
Chapter 59: Uneasy

After helping Xia Yuxi sort out the housework, it was dark. He Yiwei was stubborn to help her make a dinner, so she persisted.

Yin Mojun dragged his exhausted and slowly walked towards his car by the roadside. He inadvertently glanced at the woman around him, and saw her pinching her shoulder with her little hand, and grinning tiredly.

"I'll take you home first, you should be living nearby!"

Han Ruowei answered without thinking, "Well, it's in the west of the city." Then she pinched her neck and realized that she had said something wrong. "In this apartment."

Yin Mojun didn't hold back, and burst out a chuckle. "This apartment was built 13 years ago, and it is not a new property. The owner and developer of this land are both surnamed Yin. It is my father. Do you know him well?"

Han Ruowei's face was white, and then instantly red to the root of her neck, and she stomped angrily. "You know how to ask this, do you sincerely want to find fault?"

Then she hurriedly walked towards the car. Yin Mojun laughed behind her. "So it's time to make a phone call. You don't have to worry about what I will say. Before he could come to aid every night, it was my appearance."

Han Ruowei turned her head in surprise, "My brother has come to aid?"

"Well, more than a week."

After repeated shocks, Han Ruowei thought of a matter. She never faced Yin Mojun. "I'm his cousin. I can't help him for nothing, but why you? Don't think that I didn't see it. Recently, you have been helping Wei Zexuan to speak?" She said that in a hurry, but why did Yin Mojun cooperate so well! Doesn't it seem strange at that two people?

Seeing that Yin Mojun didn't say anything, Han Ruowei couldn't bear to tease him again, "Say! What is your relationship with my brother?"

"It doesn't matter." Yin Mojun hit the steering wheel with one hand, and let the car turn smoothly before he said, "I'm also a man. I said, I can understand Wei Zexuan's position. Do you believe it?"

Han Ruowei answered with an angry voice, "Firstly, you were the one who opposed it before, but now you became a good person. The businessmen will not understand it. Will it be for the common interest of cooperation!"

Yin Mojun's face sank. He didn't seem to be joking. "The two of them have a fate, no matter whether it's a relationship or a fate, I'm afraid you can't get rid of this life."

Suddenly became a serious man, Han Ruowei was bewildered. Her gaze stayed on the other person's face for a few more seconds before she laughed at herself. In this marriage, she always helped Wei Zexuan to speak, so she regrets it a little bit today. Regretting that everytimes Xia Yuxi can't keep it up, she still encourages her to fight for her love.

Therefore, what Yin Mojun just said was like redeeming her heart. Han Ruowei found that she did nothing wrong. This mistake was by Heaven who arranged the fate of two people.

When Xia Yuxi was yearning for happiness, Wei Zexuan was blindfolded. When the man was fully aware, his beloved wife couldn't turn back. Han Ruowei took a deep breath, said to herself, 'Isn't this a bad relationship?'

She thought carefully about the things in her heart, and felt a warmth in her little hand. This thick palm pinched her bones, and gently pressed each place, so that her whole body and even the peripheral nerves were relaxed in an instant.

Han Ruowei gave a quick response and drew back her hand while staring at Yin Mojun, "Are you crazy?"

The man looked at her and continued to drive smoothly. "I know everything you want, just to comfort you. Don't you feel comfortable?"

'Who does he think he is!' Han Ruowei was still glaring at him, but could not help felt a little happy in her heart.

The car was quiet for a while, and neither of them was talking, but the atmosphere now was completely different from the moment she got onto the car.

Yin Mojun coughed twice, "Aren't you calling your brother?"

"No call, what's the use of calling? Just drive to his house, I don't believe he really can throw Xia Yuxi like this."

As it happened, Yin Mojun also thought the same way. When the car turned around, it went directly to the villas on the mountainside. When Han Ruowei arrived, he blocked Wei Zexuan at the door of his house. The man was neatly dressed as if he was about to go out. She stood at the door and spread her arms without hesitation. "I don't care what you have tonight, I have no intention of letting you go."

"Get out of here, it's a little urgent. Get out."

Han Ruowei is the only girl in this vein. Her little nature has been like this since birth. Without saying a word, she pushed her cousin's chest with both hands, "What can I do? What is up to you? If you dare to go out today, you can try it. I'll call my aunt right away. Do you believe it?"

Her aunt probably doesn't know about the divorce of this couple so far, let alone lost a grandson for no reason. If things get into trouble, the Wei family will be not able to get off. Wei Zexuan frowned, but there was no way to take the cousin, and in the end he said a heavy sentence, "For you."

As soon as Han Ruowei smiled, he pulled his cousin's tie with her little hand and pulled him into the living room. "I've been used to it. Don't you allow me for so many years?"

Then Han Ruowei walked around infront of him. When she stepped up, she asked, "When Xia Yuxi was discharged from the hospital today, did you?"

Wei Zexuan turned his head away without saying a word. The silver hair above his head was particularly bright under the warm light.

"Yes, it's you. Who else in this city can turn white hair overnight like President Wei? Even if you don't say it, I know. You still can't let go of Xiaoxi, right? If you can't let go, go look for her. Is it so difficult?"

At this moment, a person ran in from the door, shouting panickingly, "Sir, sir, something wrong there..."

Before the words came, she saw Han Ruowei, who was standing in the living room. She turned around and wanted to leave, but was called by little aunt, Han Raowei.

What time is it now? There are still people running to Wei Zexuan. Who can it be?

Han Ruowei walked over and looked at the person who came. The girl was young and had an apron on her body.

"Liu Zhiyan's little nanny?"

"Yes." The nanny carefully replied, then turned to look at Wei Zexuan on the sofa, presumably thinking that Liu Zhiyan's husband could come and rescue her.

However, Wei Zexuan did nothing. Han Ruowei glanced behind him and said to the babysitter, "What's the matter with your family, it is in the middle of the night?"

"The child is sick."

"Sick again?" Han Ruowei raised her eyebrows, disapproving. "Is she a mother? Making her son sick one after another. Does she has a broken arm and a broken leg? The child was pushed here everytimes he became ill." Looking at someone, "Didn't you say that the child was four years old? How did she bring him up without my brother's help for so many years? This don't make sense."

The babysitter asked again, "But... but Miss Liu asked me to ask for Mr..."

As soon as Han Ruowei raised her hand, "Tell the Liu Zhiyan that he can't get out of the house now and call a taxi. There are also few buses to the hospital. My brother doesn't plan to hold her son and die? So go tell Liu Zhiyan, I.. Han Ruowei said, Wei Zexuan really has no time today."


"What, what?" Han Ruowei was also a bit scary when she raised her eyes, "Don't fight me, or I will let her, Liu Zhiyan move tomorrow!"

The babysitter ran away in fright. Han Ruowei turned her back to see Wei Zexuan's gaze a little more angry. "Brother, are you hesitate because of that Liu Zhiyan?"

She finally saw all the hesitations in this man, so she felt angry and distressed. She didn't believe Wei Zexuan didn't understand such a simple truth.

"You talk!" Han Ruowei shouted, "Either Xia Yuxi or your son? Aren't you tired if this drag on like this?"

After a long time, Wei Zexuan finally said, "I'm thinking of a way."

"In my opinion, you have no way to think, otherwise you won't be able to catch one in the end, and you can only be lonely."

Han Ruowei, no matter how hard she was, she was her cousin after all. She walked over to sit next to Wei Zexuan, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he was a kid. She shook the man in her arm slightly and said quietly, "Brother, you really have to make a decision early. Do you know what it feels like to see you, a young man, Mr. White Hair? If you feel bad, I decided help you do it? Even if you blame me one day, I won't regret it."

Wei Zexuan's heart was soft, and he found that since he was an adult, he had never heard Han Ruowei say something coquettish, "Then you say, what should I do."

"I will choose Xia Yuxi." After seeing her not speaking, Han Ruowei explained, "I didn't say this because of the friendship that we have. But because I know that she will accompany you for a lifetimes, and the children will accompany you for a lifetimes, until you will be old one day. As a woman standing next to you in your life, there is no deeper love than a husband and wife. The child can be reborn, but if you miss this person, you will regrets and unhappy for a lifetimes. You said, am I was right?"

Wei Zexuan turned his head quietly, his eyes twitched a little, "Really?"

Han Ruowei nodded hard, "Xia Yuxi accepted the key to your house and moved in this afternoon. She also knows that you have been there today, but she doesn't know that the white-haired man hovering at the door of her ward is you. She said, it must be a heartbroken man. Did you see, she is still so kind and has never changed."

Wei Zexuan knew what she meant, "Xia Yuxi's personality has not changed, so her feelings for 20 years will not change. It is just the child's affairs that made her hide her heart. When he got up, the man lifted Han Ruowei's arm. He silently took the credit card out of his pocket and stuffed it into the cousin's palm. What?"

"What about you?" Han Ruowei said tightly.

The man pressed his cousin's shoulder, "I'll do the things you want."

At 11 pm, Xia Yuxi sat on the sofa in the living room of the new apartment, staring down at her fingertips, feeling that the peripheral nerves were jumping around, as if something was going to happen. Then she looked around and everything was taken care of. He Yiwei also watched her leave after having dinner. What else could happen?

At this moment, there were some fine movements outside. Xia Yuxi opened her eyes, and her two hands subconsciously leaned back on the sofa, but the voice was only a little while, and once again calmed down.

Is it because the neighbors came out to throw garbage? But now it's 11 o'clock. Who else can't sleep like herself? She got up, trying to walk towards the door without making any noise and asked, "Who?"

There was no response. After a few seconds, Xia Yuxi took the courage and gently took off the door bolt. The "creak" door opened, with several fruit bags on the ground and a bunch of white gardenia flowers wrapped in newspapers. She raised an eyebrow and glanced towards the end of the corridor, seeing a man who was originally standing had white hair on his head, turned around and left quickly when he saw her.

Xia Yuxi just glanced and closed the door quickly, leaning against the door panting. White hair looks a little scary at night. And she clearly remembered that this features. She heard in Sister Joe's mentioned, just in the corridor of the hospital ward. At that time, Sister Joe also asked if anyone knew him!

Did someone follow her here? With a tight throat, Xia Yuxi, who lived alone, was scared by her own thoughts. Then she plugged the door latch, put a stool infront of the door, and hurried back to her room.

It was safe all night. When Xia Yuxi got up early and about to go to the supermarket, upon opening the door, she saw those bags of fruit and bouquets still on the ground. She thought carefully about what happened last night.