
Chapter 145: Xia Yuxi Persuades

Mrs. Fang drove the car and looked at Fang Jinghua in the rearview mirror, then smiled and said, "That's not easy? Isn't it just a line to find something to do? Such a small thing is really not worth it with Wei. Always talk, so! If you help me, I will help you, your relatives will be covered by me!"

Fang Jinghua's heart fluctuated a little, and she moved forward because she couldn't hold back her excitement. This is her purpose in the past few days, to find a way out for herself in the future. What kind of relatives?

She is looking for anyone who is a relative, and she can earn a little money for her pension by using her name. This is her real purpose. So, Fang Jinghua began to shake again.

She should not be considered a gambler. In fact, she is helping others, and Mrs. Fang's family said that she lost her responsibility and won half a cent if she won. There is no risk!

Thinking about it this way, the wife of the engineer who was sitting next to her also persuaded, "This condition is too good! I really can't envy it. If I have played mahjong, I don't think it's going to be this family anymore. Say what Jinghua are you thinking about, if I were you, I would have been happy to agree."

Right! Normal people's thinking, this is a good thing, why doesn't she agree? But now Fang Jinghua is cautious and careful. She always worries that she doesn't seem to be thoughtful anymore and then makes a mistake in front of Wei Zexuan.

When returning home, Yingmen was seeing Xia Yuxi happily coming out of Wei Zexuan's room, and Fang Jinghua was trembling in heart, Fang Jinghua wanted to turn and hide.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuxi saw with sharp eyes, "Mom, did you go to the flower class today?"

Fang Jinghua turned around slowly said in her mind, but she braced her spirit and smiled with her daughter, "Yeah yeah, the first day today passed, learned. Those of that you don't understand, now my brain is dizzy."

During the talk, Xia Yuxi was near. Her little hand hooked her mother's arm and tilted her head, saying, "What did you learn? Is it interesting? Today I asked Sister Joe to order some flowers for you, which will probably be delivered tomorrow, so you You can actually do it at home while studying, and I can follow you by the way!"

The daughter's words made Fang Jinghua's heart beating up and down. On the one hand, she began to hesitate, on the other hand, Xia Yuxi asked, she could not answer.

So Fang Jinghua turned to the topic and asked, "It's you, how can you look so happy today, what good things?"

Xia Yuxi smiled and raised her eyes upwards, "Oh. That's a bit..."

"What's the matter!"

Xia Yuxi pursed her lips and laughed. She leaned over and pressed her mother's ear and whispered, "Mom, I'm in love with my cousin."

"This!" Fang Jinghua smiled faintly, not much surprised.

Instead, her expression made Xia Yuxi somewhat puzzled, "Mom, aren't you surprised? Don't you scold me?"

"Why should I scold you? There is nothing wrong with your cousin."

Xia Yuxi felt right, but she didn't expect her mother to be more open than herself, or was she not thinking enough? "But, cousin has been married and had children, do you think it's okay?"

Fang Jinghua shrugged and said, "No matter what kind of generation it is now, it is not a problem for men to have a little history! And don't they all say that mature men only know how to love women?"

Wow! Xia Yuxi really wants to reassess the mother in front of her. She actually understands better than she thought. However, she thought about leaning over again, "Mom, cousin just said to marry me."

Fang Jinghua looked at such a careful daughter's heart and hummed, still married? How many years have passed since I don't know what they are doing now.

Is Xiaoxi happy for this? Although she has lost her memory, she looks exactly the same as she did when she was a child, and she likes Wei Zexuan very much!

"Okay, you two are good, you are not afraid to fall in love, marriage is better, as long as my daughter likes it." Fang Jinghua said, patting Xia Yuxi's shoulder, "Then I am happy for you! Mom is tired today. After a day, it was time to go upstairs to rest."

Fang Jinghua returned to her room, her face sadden suddenly. Of course she doesn't care about Xia Yuxi's things now. She has to take care of herself before she can control her daughter! So is that gamble going?

Fang Jinghua, who was sitting on the bed, thought about the pros and cons carefully. In the end, she found that there was no harm at all. Except for going out to play cards and hiding things from the family, the rest were all good for her.

And Fang Jinghua started lobbying herself in her heart: As long as you help her, you can find yourself a real career to do, but there is no capital for what you do now! Where does she have the money to gamble, so she still has to count on playing cards to win some money before she can operate it!

Besides, Xiaoxi also said that she was going to marry Wei Zexuan or something. It is estimated that the two people would toss about a big event. At that time, Fang Jinghua, as the only relative of that woman, had to at least get two decent things to support the face. What is she giving Xia Yuxi now? Where can she get money?

So before the third reason to persuade her to find out, she had compromised. Fang Jinghua made a decisive call to Mrs. Fang's family, saying that she had time recently.

Early the next morning, Xia Yuxi came out of the room holding NianNian. Because she and Wei Zexuan had something to do today, she had to deal with the children's affairs first.

"Sister Joe, don't do those things in the kitchen, come and help me."

Sister Joe shouted in the small kitchen, "Xiaoxi, you wait! My hand is occupied! I will be here soon."

In three minutes, Xia Yuxi couldn't wait any longer, because Wei Zexuan said they would arrive at the company before 8 o'clock. So when Sister Joe ran over, she couldn't help but blame, "You're so slow, I'm too late. They all said that you should ask my mother for help."

Sister Joe mumbled, "The key is your mother is not here! She went out early in the morning."

"Yep?" Xia Yuxi raised her eyebrows tightly, "why did my mom go out so early?"

Sister Joe replied intactly according to Fang Jinghua's words, "It is said that the people in their floral class will go to the Botanical Garden this morning and start learning from the knowledge of plants, but they will not leave early!"

Although it was a bit unexpected, the reason was reasonable, so Xia Yuxi said nothing, and she didn't have time to think more.

After finishing things for NianNian's school, Xia Yuxi followed Wei Zexuan to the company. For Han Ruowei's case, Wei Zexuan told her about the ins and outs of the matters along the way, but said very lightly, "Remember, only playing emotional cards with Yin Mojun, let him temporarily put down Han Ruowei's affairs to continue the contract, as for their feelings, you still don't have to ask."

In this way, Xia Yuxi was sent directly to Yin Mojun. When Xia Yuxi arrived, Yin Mojun was sitting at his desk with a black face. He had been looking at her with a smile on his face all day, and she could see it because of Han Ruowei's affairs, this man was really upset.

"Xiaoxi! You are here."

Xia Yuxi knew the situation at this time, but it was still as usual on the surface, "You saw me not as enthusiastic as last time, don't you need my help to sign?"

Need, and need very much. Since there was a dispute with Han Ruowei before, this man pressed down on many documents, but at this time he had no way to find someone in the end, and it happened that Xia Yuxi was sent his door.

Seeing this woman who could save himself, Yin Mojun finally had some smile on his face. He came over and pulled Xia Yuxi's arm toward the desk, and then complained: "Eh! At the critical moment, help me, Xiaoxi!"

Xia Yuxi naturally had nothing to be hypocritical. After she sat down, she quickly signed the name of Yin Mojun with her pen on top, and the points file came down, and the two people's mouth naturally opened.

Yin Mojun sat opposite her and pushed a cup of fruit tea over, "Xiaoxi, I didn't guess you rushed over so early. If it wasn't just for passing by when I was working!"

Xia Yuxi glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, then smiled lightly, "Well, I don't want to go around with you, Wei Zexuan let me come."

In fact, as soon as she entered the door, Yin Mojun had already guessed, but because this person was Xiaoxi, he refused directly without having the heart.

Xia Yuxi saw his face darken, and then continued, "Then I came because I know everything? So I help you with your work. You tell me what you think, in fact, Wei Zexuan's mission is..., you know that I am also a good friend."

Yin Mo didn't speak, and squeezed his chin as he leaned back.

"Say!" Xia Yuxi stopped her pen and urged.

Yin Mojun was forced to ask, but he threw out a cold word, "I have made up my mind and I don't want to be related to Wei's side anymore. This time I admitted."

"Cut!" Xia Yuxi sneered with a laugh, "I heard that you have more than 100 million cooperation, you also don't recognize it?"

Yin Mojun has always been a small calculation, that is, he is very concerned about the interests of business. When it comes to money, it is a bit unnatural for him to move his body, but he still has a hard time, "Money does not matter."

Xia Yuxi nodded, but with a disdain on her face, "I know, you have a lot of money, maybe worth the same as Wei Zexuan, but I don't think it's a matter of money."

Yin Mojun did not speak, just listened so quietly.

Xia Yuxi thought for a moment and said, "In fact, you don't suffer from feelings! You are a man, Han Ruowei was a girl. When the two are separated, everyone knows that it is all women who lose, but if you react so strongly, it makes you feel a bit like me. President Yin is angry."

Hearing this, Yin Mojun raised his eyebrows, "Xiaoxi, you don't need to talk to me now. Didn't the guy Wei Zexuan teach you to say this? You can't say that at all!"

Xia Yuxi took a pen on his desk and took a closer look at him. "Why can't I talk like this? Or I didn't talk like that before, so what am I supposed to be like before amnesia?"

Before the amnesia, everyone was silent about her, of course, Yin Mojun was also included in the middle. After being asked this way, Yin Mojun could only stop, and continued to look at the scenery outside the window with a face, without answering.

Xia Yuxi brought up her pen again, and began to say seriously, "You are my friend. I came to see you today. Naturally, I came to persuade you as your friend. Although I support you to marry Han Ruowei, my feelings and work can't be confused. I know the truth, don't you know that you've been a boss for so long?"

Yin Mojun certainly knew that, but he didn't know how to face it. When his feelings were regarded as children's plays by Han Ruowei, he felt that even if he now has so many assets, he is also a failed man.

In Han Ruowei's eyes, or Wei Zexuan's eyes, he didn't deserve to marry the woman from that house. Who can say that there is no Wei Zexuan behind this? Yin Mojun naturally stopped the business.

But Xia Yuxi said the same thing, and the man began to be melancholy again.

"I don't care anymore, how come now."

Xia Yuxi hummed at his obstinate words, "Of course you don't care anymore. It's a pleasure to spend money, but you will regret it one day sooner or later. Do you think you lost this 100 million business? You actually lost Wei Zexuan's contacts. And... I'm not exaggerating to say that if you do things like this, do you still want to be good with Han Ruowei in the future? She is now punished by her cousin and many jobs has been taken away from her. I guess that she hates you now. You are dead."

Mentioning Han Ruowei, Yin Mojun turned nervously and asked, "His brother really punished her?"

"That's fake? Do you think Wei Zexuan can't do this? How many shareholders are watching there, even if he's a boss, he doesn't dare to treat his cousin's favors with you! You are you.. This time you are angry but you really give Han Ruowei a thought."

Yin Mojun's heart began to hesitate, or Xia Yuxi was right, the money is not really important now, the important thing is that she and Han Ruowei have no future.

Thinking about this, he glanced at the signature of Xia Yuxi for a few moments, then asked in a calm voice, "Have you seen Han Ruowei? What is her attitude towards me?"

Xia Yuxi raised her head and pestered her chin with a pen and said, "I haven't seen her yet but I know what type of character Han Ruowei is. She's a woman who is proud of her bones, but to be honest, is a very proud woman. Man, if she can be with you, I believe she is serious."


Xia Yuxi suddenly remembered that Wei Zexuan confessed that she shouldn't touch the relationship between them, and then she heard that there were other hidden reasons behind it, so this woman immediately changed her speech, "I don't know, I don't know! You are so close to her. You don't know your woman, why ask me?"