
Chapter 54: Destiny

At 10 o'clock, Xia Yuxi opened her eyes on time. In the past few days, Wei Zexuan has made her a biological clock that wakes up in the middle of the night, but the person in front has been replaced by He Yiwei.

She twitched her lips slightly towards the man, revealing a quiet smile. I'm glad He Yiwei chased away that person, and there was an inexplicable feeling of loss.

"How did you wake up? Aren't you thirsty?" Xia Yuxi shook her head, thinking of something else.

His actions were almost entirely his own will, and what he thought would be good for Xia Yuxi, just do it. Strangely, he guessed Xia Yuxi's needs so accurately every time. Thinking of this, the woman's brows tightened.

"Aren't you comfortable any place?" He Yiwei didn't understand the expression on her face and asked nervously.

Xia Yuxi shook her hand to say no, but she suddenly realized that her mood had affected He Yiwei. Just excuse me, "I just feel that my mouth is tasteless and I want something to eat."

She turned to see what fruit was on the bedside table, but accidentally saw a familiar object. Xia Yuxi lay down on the hospital bed and lifted her lower body slightly. She pointed with one finger, "How can this be here?"

He Yiwei grabbed the apron that was made into a ball from the bedside table. "You said this? I picked it up on the ground just now. Do you know this thing?"

Of course, Xia Yuxi knew this apron, she used it for two years. She would be busy in the kitchen everyday, and then she would carry it around the house to clean it up.

Is it brought by Sister Qiao? But why didn't she see it during the day?

Xia Yuxi raised her hand towards He Yiwei, and the man put the apron into her hand with wide eyes. She smiled and said, "This is mine, so I recognize it at one glance."

After that, Xia Yuxi threw the apron infront of her eyes, and planned to stack it neatly. But when her little hand fell on the apron, her eyes became red, and she instantly thought of everythings.

The tie was broken, and it was clearly torn apart, but at a glance the length of the knotted strap, it should have been used by a man. That house, where would there be other man out of Wei Zexuan?

What could he do with his apron? Are you going to go to the kitchen yourself?

Suddenly, Xia Yuxi's nose was sore, and tears began to flow out of her eyes. After seeing this scene, He Yiwei wiped it off directly. He didn't understand how an apron made Xia Yuxi cry.

"Xiao Xi. What's wrong? Don't you scare me like this?" Xia Yuxi sniffed and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her cuffs. "Is he here again when I'm asleep?"

He Yiwei's silence is equal to a positive answer. Then he really understood that Xia Yuxi was crying because she had found the clues about that person again.

"Don't want him to come?"

"I don't." Xia Yuxi retorted, "I am really sad when I cried, but now it's different. I cried all those grievances I have suffered in the past two years."

He Yiwei nodded, but it was no longer clear whether Xia Yuxi's words came from her true heart or her fake one.

In fact, Xia Yuxi also didn't understand herself. She just imagined Wei Zexuan's scene in the kitchen and was sad, because she knew he was a man who was once arrogant.

Just as he has done a lot of humble things for himself these days, he takes care of her like a woman, and he is careful not to be found by anyone, coming out from the night dew, and going away in the morning mist. Everything you do to yourself is like stealing. Can Xia Yuxi not be touched? No... Unless her heart has stopped.

However, she kept telling herself that she should not be softened, otherwise she would jump into the abyss under Wei Zexuan again.

Then, with an impulse in her heart, she said to He Yiwei, "I really figured it out. The absence of the child is the arrangement of heaven. Even my last thoughts are broken. What reason do I not give up? "

This statement seemed to comfort He Yiwei. The man thought for a moment and asked, "Are you sure you can do it?"

For a long time, there was no more sound in the room, and the woman on the bed slowly looked away, as if something was going on in her head.

In the end, she calmly said, "It can be done. It is a very hard job not to like Wei Zexuan. Even if he is willing to turn back, I feel tired now. It is worse than me to bet those times and feelings on a man. I live well, at least work hard for myself, so that I won't be looked down upon by some people, and I won't be wronged again. For so many years, I don't think I owed anyone, but I'm sorry for myself. "

Speaking of this, Xia Yuxi's eyes lit up, and she looked into He Yiwei's eyes and asked, "From now on, I'm just living to please myself, how?"

He Yiwei was infected with her emotions. He was really glad to see Xia Yuxi cheering up. The man shook her shoulder with great excitement. "Very well, if you can think so, really great."

They smiled as if they were back to the days when they lived together under the same roof.

This is probably the only inspirational word Xia Yuxi said during this period of time, and it also triggered He Yiwei's infinite imagination.

He held the woman warmly and said, "The doctor said that the plaster can be removed in the next few days. I don't think it will be long before I can help you out of this hospital. Then we will move directly and live anywhere you want to live. We both can."

Xia Yuxi gave him a white smile and asked, "Are you rich?"

The fact is, He Yiwei is a low-key person. Although there is only one famous architectural design company, he invests and participates in many buildings in this city.

He never felt that he had the advantage of being rich, so he didn't mention anything. But since meeting Xia Yuxi, he began to thank himself for his efforts.

Now, he can say with full confidence, "It's not enough to be rich, but as long as you are willing, I can take care of you all my life."

His words made Xia Yuxi speechless. Did she comfort herself or otherwise?

This is the first time that He Yiwei lets people see his desire. Maybe, because he is too excited, so he didn't care too much when he said this.

The sensitive Xia Yuxi smiled awkwardly, "He Yiwei, infact, I want to move out from you place after this discharge."

He Yiwei only realized that he had said something wrong. But now since he had said it, he encouraged himself not to give up the opportunity. "Xiao Xi," said the man, anxiously rubbing a pair of hands, "If you find it inconvenient, you can still see me as a friend, but don't refuse me?"

Seeing what Xia Yuxi wants to refute, of course He Yiwei will not give her this opportunity.

"Can't it be a friend? We can live in the same house as before, we can take care of each other and help each other. It is good to have someone to accompany me when I am sad."

His words made sense. No matter how she heard them, she felt humble. What's more, the situations he said earlier did not matter at all. They live in a house. It's true, but only He Yiwei takes care of her and helps her. She has never seen this man sad. Instead, she is always fragile one.

Infact, she should have seen through his mind long ago. Who would be willing to do these things for you, in addition not even your blood related relatives in this world?

"Did you think about it?" Xia Yuxi's calmness made He Yiwei dumb.

Lying on the bed, she raised her hand and touched the man's cheek, then wiped a bitterness under her eyes. "If I say yes, then you will become the second Wei Zexuan. Do you know what I regret now?"

"Love him? " Xia Yuxi shook her head slowly, "It may be a momentary thing to fall in love with someone, without any reason. But I regret that love blindfolded me. I misunderstood Wei Zexuan in these two years. He may hate when he looks at me, but I am happy that he is willing to look at me, and I am satisfied. So I have no blame for the pain of these two years. It is my thoughts that make me change, getting worse and worse. That's what caused today's situation."

Her words were gentle, and they were all truth. He Yiwei believes that she is warning herself from her painful case, but they are the same type of person.

The man thought for a moment and said, "Xia Yuxi, if you and Wei Zexuan knew each other again, would you be different from now?"

The woman's eyelashes fluttered, but she could not say a word.

So He Yiwei smiled. "I guess you will still be you. Even if you hit the wall, you will still choose this old road. Some words are easy to say, but it is not easy to control your heart."

"Yiwei, not like that....."

The man shook his arm and did not intend to listen to her argument. "The reason we can be friends is because we have the same views on things. My attachment is just like your attachment. So don't reject me anymore. You are only responsible for being you. I will naturally take care of my affairs, and if one day I really feel powerless, I will take the initiative to leave."

After He Yiwei said, he pulled off the woman's little hand from her cheek and helped her put them back into the quilt.

Why is he doing this? Why entangle yourself in this affair with no results?

"Yiwei, I have given up! But I was destined to have to encounter it once."

For the first time, Xia Yuxi found that this man who speaks a bit was quiet. He has a quick mind and a sharp tongue. Although he keep quiet, he can point to Xia Yuxi's meaning easily.

If love can be written into a person's numerology, what else can she refute? It's just distressed. Who can control love, smooth all the way, or... full of thorns. He said that Xia Yuxi can only be herself, but the pressure is still too great. What can she give He Yiwei?

There was a pain in her head, and to escape reality, she closed her eyes tightly. When she opened her eyes again, someone's else infront of her. Sister Joe who got up early to deliver the meals herself.

Sister Joe looks very good today. She came over and said, "Mrs, guess what I brought you today?"

What can she bring? Xia Yuxi knew immediately. "What delicious food did you make for me?"

"Do you drink such a nutritious soup in the morning?"

Xia Yuxi is also happy, so she said a few more words while watching Sister Joe, "Sister Joe, how many times have I said that I have divorced Wei Zexuan. I will no longer be the wife of that family. You.. You don't have to come and take care of me everyday, this is not your business."

"Ok." Sister Joe still obediently agreed, but she would still do so after each promise.

The woman turned around and handed the bowl to Xia Yuxi. "Taste it. This soup, I really put a lot of work!"

Helpless, Xia Yuxi reached out and put a pillow under her neck, then she slightly raised her head, and Sister Joe put the spoon in her mouth. She tasted it in her mouth, but did not swallow it.

When the woman raised her eyebrows, Sister Joe stammered, "No, it isn't delicious?"

This soup is really delicious, but definitely not made by Sister Joe. Don't know why, she suddenly thought of the apron, then choked her throat but couldn't swallow it.

After a few seconds, Sister Joe handed over a bowl and asked Xia Yuxi to spit out the soup in her mouth.

She said with her heart, "Is it really so unpleasant? It seems you haven't taught me well enough, my cooking has deteriorated." She was still lying, and Xia Yuxi couldn't bear to reveal her.

"No, it just feels too greasy to drink this in the morning, take it away!

Sister Joe didn't answered, and then walked out of the ward holding the soup bucket. Outside the door, she shoved the soup bucket into Wei Zexuan's arms, and shook her head at the man in frustration.