
Chapter 78: Be careful

At this moment, Liu Zhiyan was pushing the door into the restaurant. A waiter greeted her, "Miss, do you want to have a meal? It's time to hurry, because we're closing in half an hour."

Apparently, Liu Zhiyan didn't come to eat. She asked, "Did Xia Yuxi not work here? Why didn't I see her?"

"Xiaoxi?" The welcome staff was surprised. "Are you Xiaoxi's friend? She's here, but she's not cleaning anymore. She's..."

The waiter's words exclaimed before she finished! Because the young lady who was still inquiring about her was suddenly taken away, and the man moved quickly, so that she didn't see her face at all, only to know that it was a tall man.

Liu Zhiyan's strangled wrist was faintly aching, and her feet were still on high heels, and she was deep and shallow on this shabby street.

"Who are you! Let go of me, or I will call the police!"

It was dark, and even the street lights on the street were far away. After Liu Zhiyan screamed. She was pushed heavily on the dirty alley wall. Follow her to see the person's face clearly.

"Ze ... Ze Xuan." Liu Zhiyan had no time to respond. Why did Wei Zexuan appear in such a place that did not match his identity, the neck was strangled by the man.

"Cough.. cough.." Liu Zhiyan made a few coughs through breathlessness for a moment, and then her whole little face was congested.

"Liu Zhiyan!" The man said darkly, "I said you don't force me again, otherwise I won't be polite to you anymore." The man said the word and his arm flicked, accompanied by a scream.

Liu Zhixuan fell heavily on a pile of garbages. There are leftovers from restaurants, empty bottles of wine... She instantly burst into tears and struggled to stand up. Her body was stained with dirt, and her mottled red was hanging on her elbow.

"Blood ..." When the woman looked up and glared, her eyes were red. "Wei Zexuan are you crazy? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why are you looking for Xia Yuxi? Are you not sure?"

Liu Zhiyan was choked by Wei Zexuan's cross-examination. Yes, she was thinking about Xia Yuxi's choking, and she knew that her downfall was her own fault. She never expected that a woman wiping the floor in a rundown restaurant, actually there will be dignified President Wei as the door protector. Okay, what if you were spotted and caught?

Liu Zhiyan scratched her head and said coldly, "Don't forget, I have applied for a habeas corpus with the police." She finished raising her elbow, "Threatened me twice in such a short period of time. Do you think you will go to jail?"

She thought Wei Zexuan would be afraid, because he is a public figure, no matter what he does, it will affect his personality.

But Wei Zexuan did what she wanted that day, just because Xia Yuxi was not involved in that incident. He wouldn't rush out Liu Zhiyan, but once she poses a threat to Xia Yuxi, how much does President Wei manage? "Ah. "

The man grinned coldly and touched the cigarette in his pocket to light himself. In the dark alley, the faint light in his hand flickered, as if his eyes were completely unpredictable at the moment.

"Liu Zhiquan, do you think that a personal order can really trap me? I won't do it because you are a mother, but if you don't, your child's custody will naturally fall to me As for how to make you disappear, I have a hundred ways. Do you think I can do it?"

There was a sudden shudder on Liu Zhiyan's body, "You... you wouldn't do that."

Wei Zexuan took two puffs of cigarettes, and when the smoke lingered, he flicked with his fingertips, and a little red light drew a graceful parabola beside Liu Zhiyan.

The man said, "Whether or not, I will do that depends on whether you can be at peace. You think it's good to be faithful or threaten. I'll just talk about it here today. If I notice something changes tomorrow morning, you do it again. Don't even think about seeing your son."

The man's laughter was cold and decisive, and even the back of his departure seemed to be cold.

Liu Zhiyan couldn't believe that Wei Zexuan's words were serious, she couldn't afford to gamble. She also understood Wei Zexuan's meaning. If she fight Xia Yuxi herself, she might have lost her life.

In the darkness, Liu Zhiyan smiled and revealed her filthy smile. No one can move Xia Yuxi? She doesn't believe it! Liu Zhiyan's painful hand slowly touched her own pocket, then dialed a number and put it in his ear. "What's up?"

"Gu Zaoran, do you want the 400,000 I owe you?"

Gu Zaoran got up from the bed, lay on his arm like a toad, his eyes shining brightly, "Yes, why not?"

"See you at that school! I just have something to say, and I'll give it to you face-to-face."

If it wasn't for half an hour, it would be too short, and Wei Zexuan would not let Liu Zhiyan so easily. He didn't want to miss the time when he and Xia Yuxi met for the dirty woman.

In the car, the man felt calm as if nothing had happened. His expectant gaze was fixed on the window to see Xia Yuxi take off his hat and walked out of the back kitchen. The man's lips evoked a smile.

She stood in the kitchenette for eight hours today and looked even more tired. Wei Zexuan looked at her weak body while talking to the clerk. He wondered in his heart if there was a way to wrap up her work, even if she gave her a nap for two hours!

"Xiao Xi!"

Xia Yuxi is talking with the waiter and talking about Mr. VIP. Welcome! Xiao Li came over here, and she tilted her head to say hello, "It's hard, you can sit down for a while! One day is really tiring."

"I'm okay, I'm used to it." Xiao Li grinned and then said nicely, "Someone came to see you today, a very beautiful woman."

"Is it? "

Xiao Li nodded. "Is it your friend? She looks rich, looks much older than you, thin, but keeps a good figure."

Xia Yuxi superimposed these appearance features in her head, and gradually overlapped with Liu Zhiyan's face. Is she?

The woman then subconsciously glanced out the window. At this glance, she accidentally found a very expensive car ten meters away. How deep she was of Wei Zexuan and how familiar she was with that car. Xia Yuxi felt blank, and slowly got up from the chair.

Wei Zexuan knew that he would not be seen clearly by Xia Yuxi when he was sitting in a dim car, but the glance she saw still let his heart sink.

His heart didn't felt good, so he quickly started the car, slowly drove into the alley. Then, he felt inappropriate, and simply drove away. Xia Yuxi should not recognize it! What kind of vision does that have to be?

The eyes are unclear, but the heart is thorough. That was Wei Zexuan's car. Yes, in the past two years, every morning Xia Yuxi had stood in front of the door and watched the car disappear without view. Every evening, watching the front of the car far and near. How could she not know?

She didn't chase out, but just asked a little with the people around him, "Why didn't the person looking for me come in?"

"Oh! Dragged away by a man." Her words were very fast, and she called the waiter to listen for a moment, "Xiao Li, how could you know so clearly?"

Xia Yuxi flickered her eyelashes a few times. She knew that her expression was too stiff, and she chuckled a smile, "I guess." Then she hurriedly got up, taking off her overalls, and going to the kitchen to pick up her bag.

The waiter immediately followed her and said hurriedly, "You lied, guess if you know it, right?"

Xia Yuxi smiled back, "Because I have spare time during cooking. I have seen that person from the back kitchen."

"No wonder... but that man really looks good. Is it expensive? Is it called Vacheron Constantin? How much does it cost?"

"Almost seven million." Xia Yuxi threw down a word, and hurriedly left the restaurant carrying her bag.

She walked alone in the night breeze, only to remember that she had to catch the last train, otherwise more than 50 yuan for a taxi would considered her working for two hours.

Xia Yuxi, who worked overtime for tens of dollars for three hours, did not understand why the "friend" who was spending an inch of time wasting time on herself.

He was not entangled, not to say a word to himself, but this way ...

Only when Xia Yuxi is alone, can she truly analyze her heart to see whether she's in love with Wei Zexuan. However, she hides her feelings in a place that she cannot see. Don't touch it, just like it doesn't exist, but once it is lifted, it will caused her whole body out of control.

So she didn't want to hear any news about that person, just like she saw those goods in her mother's house. She insisted that Wei Zexuan bought her self-esteem with money, but in essence, she didn't want to discover that heart towards you.

What he did would make Xia Yuxi yearn for more. Then suddenly, she realized that there were many things running in between them, making her suddenly weak, incompetent and lost of confidence. Wei Zexuan probably didn't know that he was such a magical person.

But what I heard today, the car she saw gave Xia Yuxi such terrible thoughts. What else did can she do for him? What else can I do for myself?

Look! She couldn't help but want more, but then pushed her cruelly away with a cold face.

Tell him that she didn't even do it with his friendship. Xia Yuxi picked up the phone in her bag. Can she pretend that she doesn't know to speak? She went straight to the kitchen without squinting, and even when Boss Zhang called her, Xia Yuxi was very careful to hide her eyes from the No. 27 countertop.

Then she closed the curtain and completed her appearance in front of Wei Zexuan, although she didn't know whether Wei Zexuan had come in this time.

"Xiao Li, Mr. VIP's order, the same way!"

The waiter hurried and hung the menu on the wall. Xia Yu bustlingly looked at the characters on the menu like dragons, and it took a long time to come back, "Okay."

The fire on the stove was burning, and the oil in the pot was boiling away.

Xia Yuxi suddenly realized something, hurriedly pushed away the shelled shrimp, and turned to the refrigerator. She picked some of the freshest and largest shrimps in her hand. The weight was sufficient, but she didn't feel enough, so she picked up a few more.

Remove the shell, cleaned the shrimp line with starch water, and throw it into the pot with the other ingredients.

It usually took two minutes for Yuxi to cook a shrimp fried rice, but after the 12th minute passed, she was frying the green onion leaves in the pot, picking out a little. The waiter stepped in again and came in, "Is XiaoLi okay? The guests outside have already urged."

"Wait for me, he likes the onion but doesn't eat the onion leaves."


Xia Yuxi was at a loss, and was hurt by the splash of oil on the back of her hand. "His..."

She didn't know why she was so anxious, as if she had been in love with Wei Zexuan secretly for many years. Although the speed was fast enough, the waiter waited for three more minutes.

"Okay, take it."

When she handed over the plate, she hurriedly set a crooked shrimp with chopsticks, and then asked, "Give him a glass of freshly squeezed juice... VIP customers, there should be some special treatment."

The waiter looked down at this plate of shrimp fried rice that was as grand as a state banquet, and then looked up at Xia Yuxi, "Oh, I see."

For example, when two people were sitting face to face and eating together when they were young, each time Wei Zexuan bowed down to eat, Xia Yuxi would stop chopsticks to peek into his face, and when he looked up and chopped vegetables, she panicked a few mouthfuls of rice.

Just for a few days, just so indulge herself for a few days, when she will be hard-hearted and say goodbye to this man. That place is empty!

Xia Yuxi closed the curtain and went straight out. She wore a chef's overalls and a tall hat, so she hurriedly passed by the customer, "Trouble to give up."

What about others? It can't be finished so quickly!

Xia Yuxi was standing in front of the empty platform 27, and her small hand touched the clean table, and her heart was blank.