
Chapter 157: Very sightless

Thinking about this, Yin Mojun took another drink from the drinking glass, and then said the same result to the announcement, "Since she already has someone to marry, I am not asking about it. You can rest assured that this does not involve the cooperation of the two companies. And my personal relationship with you."

Although this was the result that Wei Zexuan wanted to achieve this time, Yin Mojun himself said the words as soon as he opened it, which made him stunned.

The man straightened and asked, "What's wrong? What happened."

"It turned out that it was Liao Enmin." Yin Mojun finished humming, and then turned his head to look at Wei Zexuan, "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"You know him?" May not know? Both of these people started from abroad, but the industry is very disparate, and there is almost no intersection, but they are also well-known.

Yin Mojun was called as an old fox, but Liao Enmin was almost the same. They all said that they were the darkest scholars. He had a good skin, but he did sigh. If you count it carefully, Yin Mojun once lost his half game, because some things Yin Mojun can't do, but others are not necessarily.

But Yin Mojun said this not because he was afraid of the Liao family and Liao Enmin, but when the man came this morning to say.. Just say whatever!

Yin Mojun thought of this disturbing morning, and raised his hand to disperse all the ideas in his mind. That's okay, Han Ruowei also has that attitude, and now a fiancee emerges out of thin air, but it's annoying Yin Mojun, so he firmly said, "Even if you don't tell me, I know it first, So! Is there any need to talk down?"

The guy would get up after throwing the next sentence. Wei Zexuan took the first step and pressed him down with his big hand. Either saying that the height advantage is still useful. Yin Mojun was short and he was pulled back by Wei Zexuan, but he seemed to have no intention of continuing to speak.

This person, Wei Zexuan, has always disliked the cares of others, and sees that this is a situation of great joy for everyone. It stands to reason that it should end like this! However, he remembered that Yin Mo was always running around for him and Xia Yuxi. Many ideas were given by him.

After thinking for a while, Wei Zexuan said, "I know you are real, and Han Ruowei is real, so I am impartial, but it is difficult."

"She is so real!"

Yin Mojun's emotions were suddenly very excited, he turned around and retorted, "If Han Ruowei has a little response, do you think I will say today? She just thought it was a game."

Wei Zexuan raised an eyebrow and grunted. He think men are like this, seeing other people's feelings at a glance, it is their turn to see flowers in the fog.

Suck his lips and changed to a sitting position, "Then you quit! I'm relieved, and I just explained to my aunt."

Yin Mojun tilted his head, "You only tell me this when you come?"

"If not?"

"Wei Zexuan, you're over! I'm still a friend because of my loss. Your feelings came to me for negotiation." Wei Zexuan nodded, a relaxed expression.

Yin Mojun, who was not calm, was blushing and his neck was thick for a while. Finally, he didn't say anything. It can be seen that this guy has a smart image on weekdays. Feelings are really moving, there is such a side.

He leaned forward, a decadent look and said, "I'm so reluctant, I also know that the girl is both hard and soft. I have used to it. It is completely useless to her, so, you give me a chance. I have to try it."

Wei Zexuan leaned back in his chair, "Why? Why should I help you? Now I am very satisfied, both sides are perfect, and I listen to my aunt. She wants Han Ruowei to marry into the Liao family next month. It's been over for a hundred years. I know my cousin, and it'll be over for a while."

Yin Mojun has been so angry that he pointed at this face for a long time and was speechless. "OK! You can do it, Wei Zexuan. I won't look for you in this matter. Looking back, I will go to Xiaoxi. She will help. I am busy." Hearing Xia Yuxi's name, Wei Zexuan straightened up.

Just say that rich people can do anything, but don't be affectionate. This feeling is a luxury item that is unreachable for everyone in the wealthy, not you can buy it with capital, and it is not in line with your identity and taste. Even if you have it, it is uncomfortable. And luxury goods are delicate and troublesome.

Wei Zexuan's love is that Yin Mojun did not hide this knot. Wei Zexuan was still thinking about this on his way home that day. The reason he agreed to it was that he didn't want to involve Xia Yuxi, but the most important thing was that he had some responsibility for the relationship between Han Ruowei and Yin Mojun, even if no Yin Mojun, he will give this opportunity to two people.

But the future, it depends on their fate. Although there are many troubles today, Wei Zexuan feels that his condition is very good. He is very clear about the company's affairs and Yin Mojun and Han Ruowei's feelings.

As soon as he entered the door, he greeted a grinning face, and the man's mood was extremely good.

"Nothing is attentive, what is it."

Xia Yuxi smiled and said, "NianNian said that there is a parent meeting in Tiantian Kindergarten. I think you busy person, must have no time to go, so I promised them all at once."

In this way, Sister Joe seemed to complaints before, Wei Zexuan was really too busy and forget.

"What's wrong with this?" The man laughed and handed something to Xia Yuxi's hand, but he didn't let go. The two were close together for a time. Wei Zexuan whispered in her ear and said, "You! It can be said that it is the mother who missed it. Anyway, sooner or later you....."

"Damn!" Xia Yuxi was teased coldly and her cheeks flushed red.

And Wei Zexuan laughed twice, his figure suddenly stunned, because some of his feelings came up again. But it seems slightly different from before. Although he was still a bit worried, but always eager to try, Wei Zexuan moved forward, and the two were close, so close that he could hear each other's heartbeat, and the soft breathing when she was sullen.

Wei Zexuan only felt that the heart followed the thump, thumped and kept a beat with Xia Yuxi. This slight heartbeat was very slow, and with some kind of itching impulse, it was completely different from the heat of the brain before.

Correct! As soon as Wei Zexuan opened his eyes, this was the right feeling. Is it true that his body is all right?

He jumped at the bottom of his heart, and then brought Xia Yuxi into his arms. This time it was the daytime. Sister Joe and Fang Jinghua were here. Xia Yuxi was really taken aback and quickly broke free. "Are you crazy? Let me go."

But the man above her head smiled indifferently, and the smile was intentional, and the tenderness was not enough. Xia Yuxi just looked up and drunk in Wei Zexuan's smile.

"Ze Xuan..."

Wei Zexuan lowered his head and placed a kiss directly on her forehead. He said excitedly, "Xiaoxi, come to my room tonight?"

"Ah?" Blushing, heart pounding, Xia Yuxi slightly snorted slightly.

After this appointment, it seems that the time has become very long. Xia Yuxi has been through dinner, and has been through the mother back to the room, and finally Sister Joe went back to rest almost watching the time. However, there is a grieving fairy-Nian Nian.

In the past few days, he couldn't see his dad. Finally, the father and son hugged together and didn't let go. He told Wei Zexuan to tell a story, and finally ended up sleepy and nodded his head.

Xia Yuxi has been with him all the time. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was in a hurry. The heart said that this child usually looks at his eyes, why is it so blind today?

She don't know when it go on. Xia Yuxi left the child's room as soon as she turned around, and hurriedly said, "I'll get the room first."

Xia Yuxi returned to the room, naturally she sorted herself out. She quickly took a shower, then sat in front of the dressing table and carefully painted herself a makeup that was completely invisible, and then began to flip through her bottles of perfume, Finally, clothes...

Until someone knocked on the door, she suddenly looked at the time on the wall, God! It's been more than half an hour, and Wei Zexuan stood sideways at the door, "How long do I have to wait?"

Xia Yuxi hurriedly put down what was in her hand and walked past with a red face. "Then..." Her small hand pulled Wei Zexuan's belt with a small hand, and then things were so natural.

Ability is all the man's confidence, Wei Zexuan feels that he has no obstacles, almost as soon as he enters the door, he pushes Xia Yuxi to the wall.

After she cried out, the whole person was shackled in a small space.

"And many more!"

Xia Yuxi was still a little nervous after all, "I... I think you haven't drank Chinese medicine yet. I'll get it." When she said this, many sweat beads had been exuded in her palm, and her face suddenly turned white.

So nervous? This is not the first time. But in Xia Yuxi's view after amnesia, this was the first time that Wei Zexuan didn't want to force it, so he gave her a gap and let Xia Yuxi get out from under his arm.

The girl left as soon as the door closed, and Wei Zexuan also stood on the spot and took a breath.

That's nice! He really has no problem, so after today, can he propose directly?

Once again, Xia Yuxi's heart was captured, and this result satisfied Wei Zexuan. He even thought that when she remembered her memories later, she would look at today's feelings and stop investigating those past.

Just thinking, Xia Yuxi leaned over her head and got into the door. She cleverly held the bowl and brought it to Wei Zexuan's lips.

The man twisted his eyebrows, "Do you like to eat this?"

"I don't like it!" Xia Yuxi said, "Anyway, you eat it, and you're afraid of something."

The man grinned badly and pressed his body over again, "But you will also taste it when I eat it, is it really okay?"

Xia Yuxi: "..." After she shy away from her shy face, she heard Wei Zexuan's haha ​​laugh twice, and then took away the bowl in her hand, and the drum was drunk.

Really, how could he like to tease her so much, every time he felt so dangerous, this heart of hers couldn't stand it anymore.

Xia Yuxi pushed his body angrily, grabbed the bowl from his hand, rushed to the bedside and slammed on the bedside table in a few steps, "Wei Zexuan, if you continue to do so, I will..."

"How about you?" The man came from behind and wrapped her tightly around her chest. She couldn't break away and lost her strength.

But Wei Zexuan said, "What will happen? Don't let me go?"

As if glued together, the two pushed and shoved together, and the scene was uncontrollable for a while. At this moment, the door of this room was opened again, letting all the enthusiasm instantly cool to the freezing point.

NianNian rubbed his eyes, walked in, and looked at the two people who were not far away for a while. And those two adults...

Xia Yuxi arranged her disorder hair, and then looked down at the ground looking for something, "Where did it go? Didn't it fall to you!"

As she spoke, she moved towards the door, intending to slip away.

Wei Zexuan is better, but a little embarrassed in front of the child, "cough..."

"Auntie." Then NianNian whispered holding the door, "I'm afraid, can Auntie sleep with me?"

"Me?" Xia Yuxi pointed at herself with one hand, and was very surprised. In fact, she used to sleep with the little guy before. This was not the first time.

Behind her, Wei Zexuan took the job by himself, "NianNian, let your auntie go to bed, and dad to accompany you."

NianNian blinked and said, "However, auntie said that Dad is very tired recently! You should take a good rest!"

"Yep!" Xia Yuxi fully reacted. She squatted down and caressed the child's back. "NianNian was right. Dad was very tired. The aunt went to sleep with you." Then she lifted the child from the ground. But she was very nostalgic and gave Wei Zexuan a look.

What can Wei Zexuan do? The swan that watched in this way flew again.

Xia Yuxi was sitting in front of NianNian's bed. She didn't know what kind of mood she was at. She sang nursery rhymes, but her mind was just the thing just now, there were the actions of Wei Zexuan's shameful people, and the one where NianNian rushed in.

Followed by, Xia Yuxi groaned in her heart, really shameful home!

"Ding Dong." A text message came in from the phone. Xia Yuxi sang a song while quietly touching her cell phone. Wei Zexuan said in WeChat: 'Honey, I am waiting for you.'

She was aroused by this sentence, and hurried back to the past: 'Wait for me! What!'

And continued to sing her children's songs. Finally, NianNian fell asleep again after ten minutes, Xia Yuxi squeezed his small face, and tossed around his bed for a while, only to determine that this little guy was indeed asleep.