
Chapter 29: Miss Liu was injured

Han Ruowei wanted to have a drunk party with her, but Xia Yuxi's alcohol was really low. After she helped Sister Joe lifted Xia Yuxi into the room, the anger in her heart couldn't hold on anymore, she just called her aunt and shouted.

The next morning, Li Ranqing stood in Liu Zhiyan's living room. Her son is really brave, brave enough to rent this long-dump villa for her. No wonder the boy didn't even return home.

She picked up a transparent binaural jade vase on the side table, and infront of her, she directly threw it to the ground infront of Liu Zhiyan's face. There was a crackling sound, and Li Ranqing saw her face pale.

"What? Distressed?" She asked provocatively.

Liu Zhiyan tightened her throat and said, "Auntie, this jade vase is a collection and auctioned by Zexuan last week. Is worth more than 300,000."

"So what? What I do with my son's stuff is no concern with you? What more could you do, call Ze Xuan? Who do you think you are?"

In this case, Li Ranqing said countless times infront of her. In the past few years, she was almost exhausted to used all the tricks to break up these two people. If she and Wei Zexuan's relationship can be broken now, Li Ranqing can afford to toss anything away.

There was another sound, and Li Ranqing smashed everythings without fear, and this went on and on...

Liu Zhiyan stood in the center of the living room and closed his eyes tightly. She was thinking, whether to continue to tolerate her or use Wei Zexuan's affection for herself to be arrogant with Li Ranqing. Still after all, people have a bottom line.

"Auntie." When Li Ranqing held up a pair of antique porcelain vases in both her hands, Liu Zhiyan couldn't bear it anymore.

"What can you do with me? Your son will make up for what you smashed. He will come here as usual. He can throw so much money to pleased me in many years to come? In the end, do you know who will accompanied him? I am. My life will last longer than you."

"What did you say? She rushed up a few steps, raised her hand and gave Liu Zhiyan a slap.

The woman rubbed half of her face, but laughed and said, "You even bullied your own daughter-in-law. Do you think everyone has to listen to you?"

Isn't that a slap? Wasn't this old, immortal thing were done more serious in the past than this slap? Doesn't she survive to this day?

It is true that Liu Zhiyan has nothing, but the best thing is that she firmly grasped Wei Zexuan's heart. He said that he would reunite with herself and promised to give her a family. She would not be nothing after all. A savage person is most afraid of being unreasonable. Besides, where did she hear about the internal affairs of the Wei family?

Li Ranqing got into anger and pulled Liu Zhiyan's hair directly. She pushed her hard under the hand and pulled the shameless woman back into the living room.

"You dare to talk back to me, don't think that my son is protecting you and I won't dare to touch you. It's your turn to tell how the Wei family operates?

Even if I really don't like Xia Yuxi, but her camel's skin is bigger than a horse, that's a big name. Let's see what you are? You are a scumbag that has been sleeping around for several years. You thought I didn't know that little thing you did in school. You better be careful or I will tell my son everything.!"

Although Liu Zhiyan was pulled by her hair, her head turned slightly, and turned pale instantly. Just because she heard Li Ranqing's last sentence: 'That little thing you did in school...' Her heart was pounding quickly, impossible! Who knows about her?

"How? You also know the fear?" The anxious Li Ranqing lifted her leg and kicked her again, and Liu Zhiyan's was lying on stomach. She fell to the ground with a voice, covering her belly and never climbing again.

Above her head, Li Ranqing still scolded, "If you have self-esteemed, please don't push me a bit farther or give me anxiety, even if I hurt my son's heart, I will never tolerate with you. Liu Zhiyan, I warn you, I know about your things before, so keep your distant. I can't guarantee that one day my temper will explode, and the people in this city to know you!"

She scolded her, but still did not deflated, and then swept a lot of things away on the cabinet.

Li Ranqing spit behind her before going out, "A bitch, what are you!"

For a long time, Liu Zhiyan fell on the ground and didn't get up. She didn't cry but she trembled. Because she wasn't sure if what Li Ranqing just said was true, or was it just a threat? Or deliberately exaggerating wanted to separate her from Wei Zexuan...

Unconsciously, there was a fierce tremor on her body. Those who are at a loss often only want to believe the worst result and plan for the worst. No, she can't just watch this kind of thing happen without Wei Zexuan's affection, and she can't be hacked, if that the case, she really can't hang around in this city.

Sitting up on the ground, Liu Zhiyan's eyes turned quickly. The only way she can think of now is to accelerate her feelings with Wei Zexuan.

Even if Wei Zexuan's marries and even if things really fail, Li Ranqing can only endure it for the face of the Wei's family. Wei Zexuan is the only weapon in her hands now that she can compete. Thinking of this, she glanced at the broken glasses and picked up a piece from the ground.

"Um..." she screamed from the living room. "Come!"

The babysitter originally hid in the kitchen and didn't dare to come out, but when she heard her mistress shouting again and again, then secretly explored her head.

When Li Ranqing leave, she didn't know. about it. She ran quickly to the living room, saw Liu Zhiyan lying on the floor, and her wrist was bleeding.

The babysitter was suddenly frightened, covering her mouth and not dare to scream, her body trembling for a while. "What are you still looking at?" Liu Zhiyan said weakly. "Why didn't you call Mr. yet?"

Wei Zexuan was driving on his way home at this moment. He had been away for a week, but he still had no impression of this.

After imaging about how to say his first sentence to Xia Yuxi when entering to the house, he received a call from Liu Zhiyan.

"Ahem." The man cleared his throat and said, "I have something to do with the company today, and may go to you later."

Unexpectedly, there was another trembling voice in response to him, "Mr. Wei, come here quickly! Miss Liu she... she's injured."

"How can she be injured at home?"