
Chapter 71: Lost his wife, lost his soldiers..

Han Ruowei, who turned her back to the television, naturally did not see it. She still said bitterly, "I can't be angry with you, but don't you block your chances?"

You see that Wei Zexuan's changes now, he will no longer care about the mother and son, and also ordered Liu Zhiyan to move out of the villa. Sooner or later they want to cut off the relationship, you can bear it, isn't it?"

After saying this, Han Ruowei looked up and found that Xia Yuxi didn't seem to hear what she said at all.

She turned to look at Xia Yuxi's gaze and was watching Wei Zexuan holding his son and Liu Zhiyan on the TV. She buzzed and held her temple.

Xia Yuxi slowly turned her head, her expression was numb. She asked Han Ruowei, "Are you sure is it cut off?"

In the next second, her cry seemed to be the baby's first cry, with no sign and heartbreaking, "Do you think I don't want to give him this chance? In that house, what was it like to see him trying to please her for forgiveness? What was it like to see him embarrassed between the two villas? Ruo Wei, I had a child before. I can put everything down for my child. Do you think your brother is easy in solving the matter now?"

Han Ruowei was dumb asked by Xia Yuxi. Now the question of whether to cheat or not is no longer important. Her departure is actually because of the entanglement in reality, she does not want to make her man a dilemma.

The constant is still blood-related. Doesn't she understand the father-son relationship from the bottom of her heart? Of course she understood, but she was very sorry for what happened to Xia Yuxi.

"Maybe there is still a way."

"No way," Xia Yuxi cried, "because your brother is fierce on the surface, but he is not a cruel person at all."

Who will do what kind of things. When Wei Zexuan forced Xia Yuxi to divorce, he didn't have the heart to give her a few months because he want to be with Liu Zhiyan and because of the child too. Xia Yuxi knows the man much better than she imagined, so she is out of today's situation.

After Han Ruowei left, what haunted in her head was, 'Don't force it, there are some things that can't be achieved by hard work. Don't let the muddy water flow, you will know when you have a love relationship, there is nothing in simple in it...'

Before she knew it, she drove the car downstairs to Yin's Enterprise. She don't know why she came here. In this type of mood, Han Ruowei only wanted to see Yin Mojun.

When Han Ruowei pushed the door into the office, Yin Mojun stood up from his seat. He wanted to say hello happily, but seeing the woman's expression, he stopped what he wanted to say.

Facing the lost woman, Yin Mojun stretched her arms towards her.

Han Ruowei's movement was natural. She put her hands under the man's armpit, grasped his back tightly, and buried her face in Yin Mojun's chest.

"Hmm ..." With a light breeze, the woman, who was so strong on the outside, finally collapsed.

Yin Mojun embraced the woman and stared at the door infront of him. His eyes slowly dissipated, and his expression was unusually cold. Because the last time they met, I said, 'Yin Mojun can keep you away from any harm by virtue of IQ. After three days, Han Ruowei broke her promise.'

"Who is it?" Yin Mojun is no less fierce than Wei Zexuan.

At this time, someone pushed in the door and was the secretary holding a stack of papers. Yin Mojun glanced at him, and the secretary consciously backed out, but Han Ruowei heard the faint sound.

When she broke away from Yin Mojun's arms, she wiped her face awkwardly, "I made a mistake just now, and didn't mean anything else."

"I know." Yin Mojun smiled arrogantly. "You can expose such an ugly side to me, and I'm quite satisfied."

"That's because I'm crying and I'm not ugly!" After Han Ruowei gave him a white look, he found that her mood was not as depressed as before, and the two walked towards the desk.

"Hey!" The man breathed a long breath. "Being good is just not being understood. Well, let's make a clear price! Although my Yin Mojun's shoulders are not wide enough, they are inlaid with gold, after all, you must feel ashamed. Just give me some reward."

Talking, the man dumped a pile of papers over it, and by the way pressed a pen on it. This person, taking advantage of the facts, is so justified.

Han Ruowei glanced at him and raised the pen to sign the name of President Yin at the corner of the document. She really didn't want to go anywhere today, she just wanted to fight like this and talk about non-itching topics.

When he helped Yin Mojun sign, Han Ruowei was gradually lost in thought.

"Well! Han Ruowei." She looked up, and saw Yin Mojun's utter reticence. She knew what he wanted to say.

When Han Ruowei lowered her head, she said with a low voice, "No one messed with me, I was sad because of Xiaoxi." She signed a document and shot it infront of the man, then raised her eyebrows very tired, "You're right, something big happened, something big that you can't make up."

Is she crying because of Xia Yuxi. Fortunately, Xia Yuxi.

Suddenly, Yin Mojun shouted holding the file, "Haven't I told you about it, Han Ruowei! Don't go to the muddy waters of those two people? There are some things you can't control!" But it was only for a moment. When the woman reacted, she slaps the pen in her hand, "Yin Mojun, who are you fierce with me? Are you against me!"

Whoa, it's inexplicable. She got around the desk and went straight to Yin Mojun. She shoved the man and said, "Don't seduce me! Are you overbearing just now? Come on. Take a look."

"Hmm! Hmm! Without hands... I can't beat you? I can't beat you." In a hurry, Yin Mojun said aloud, "You stop right now, and I will give you a great idea!"

The fist really stopped, Yin Mojun carefully moved his arm away, and laughed in his heart, 'If she really hits, she can't stop herself from punching with one or two punches. No way, how can he talk to the little woman General knowledge.'

"What's the idea? Didn't you tell me not to swim in muddy water?"

Yin Mojun was relieved and sat upright. "I won't let you go, can you really be obedient? If you can control it, are you still Han Ruowei?" That evening, when Han Ruowei came out of Yin's Mansion, she was in a good mood, and she showed a strange radiance from Shangxian County.

She winded her waist with one hand and leaned lazily next to the bright red car to call Wei Zexuan, "Brother, how is it with you?"

The president Wei Da made a big fuss. He entered the police station twice a month. For two different women, he was shaped as a good husband who was affectionate. It is estimated that early in the morning, Wei Zexuan will be drowned by the people in the city.

But is there any way to do this? As soon as Han Ruowei fell into the car and sat in, she had no choice but to rescue him!

When she arrived at the police station, she saw Wei Zexuan with silver hair in her eyes. He faced the police officer, humble and polite, and his back was slightly arched to make him look pitiful.

Although he is sitting in the chair here, and has a cup of coffee on hand, President Wei has received such a courtesy. Han Ruowei frowned, and walked quickly, "Mr. Police, can I say a few words to my brother?"

Wei Zexuan turned his head, and looked at his cousin with a look of expectation on her face.

She knew what he expected. Han Ruowei shook her head in shame, and then Wei Zexuan's eyes sank. Because she did not retrieve Xia Yuxi.

The two continued in a low voice while standing in the sight of the investigator, "Brother, why did they catch you?"

"Disrupting public order, and then Liu Zhiyan said that he was personally threatened."

Han Ruowei lifted her forehead and faced to the sky silently, "Is the woman's mental problem? Who should she to show me?"

As soon as she said this, she found the answer herself, 'Liu Zhiyan's pitiful should be shown to everyone who doesn't understand the relationship. To the media, to the good people, and to the police station, so she did it on purpose?

"What an abominable woman!" Han Ruowei whispered angrily, hating as if to bite Liu Zhiyan's neck, "Where is she?"

Wei Zexuan raised his hand to point his cousin. Han Ruowei turned and walked without saying a word.

"Well! Ruowei can't go!" He glanced anxiously at Han Ruowei's back, but it was too late.

As soon as Han Ruowei pushed the door, she entered a room in the police station. Liu Zhiyan was sitting there with her child in her arms, looking down to feed NianNian with a bottle.

There was tears on her face when she looked up, but there was another weird smile hiding under her eyes.

Han Ruowei didn't like her hypocrisy, so she rushed directly to her infront of her and shouted angrily, "Liu Zhiyan, are you willing to see my brother's defeat?"

Liu Zhiyan looked at her calmly, and his smile was a little bigger. "Why don't you say he forced me?"

"He doesn't love you anymore, what else do you want him to do?" Liu Zhiyan stopped talking. She lowered her head and covered her son's ears, shaking his body like a baby.

She thought what she meant was obvious, 'what she needed was Wei Zexuan to take responsibility for the mother and son.'

Previously, Wei Zexuan ignored her when she was desperate for it. Now that there is legal interference, can President Wei be an abandonment wife in the eyes of everyone?

Therefore, Liu Zhiyan is not worried. "Can you be the master of your brother? Then you let him leave Xia Yuxi and marry me."

"This is impossible. "

Liu Zhiyan smiled, and he did not take Han Ruowei's eyes at all. "There is nothing to talk about. You can't do what I want, and I can only rely on public opinion to get back what belongs to me. Don't you blame me for being too ruthless."

This is the threat! Han Ruowei's chest was undulating and she couldn't control her emotions. When she clenched her teeth, she raised her hand and whistled directly towards Liu Zhiyan...


Without stopping, someone shouted behind him, "What are you doing there?"

Han Ruowei was startled by the abrupt voice. When she turned around, she saw a policeman facing her with a cold face, "Who are you! Actually hitting a man in a police station openly, do you know it is illegal?"

Han Ruowei froze a bit, and then single-fingered Liu Zhiyan, "That's because she just... has been too bullying."

When the two eyes looked at Liu Zhiyan at the same time. She saw the woman humbled her head, she half covered her face, tears rushed down, and with the child in her arms she was so scared and wept. When Han Ruowei saw this scene, she was in a desperate state of mind, how could she forget how cherished Liu Zhiyan was?

"You see what you do! Come with me!" The policeman bought this tearful account and shouted at Han Ruowei.

At this time, Liu Zhiyan raised his head slightly and said, "Sergeant Liao, this is not my aunt's business. Don't embarrass her."

Ah... "We will not do wrong to a good person, nor will we condone a bad guy."

Liu Zhiyan sniffed and said, "Then you saw it, this time, I am applying for personal protection, and it should be approved!"

At the police station, things were resolved without ambiguity. Wei Zexuan and Han Ruowei were released three hours later, but they also paid a great price.

At first, Liu Zhiyan did not agree with the reconciliation at all. It was not until Wei Zexuan apologized infront of her and the police. Her merciless lion opened her mouth, not only let Wei Zexuan give up the child's custody, but also asked the man to have no right to interfere with where she wanted to live.

There is no expulsion, that is her freedom, this is the terms after their negotiation.

Moreover, it was Han Ruowei's slap that made it easy for her to obtain physical protection. So what else can Wei Zexuan do to her after this time?

Whether it is true or not, as long as she reports that Wei Zexuan has harassed her again when she is upset, the President Wei will be sue again. Of course, the huge maintenance and reconciliation fees paid by the brother and sister are negligible compared to these conditions.

Wei Zexuan lost his wife and lost his soldiers, and his mood was extremely bad.