
Chapter 25: Are you trying to divorce me?

Wei Zexuan held the steering wheel with one hand, the other hand poked on Xia Yuxi's forehead. Her cheek and her neck down, were all hot.

Follow the man slamming the steering wheel and shouted, "How much is this drink?"

Xia Yuxi didn't know how she got onto the car and how she lay down on the soft bed. She just felt a slight coolness on her forehead, as she slipped into the bed very comfortably. Before she closed her eyes, Wei Zexuan's face appeared in her vision.

Xia Yuxi screamed and sat up with horror, looking at the person infront of her. This is not a dream, because it is very clear. 'But why is he here? Shouldn't he be next door? In the house just rented for Liu Zhiyan?'

She didn't miss it. The warm personality that Liu Zhiyan shown had made her successfully lived there in just a few hours. But why Wei Zexuan is still here, she doesn't understand.

"Wake up?" Wei Zexuan said with frustration, shaking her cuffs, "You really do it. It's not even a day gone, that you learn how to make yourself happy."

Xia Yuxi was staring nervously at him, Wei Zexuan didn't even notice, how much she was afraid of him?

The man breathed and said, "Wake up! Fine, I'm still your husband now, you better be careful when you do things."

Xia Yuxi suddenly asked, "Why do you care about me?" Following her voice suddenly raised, hysterically shouted, "Why do you care about me! On what grounds?"

Wei Zexuan also wanted to know. He threw away angrily the warm towel in his hands, and yelled in his heart: 'I don't know!' The man stommed the floor and then walked out of the room. He stood at the bedroom door, panting heavily. The stuffiness in my heart became more and more obvious, as if it was going to explode at any time.

He quarreled with this unscrupulous woman to the point of breaking up this afternoon, but when he saw Xia Yuxi sitting in another man's car, he went crazy. Also ask why! How could he know why! What is he to accomplish?

When returning to this room again, Xia Yuxi leaned her arms on the bed and lowered her head very low. Although her voice was very soft, she was disturbed by the moving noise. Wei Zexuan walked over, rudely pinched her chin, and then took the cold towel directly the woman's face.

Eyes, nose, small face, and messy hair. He wiped the woman with a towel in his hand, and then began to wipe the tears on her face.

"Never endless crying?" He said in a unpleasant voice, but has already given the greatest patience he could give.

But Xia Yuxi was still crying, not giving him any face. Xia Yuxi no longer cried, but her tears still slipped down her face.

Wei Zexuan felt annoyed and irritated in his head. He leaned down and picked up a medicine box from the ground, and placed it in the center of his cross leg. 'Who wrapped this arm? So tight.' It has happened few hours ago and her hand was not bloody anymore.

Wei Zexuan quickly unwrapped the bandage around her arm, but slowed down in the last few laps. He wiped the sweat on his forehead, raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Yuxi, wondering if this would hurt her to open the wound directly.

The bloody bandage was looked horrible. Wei Zexuan tightened his eyebrows and threw it directly into the trash can. At this time, Xia Yuxi suddenly pulled her arm backwards, but it was firmly held by Wei Zexuan. He still said in an imperative tone, "It hurts me too, and you quarreled with me. What about that momentum? Now you know it hurts?"

Xia Yuxi was lying on the bed, her eyes looked at the man holding a strong antiseptic bottle. His hand was shaking slightly and then poured out so much antiseptic water, it almost covered her entire arm.

There was too much antiseptic water running down her arm, then he rushed around to find a towel but without a success. He simply wiped her arm with the sleeves of his shirt. When the lotion was applied to the wound, Xia Yuxi's body shivered, "It hurts."

Wei Zexuan looked at her nervously when she looked up, she then noticed that the man who had been fiery to her was sweating all over his face.

Xia Yuxi remembered that it was cold day in March. Followed by a resentfulness in her heart, she cried again. "It hurts?"

Wei Zexuan quickly threw down the things in his hands and hugged her body. He didn't dare to move Xia Yuxi anywhere for a while and his face was full of blank expressions. "Where does it hurt, quickly say it!"

"I don't hurt at all! You don't care about me!" Xia Yuxi shouted loudly as she cried, followed to sit up. She wouldn't care about her wounds now and her two arms beat Wei Zexuan's body hard, "You go away! Hurry up! Go!"

She shouted, and the man grabbed her beating hand's tightly, and pulled her head towards his chest.

After a heartbreaking cry, she shivered and said, "Wei Zexuan, I beg you, don't torture me anymore?"

"I beg you, if you want to be ruthless, please bother with me anymore. Look at yourself like this? Do you hate me so much?"

Wei Zexuan's stretched body softened, and it seemed like he had lost all his strength. He allowed Xia Yuxi to cry and listen to the words from her mouth.

She said, "Aren't you going to divorce me? Why are you doing this to me again? Why do you think you are hurting me? Why do you still care about me? What do you want me to do? Do you know if you do this, I regret my promised to divorce you, I ... I can't bear to leave you."

Wei Zexuan suddenly choked his throat and couldn't say a single word of rebuttal. But Xia Yuxi was right, he had nothing to refute. The man raised his arm against the woman and pushed Xia Yuxi out of his body, then said in a hoarse voice, "Sit down."

The man who's always face like an iceberg, was surprising calm. He continued to care Xia Yuxi's arm, and then wiped the antiseptic water on her again, but this time his movement was fast and emotionless.