
Chapter 38: What is your relationship?

"Thank you President Yin, I can..." Xia Yuxi wanted to take the tissue in her hands, but Yin Mojun cleverly dodged.

The approachable President Yin always has a smile on his face, and he said lazily, "You can miss such a trivial matter."

"Cough!" Opposite the conference table, Wei Zexuan interrupted their conversation.

"Your company doesn't seem to secure the most importance of cooperation between the two parties. The outline of this meeting sounds so obscure. It must be not fully prepared!

A smile on his lips told that Yin Mojun was clearly to be blame, that he did a good job of monitoring. Then, Wei Zexuan's eyes shifted to Xia Yuxi's face, and he frowned slightly. "This little assistant seems to be a newcomer, and she must have a great relationship with Yin, that she can be entrusted with this task.

At the conference table, except for Xia Yuxi, there were all men. They smiled and repeatedly typically expressed in agreement. Xia Yuxi blushed. Of course, she knew that Wei Zexuan was humiliating her for taking this job.

She stood up and wanted to explain something but Yin Mojun hit her arm. Then, she calmly accepted his words, "That's natural. How can I sit next to Yin Mojun without nodding?" Although the performance is a little flawed, it doesn't hurt her anymore, so she said to President Wei.

Yin Mojun is like this. He rarely rectifies his own name in the face of doubt. If you think he have done too much, it is because he deliberately get used to it because he has the funds today.

Wei Zexuan no longer spoke, but a thin layer of anger was already shown on his silent face. Fine, he can rest assured. But at times goes by, Wei Zexuan's face became darker and darker.

At the end of Xia Yuxi's introduction of the outline, Wei Zexuan straightened and asked directly, "This assistant, Miss Xia, you have just mentioned the budget just now, but there are some discrepancies with the data we have here. Please explain in detail. Let me introduce some important parameters of your budget."

This topic is the most common, and the cooperation between the two companies will be stuck on the budget. This involves the profits of both parties, and it is natural to justify it. But even a simple expression, in Wei Zexuan's eyes, was defined as coquettish.

President Yin really loves Xia Yuxi, does she not even need to do such a basic things in person? What does she do everyday in the office? Does she still know that she is married!

Without waiting for Xia Yuxi to speak, Wei Zexuan sighed, "Miss Xia, can't this be explained?"

"Oh, this.. Mr. Wei, what is your company's budget?"

Wei Zexuan did not speak, and the male assistant with him reported another data. The data between the two parties was not much different, about 2000W.

This 2000W is the competing interests between companies. Yin Mojun bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said refreshingly, "I believe that the data reported by your company will be very meticulous. Naturally, there is no need to explain to me that the 2000W difference is there."

Wei Zexuan was beaten instantly, because what he said just now was a bit rude." After that, the two men looked at each other silently for two seconds.

Everyone at the conference table followed with embarrassment. Everyone knew that, the duel between the two presidents. Wei Zexuan earned 2000W in a few words, but Yin Mojun won the truth.

At this moment, someone sneered and broke the quiet deadlock, but everyone seemed to be looking at the woman beside Yin Mojun. They felt this woman was the reason behind these two argued.

Xia Yuxi felt like sitting on a needle. Not only did she accepted the eyes of people's questioning, but Wei Zexuan never let her go.

He seemed to listen carefully to everyone's speech at the meeting, occasionally inserting few harsh words in between her discussion, and his eyes kept following her. Xia Yuxi felt awkward when she raised her head.

'Why's he doing this? What's his purpose?'

Wei Zexuan didn't go back to that house for a week, and she didn't make any harassing phone calls. She had already planned to let go, but this goodbye still gave her huge pressure from that person.

When Yin Mojun said to the end of the meeting, Xia Yuxi took the lead to stand up and quickly packed the things on the table.

"Mr. Yin, I'll leave for a while."

"Okay. I still have to talk to President Wei personally. She hurry up, and walked away. After closing the conference door, Xia Yuxi covered her mouth with her hand, leaned her body against the wall, and panting.

She thought that by this time she saw that person, she would never have feeling again, just as she had promised Yin Mojun before entering the meeting room, but it turned out that she couldn't do it at all.

A lot of past memories rushed into her brain for a while, including the words of Wei Zexuan at the conference table that were aimed at her, word by word.

Today, without Yin Mojun, she really doesn't know how to end things.

"What's your relationship with him?" Isn't she being dragged by Yin Mojun? 'Why does he appeared infront of me?'

Xia Yuxi looked around subconsciously, but there was no figure of President Yin. He actually left her behind.

Wei Zexuan burst out with a laugh, "Xia Yuxi, did you lift yourself up, what do you think I would do to you?"

And yes, he disdains at all except for the repeated psychological attacks.

Xia Yuxi slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes were on the man's jaw. She cautiously defended herself, "I came out early to work so I could leave your house soon. Isn't that what you want?"

"Your house?" Xia Yuri said again. "That was never my home."

Xia Yuxi was very quiet after spoken, Wei Zexuan listened and totally felt confused for a while. For a moment, Wei Zexuan looked like a dumb canon after being ignited, and when the last eruption broke out, he extinguished the fire in his heart.

He comforted to himself, 'Forget it, divorce will caused a person to leave sooner or later. Even if it is not Yin Mojun, it will be another person.'

And he believes that if President Yin has some brain, and he will not dare to treat Xia Yuxi as his own woman. Not to mention his second-hand woman, what values does she have?

"It is good for you to have such an idea, but pay attention to your identity." Wei Zexuan said coldly: "After all, the formalities have not yet been completed yet, and your words and deeds represent the face of the Wei family."

"Then, why don't you go through the divorce process faster?"

After a sudden voice, Yin Mojun stepped out of the corner. He first glanced at Xia Yuxi, who was enveloped by Wei Zexuan. Her timid appearance caused him a desire to protect her.

Mr. Yin's gaze then shifted to Wei Zexuan's face. "I don't think it's necessary for you to drag so long. Since the two have reached the point where they can meet as strangers calmly, no matter what, there is nothing to regrets. Let's go early and free yourself earlier."

This remark is for two people, but the only one targeted is Wei Zexuan. Wei Zexuan will not talk about family matters to others, but President Yin's meaning seems to tell that he will also not let go.

He sneered, "I feel the same way too."

"Isn't this good? In the future, she is she and you are you. No connection at all." Yin Mojun's words were complete, and the woman under the shadow of his arm stood for herself. He raised his hand to break the woman free. Then he said gently, "You go back to the office and sign my documents, and I will have a chat with President Wei."

In fact, he wanted to talk to Wei Zexuan just now, but was only delayed by his assistant called Dongxi.

After hearing this, Xia Yuxi nodded, "Okay, President Yin, I'll go back first." She didn't even dare to look at Wei Zexuan anymore, and quickly carried her things away.

There was a little embarrassment between the two men. Yin Mojun is very casual and doesn't mind giving each other a step down.

"Do you think she didn't let go after divorce, she got no financial support after all? You can rest assured that Xia Yuxi will follow him and I will not treat her normally."

Wei Zexuan narrowed his eyes and flashed a cold light, 'Yin is not always nosy, why budge into their matters.'

"Are you there?" Yin Mojun shrugged his shoulders. "Xia Yuxi's working now, which is within my jurisdiction. My special assistant should not be exaggerated."

After speaking, he looked around and even by where they are standing, that's Yin Mojun's company, is there anything wrong with him?

Wei Zexuan has never received such a criticism, and he will not let it end like this." Behind the scenes, you have to be careful in the future.

But people have different views. Yin Mojun just knew that their marriage was unsatisfactory, but he did not expect to hear such a comment from a husband to Xia Yuri, which sounded horrifying.

And he is not blind. Who on earth is Xia Yuxi who can't compete? At least during the time they were in the office, Xia Yuxi didn't complaint or even mentioned anything about him.

"It doesn't matter." Yin Mojun smiled. "Women, they all have small tempers, and they are not cute without their personality, but thanks to President Wei for reminding me. In fact, I also have a word to say."

Yin Mojun said to Wei Zexuan's stinking face, "Some people may be worthless in your eyes, but in others it may be a gem. Since President Wei cannot see the value of Xia Yuxi, it is better to let it go..."

Then there was a laugh at the corner of his lips.

"Are you sure of your vision?"

Yin Mojun raised his hand and looked very casual. Although he had to admit that he was no better than Wei Zexuan in business, it seems that he hasn't missed the treasure so far. It can only be said that people with too high IQs may not be directly proportional to EQ, such as Wei Zexuan.

He stomped on Xia Yuxi and said words of resentment, but in fact these actions seemed to Yin Mojun, the man was a little funny. Turning away, he gave Wei Zexuan no answer.

Xia Yuxi became even quieter that afternoon. Except for thanking Yin Mojun, she said almost nothing.

Yin Mojun saw that her painful figure buried in work. In fact, he really shouldn't ask about Xia Yuxi's family, but seeing a woman doing everything is aggrieved and not telling, it really shows the feeling of internal injuries. No one is inherently quiet, after struggling to resist, and ones finally becomes quieter.

This shows that the stubbornness of this woman is not ordinary.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Xia Yuxi returned to the villa on time, she exhaustedly walked into the door, and threw her bag dullly on the shoe cabinet.

Sister Joe heard the movement in the small kitchen and hurried over to hand her a pair of slippers.

"Sister Joe, I don't have any appetite today, so I won't eat it. So don't tired yourself and rest early."


Sister Joe slid a glance into the living room and said with a low voice, "Sir is back. He had been sitting there an hour earlier!"

Xia Yuxi did not respond for a moment because she had not heard the word "sir" for more than a week.

Sister Joe pulled this stupid woman and told her calmly, "You don't look well, you have to be more careful, don't fight with him, you can only suffer."

While Xia Yuxi suddenly realized, he glanced subconsciously into the living room, seeing that Wei Zexuan closed his eyes and sat on the sofa.