
Chapter 64: Quite Able

Xia Yuxi really didn't expect it, when several men-in-black rushed into the apartment, but what she also didn't expect that, its was Li Ranqing's orders. She thought that she was more than enough to deal with this woman. If not for Li Ranqing brought people, and today she really wanted to be kicked her out.

"Catch me!" She yelled again.

Xia Yuxi looked pale at the two men, left and right, and then she couldn't move at all.

What is the reason for this? How could she do this to her?

"What are you doing? Can't I get a divorce?"

Li Ranqing said verbatim, "You're right, there is no reason to talk here. Can you Xia Yuxi divorced from this marriage? It will never be with you, so there back to the villa."

At 6:30 in the evening, when Wei Zexuan returned to the villa, he found that there were four more men-in-black at the door. He just glanced his mother to know without said anything.

When he entered the door, he saw Xia Yuxi sitting on the sofa in the living room, his eyes staring at the coffee table infront of him dullly.

Some distressed, but there's another strong feeling emerged spontaneously, that is, she came back to this home again, it is really good, especially good.

Moments passed in an instant, Wei Zexuan raised his face slightly.

He took off his shoes, put down his office bag, and walked towards the living room while unbuttoning his suit buttons.

Xia Yuxi looked up at him with an undisguised anger on her face.

"Go, cook!" The man ordered.

"Do you let your mother act like this? What if she tied me back? I still won't be with you."

Wei Zexuan twisted his eyebrows when he lowered his head. Xia Yuxi's words made him unable to bear a violent pain in his heart.

Instead, he calmly said, "Are you really not going to cook? I haven't eat your cooking for a long time."

Seeing Xia Yuxi not speak, Wei Zexuan took off the suit and threw it beside her, and then the man pulled up his cuff and said, "Then you rest first, I will make a meal for you today."

Wei Zexuan said this and turned to the kitchen. Then Xia Yuxi slowly raised her head, chased the man's back, wanted to say something, and found herself powerless.

In the kitchen, Sister Joe stand at the door and watched the movement there. When Wei Zexuan came in, she couldn't help asking, "Sir, is this okay? When your wife comes back, she won't even take a sip of water. Will it not hurt her feelings again?"

Wei Zexuan didn't know when it started, he had already get along with sister Joe as a friend. He shook his head and then said softly, "Where can she hurt? Is there any other way? Don't say. Let me fight!"

An hour later, two simple green dishes were placed on the table.

When Wei Zexuan unloaded the apron, she watched Sister Joe coaxing Xia Yuxi to the table, but that woman still sits there.

He waved at Sister Joe and motioned for her to leave first.

Then Wei Zexuan took a chair and sat across from Xia Yuxi, "Even if you don't cook, wouldn't you even eat?"

Xia Yuxi turned her head away, she just didn't want to watch or listen.

Wei Zexuan could only stand up with a sigh, quietly filled rice in the bowl, and placed few dishes on top. He picked up some vegetables and delivered it to Xia Yuxi's mouth.

His voice was very soft, like taking care of a child, "Let's eat, this is the second time in my life to cook, and the first soup has been poured by you, but the taste is not so bad."

Wei Zexuan saw that Xia Yuxi's throat rolled down. She may be hungry or emotionally moved, but no matter what the reason, he seemed very satisfied.

"You also saw that the people sent by my mother wouldn't leave easily. Can you eat and if you don't eat it, how can you run away without energy?"

Xia Yuxi glanced at him resentfully, not knowing what it was felt in her heart, all mixed emotions.

She opened her mouth slightly, the man in front of him carefully delivered the meal, and then he smiled with satisfaction.

That night, Xia Yuxi always sat on the sofa in the living room and told herself over and over again, 'Even if Wei Zexuan did that, she would not change this time. Unless she died, if he insists to kept her hostage here.

So she didn't say a word, and watched the person walking infront of herself calmly.

Wei Zexuan went upstairs and then downstairs, putting a crystal vases in the living room. The room was filled with gardenia flowers. The aroma of flowers was scattered everywhere in the large living room.

He then removed the luggage that had been placed on the sofa. Because Xia Yuxi insisted not to go back to the room to sleep, the man ruthlessly took away her luggage.

Even so, Xia Yuxi remained unmoved, just laughing in her heart watching what he could do.

No matter how much he insisted on, she can't give him a chance.

After 12 o'clock, Xia Yuxi was sleepy. She remembers that she rarely sleeps at night during this time, and occasionally opens her eyes until dawn, but once she comes back here and sits on the sofa where she slept for two years, the sleepiness comes naturally.

Is it too tired being tossed by Li Ranqing today? Xia Yuxi raised her eyebrows and looked at the second floor, and saw Wei Zexuan's room door closed tightly, then she lay down on the sofa.

Fortunately, it is almost summer now, and is not cold without pillows and quilts.


Xia Yuxi suddenly felt that someone had moved her body. She opened her eyes suddenly, seeing Wei Zexuan's clear face under the dim light.

She grabbed her chest and tried to sit up, but the man pressed her shoulders strongly.

He said with a husky voice, "Don't be afraid, sleep peacefully, I won't touch you." Then the man lifted the blanket in his hands and covered it directly under Xia Yuxi's body.

Only then did she find out when there were pillows under her head, and the warm feeling on her body because of the blanket.

When Xia Yuxi looked at Wei Zexuan in doubt, she saw that he was moving the coffee table away to get more space near the sofa.

With the cashmere rug under her feet, she don't know when a thin mattress was added. The man sat on the thin mattress and patted himself on the pillow.

Xia Yuxi was not stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wei Zexuan looked at Xia Yuxi on the sofa and said, "Since you don't go back to sleep in my room, then I will come here to accompany you. It doesn't matter whether you live here for two or twenty years."

Then the man leaned back, lifted the blanket, turned and said, "Sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."

In the dark, Xia Yuxi lost her drowsiness. She recalled everything that happened during the day and thought about Wei Zexuan's heart.

What is she going to do? Forced herself to come back here again with his previous domineering words and deeds. Forcing Xia Yuxi to divorce and leaving, were so unreasonable?

She knew and kept reminding herself all night. The things that Wei Zexuan's done tonight started to melt her heart a little bit.

If she goes on like this, she will probably have to live her life the way again. She can't let him control her at all times.

Turning around, Xia Yuxi kept herself silent as much as possible, and then she looked at Wei Zexuan's face lying on the ground quietly with the moonlight outside the window.

She can't help but think back of that one night long ago, she hurt her arm after drinking too much, while the man toughly threatened her, he gently changing her medicine.

That time, it was the first time that Xia Yuxi felt like they had a similar relationship. That was probably... one day after Liu Zhiyan entered their room.

Then, her heart started to hurt again, because at that time, she found Wei Zexuan had already revealed his love for her.

Is it true? Some can't believe it!

Then she remembered last night, Wei Zexuan was crazy yelling outside her door, saying many things she had never heard before.

For a moment, she felt happy that she could die.

Her throbbing heart drove her to touch the man's cheek, and whispered in her mouth, "Wei Zexuan, can I trust ever you again?"

Wu.. Wu.. Her little hand was caught suddenly by Wei Zexuan, still closing his eyes and said, "You can't sleep? I can't sleep either."

Then the man slowly opened his eyes.

Xia Yuxi quickly withdrew her hand, and turned around facing the inside of the sofa with her heart leaping.

Behind her, Wei Zexuan turned over and stared at Xia Yuxi's back. "Xiaoxi, I'm not in a hurry. There are countless days in the future, I can wait. As soon as you come back, I appreciate you."

Then, the man smiled, raised his hand and patted Xia Yuxi, "Sleep, if you don't sleep, you will delay things tomorrow."

Xia Yuxi didn't know when she fell asleep, probably after Wei Zexuan's snoring sounded, and she listened to his tired snoring, then after sometimes found herself sleeping too.

When the eyes opened again, it was already a bright day.

With a vacuum cleaner in her hand, Sister Joe was sitting on the floor beside the coffee table, smiling. As soon as she woke up, "Mrs.., you finally wake up, I can use the vacuum cleaner now."

Xia Yuxi blushed, got up from the sofa, and stared blankly at the ground.

Sister Joe quickly explained again, "Don't look! Sir had gone out at 7.00am and he made breakfast for you. And place it on the table!"

Xia Yuxi can't believe what she saw now after returning to this home. What should she do? She don't know! She have no clue!

Because even if she went to the yard to see the flowers and trees that had been grown, two men-in-black would followed her. Feeling bored, Xia Yuxi can only go around in this familiar house.

The decoration of the first floor has not changed for several months, even the angle of the clock in the corner is just the same. She lazily propped up the stairs to the second floor, opened the cloakroom and the door of the study, her eyes were full of familiar scenes.

Until she stood infront of Wei Zexuan's bedroom door.

The door suddenly opened and Sister Joe came out with a rag in her hand.

"Ma'am, do you want to go in and see?"

Xia Yuxi turned her back to the door. "No need, I just pass by."

She knew that what she said at the moment was offensive, and if it was confessing that the hurts she had once befalled, its had no meaning at all.

"Don't really go in and see?" Sister Joe asked again.

Xia Yuxi shook her head again, and then she quickly asked, "Sister Joe, I didn't throw away those clothes that I changed before! I came up to find my clothes, have they been shifted from the locker room."

Sister Joe walked infront of Xia Yuxi and nodded, "I haven't been in the locker room for a long time, so I asked you if you want to go to Mr's room and take a look. After you leave, he moved in almost everything."

Xia Yuxi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and then her heart compromised again.

In Wei Zexuan's room, the decoration style has not changed, and the black and white tone looks a bit old-fashioned. It's just that there is a row of flowers on the window sill. Indeed, the room looked softened by the flowers.

She walked to the bedside, slumped the sheets, saw the pair of leather slippers worn by Wei Zexuan for many years, and accidentally found the pair that she often wore next to her. No wonder she just couldn't find it.

Xia Yuxi twisted her eyebrows, then went to the other side of the bed. The nightstand was full of frames, but their wedding photo was the last.

Many of these photos were taken by Xia Yuxi one by one, and her shoulders trembled violently.

All are black and white, the pixels are not high, and each one has a number to mark the time of shooting. If she reads it correctly, this should be a screenshot from the computer at home.

Xia Yuxi was sitting on the room's sofa, looking at a piece of paper in a daze, crying while covering her face...

Xia Yuxi put down the photos in a hurry, then quickly turned around and went to the closet. She opened the door with both hands, and all the clothes hanging there belonged to her. Her heart began to fluctuate.

Followed into the bathroom, she saw her toiletries and dental appliances...

Why is it like this?

Why does Wei Zexuan have to be like this?

Xia Yuxi drew her arms into the water platform and sank her head deeply. When she raised her head again, she saw the tear-stained face through the mirror infront of her, as if she was back in time.

The next second, the woman quickly left the bathroom, fell on the door again, and rushed downstairs.

But as soon as she arrived at the door, she was stopped.

"Ma'am, Madam, you know, you can't go out."

Xia Yuxi shouted hysterically, "I don't want to stay here, I can't stay in a second!"

Just at this moment, a car drove in from the gate. After a steady stop, Li Ranqing came down from the car.

She saw the condition at the door with a glance, and then a smile appeared on her face.

As the steps came, she still said arrogantly to Xia Yuxi, "Honestly, I knew you wouldn't stay here, so I came to see. You have nothing else to do with me or the Weis? Well, quite capable."