
Chapter 150: Divorce Agreement

But what can she do? A poor old lady and her daughter are dependent on others to live. If you don't do it, and don't say that Wei Zexuan is not angry, just saying that these five million will also crush her and Xiaoxi. On the way back, Fang Jinghua thought so .

Due to her guilty conscience, she ordered a few side dishes when she came back today, which Wei Zexuan and Xia Yuxi like to eat.

Fang Jinghua was the doorstep that she just stepped into before dinner. No one noticed her in particular, but her daughter greeted her warmly and came over for dinner.

She put down her things, washed her hands, and walked in. She put the side dishes she bought outside on the table. "Mother bought it for you, try it quickly."

Xia Yuxi put a piece of it in her mouth, and all her happiness was written on her face.

Suddenly Fang Jinghua asked, "How about Ze Xuan? Why didn't I see Ze Xuan coming back."

"Oh! He called on the phone half an hour ago and said that the company was very busy recently and stayed there to work overtime. It is estimated that it will be late today!"

Since Xia Yuxi complained yesterday, this guy knows to call home, so Xia Yuxi is very happy.

But after listening to it, Fang Jinghua frowned tightly. "Oh! Overtime again. Yesterday too, also today. Can he have meals at the company? This has taken a long time and his body has been ruined."

The big-hearted Xia Yuxi shook her hand, "Mom, don't worry, then the big president, if you are hungry, won't you let the secretary buy a takeaway? He's so big, you don't have to worry."

"No, no," Fang Jinghua said with a twist, "Man! The body is very important, especially the man in his thirties like Ze Xuan, is in a period of prosperity. If you work hard at this age, then..."

Xia Yuxi leaned forward, "So what?"

Fang Jinghua feels that her daughter is also in her twenties, and there is nothing to say, "Aren't you dating him? Are you going to get married in the future? Mom tells you, if a man is too laborious in the first half of his life will soon fail."

"Which aspect?" Xia Yuxi simply asked out, but after two or three seconds her face turned red and she didn't know what to say.

"Don't be shy, what mom said it's true."

Can mother and daughter talk about this topic? Xia Yuxi bowed her head in panic and ate a few bites, then whispered, "Oh! Got it, mom, don't worry about this."

Although she was hiding the topic in her mouth, she couldn't help thinking. Is her mother saying true? Will Wei Zexuan become an incompetent man? Just thinking of certain restricted-level pictures jumped into her mind, Xia Yuxi almost finished eating with a red face.

It stands to reason that Fang Jinghua has found a good opportunity for herself, but she still has a lot of ups and downs in her heart. After dinner, she went out again, grabbed some important items for Wei Zexuan at the nearby Chinese Medicine clinic, and then stuffed things into her bag given by Liu Zhixan. Will they find out?

But she was still undecided. On her way back carrying Chinese medicine. 'Do you want to give it to Xiaoxi? If something's really eaten, if there is a problem. She was ruined.'

Thinking of this, Fang Jinghua hurriedly stopped by the road, turned over the bag, find the medicine package, and poured half of it directly on the ground, after that her heart was finally calmed down.

Nobody cares about this woman's body, so when the package of Chinese medicine was delivered to Xia Yuxi, she readily accepted it.

Xia Yuxi and her mother inquired about the important method of cooking and ran to the small kitchen in a good mood holding Chinese medicine.

Next to the stairs on the second floor, Fang Jinghua hid there. She stretched her neck and looked downstairs. She saw Xia Yuxi poured all the Chinese herbs into the medicine jar, added water to boil, and then looked like she was waiting for a surprise. Sitting by the stove, she opened the jar from time to time to take a look.

Such an eager daughter will not find out, Fang Jinghua is relieved, but another sense of uneasiness emerges spontaneously.

"What's the smell in this living room? Sister Joe, what are you doing?" Wei Zexuan arrived at 9 o'clock in the evening. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the smell of Chinese medicine in the living room and wrinkled his nose.

At this time, Xia Yuxi ran from the small kitchen, with a strange look on his face, "You are back, have you eaten dinner?"

Xia Yuxi was approaching, and the smell of Chinese medicine became stronger. Wei Zexuan stepped back and directly gambled his nostrils with his hands. "Xiaoxi, what kind of smell do you have, it's bitter."

Xia Yuxi stood and smiled gleefully, "Chinese medicine! Chinese medicine for you."

Wei Zexuan chuckled, put the shoes of the slippers on his own, then straightened up and said, "I am in good health, what is important to eat?"

"Now good health does not mean good health in the future. Traditional Chinese medicine has a slow effect. It is not necessary to eat early. By the way, it can also help you adjust your body!"

The girl was plausible, and listening to Wei Zexuan kept nodding, but at the end, he vetoed, "I don't eat. I hate that kind of thing the most."

Do not eat? Then she threw it into the trash can for boiling more than two hours? And her mother was right, he worked overtime late these two days, and watched the outline of his face become clearer because of weight loss, when not to make up at this time?

Thinking about this, Xia Yuxi put an arm directly to Wei Zexuan and stopped at the door, "If you don't eat the Chinese medicine I boil, don't you come in."

"Don't make trouble." Wei Zexuan gently pushed her shoulders off. The woman was clearly tied with herself. He could only change the subject and said, "NianNian? I feel like I haven't seen him for two days. He is fine."

"Don't change it, he's obedient! It's you who is disobedient now."

Ok! Failing to change the topic, Wei Zexuan stood still, rubbing his forehead to look at the woman in front of him, as if both were working hard.

At the end, Wei Zexuan hummed with a laugh, "OK, you can eat, but you have to tell me what the medicine is? I can't eat anything."

"Uh... that..." Xia Yuxi's eyes flicked, and she turned her face away, followed by her little face flushed slightly. What's happening here? Wei Zexuan looked sideways, only the woman's face became more ruddy, and her big eyes blinked in conscience.

"Are you trying to harm me?" he asked sarcastically.

Xia Yuxi's small head straightened and corrected, "Bullshit, why am I hurting you? I just heard that if a man is overworked, that would be useless in that respect, and you are also in your 30s, and there is nothing to do now. "

"Useless?" Wei Zexuan listened to her and smiled directly. The heart said that what's in the mess of this girl's mind? But looking at her blushing looks a bit tempting for men.

Wei Zexuan stepped forward with his lips closed, and stood very close to Xia Yuxi. When he lowered his head, the man pressed his voice and said, "What is not useful? Where is not useful?"

"What?" Xia Yuxi guilty and stepped backwards, but was pulled directly in front of Wei Zexuan.

The man's eyes have always been aggressive, and Xia Yuxi, who is looking at the marble floor. She whispered in her mouth, "You know clearly in your heart..."

"I don't know. Tell me, what are you worried about?"

Xia Yuxi was forced to ask questions, she simply shook her hand, "Don't drink, I still beg you!"

"Not allowed to go!" How could Wei Zexuan did let her go so easily, he swooped and swept Xia Yuxi up into his arms. Facing his face, the temperature of this smiling face is constantly rising, for three seconds, the red is like a persimmon after frost,

Wei Zexuan's heart tickled as he looked at her, he lowered his head slightly, rubbed Xia Yuxi's cheek with the tip of his nose, and asked softly in her ear, "How do you know I can't do that?"

"I do not know?"

"Will you give it a try?" Xia Yuxi broke free in his arms, mumbling in her mouth, not knowing what to complain about.

Wei Zexuan took a lip corner and moved forward again, her voice lingering in the woman's ear, "Do you believe it or not, I can do what you can't stop, fluttering..."

Xia Yuxi's body stiffened, and she felt this was a dangerous signal, as if Wei Zexuan would go crazy next second, and she could not help falling.

No, no! It's too early. It's all blaming myself, so what kind of tonic does she give to him? Isn't this equal to digging a hole for yourself and jumping in?

Xia Yuxi was so scared that her voice had become a mosquito. She was afraid that the tone would be a little heavier, and the heat exhaled in his breath would pounce on Wei Zexuan's face. This man would probably be unable to bear it!

So she whispered, "You let me go first, let me go first..."

The woman's tenderness is most vividly displayed at this moment. Her softly whispered touch is more like a paw, gently whining Wei Zexuan's heart. How long it has been, Wei Zexuan has already been patient.

So, as soon as Xia Yuxi's words were spoken, the man's body was tense and he dragged the woiman in his arms upwards, and then he hugged her. He hurried upstairs in two steps and three steps.

Xia Yuxi exclaimed, "Wei Zexuan! What are you going to do?"

Wei Zexuan panted and ordered, "Hush, do you want to disturb everyone?" In this way, three threats, Xia Yuxi was helpless, directly lead into Wei Zexuan's room. She was slammed on the big bed, the softness of the bed made her not turn up at once, but... he's upto what?

God! Will this not come true! Xia Yuxi panicked. Although she is no longer young, and both are also in love with each other, but there are many things that block her. Xia Yuxi thinks the last thing is that since they are all going to get married, why can't they endure it again! Therefore, she can't be just like that.

In his body, Wei Zexuan was taking off his coat, and Xia Yuxi hurriedly took advantage of this gap to say, "You don't want to do this first, I want to talk to you."

"Talk back when you are done, you have the whole night."

Xia Yuxi: "..."

Can't be done! Wei Zexuan's eyes have turned red, making people feel like a wild beast, can she really stop it? What is the reason to stop him?

I don't know why, Xia Yuxi suddenly thought of the next room. That's Wei Zexuan's study. Isn't that drawer still holding a divorce agreement that he didn't take effect?

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi swallowed. She knew that talking about the divorce agreement at this time undoubtedly poured a pot of cold water on Wei Zexuan's head, but if she didn't say it, she would be finished?

Settling, Xia Yuxi closed hier eyes and said, "I can't be with you now, because I saw the divorce agreement between you and Liu Zhixan in your study that day. That problem has not been solved yet!"

She almost shouted, then leaned her head and closed her eyes with her eyes closed. In an instant, the room was very quiet, so quiet that people couldn't even breathe.

Xia Yuxi wanted to open her eyes to see Wei Zexuan's reaction, but she didn't dare...

This silence is about two minutes! Xia Yuxi only felt that there was light, and did the man really left, her heart sank. When it was over, she really came to the most embarrassing thing for two people in one sentence.

Will Wei Zexuan not be angry with this? Or his body will not be impotence directly! She began to regret a little...

On the bed, Wei Zexuan asked, "You saw that divorce agreement?"

Xia Yuxi then sat up on the bed and leaned back against his body. "Oh, I saw, but I saw the writing above was soaked in tears. Such a divorce agreement should not take effect!"

"Not effective." Wei Zexuan said indifferently, and then sat on the sofa beside him, lit a cigarette for himself. At this time, the man's upper body was still disheveled, with half of his chest exposed.

Xia Yuxi glanced at him cautiously, and then said, "Since the name is not clear and does not take effect, it means that you and Liu Zhixan are still not divorced now! You can't divorce her before..."

Going down, Xia Yuxi really can't say anything. She knows that she doesn't care about the things of his ex-wife, but she will feel awkward in her heart, and will feel that she has done something wrong to their marriage. So even though it was difficult to say, she said it with a daring tongue.

Wei Zexuan looked up at her, got up and went out without saying anything. Not long after, he came back again with the divorce agreement in his hand. He stood beside Xia Yuxi's bed and let her see it with her own eyes, tearing it apart the divorce agreement.

The man said, "This is just an invalid piece of paper, and the divorce agreement between me and her has already been signed separately, so your worries are unnecessary."

"Oh!" Xia Yuxi nodded, it turned out to be so! But there seems to be something wrong. She pointed to the paper that was torn in half on the ground and said, "Then why do you still keep this ineffective, is it..."

Before she finished speaking, she closed her mouth obediently. She wanted to say whether she had cried at the divorce agreement, so every time she saw this, she would miss her lost feelings.