
Chapter 147: Fang Jinghua treats guests

'Why would she hug her cousin here? Why did you deliberately avoid Liu Zhixan?' Xia Yuxi wanted to remind herself more, she patted her forehead vigorously, but she only remembered that she was hiding in the grass and just looked at the two people with nostalgia.

Looking up, Xia Yuxi stared blankly at Wei Zexuan, who was not far away. She believed and was convinced that the picture in her mind was real, because the scene was so similar, only the time and season were changed, as if it was re-presented now. Same.

Why? The stairs in the morning, now Pingdingshan. Why all the memories are of three people entangled together...

"Xiaoxi?" At this time, Wei Zexuan sat up and looked over here, just seeing Xia Yuxi staring at him in a daze, but her eyes were empty, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

This kind of gaze happened once in the morning. What happened to her sober?

Wei Zexuan got up and walked over there. He patted Xia Yuxi's shoulder and said, "What do you do on the cliff? The bottom is also very steep, is it dangerous."

Xia Yuxi nodded and stood up blankly, but after glancing at Wei Zexuan, she quickly evaded her face. She thought that she should find a time to see the doctor because she had a hunch that everything in the past would come back.


"Let's go, the wind on the top of the mountain is a bit strong, and I'm afraid I have a cold." Xia Yuxi said quickly.

Wei Zexuan raised his hand to test the sense of wind, not very strong. But he was just coming out with Xia Yuxi to relax, what she likes!

It took only half an hour to stay at the top of the mountain, and the two drove to the house. Xia Yuxi is always absent-minded, sometimes she's slow to respond her chats with Wei Zexuan, and sometimes she is in a state of being a stunned spirit.

Wei Zexuan didn't know what was to said next. Xia Yuxi suddenly turned her head, "Well?" She really did not hear, because all the thoughts in her mind were the most recent clips.

"Brother, are you out of work this afternoon? Accompany me home so early?"

Wei Zexuan was originally talking about the scenic area of ​​the nearby city. Suddenly asked by Xia Yuxi, he froze for a moment, and then the man smiled and said, "It's okay, I still have Han Ruowei there on what I can't do! You are more important."

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuxi shook her hand and said, "You don't need to accompany me, if you have anything, go back to the company first. I'm fine!"

"I really don't need you to accompany me. Do you have to stay with me like this all the time? Or do you plan to let Han Ruowei do two things alone, which is also very unfair to her."

What else can Wei Zexuan say? He nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay! I will send you home first, and then I will go to the company."

Xia Yuxi originally said that she could go back by car or ask the driver at home to pick her up, but Wei Zexuan insisted to drive her back.

The man drove her to the door of the villa before driving away. Xia Yuxi did not go back to the villa immediately after his car left, but stopped for a few minutes. She felt that she should still see a doctor and did not want to be accompanied by Wei Zexuan.

Originally, she did not rush to recall those memories, because now she is very happy. But the previous memories will make her mood fall into a depression in an instant. In the past two or three days, she has remembered more and more things. She can't be caught by these pictures every day. No, she want to forget, but everything makes her uneasy.

Those are not ordinary memories, she should find it back to reveal the mystery. Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi left the house again without any notice. She went out and stopped a taxi and went directly to the hospital.

In the doctor's office, Xia Yuxi was undergoing a physical examination by the doctor, but she didn't really tell the doctor what she recalled, because the pictures made her feel incredible, when she fell down the stairs, what and her cousin...

It is estimated that it is really necessary to say that the doctor will think that she is thinking about it. She only says that she remembers a little of the daily life in the past.

After the doctor's examination, Xia Yuxi took another picture of her head. The doctor holding the examination report said strangely, "It stands to reason that your memory should not be restored so quickly!"

Xia Yuxi frowned, leaning forward. "No! My cousin told me that my memory is only about a month, but it's been a long time..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that her situation was really not good. Wei Zexuan said that before to comfort her.

The doctor knew that he was wrong, and hid his head behind the report. Then he said, "No matter what, your situation is very good now. It seems that the family takes good care of you and prepares you carefully for the food. Well, if you look at it this way... you may really get your memory back soon."

Speaking of which, the doctor place the file in his hand on the desktop. "Congratulations, Xia Yuxi, if you can retrieve your memory in such a short time, I think I want to write you an academic papers in the future."

When Xia Yuxi heard the news, she swallowed with excitement, "Doctor, so I now remember what I remembered."

"Of course!" The doctor was full of affirmation. "It's difficult to recover all of this thing at once. It's a little bit of recovery. Maybe something inspired your memory, or you might think of it first. Those are more important to you. If you think about it all, it's not impossible, unless something is really important to you, so now you only have one opportunity, one that is very important to you."

Xia Yuxi opened her mouth slightly, but couldn't say a word. Of course, she was happy that she was replying slowly, which shows that the past injuries have gradually disappeared, and her body has become better, but in the end, she resisted something that came to mind.

It seems that apart from pain is sadness. If those things are very important to her, are the 20 years before her memory loss really so happy as she is now? She felt that people with that kind of memory would not be happy.

At the end, Xia Yuxi stood up and thanked him quietly, and then collected the examination report before saying to the doctor, "Please don't tell Wei Zexuan that I came today to do an examination? You also said that I'm getting better. I think of surprise him."

The doctor readily agreed, and Xia Yuxi left the hospital with peace of mind. But today's trip made her think more clearly. On the way back, she kept thinking about the clips that once seemed to be able to channel together, and it was very chaotic for a time.

If she was really pushed down the stairs by Liu Zhixan, then the reason why Wei Zexuan divorced her was because of her? Why did Liu Zhixan push her down? Would she have fallen in love with her cousin before she lost her memory? Only this is the most reasonable, but why feel so miserable?

Xia Yuxi shook her head while sitting in the car. There was another confusion in her mind, and she gradually felt pain. She suddenly remembered that when the doctor sent her out, she reminded herself not to overuse her brain. It is better to eat some food that nourishes the brain.

So Xia Yuxi asked the driver to stop at the entrance of a supermarket near her home. She planned to buy something for herself before going back and walked by to relax her nervousness.

This supermarket is not big, it seems to have been revised before, because the signboard on the second floor seems to have been added later.

After entering the door, Xia Yuxi went straight to the tonic counter, turning over some walnuts and dried fruits. At this time, someone pushed the door and walked in, speaking loudly, so it was particularly awkward on the first floor where there was not many people.

"Oh! I'll say you can! You see what you gain today is really enviable to me. If I have the skill like you, I really don't do it without giving me a lot. I don't have to rely on men to raise them." a woman flattered.

Xia Yuxi stood at the back of the shelf and tilted her head, but didn't see what the people coming in looked like.

As a result, another person spoke, "You are the one who can give me this way, so today I invite you, so just buy it!"

It seems something is wrong? Xia Yuxi couldn't say it, and felt that the voice was very familiar. She threw away her hand, walked out of the counter, and said in surprise, "Mom! Why are you here this time?"

Xia Yuxi and Fang Jinghua were all surprised when they collided. The woman who just played mahjong with Fang Jinghua, looked at this and that, and then whispered, "This is your daughter? Wei Zexuan's..."

Fang Jinghua hurriedly grabbed her friend's hand, "You don't talk first, pick something first."

After looking suspiciously at the mother and daughter, the woman turned and walked to the counter where the most expensive items were placed. After a long cry in Fang Jinghua's heart, fortunately she didn't say Xiaoxi's identity, otherwise it would really add to the chaos.

She hurried over and asked, "Xiaoxi, why are you here?"

Xia Yuxi's heartless city pointed to the counter in front of her, "I'll buy some snacks. Mom, what about you? Shouldn't you be in a flower class this time? Why are you here?"

Fang Jinghua rolled her eyes, "Oh.." she said after a long pull, "Just finished, and walked back with a classmate."

"So what did she just say? I heard it, I couldn't understand it!"

Fang Jinghua was most worried about the words that Xia Yuxi heard when her friend entered the door. It turned out to be the case. She turned her head around and thought, "Hey! You also listen to her exaggerated. Today, mother was in the flower class. The teachers praised them, and they all said that I can now open a flower shop to make money on my own, as if this art was born." After talking, Fang Jinghua smiled awkwardly.

Seeing her daughter nodding her head in a daze, she hurriedly interrupted and said, "Just, I'm going to treat you today. Daughter, you must pick something up! Mom will pay for your accounts together later."

Xia Yuxi sucked her lips in surprise, "Mom, when and why are you so rich?"

Fang Jinghua subconsciously touched her bulging wallet, not mentioning what it was like, but she smiled and said, "Mom, what an old lady has money, is Wei Zexuan. He gave his card to mother before."

Did Wei Zexuan give his mother money? Although there is nothing to give to her aunt, Xia Yuxi always feels a little awkward. The man is really attentive. Compared with herself, this daughter is really useless.

At a young age, she does not work at home, and must be raised by his cousin when she eats and drinks.

Xia Yuxi narrowed her mouth and said, "Mom, you still have to take it easy. When my model starts working, I will give you the pocket money. My cousin is good. Should we converge?"


On this day, the mother and daughter returned to the villa together to surprise Sister Joe.

And these two people are a bit strange. When Xia Yuxi came back, she took a bunch of snacks to the room and ate, saying she wanted to make up for herself.

And Fang Jinghua smiled from the corner of the door after entering the door, and today's words seem super much.

Sister Joe was washing clothes in the utility room on the first floor. Fang Jinghua changed clothes and came over, leaning against the door. "Joe, I just went to the supermarket with Xiaoxi and brought you something."

She said nothing and put a packaging bag on the water table beside Sister Joe. Then leaned against the door again, looking somewhat proud. Fang Jinghua gave something, this was the first time since she lived here.

Sister Joe shook the water stain on her hand with some surprise, and then opened the bag to see.

"God!" Sister Joe whispered, and then quickly opened the package to turn the contents out, "Old lady, are you giving me this?"

The thing that was pulled out was a newest neck massager. This was something that Sister Joe hadn't been able to buy after watching it for several months.

In her astonishment, Fang Jinghua felt that she was in a particularly good mood, and she said indifferently, "Oh! It's just a gift to you, it's just a gift. The two children at home can't talk to me. You are with me every day, and I should give you something in return."

Sister Joe looked over gratefully, "Old lady, you really bought my heart. I have a sore shoulder recently. I was thinking about buying this with my one month's salary!"

Fang Jinghua shook her hand and smiled without speaking. Sister Qiao liked it very much, and she refused to put it down in her hands repeatedly, but after a minute or two, she suddenly looked up and asked, "Old lady, where did you get so much money?"

Fang Jinghua naturally dealt with it, she said indifferently, "Is it strange that I have money? Anyway, my daughter is Xia Yuxi, and my son-in-law is Wei Zexuan!"

Sister Joe gave her a suspicious look and whispered in her mouth, "Aren't you going gambling again?"

"Pooh!" Fang Jinghua changed her face in an instant and spit on the ground. "Don't talk nonsense. If this is heard by Wei Zexuan and my daughter, I don't know what it is like to make trouble at home. I can understand it. Do I have the money to go gambling? Too lazy to care about you!" After all, she shook her hand and left.