in the emotional dispute, it was as if this person was saying, 'I have paid so much for you, why should you refuse me?'

What Xia Yuxi wanted was nothing more than an angle of head-to-head between the two. It had nothing to do with money now. She owed him money, she have the ability to pay it back. You owe me, you take care of it.

Work is her confidence, and her confidence makes her frankly say, 'You come back so early, have a meal together!'

With this in mind, the woman slightly raised her plate, and looked up firmly.

Coincidentally, Wei Zexuan was peeping, which made him feel confused. "The work of the model is very good and it is very suitable for you."

"Yeah! You all know? Did Xiaoxi tell you?" Fang Jinghua asked in surprise beside him.

Only then did Wei Zexuan realize that he had made a sudden mistake and saw that Xia Yuxi's eyes changed. She looked at him questioningly, and the straight scalp was numb.

How many times did he go through the war, but just a little embarrassed, the man said lightly, "The secretary reported that. I originally did it because I was worried about you. I 'm relieved to see that you are doing a good job now. They followed you."

Xia Yuxi looked at him a few more times, and saw that the man was calm as usual. After explaining a word, he began to eat with peace of mind.

Should not...

She speculated, because no one knew about the job hunting. Wei Zexuan couldn't know or arrange it. Thinking so, Xia Yuxi's heart calmed down a bit.

If even the work of the model was done by Wei Zexuan, her world would be in the dark again.

"Thank you for this time." Xia Yuxi calmly put down the bowl in her hand, "Although I don't want to accept it, I can survive without your help, and thank you for taking care of my mother."

Suddenly the words were so formal that the atmosphere on the dining table was instantly frozen.

Wei Zexuan didn't like her tone, because the clearer the relationship between the two people, the farther away they were.

But he promised to be just friends.

"Um." He snorted as an answer.

Xia Yuxi continued to say seriously, "I will repay your money every month and let my mother move out as soon as possible."

The opposite Wei Zexuan owed his body, "This is not in a hurry..."

"I'm in a hurry." Xia Yuxi grabbed the words, then she pursed her lips and said, "I don't want to live with He Yiwei anymore, and there is... I have nothing to do with him."

When Wei Zexuan looked over in surprise, Xia Yuxi had already bowed her head and started eating her meal again.

The man sat at the dining table and was stunned.

He would like to call Yin Mojun immediately and ask Xia Yuxi what does this sentence mean? Is she explaining the relationship with He Yiwei? Did she give herself another chance?


Xia Yuxi took a look at Wei Zexuan in the gap of vegetables, "Don't you eat it?"

The man holding the chopsticks was stupid, "Heh ... hehe."

After the meal, Wei Zexuan drove Xia Yuxi back. Fang Jinghua said that he helped sister Joe take out the trash, and followed them happily. She walked out of the door at a distance, and watched her two children leave the car.

The old woman threw the garbage into the trash can, leaned on the porch and smiled lightly.

This is very good. Xiaoxi is willing to come over. The conflict between two people will be resolved naturally after a while, then the things she worry about will really pass.


Liu Zhiyan shouted Fang Jinghua, and she glanced at her who came out next door carrying a garbage bag.

"Miss Liu, throw out the trash yourself, don't you have a nanny?"

Liu Zhiyan walked towards her side with a smile, and raised his hand arbitrarily, and said, "Help take the children, I'll get out to take some air after dinner."

The two women stood at one place. Liu Zhiyan watched Fang Jinghua smiled and looked at the distance, and seemed to inadvertently ask, "What are you looking at? Are you giving away?"

"Yeah!" Fang Jinghua didn't care, still stepping on her feet, and chasing the tail of the car that was going away, said, "Looking at the young couple, it really makes me an old woman uneasy!"

Young couple...

Liu Zhiyan's expression moved, but it was fleeting.

"Is Mrs. Wei back? But I haven't seen her for a while."

"Busy working." Fang Jinghua said in a hurry because of her face.

"Isn't she doing special assistance at Yin's? I won't see you that night!"

This kind of inquisitive inquiry made Fang Jinghua uncomfortable. She turned around and said with a bit of anger, "My daughter is not an ordinary child. She is not only a senior manager of the company, but also a model. Why stay at home everyday?"

"Model?" Liu Zhiyan's eyes darkened.

"Yeah! Our Xiaoxi has a good temperament, and she is also beautiful. She is absolutely qualified to be a model." Fang Jinghua said with a bit of satisfaction, and then she looked at the person in front of her chin. God, I don't know what you do?"

"I'm a college teacher."

Fang Jinghua was a perfunctory little head, but a sudden memory point popped up, making her face the young woman in front of her, a university teacher named Liu, how did she feel so familiar? Seems to be heard from where, or where I have seen the impression.

As she gets older, her memory is worse, Fang Jinghua can't help but ask again, "What's your name?"

"Liu Zhiyan."

She answered with a slight smile, and then said goodbye to Fang Jinghua when she turned around, "I won't talk to you first, the babysitter will..., I'm not sure."

After she left, Fang Jinghua stood there frowning tightly, because Liu Zhiyan's name also made her feel particularly familiar, but she couldn't remember anything.

On the side of Wei Zexuan just sent Xia Yuxi back into the gate of Country Garden, and called Yin Mojun.

Several times of anticipation, it make him more dependent on Yin Mojun, but only on emotional issues.

The phone rang several times, and was finally picked up. Before Wei Zexuan spoke, he heard the phone roaring around, as if tossing the bedding.

He frowned and looked down at the time on his wrist. It was only 7:30 in the evening. Yin Mojun fell asleep?

"Well, what is it?" Still asked impatiently over the phone.

He didn't care about the time of a big man, so he opened his eyes and asked, "Xia Yuxi explained to me her relationship with He Yiwei. What does this mean?"

He paused over the phone, and then Yin Mojun's hearty laughter came over, "Don't you really understand? It's going to be a thing! You say that a woman Xia Yuxi can explain to you why this is so? Do you still ask me?"

Wei Zexuan held the phone, and the smile on the corner of his lips was enlarged.

Yin Mojun said so, and his heart suddenly swelled.

Yes, he feels right, at least Xia Yuxi no longer resists.

The man who asked for a positive answer was in a good mood for a while. He suddenly realized that he had helped him during this time. At least he had to say thank you to Yin Mojun.

Just then, there was a lot of noise on the phone, and then Wei Zexuan heard another familiar voice, "Brother! What did you just say? What happened to Xiaoxi?"

Suddenly, Wei Zexuan's face turned iron blue.

He was slower in feelings, and he couldn't understand certain things about men.

Previously, Han Ruowei answered Yin Mojun's phone without permission during the day, but it didn't explain anything, but what time is it now, and the two are still together? And if he hadn't heard wrong, did the two talk to themselves on the same bed?

"Han Ruowei, first explain what is going on with you."

Han Ruowei, holding the phone, swallowed in a frightened way. She suddenly realized that she had done something special, and then she frozen there.

"Say! Why are you a Wei's senior, why are you in the partner's bed!"


When Han Ruowei was in a hurry, she hung up the phone directly. One second after she responded, she turned off Yin Mojun's cell phone directly, and then she grabbed the bedside and touched her phone.

Until both phones were turned off, she wiped her sweat from her forehead and sat on the big bed stupidly.

"You... impulse... have been able to hide for fifteen years in the first day?" Behind him, Yin Mojun sounded gloating.

Han Ruowei grabbed her wavy long hair anxiously, "Anyway, I can't answer the phone at this time, it's a big deal that Minger writes a report and submits it early."

After she said it, there was nothing wrong with thinking.

Then he turned around and saw Yin Mojun smiling strangely by the bedside with his pants on.

Yin Mojun can't wait for two people. The whole world knows that, but Miss Han is planted on an ugly and short man like this. Why is she so wronged?

As soon as she gritted her teeth, Han Ruowei flew over and kicked the person directly under the bed.

"All blame you! My brother can kill me!"

"He doesn't dare." Yin Mojun stood still, rubbing his leg and saying, "He asked for my help!"

Yin Mojun is very smart and has many ghost ideas. He thinks that he is in control of this future big brother, and everything is under control. However, it turns out that except for the Xia Yuxi incident, Wei Zexuan's judgment and decision-making are not affected. Any threat of interference.

So the next morning, Han Ruowei's explanation report had not been issued, so I first received the order from President Wei, 'Vice President Han Ruowei, to negotiate overseas for one and a half months.'

The time of one and a half months was just the time to complete the cooperation with Yin's side.

Yu Gong, Wei Zexuan used this one and a half month to avoid the risk of Han Ruowei being gossiped by other board members. Yu privately, his thoughts opened up in four or five. In the end, he agreed to disagree with his cousin's marriage, only he knew it.

Han Ruowei wanted to fight with him, but nobody saw him. She was directly blocked by the secretary outside the meeting room. Miss Han could only make a roaring call to Yin Mojun, and sat down obediently.

"Arranged my flight..!"

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Wei Zexuan came out of the conference room in a rush, and he was exhausted. He pulled the tie under his neck while listening to the secretary's quick report: "Vice President Han's flight at 10 am, it is estimated that it should land at night now. "

"Well," the man said lightly. "What about the other one?"

"Sit in your office for an hour."

After listening to this sentence, Wei Zexuan pushed the door into his office, and as the door opened and closed, Yin Mojun, who was sitting on the sofa not far away, stood up suddenly.

"President Wei."

"Don't worry, let me make tea..."

Wei Zexuan walked over without hesitation, threw his tie on the sofa, and then lazily watched and saw the filtered tea under Yin Mojun's care... sipped into his mouth.

After a series of elegant movements by the man, he stretched his body and leaned on the back of the chair, raising his eyebrows to look at Yin Mojun who stood, "Something happened to Yin?"

You took my sister away, and you asked me something?

Yin Mojun cursed inwardly, then sank down on the sofa, "Oh, I just came to ask, how is the situation over Xiaoxi, do I need to give you a trick?"

In reality, he said just as enthusiastically. Upon hearing this, Wei Zexuan leaned forward slightly, "This is... what do you say I should do now?"

Yin Mojun lifted his cup of tea and sipped it on his lips, then said with a smile, "I heard that Han Ruowei has gone abroad?"