
Chapter 146: I am not happy in my memory

As expected by Wei Zexuan, two hours after he was separated from Xia Yuxi, he received the Yin Group's document on the decision to withdraw. At the company, Xia Yuxi made a contribution and helped Han Ruowei out of the predicament. Yuxi bowed her head to find Yin Mojun. In any case, this girl wants to be reward.

According to Wei Zexuan's meaning, it's just to reward some expensive things. She likes to buy them whenever she likes, but Xia Yuxi said that when Wei Zexuan's money is too much to see, it is cheap, but she doesn't want to splurge so much. So she let the man take herself around and go out for a day, because the most valuable thing is Wei Zexuan's time.

The two met at the company and planned to have a simple lunch before walking out to relax.

Xia Yuxi left Yin Mojun and went straight to the Wei Group. It is said that Wei Zexuan was still in the conference room when she arrived. She sat in the office boringly, and the busy assistants and secretaries were walking in and out.

Sometimes someone said hello to her, but it seemed that there was no time for even chatting. Xia Yuxi was a little flustered while sitting on the sofa. Or walk around! Or go downstairs to see Han Ruowei, and ask her what she and Yin Mojun are thinking about.

In such a large company, Xia Yuxi was afraid that only she could catch her. Thinking of this, she walked out of Wei Zexuan's office and walked towards the elevator. Wei Zexuan's elevator is private, so basically there are no people over there. Xia Yuxi suddenly found that there is a "patio" staircase not far from this floor in addition to the elevator.

She thought, in fact, there is no need to take the elevator upstairs or downstairs, it is also very convenient to go upstairs! The stairs of the Wei Group are very luxuriously decorated. The seemingly natural marble floors, gold-plated handrails, designed as children's rotating slides, extend downward indefinitely. Looking down from the top floor, you will It feels atmospheric and very ornamental.

Xia Yuxi rubbed the metal armrest with her small hand and sighed. When she went out today, she wore more formal shoes, medium high heels, and a small suit. Because she was going to Yin Mojun's company, she was not too casual. This marble floor should have been wiped by someone just in the morning, glowing, slippery, plus no one usually walks well, as if there is still a layer of wax on it.

This made Xia Yuxi nervously grabbed the handrail and walked slowly downstairs. Suddenly, she still slipped unguarded. All of a sudden, she felt numb all over her body, so nervous that she hugged the armrests with both hands, and the woman kneeled on the stairs.

"Oh my god! It's really slippery!" Xia Yuxi's heart began to pulsate, and she said that if she hadn't grasped it she wouldn't fell like this, didn't know what it would like if she fell from the spiral staircase. Thinking so, she choked and Xia Yuxi felt dizziness again. Here...

She held her forehead tightly and closed her eyes. The scene where Liu Zhixan pushed her downstairs flashed through her mind. Same staircase design, same scene. Compared with the last picture in her head, this time it was much clearer, it was Liu Zhixan who pushed her, yes!

When Xia Yuxi opened her eyes, thin sweat beads appeared on her back. A person who has no memory is afraid, what will she feel like then? Looking down, she looked at her own flat belly. Was there a child here?

"Do not!" Xia Yuxi couldn't believe the unreliable picture in her mind, how could she have children? I don't even have a boyfriend. Then, she remembered the doctor's words: "You? How could you be a virgin?"

Between this and the truth, Xia Yuxi couldn't tell clearly. She was sitting on the stairs and patting her forehead. She wanted to get the matter through. She hadn't recalled the past things once, but what were these things? Contact? What is the relationship between her and Liu Zhixan?

The more she wanted to think, her head hurts. The more Xia Yuxi held her head tightly with both hands, there was a pain.

"Miss Xia? Is that you?" Behind her, someone called her name, but Xia Yuxi did not hear it until the man came over and patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Xia, you are here, President Wei's meeting has just ended, and I am looking for you now."

Xia Yuxi turned back suddenly, her pale face scared the secretary.

"You! What's the matter with you?" The secretary hurriedly lifted Xia Yuxi from the ground and checked around her. "Did you fall down! Is there any discomfort?"

Xia Yuxi shook her head blankly, "I'm fine." Before those things have been found, Xia Yuxi does not want to say it, because the memory in her mind is not good, and it is completely different from the happiness in front of her. She followed the secretary with a pale face and returned to the office.

Wei Zexuan just ended an important meeting at this moment, and sorted out the meeting stuff at the desk. Xia Yuxi glanced at the door when he entered, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." She said with a strong spirit, "I just feel bored and walk around."

Wei Zexuan didn't think much either, when he got up, he placed his hands on the table, "No, I promised you to go out today, and I don't think you look good, maybe the company's atmosphere is too depressed now."

He took his coat while he was speaking, and quickly walked towards Xia Yuxi's side. As the man approached, the man wanted to wrap her shoulders naturally, but Xia Yuxi's instinctive shoulders shook.

"Why?" Wei Zexuan tilted his head and looked at her. She didn't look good, but she was shocked by something. Since she lied, there must be a reason why she didn't want to say. Wei Zexuan didn't ask her.

Two people had dinner, it was still early, Xia Yuxi said that she did not want to go to a shopping mall with many people, but wanted to go to a chic and fresh place. This suggestion stump Wei Zexuan.

This is a first-tier city in China. The Fifth Ring Road is prosperous. There is no time to go to the scenic spots outside. Even if you are looking for a park nearby, there are not many people who are afraid of this time.

He suddenly thought of a place and suggested to her, "There is my alma mater, otherwise I will take you there!"

The local finance university is a key university in China, and it is also famous for its campus construction. It's just that the school entrance of Caida University is not easy to enter, unless there are people who are familiar with the school, this suggestion makes Xia Yuxi shine, "Okay! I heard that your school's greenfield is very good, and there are scenic spots around it."

Scenic area... Wei Zexuan couldn't help but think of Pingdingshan near the school. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Go, take you to see."

Wei Zexuan is the best among the graduates of the University of Finance, and because he later took over the family business and funded the school to rebuild the teaching building, so here, no one does not know him, he returns to his alma mater, and does not need any formalities. .

In this way, no one took Xia Yuxi into the school gate, and the door looked like a paradise.

In the middle of the bustling city, the university campus is like a piece of pure land. When two people arrive, there are not many people walking on the campus. It is estimated that most people have classes at this time, as if the scenery along this road is specially prepared for them.

Xia Yuxi walked on the tree-lined path on the campus, and finally felt a little relieved. She didn't remember what school she graduated from, and she didn't know if her school had the same beautiful scenery as here. When you come to school, you will inevitably have more fantasies.

Xia Yuxi suddenly turned around and asked him, "When I was in college, I had to talk about a relationship before I was considered complete. What about you?"

Wei Zexuan looked away and looked at the windows of the school building glowing under the sun in the distance. He just said lightly, "Yeah, it's all the same."

"Is there love?" Xia Yuxi couldn't imagine what a serious and rigid man was like when he was young, so curiosity was particularly important.

Seeing Wei Zexuan nodded, she shoved Wei Zexuan a bit, "Yo, I didn't expect that I thought you had to be the kind of rich second generation who was very closely guarded by your family. There is such a history! Tell me, what does that person look like?"

What did Wei Zexuan say? That used to be the best memory for her, but now she only feels regret. Liu Zhixan is probably the only person in his life who looked away.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xia Yuxi pulled his arm back and forth, "Tell me! I want to hear, you can rest assured, I won't put it in my heart when I heard it."

"Anyway, there was such a person who made me feel that year." He threw out a vague sentence, and then looked away. Xia Yuxi leaned over to look at his face, much worse than before.

She thought that that relationship should go away without joy! But no matter what, it was Wei Zexuan's youth. If she changed herself, she would only readily accept the past and fate.

"Is it beautiful?"

Wei Zexuan pursed his lower lip.

"What do you like about her?"

"Temperament." Xia Yuxi looked down at her dress and found that in terms of temperament, she seemed to be doing well today, "What else?"

Wei Zexuan stopped talking. It's too embarrassing to talk about this. Wei Zexuan has never been a stingy person. What is going on today?

Seeing that Xia Yuxi was hanging beside him, she couldn't hear the romantic story from his mouth, and looked around. She saw a place like a mountain hidden by a thick wood.

There are mountains in this city, she didn't even know! Xia Yuxi asked with one finger pointing, "Where is that direction?"

Wei Zexuan looked away, his face sinking suddenly, it was Pingdingshan, behind the school. It was also where he and Liu Zhixan secretly dated.

Teachers and students are together, that is all he loves, from the beginning was disgraceful, as if the relationship between him and Liu Zhixan was destined from scratch. On the other hand, Xia Yuxi saw it at a glance.

Wei Zexuan felt annoyed and took the woman's arm. "Do you know what our school is most famous for besides campus construction?"

Xia Yuxi froze when he turned around, and then listened to Wei Zexuan said to her, "Canteen. The canteen of our school is also very famous throughout the country."

But Xia Yuxi didn't want to go to any cafeteria. She didn't talk about it just after eating, and she was not a foodie.

"Eh!" Seeing Wei Zexuan dragging her away, Xia Yuxi threw her hand away in a hurry, "I don't want to go there, I just want to see the beautiful scenery, go to the mountain over there!"

Wei Zexuan said to himself in his heart, 'The story with Liu Zhixan has passed, and it is no problem to go. He just didn't want to think about what he was, or what he once was.'

Turning his head, he glanced at the smiling Xia Yuxi under the sun. Wei Zexuan was thinking, 'Now is the best time. If she can continue to be so happy, Wei Zexuan hopes that she will never find her memory again.'

On the flat-top mountain not far from the school, it is a lush and good season. Wei Zexuan has never been here at this time. Obviously his previous love is not suitable. Now it is time for most people to have lessons, so there are not many people on the top of the mountain. You will encounter one or two small couples in the dense areas of the jungle.

Once again encountering such a scene, Wei Zexuan already calmly said "Sorry for disturbing", and then he can naturally hold Xia Yuxi's hand so that he does not shy away from his feelings. It feels good, like walking in the sun and illuminating the whole heart.

He found a flat grass, then took off his coat and threw it on the ground, let Xia Yuxi sit on it. Then Wei Zexuan's relaxed hands gathered her head and waded beside him.

"The summer here is really good. We will come here often in the future!" Wei Zexuan suggested.

Xia Yuxi nodded in agreement. She was still looking around at her environment. She was at a cliff. Although this flat-topped mountain is not high, it is rare to find this feeling in the city. If you watch the sunrise meeting here how about it? Will it be beautiful?

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi stood up and walked towards the cliff, behind which Wei Zexuan reminded her to be careful, she just shook her hand suspectedly. As she approached the edge of the cliff, she felt that the space around her was magnifying infinitely. Xia Yuxi felt as if she was as light as a bird that takes off. This feels great.

Turning her head, Xia Yuxi shouted to Wei Zexuan, "Tomorrow, tomorrow.. morning, shall we come to see the sunrise?"

At the coincidence, a ray of sunlight passed through her cheeks, and Xia Yuxi raised her hand subconsciously, covering her eyes. The light in front of her turned a circle of white light, and she narrowed her eyes to see Wei Zexuan in the distance...

"Pounding!" Xia Yuxi felt her heart suddenly jump twice, and then there was another snowflake in her mind. She squatted subconsciously, holding onto the ground, and the memories in her mind flashed like a cloud, 'She saw the same flat-topped mountain, but the plants were withered and the night wind was slowly.'

She saw Wei Zexuan also lying there, her face full of intoxication. She saw two intimate hugs together, and Liu Zhixan... Although the picture this time is still not very coherent, it is extremely clear in two or three minutes.