
Chapter 166: Wake up from a dream

Those past memories surging like ocean waves, Xia Yuxi's mind is no longer the scattered fragments before, but from the bone-thirsty pain in the whole body.

This includes before and after amnesia. What did she do, what is she doing now? The situation in front of her seemed unable to allow her to think about it. Wei Zexuan was already resting on his body, his name muttering in her mouth.

"Wei Zexuan!"

"Xiaoxi, give me some time, I will give you everything you want."

What's all he said? Is it the kind of thing I wanted when I was crazy? Or does he want to repay what he owes her?

Xia Yuxi turned her head away and said coldly, "Then trouble you, get off of me."

For a while, the fiery atmosphere cooled to freezing point, and Wei Zexuan stayed there in an awkward position, and then he smiled, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Xiaoxi, you..."

Xia Yuxi turned her head, her eyes fixed on Wei Zexuan's face, and she said calmly, "Am I not clear about what I said? Get off."

Wei Zexuan confirmed the person under him in almost a second.

She is Xia Yuxi, but not Xia Yuxi. To be precise, this tone is only in the past.

The man turned to the ground, standing by the bed, still stunned, watching Xia Yuxi sit up with her arms, she calmly gathered her messy hair, tied a lower ponytail as before, and then stood together. Sorted out her clothes.

Before getting out of bed, she habitually probed her feet under the bed, and easily hooked out the pair of cotton slippers that had been under the bed for years with her toes.

This slipper belongs to her and she wore it here once on the day of the wedding.

Seeing this, Wei Zexuan must accept this reality, "Did you... remember?"

"Cousin?" Xia Yuxi snorted as she passed by Wei Zexuan.

When she walked out of the room, her mind was at a loss. At this time, it is estimated that the words used to describe her mood are inaccurate. She should hate Wei Zexuan for lying to her, but she still remembers everything she did after her amnesia. Xia Yuxi knew that. She is sincere in the absence of context, and she cannot avoid it, so she needs time to think about it.

After two steps, the door behind him opened and Wei Zexuan chased out. He stepped forward and grabbed Xia Yuxi's arm, "Xiaoxi, listen to me."

"I don't need to explain."

Wei Zexuan didn't know what she was thinking at all, so he tentatively asked, "Okay, I think that after you retrieved that memory, you haven't forgotten this paragraph, but you tell me, you still will be with me."

"I do not know."

After that, Xia Yuxi broke free of his hand.

The atmosphere of this villa suddenly changed. Wei Zexuan had been sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at the door on the second floor, but the door had not been opened until late at night.

He didn't know what Xia Yuxi was doing inside, and he had no way of predicting what would happen when she woke up tomorrow.

For the first time in his life, Wei Zexuan felt what was meant by accident. He had no idea about her at all.

At first, Wei Zexuan thought about having a showdown with Xia Yuxi, or a fake identity made up.. cousin cousin, but people have greed. When Xia Yuxi, who is like a new person, makes him reluctant, things are destined to intensify.

Even Wei Zexuan thought that Xia Yuxi had been helping Liu Zhixan with the child...

In this way, Wei Zexuan sat quietly on the sofa all night.

Early the next morning, Wei Zexuan had originally arranged a vacation for two people. A worker ran over and asked him when to leave. At this moment, Xia Yuxi opened the door and walked out of the room. She still had the small suitcase she had brought when she came.

"Xiaoxi." Wei Zexuan hurriedly greeted him.

People approached, but Xia Yuxi escaped from him. She still looked calm and spoke calmly, "When will we leave?"

"Where to go?"

Xia Yuxi glanced at him, "Could it be possible to stay here on vacation with you?"

Wei Zexuan was probably really anxious and a little silly. He nodded and said, "Yes, I will make arrangements now."

A few hours later, Wei Zexuan and Xia Yuxi appeared together at the Wei's villa. Because of her sudden return, Sister Joe was surprised, and Fang Jinghua didn't know what to do at this time.

"Miss Xia, why did you come back suddenly? Isn't it accustomed to live there?" Sister Joe asked with concern after taking the luggage.

Xia Yuxi raised her hand and squeezed Sister Joe's shoulder. There was a feeling of goodbye for a second. Then she said, "Sister Joe, you still call me Mrs. I'm more used to it."

Sister Joe's face paled, and then her eyes met Wei Zexuan. Then she twitched the corners of her mouth with a look of disbelief, turned around and pulled the suitcase and quickly left.

In the huge living room, there were only these two embarrassing people left. Xia Yuxi went to the living room and sat down and gave Wei Zexuan a back. From this angle, she still looked like the woman who was as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Suddenly, Wei Zexuan seemed to think of something.

That day, when he came back from the hospital, Xia Yuxi was from this angle. The expression she turned to look at herself gave Wei Zexuan two seconds to think that she had retrieved her memory.

and so...

Wei Zexuan patted his forehead, and he couldn't tell when Xia Yuxi got back the memory.

Was it in bed yesterday? Or earlier?

At this time, Fang Jinghua's voice was remembered outside the villa. The old woman appeared to be very relaxed when her daughter was not at home. She was far away and yelled, "Joe! Come out to pick me up." Now, really, I don't know where people go every day. Is it necessary for an old woman of such a big house to go out and pick up the child?"

Obviously, Sister Joe couldn't go away when something was delayed, so Fang Jinghua was asked to pick up NianNian. Her unwillingness to do things at her old age is also in line with her character. Although Wei Zexuan sounds uncomfortable with such a speech, he will not say anything.

But at this moment, Fang Jinghua's words were like reminders.

Before Sister Joe came out of the room to pick her up, Wei Zexuan stepped out of the villa first.

Seeing Wei Zexuan, Fang Jinghua was stunned. She suddenly realized that what she had just said was unacceptable, and quickly explained, "Zexuan, why are you back? I was just..."

When Wei Zexuan came out, he didn't argue with Fang Jinghua. Naturally, he didn't have time to explain to her why he came back.

Taking a step forward, the man took his son's little hand, "Mom, I will take NianNian out first."

"Where are you going with NianNian?" Fang Jinghua, who didn't know, asked, but Wei Zexuan was not in good mood at the moment. He leaned over and picked up the child from the ground and left quickly.

Fang Jinghua watched them for a few seconds, and then muttered, "What's the matter? Didn't you go to travel? Why did you come back, and took the child away. When did he came back..."

She shook her head and didn't think too much, and then walked towards the door of the villa.

Now that Wei Zexuan is back, Xiaoxi is also back!

Sure enough, Xia Yuxi was sitting in the living room! As Fang Jinghua walked over, she couldn't help but ask, "Xiaoxi! Do you know why ZeXuan went with NianNian?"

"Send him away!"

Xia Yuxi didn't look back, but said in a calm tone.

Fang Jinghua sat opposite Xia Yuxi and asked in surprise, "Okay, why?"

"Let me take the son of my enemy who killed, I guess I am very guilty!"

"That's also..." Fang Jinghua agreed with a smile, and then her face suddenly changed, her eyes widened and looked at her daughter again, "Xiao... Xiaoxi?"

Xia Yuxi then slowly stood up, "Mom, are you hiding something with him from me?"

Immediately, her eyes flushed, and her shoulders trembled slightly with excitement, "Do you think this is useful? Didn't the doctor tell you that I will remember it someday?"

Only then did Fang Jinghua realize what had happened. Although it was sudden, the old man was very adaptable.

She hugged her daughter's trembling body, and kept stroking her arm, "Xiaoxi! It's not what you think, we are doing this for your good."

Xia Yuxi stared at the ground and sneered, doing her good.

For the time being, yes, but the more things are deposited, the more damage, is not it?

Thinking of this, she slowly broke free of her mother's arm, turned and left, "Don't talk to me, let me think about it quietly!"

Fang Jinghua, who stayed alone in the living room, panicked after Xia Yuxi left.

She panicked not only about the situation in front of her, but also her own affairs.

Xia Yuxi's memory has been recovered, and that simple touch will no longer be there. She knows what happened between herself and her daughter. Since gambling, betrayal and other things happened, her words for Xia Yuxi. Can she listen to it?

So, can she continue to follow Liu Zhixan's intentions?

Should she tell her about her daughter's recovery?

What should she do something? Compared with the emotional entanglement between Wei Zexuan and Xia Yuxi before, Fang Jinghua worried about herself first.

She can no longer be at this juncture, the gambling incident happened!

Fortunately, at this time, Wei Zexuan took the child away. Xia Yuxi went back to the room and said that she would not come out after thinking about it for a while, which gave Fang Jinghua time to calm down.

She still decided to take a look, her business still couldn't stop.

On Wei Zexuan's side, after picking up NianNian, she drove to her parents' side. Li Ranqing hasn't been here some days. She feels like something going to happen in the middle, and she also knows that Xia Yuxi's amnesia was only timebeing. It was the key to saving this marriage, so she avoided wisely not to mess with the two children. Unexpectedly, Wei Zexuan came first to ask for help.

"What? Let me take it?"

When Wei Zexuan pushed the child down in front of her, Li Ranqing's face looked so ugly. She heard that Xia Yuxi had recovered her memory and knew that NianNian would be troublesome there, but Li Ranqing didn't like Liu Zhixan naturally. She don't like her children either, isn't sending NianNian over sincerely add to her troubles?

"Since Xiaoxi has found her memory, NianNian can no longer be raised by you as I said, so I'll send it back to Liu Zhixan!"

"No, I won't let that woman touch again or go after NianNian."

Li Ranqing groaned in her heart, 'This son is really stupid. It's unclear whether the child belongs to him or not!'

Eh? Suddenly she remembered something, and then her face changed and she changed her words and said, "All right! For my son, I have to pick up any plate as a mother. This kid, leave with me temporarily, but you have to take care it soon. Think of ways to..."

Li Ranqing finally agreed, and Wei Zexuan was relieved of his heartache. Wei Zexuan knew that sending NianNian away was not for compromising, and to obtain Xia Yuxi's forgiveness. Since the child was taken away from Liu Zhixan, he had never planned to send it back again, even though it was difficult for Xia Yuxi to accept, but he will still discuss it, and hopes that the relationship between the child can be balanced.

Right now, it's just because Xia Yuxi has just recovered her memory, and the two need to have a good conversation, and the thoughts are too small to stay at home at this time.

When Wei Zexuan drove back, he was still thinking that if the time is late, their feelings will deepen. Is it not as difficult as it is now? He has clearly felt the feelings of the other party. Xia Yuxi's current indifference is just that she can't accept it. .

When he returned home, Fang Jinghua said that her daughter had not come out from the room, and had not even eaten dinner.

Wei Zexuan asked her not to worry, and then went upstairs and knocked on Xia Yuxi's door.

"I'm not hungry." The man in the door said.

"It's me." For a long time, there was no sound in the room. Wei Zexuan knew that she didn't want to see him, but closing the door like this was not an option. He twisted the door handle and walked in quietly.

The room was very dark and there was not even a light. Through the shining moonlight outside the window, Wei Zexuan saw her sitting sideways in front of the dressing table. He could not see Xia Yuxi's face, nor could he see the expression on her face, it was just like the environment is very cold.

Wei Zexuan walked over, picked up a coat from the back of the chair and put it on Xia Yuxi's shoulders, "It's about to start autumn, don't catch the cold."

Still no answer.

Wei Zexuan pursed his lips and waited for half a minute before walking to the bed and sitting down.

The man leaned forward, his arms fell on his knees, his big hands fumbled back and forth.

"Xiaoxi, I know that you love me, even if you don't want to admit it, this fact has never changed from the past to the present, and I love you too. The previous things, can't be changed, but my heart, you can feel it!"

"Why lie to me?" Xia Yuxi asked suddenly, turning her head.

Wei Zexuan muttered, then grinned and said, "I don't want you to live so painfully when you have amnesia."

Xia Yuxi nodded. She thought that Wei Zexuan would say this, and it was exactly what he said, because of her amnesia, she had forgotten everything, so this period may be the happiest time since she was born.