
Chapter 62: Raging Kiss

When Wei Zexuan arrived at the company that morning, he found something strange. In the ten minutes from entering the office, he received twice as many eyes as usual.

Many people saluted him again for good morning, but he noticed that some employees were pointing at them not far away. The whisperings didn't look malicious, so he didn't take it seriously.

"President Wei is early."

The secretary walked in on high heels, put a cup of coffee in the corner of the table, and then arranged today's itinerary and many documents one by one.

"Secretary Chen, I don't drink coffee in the morning."

The secretary stood infront of her and blinked brightly, "President Wei, I think you need it today." Followed by a smile.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had been with her for more than three years, Wei Zexuan would really be soared by a cup of coffee, and then he remembered that he had stayed up all night. It should have been his red eyes that made her do something special.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Chen said, "President Wei, have you stayed at the police station all night? But what happened then? Are there any problems?"

Wei Zexuan raised an eyebrow,with slight anger on his face, but his brain was quickly analyzing the deep meaning behind Secretary Chen's sentence.

Wu, the man seemed to remember something, silently leaned his arm aside and grabbed this morning newspaper infront of him. Then he seemed to understand everything that happened this morning.

"Cough." A cold-faced man would also be embarrassed.

Can such a thing be reported? Is it true that everyone's gossiping, but Wei Zexuan is not angry, but having a feeling he has never been able to expressed.

Because he never did, he put Xia Yuxi's identity in his life, but the news helped him.

"Well, there is such a slight contradiction." The secretary Chen infront of him wondering what to do.

In his eyes, President Wei is a fierce and horrifying person. He has never leaked his private life with anyone. Of course, except for those who are in the society and do not need to be real women, he has never allowed others to take him. Ridicule.

What's wrong?

He not only did things that ordinary men were crazy about love, but also did not refuse to be questioned by others.

This feels like the god of heaven suddenly turned into a civilian.

In amazement, Secretary Chen settled down, she tentatively probed the probe, "President Wei, I used to quarrel with my boyfriend, and every time I was angry, he kissed me and hugged me in the end. In fact, there is no need to ask why."


Wei Zexuan suddenly became furious, and scared Secretary Chen to stop her words.

She's a bit too much, is she going to be fired? Secretary Chen took the initiative to realize her mistake, then backed away with a small face, "President Wei, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, then I'll go out first."

As soon as she turned around, she walked quickly towards the office door but Wei Zexuan stopped her.

Secretary Chen turned back, her face was pale.

But seeing Wei Zexuan asked with a somber face, "Really?"

After responding for a few seconds, Secretary Chen nodded frequently. "Really, this method works the most."

At this time, the phone on the desk rang, and Wei Zexuan waived Secretary Chen with his hand. Then he got up slightly and pulled the phone to his ear. "Hey, I'm Wei Zexuan."

There was a lot of noise on the phone, and then he heard Han Ruowei's voice, "Brother? Where are you now? You better let go of everything and hurry up, Xiaoxi has an accident."

Wei Zexuan yelled at the phone, but Han Ruowei apparently couldn't hear it. She yelled over the phone, as if the scene was very chaotic, and added a lot of tension to the man.

When he hurriedly arrived at Chengdong Apartment, he saw lots of reporters at the entrance, and probably already guessed what was going on.

Even his own company fluctuated with reporters, let alone Xia Yuxi who had been dug out of her identity. He really didn't think about it, and did not expect to cause trouble for this woman.

In addition, her condition is not very good. The doctor had said on the phone, that a person after the abortion is not different from the confinement. She had to take care of her body for a month.

With this in mind, Wei Zexuan stepped forward and "Trouble to give way."

He has always been strong, but he is outnumbered.

Before he could rushed to the entrance of the building, he was surrounded by reporters.

"President Wei! Why did your wife live here? Did the two fights after marriage?"

"President Wei, recently you have a lot of scandals. I heard your wife is going to divorce?"

Wei Zexuan's somber face seemed to be erupting in an instant. According to his usual temperament, he would be furious, and he would not hesitate to protect his privacy by legal means.

But the reporter heard unexpectedly, "I really annoyed my wife, she just came here. I beg you, friends' reporters not to make trouble for her. You can come to Wei's if you have any questions, but please don't disturb my wife."

Everyone looked at each other, probably in the same mood as Secretary Chen at the time.

As soon as Wei Zexuan's words, he walked towards the building. The reporters who followed him reacted and sent the microphone forward.

The man stood abruptly, looking back at everyone with a stern look, and then got rid of the reporter's entanglement in this pressured field.

Infront of Xia Yuxi's door, Wei Zexuan lowered his head and licked his lower lip. He hesitated and raised his hand to clasp the door.

"Ruo Wei, come outside! Open the door for me."

He was careful and didn't call Xia Yuxi directly. Because after the incident last night, he wasn't sure the woman's attitude towards himself at this moment, but his cousin would certainly help.

So... the door infront of him creaked open. Han Ruowei poked her head and looked around. Seeing that no reporter followed, the woman reached out and pulled the cousin directly inside.

Xia Yuxi sat on the sofa directly opposite him, looking down, as if she could not be relieved by the shock.

Han Ruowei was a little awkward standing between the two. "You see, things are like this, can you just talk calmly? Even if you want to divorce, you will meet in court sooner or later. Why can't talk over it?"

Seeing two people not talking, Han Ruowei was embarrassed. "Well... why don't I leave for a while and you two talk alone?"

At this time, Xia Yuxi looked up, "If you don't leave, just stay, Ruo Wei!"

Although in the presence of his cousin, he could not describe his mood, but if he could talk to Xia Yuxi calmly, he would be satisfied.

Xia Yuxi subconsciously looked at Han Ruowei, who was leaning against the kitchen door, and did not answer. After thinking about it, she asked, "Who was calling?"

The movement of the man lowering his head, seeing in his eyes is equivalent to having told the answer.

"It's Liu Zhihuan, right?" Xia Yuxi said to herself. In fact, she was grateful for that call, otherwise her heart would be tricked again.

Even if Wei Zexuan was willing to abandon his memory, and she was willing to forget his painful past, but even if they live in a different world, it does not mean that the past has never happened.

They have relatives and friends who give consent to their relationships. How can they be so childish?

So reality continues. Liu Zhiyan really exists. Since the child was born four years ago, he will be the obstruction between two people all his life. Can he just want to give up?

The reason why Xia Yuxi agreed with Han Ruowei to meet him is that this matter should have an ending.

Having said that, let go of each other.

"Xiaoxi, can you listen to my explaination? Yesterday, something unexpected happened, and what I said is true..."

Xia Yuxi raised her hand and did not let the other party talk.

For the first time, she seemed to pose so brave infront of Wei Zexuan, making the other person stopped.

There was a sad feeling in her heart, and she was sad that the change infront of her was too great.

"Wei Zexuan."

After the man answered, Xia Yuxi slowly said, "In fact, I have no resentment so far, do you believe it?"

"Why can't we be together without resentment."

The woman was a little excited and slightly lifted her body. "I'm just tired. I used to think that I could wait until you turned around if I persisted. Now, you really turned back but I don't have the mood as before. Some things are already.. if you and I are sentenced to death, what good is it to hold on? Don't you feel tired?"

"You mean the child?"

"Yes." Xia Yuxi meant, "Not the child whom I had a miscarriage for more than two months, but another four-year-old child." Anyway, it was all a child's problem, and she was too lazy to explain it.

The living room was silent.

Han Ruowei, who was standing aside, was really a little sullen. What was the conversation between the two people? Why are so simple things seem so complicated?

She didn't hold back for a long time, and finally said a sentence, "Xiaoxi, don't you think too much, okay? Can you see, my brother has turned back and rehabilitated? In this case, don't be too ruthless. Both of you are husband and wife's relationship for two years!"

"What do you know!"

Wei Zexuan suddenly yelled, and Han Ruowei shrank.

He angrily scolded at his cousin, "Shut up first and let Xiaoxi finish her words."

Han Ruowei rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

In the absence of Han Ruowei in the living room made Xia Yuxi talk less. She wanted to end the conversation between the two as soon as possible.

She concentrated and simply said, "This is my idea. In short, I don't want to talk to you anymore. Together, I hope you will respect my decision."

"What about our two-year relationship?"

Xia Yuxi hesitated, "No more."

"Didn't you say you want to have a kid with me?"

"You don't believe me. Since I left our home, I haven't had anythings with Liu Zhiyan. I didn't understand what happened before. Now I understand. I'm always pretending to be with you. No one else."

Xia Yuxi turned again and avoided the man.

She clearly said her words, but why did Wei Zexuan entangle in the past? Did he done anything with Liu Zhiyan, and what did he care about?

Xia Yuxi kept persuading herself, but the grievances in her heart began to spread, gradually becoming more out of control.

Wei Zexuan bypassed the coffee table and came to Xia Yuxi's side again, "Xiao Xi... I know too many things I did make you feel tired, including today's reporters, because of me. But starting today, if you are tired, just lean on me, everything can be solved?"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to hold Xia Yuxi's small hand.

But Xia Yuxi was agitated in her heart, she shouted excitedly while she shook off the man, "You don't understand, Wei Zexuan, it's over between us! Can't we get over it."

Wei Zexuan was at loss, "Those people outside now know that you are my Wei Zexuan's woman. In the days to come, you will be my upright Mrs. Wei."

Xia Yuxi's body frozed because Wei Zexuan acknowledged her identity for the first time. Hearing this meaning, he also told the reporters this.

Just she couldn't understand why Wei Zexuan did it.

The man suddenly bullied her body, not only clenching Xia Yuxi's small hand, but also holding her back together, the two were tightly attached together.

Xia Yuxi opened her eyes and looked at the person infront of her, panic for the first time. She suddenly thought that Han Ruowei was still in her small kitchen. What was she doing?

Why Wei Zexuan did was Secretary Chen's best method.

"Wei Zexuan, you..."

He admits that many impulses in his marriage with Xia Yuxi are not as vivid as they are now. When two people leaned together, Wei Zexuan really felt what a relationship was.

The feeling is that he only needs to look at the other person's eyes, he can't hold back the impulse of his heart. He has never wanted a woman so strongly.

"Xiao Xi."

She shivered all over, "I don't want any more. What else do you want your child to do?" When she finished, she turned her head away and simply didn't look at Wei Zexuan's eyes.

The man came over excitedly, leaning down and looking up at Xia Yuxi.

The more a woman struggles, the tighter his embraces. Wei Zexuan could felt her body shaking with his arms around her.

"You let me go!"

"Xiao Xi, let's start from the beginning, I beg you."

The next second, the man's big hand began to pat on Xia Yuxi's back. Then he quickly held Xia Yuxi's head and pushed her on the sofa. Wei Zexuan looked like a beast. His dense kiss poured down like a pouring rain.