
Chapter 44: Tell me where are you

Today, the doctor has seen too much strange things, and she found it irritating. She gave Liu Zhiyan a glance, and held the test sheet infront of her.

Liu Zhiyan is experienced after having children. When she looked at the data in the single corner, she suddenly became completely cold, early pregnancy, about 45 days.

She figured the date in her mind, probably the night when he and Wei Zexuan met for the fifth anniversary. This is simply a huge joke from heaven.

That night, her life had hope again, but it was far less than the blow brought by Xia Yuxi. It felt as if she was catching up with a last shoe, her man was robbed.

"Stolen." When Liu Zhiyan walked out of the doctor's office, she murmured, "He was stolen, Xia Yuxi is a thief."

She clearly remembered the scene that night. Wei Zexuan called her name in her sleep. She said that there would be no third person in the world to stop their love.

So she determined that this child was not Wei Zexuan's original intention, but just a mistake. Xia Yuxi's child is not going to be born! What could she do!

45 days early pregnancy is an opportunity for her. When she returned to the villa, Wei Zexuan had not yet returned. When she entered the door, she heard Gu Nian's cry.

The babysitter was walking around in the living room with her child in her arms, said tirelessly, "Nian Nian dear, your mother will be back soon. Don't cry.. aunty will give you fruit pudding?"

Liu Zhiyan put down her bag in her hand and walked up quickly. She took her son from the babysitter's arms, and her hugged his chubby-chubby body.

"Come and let's see what happened to Wei Nian?"

Unexpectedly, the little guy raised his hand and caught Liu Zhiyan's cheek directly, and then his cry doubled again, "I don't want a mother! I want grandma, miss grandma and dad."

"Who is your dad!" Liu Zhiyan immediately froze, and she was so angry when she returned from the outside. She was so outspoken by her son that her mood was a little out of control.

Gu Nian cried out of breath, but he kept his arms around her neck and didn't want to give her the answer she wanted.

Liu Zhiyan closed her eyes with anger, thinking what she could tell a child, his wayward little nature followed his dead dad, but this child had to be taught with patience.

Extremely patient, Liu Zhiyan opened her eyes and said with a smile, "Nian Nian surnamed is Wei, your father's name is Wei Zexuan, right?"

As a result, Gu Nian smashed her mother's chest, "I don't want a new father, I just want my grandma and my father."

Liu Zhiyan's anger was burned to the extreme, she threw the child into the sofa, and then shouted at the little nanny around him, "What did you teach my son? Why did he talk like this?

Really wronged, the little nanny pouted and sank her head. "A day is like a wooden stake, what are you doing here! Get out!"

Unfortunately, Wei Zexuan pushed the door and walked in at this time. He was not in a good mood today.

"What's the noise? The woman quickly picked up her son from the sofa and gave the babysitter a look, then greeted him from the living room with a smile on her face.

"The babysitter doesn't bring our child well, so I scolded her."

When speaking, Liu Zhiyan sent the crying child in her arms forward, and Wei Zexuan's eyes naturally fell on Gu Nian's small face.

The child was crying and he couldn't see well what his face looked like. But Wei Zexuan was feeling of emotional in his heart, and this was... his son?

With anxiety, he apparently did not expect this scene to be greeted by himself. "What is his name?"

Wei Zexuan raised his hands and took him from Liu Zhiyan. The woman was very happy to see him holding her child, so she smiled and said, "Nian Nian, Wei Nian."

Unexpectedly, this little guy played again, he turned his back to Wei Zexuan and hugged his mother's neck tightly. Then he cries for his child's milk filled the hall of the villa. Liu Zhiyan was embarrassed.

While stroking her son's back, she explained, "I just picked him up, he still didn't recognizes you yet, so let give him a few days to get familiar with you."

Wei Zexuan had never had a child or raised one, so he believed her.

Seeing that Liu Zhiyan turned around and gave the child back to the nanny, she also instructed her to take Nian Nian to play in the room. When she turned back, Wei Zexuan walked in two or three steps, and clenched her wrists tightly.


"Ok? "

Looking at Liu Zhiyan's gentle eyes, Wei Zexuan's heart shook again. The marriage to Xia Yuxi was only signed by a name, and that woman also found a very good partner. It is time for both of them to let go and move on.

Wei Zexuan should be Liu Zhiyan's man, and Wei Nian's father in this way.

"Thank you, I have waited so many years."

Liu Zhiquan smiled, raised her hand and helped the man unbutton a button on his chest. "I asked the babysitter to make your favorite meal, wash your hands and come over for dinner."

When it comes to eating, Wei Zexuan find it the hardest way. Since living with Liu Zhiyan, he will find an excuse to settle dinner outside. Because he didn't feel the taste of any dish, and when he raised his eyes to peeked at the opposite, she was not the woman wearing an apron with a timid face.

It's terrible to get used to this kind of memories. When Wei Zexuan raised his chopsticks for the third time, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Liu Zhiyan looked up and put down his chopsticks, which made Wei Zexuan feel a little guilty.

Then he quickly pulled out the phone and threw it on the table, and pressed the answer button infront of the two of them. Fortunately, it was a man's voice.

"Wei Zexuan, Hello?"

"Ah.. you are..."

"I'm He Yiwei. You remember me! I'm also reluctant to call you, but I want to ask you on Xiaoxi's phone number."

Wei Zexuan frowned and took the chopsticks in his hand.

The Liu Zhiyan who's sitting opposite him was not shocked, put down her chopsticks on her plate. She asked quietly, "Who is this man!"

When Wei Zexuan entered the door, he also said thank you to Liu Zhiyan, but once Xia Yuxi's name appeared, he was irritated and was extremely angry. He ignored Liu Zhiyan's question, asked He Yiwei on the phone, "What's the matter with you?"

"Of course it's between me and Xiaoxi. What's wrong? Does her husband care?"

Wei Zexuan alerted at the moment. He suddenly looked up and watched Liu Zhiyan ducking her head, avoiding his eyes.

Wei Zexuan scolded himself, then calmly replied, "Don't care, because we have been divorced, her affairs really have nothing to do with me."

The phone was quiet for a few seconds, and probably He Yiwei was shocked to hear the news. However, the atmosphere in front of the dining table is much worse than before.

Wei Zexuan embarrassed himself and he stuffed the vegetables into his mouth that Liu Zhizheng place on his plate. Despite of his terrible taste, he put up with ease the cleared their relationships.

 "Ah..." he said awkwardly, "Well, don't think too much about it. She and I have just been divorced, but there will still be some entanglement about the paper.

Liu Zhiyan didn't speak but nodded. However, the atmosphere still feel a little awkward. Wei Zexuan leaned forward, "Do you believe me?"

Then she slowly raised her head, her eyes softened, "Ze Xuan."

"Well, you say."

"What's my cellphone number?" Wei Zexuan, never suspect her to ask this question. How could he know Liu Zhiyan's number? Don't cellphones now store names directly? Thanks to the advance city, Wei Zexuan will have to think before speaking.

Otherwise, he will just slaps himself when he saying casually. Because Liu Zhiyan wanted to ask, 'Why do you remember Xia Yuxi's phone so clearly? And you have no idea about our five-year relationship.'

What else needs to be explained? No need explanation. Wei Zexuan didn't speak, but quickly got up and sat next to Liu Zhiyan. She turned the woman's body and faced himself.

"Hmm." She lowered her head and didn't speak, which made Wei Zexuan feel guilty."

'How good should it be with her?' Liu Zhiyan thought herself.

But with her, Wei Zexuan's promise was faint and weak. In fact, the lie he uttered on the phone during the day overthrew the present statement. Liu Zhiuyan sneered in her heart.

She still asked gently, "Did your divorce agreement come back? How can we proceed without that, and we need to register fast, our son is four years old now."

"The child has to go to kindergarten, followed by pre-school, two years is very fast, once he enters primary school, his household registration must be prepared."

Wei Zexuan opened his lips without saying a word. His silence made Liu Zhiyan suspected him pand starts reconsidering their relationship again.

He did move into her villa because of her injuries, but they are still living as strangers under the one roof.

Liu Zhiyan didn't worry too much at first. She thought that a man would have physical needs, but after a month passed, she found out that she was living with a monk who had no passion.

She thought Wei Zexuan was upset because of the delay in divorce, but she was wrong again.

It was Xia Yuxi who personally said on the phone that the divorce agreement had been placed next door, and the man hadn't taken it for so long. Is there something wrong with her understanding? Or anythings about her that had made Wei Zexuan uninterested.

At this same time, Xia Yuxi was pregnant with his child... Liu Zhiyan pushed the plate infront of her and stood up, she still calmly said to the man, "You take your time to eat slowly. I go upstairs to read him story, I'm afraid he will cry again."

At the same time, Xia Yuxi pushed the door into the small hotel room. There was a dark patch everywhere, and there was a smell of burnt.

The woman reached out and touched the wall, and found the switch of the light. After flicking it up and down twice, the room was still dark. Xia Yuxi suddenly remembered that when she fell asleep last night, the lights above her head kept flickering. This is probably a problem with the light bulb, but the circuit board embedded in the wall is malfunctioning. This time showed it too late for repairs.

She put the bag on the ground in a depressed mood, and then touched her slippers to put on her feet.

When she got up, she couldn't figure out the direction. Her forehead bumped into something hard. Xia Yuxi fell and sat on the ground with her buttocks.

She subconsciously hugged her lower abdomen and followed the back of her spine.

Xia Yuxi waited patiently to feel if any pain or movement in her belly. Fortunately... she didn't feel any pain, and this didn't affect the baby in her belly. But the next second, she leaned back against the door panel and cried dullly.

The difficulty of a single mother, how could she not know? It was also very difficult for her to marry into the Wei family. At that time, the family had owed a huge debt. Seeing that everything in the family were gone, even the house was sealed, and her mother still gamble. Xia Yuxi thought that time was the most difficult.

She can bear everythings, but her child cannot. It was Wei Zexuan's child in her stomach, how could she make her child suffer with her? When people are desperate, they feel like the sky is also falling down upon them.

At this moment, Xia Yuxi felt that her future was dimmed. In this cramped and dark room, her phone's ringing suddenly. She touched her bag, and then saw a strange numbers flashing desperately.

Xia Yuxi wiped the tears on her face and answered the phone, "Hello, this is Xia Yuxi."

Her nasal sound was very heavy. The first sentence made He Yiwei discover her situation. The man said with patience, "Xiao Xi is me, He Yiwei, how are you doing? Are you well now?"

"Thank you for your concern, I....." Xia Yuxi's nasal sound became heavier and louder, and then she cried over the phone. She may not know how worried she sounded in He Yiwei's phone.

So the man simply asked, "Xiao Xi, tell me, where are you now."