
Chapter 82: A Woman Who Is Too Soft

When receiving a call from Han Ruowei, Wei Zexuan was coming out of the house. The arrival of Zhang's mother-in-law made him have to spend more time at home, even if he was unwilling to communicate with a gambler, but she had to take care of her for Xia Yuxi.

"Is there anything in the company? I'll be there in about 40 minutes." Wei Zexuan looked down at the watch anxiously and said.

On the phone, Han Ruowei said bluntly, "Xiao Xi is looking for a job again. Did you know?"

The man stepped stopped, tightening his brows.

Prior to this incident, Wei Zexuan has always despised those women who "delighted themselves". From the perspective of the president, he looked at those women who did not work properly, and felt that it was a choice of character. Only when people have bad roots and greed wrong way.

But Han Ruowei was saying, This kind of situation may happen to Xia Yuxi. His heart seems to be clothes that were tightened after washing. This kind of pain is.....

He was thinking, 'How hard is it to withdraw money? Xia Yuxi would rather take a detour.


"Well, I know."

"Just know?" Han Ruowei asked unwillingly.

Wei Zexuan held his mobile phone and raised his head high, pursed his lips without answering.

Just when the next door came out, Wei Zexuan saw Liu Zhiyan at a glance. She hid the entire face under a wide brim and sunglasses. It would not have been easy to recognize if she hadn't known her for five years.

"Well, let's hang up first." Wei Zexuan explained, put the phone into his pocket. He took a step back inside, but his eyes followed Liu Zhiyan tightly.

She beckoned her car, and the car drove away without stopping.

Wei Zexuan got on the car quickly and followed her involuntarily.

After exiting the main road of the villa area, the taxi in front headed for Xueyuan Road. Wei Zexuan was relieved, because Liu Zhiyan did not seem to be heading for Xia Yuxi, but seemed to go to school.

The teacher was normal to go to school, and she was not dressed normally like that. As long as she didn't do bad things, Wei Zexuan turned his car towards the company.

Liu Zhiysan had an appointment with Gu Zaoran before. She thought about it and thought that it would make Wei Zexuan suspicious to propose 400,000 at once, so 50,000 today and 100,000 tomorrow will be divided for several days. Only then did the money come together.

Under a grove behind the Academic Affairs Office building, there is a quiet place where students dare not come and teachers do not like to go. Gu Zaoran stepped back and forth a bit anxiously on the lawn.

When Liu Zhiyan appeared at the corner downstairs, he raised the hat subconsciously, and then the baggage in his hands was very tight.

As soon as the two met, Gu Zaoran's gaze fell on the bulging bag, and finally a look of joy appeared on his face. "I thought you would stopped the account. I didn't expect you to make a speech the matter of faith."

After he finished speaking, he was about to pick up the bag, but Liu Zhiyan quickly detoured behind him.

The woman took off her hat and took off her glasses. "Gu Zaoran, your money is too much."

"Isn't that right?"

The woman narrowed her neck. "Money will definitely give it to you, but this is not a small amount. You have to do something for me."

Is it helping or intimidating?

Liu Zhiyan has always been a very talkative person, which made Gu Zaoran very unhappy, but with a squint of 400,000 in front of his eyes, he still had to get it.

"You talk about it," he asked patiently.

After this remark, Liu Zhiyan's expression suddenly became tense. She walked over with some fear, approached him towards his ear, and kept her voice as low as possible,whispered in the ear of the man...

That is, for half a minute, Gu Zaoran was interested and listened at will, but suddenly turned around suddenly, staring at this woman close at hand.

Liu Zhiyan was guilty of being guilts, and was taken aback by this gaze, "Gu Zaoran, why do you look at me like that?"

The man froze for three seconds, as if he had heard something ridiculous, and then he blinked quickly, and a man robbed the bag from behind Liu Zhiyan.


After Liu Zhiyan spoke, he quickly covered his mouth, but his eyes turned red when he frozed, "Gu Zaoran, how can you grab?"

Gu Zaoran didn't bother what she said, quickly opened the bag, and confirmed the amount of banknotes. Then he put the bag together, straightened his body and said, "Liu Zhiyan, this money should have been given to me earlier. If it was it's another thing, I just don't hear what you said, it's the only thing I can't help."

After that, he slumped Liu Zhiyan's shoulder and threw down a cold sentence, "Crazy!" He wants to leave with money like this?

With Liu Zhiyan's temperament, she will never do anything bad.

"You stand still." The woman stood calmly and said, "I have made a serial registration of money for the 400,000 you took. If you take it like this, I won't tell the police that I was robbed, I will say I lost it. It's not a big deal to pick up a thousand or eight hundred dollars, but it's different for four hundred thousand."

Gu Zaoran stopped and turned back sharply.

The expression on his face was clearly looking for an extremely vicious word to describe Liu Zhiyan, but he found that no word matched the woman's behavior at this moment.

Liu Zhiyan didn't mind being looked at this way, she said with a curved corner of her lips, "Is this true, do you really don't want to help?"

Gu Zaoran came over with gritted teeth, and growled, "Liu Zhiyan, do you know what you are going to do? You are a university teacher, do you not understand the law?"

"I understand, you still don't help me."

The man looked down at the money that had already been obtained, and shifted his gaze to the face of his ex-wife.

He knew in his heart that this was not to help, but what to put himself into. If one was not careful, he would get into the game without taking a chance to take the money.

For a long time, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Even if he was greedy for money, he wasn't stupid enough to lose himself, let alone how long would this forty thousand spend? It's not worth it for him.

After thinking about everything, Gu Zaoran smiled, "Liu Zhiyan, do you have any rights threatening me?"

The woman in front of her raised her eyebrows and looked like she didn't know how to die. Gu Zaoran hummed softly. "Since our relationship has become a threat to each other, I might as well just say, if you let me take it this money quietly. Otherwise, you might be forced to return to my children and get no money when I sell the child. Do you think I will not give away my biological son?"

The next second, Liu Zhiyan's expression changed drastically. She quickly held Gu Zaoran's arm. "You can't do this!"

As soon as the words came out, she changed her mouth. Now Liu Zhiyan has no rights to ask others, so she said without hesitation, "two million, in addition to these forty, I will give you two million!"

The two-million-digit figures made Gu Zaoran seriously re-examine the person in front of him. Is she still the original Liu Zhiyan? She spoke so broadly and thought so extreme, she seemed to jump into an endless vortex herself, doing the money to die.

Gu Zaoran will not accompany her to die, but the money can be collected.

Instead, the man raised his chin and smiled, "You wouldn't have to tear your face if you said so!"

"Then you promised?"

Gu Zaoran nodded his head, and spread his palms in front of Liu Zhiquan. "Help can, but after today's things, you have no connection with me. You have to give me half the deposit first!"

How can Liu Zhiyan have money?

Even if Wei Zexuan gave her a card without an credit limit, she could make such a large sum at a time.

"I really don't." Faced with the situation before her, she had to bow her head. "But rest assured, I will give you next time."

Gu Zaoran was standing still, without even changing his look.

His meaning was clear and he couldn't believe what the woman said.

Liu Zhiyan begged almost, "You hold my identification in your hand. Why can't you believe in me? If I don't give you this money, don't you have many ways to deal with me? Don't you think I'm not afraid?"

Hearing here, Gu Zaoran finally smiled with satisfaction.

He took a step forward and raised his finger on Liu Zhiyan's chin. It seemed very pitying and fragrant, "OK, I will trust you again, after all, you are my child's mother, but..."

The man crooked his lips and smiled softly, "But I miss you."

The disgust in Liu Zhiyan's eyes made Gu Zaoran feel a little proud, "Why, wouldn't you? You don't want to live with me at the beginning? How can you talk about the children's birth? You blame me for doing such a damn thing. I really don't want to help you, and you do something to cross the river and tear down the bridge, so you have to pay something..."

This threatened, sometimes resembles a gambler, can't escape, and is also worried about life.

Fang Jinghua lived in the Wei's family all day. Although there was no place safer than this, she was still uneasy.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, she was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking out the window from time to time.

Nearby, Li Ranqing handed her an apple. Seeing that she did not respond, she simply pulled Jinghua's arm below, "What do you want? All day long."

Fang Jinghua then went back to pick things up, but didn't even think about eating.

"It's time for Zexuan to come back! I don't know how Xiaoxi is now, and my broken house has to pay rent these days. If the landlord comes and can't find anyone, will he go to Xiaoxi?"

She talked a lot about it, and Li Ranqing sniffed and said, "Those are trivial matters. The important thing is that your daughter can still ignore you, and you see that she has always been away from Zexuan. In case, they really want to divorce, we naturally have no reason to stay with you, how can you live your life then?"

After Li Ranqing said, he squinted and squinted at Fang Jinghua's face.

She seemed to be hesitant, Li Ranqing simply helped her get the idea, "Why are you still stupid? Shout to Xiaoxi! She won't even answer your call now!"

Fang Jinghua felt right, because her future has been tied to this marriage, she cannot just sit still.

When Xia Yuxi received her mother's phone call, she just walked out of the fast food restaurant. She was holding a envelope with salary in her hand, and her face was tired.

She resigned because she planned to go to a night market to try the job of a wine salesman. I heard that she could earn more than 1,000 yuan a night. The main point was that the salary was settled daily.

When the phone was answered, Xia Yuxi just hummed softly, and heard Fang Jinghua said, "Xiaoxi, can you come and see your mother?"

Within this month, Xia Yuxi did not plan to go to the Wei family again, because she knew that Wei Zexuan would not be mean to Fang Jinghua, and she had gradually compromised in the past.

She thought for a while and said, "I have to work at night, I can't make it, find time someday!"

Although she didn't refuse, she could not find the kind of feeling between mother and daughter. Fang Jinghua on the side of the phone suddenly lost her voice. For a long time there were only shallow breathing sounds on both sides of the phone.

"Mom, is there anything else?" Xia Yuxi looked down at her watch, thinking that she should go to the night for an interview, and there was no delay.

"No, or... I'll move back to that house! Since you don't want to, I don't want to make you embarrassed."

"How do people live in that place!" Xia Yuxi stung her mother's words for the first time, and then her nose was slightly sour. She suddenly found that it was useless to compete with her mother. Even if Fang Jinghua did not rely on the Wei family, could Xia Yuxi's current situation give her better arrangements?

What's more, she was more worried about gambling.

In the past day, it has gradually become unclear whether she is holding up her hope with her mother or is angry with her incompetence.

"Xiao Xi, Mom is sorry for you. I'm getting old and becoming a drag for my daughter."

Xia Yuxi had a sore heart and a messy mind, and she hated her character a bit. At the time, Wei Zexuan did so many things that hurt her, but she couldn't help but love, and rejected her mother's cold face to refuse, but a word or two softened her heart.

She's such a temperament, it is estimated that nothing big can be done in this life.

"Is Wei Zexuan at home?" She asked helplessly, helping her forehead.

"Not here. He just called and said there was entertainment in the evening. He might be late."

Xia Yuxi then nodded, "I see, I'll be there in a while, wait for me there!"

An hour later, Xia Yuxi dropped the interview and came to the Wei family villa. When she entered the door, only sister Joe and Fang Jinghua. Li Ranqing left by car before she arrived.

"Xiao Xi, sit down." Fang Jinghua was still wearing gorgeous clothes, almost as Xia Yuxi imagined.

Although she told my mother to be a maid yesterday, she was actually taken care of. Such details don't have to be tangled any more, Xia Yuxi nodded and said nothing, followed her to the living room.

Later, Sister Joe came out of the kitchen and brought few fruits. She couldn't hide the joy on her face and said, "Ma'am, I haven't seen you in a long time, and finally see you again."

Xia Yuxi couldn't hold back such enthusiasm, as if she had never left.

She smiled in embarrassment, then quickly turned to ask her mother, "Call me, what's the matter?"