
Chapter 139: Go Aside, Fortune Fans!

At first it was said that she was the elder of Wei Zexuan, the trace on her face suddenly disappeared, but it was alright to take the bus... Don't people think that she became the nanny of the Wei family.

Fang Jinghua thought and smiled, "It's not good to ride in a car everyday, so I walked out by myself. By the way, where are you going?"

The woman leaned on her side answered, "Me! I ran out of my house to play poker card. Old people are getting bored, play to pass the time, so I gather together a few rich wives nearby.


Fang Jinghua sighed and turned around. During gambling, she heard about it. She knew in her heart that this kind of thing would never be touched in the future, so she didn't listen to it.

The self-acquainted woman didn't even notice Fang Jinghua's resistance, and she kept talking about it, "Actually, it's not fun to play poker card. I don't always go. I'm thinking of my little friends. Do you know? The wives who played poker cards with me are big faces in the city. Although they are not as rich as your Wei family, those people have helped me a lot?"

Hearing this, Fang Jinghua raised her eyebrows.

"A few days ago, the business turnover of my family couldn't be save. I was really anxious so I talked to them at the poker table. I said that the rich are the rich. I am grateful for a project, but everyone feels that the project is simply unsightly."

Fang Jinghua turned away after her words. It is true that those who are rich nowadays are not as good as those who have connections. Even if you can't fly high in any circle, you can at least get a slice of the cake.

In contrast, the person who walked out of the Wei family was too arrogant. Can Wei Zexuan count on them a lifetime? It must been seem that only Xiaoxi's temper can swallow everything.

This is not memory recovery! If one day, really reminds the girl what happened before, Xia Yuxi's character will definitely bite her teeth and be died, then Fang Jinghua will cry.

How peaceful is this day? It's not a matter of seeing Wei Zexuan under the fence. No, hanging from a tree is realy a long-term term. Thinking about this, Fang Jinghua asked pretendingly, "It's just friends who plays a poker card, can they really help?"

"Of course!" The woman said confidently when she patted her chest. "This is not the first time for me. Before... Hey, I didn't say it before." The less she said, the more she let Fang Jinghua fell trap in her heart.

In the distance, the bus drove in slowly, and the woman greeted her as soon as she saw that she was going to do it, "Old lady, then I'm going first. If you're fine, you should be with us. Let's play together!"

"No.. no.." Fang Jinghua instinctively refused, because of those two times of her gambling incident, she was still a bit scared.

The woman didn't persuade anymore, but just said before she stepped on the bus, "Yes, you can't look down on our poker cards games. We all win or lose, and we don't play with money."

As soon as the bus door was closed, Fang Jinghua regretted it. The difference between gambling entertainment is money. It is a mistake to use money as a bargaining chip. If it is poker card, it is not entertainment. If this kind of entertainment is not all about money, then it really makes sense. Damn! She really should have inquired more about it just now. Was she bored now?

After coming back from outside, Fang Jinghua entered the door and saw that the "family of three" was having fun in the living room. She was in a bad mood, but she couldn't lose her temper and went straight back to her room upstairs.

When the door closed, Xia Yuxi threw a stuffed toy in her hand on the carpet, and then slowly looked back. She is not without a mother in her heart, but the mother-daughter's sentiment because the things from the past few days are indeed a little rusty.

When she remembered, she didn't know what kind of feeling she should be for Jinghua. But now everything is brand new, mother or cousin, everyone around her is on the same starting line. Therefore, in comparison, Xia Yuxi felt that her mother was sometimes nowhere near Wei Zexuan.

"What are you thinking?" Wei Zexuan asked her.

Xia Yuxi sorted out her mood and smiled lightly, "Nothing, what did my mother do at home these days?"

Wei Zexuan glanced at her, thinking that Xia Yuxi was worried that Fang Jinghua ran out to gambling again, so he explained, "She stayed at home these days, maybe she was relieved to watch you come back. She didn't went out and relaxed at home. Nothing interesting, she just watch TV and buy things, and I'm thankful to Sister Joe."

"She didn't miss me?"

Wei Zexuan: "..." For a long time the man smiled. "She understands your character and believes in me. What's so worried about." Wei Zexuan's words gave Xia Yuxi some comfort. Even her cousin said so. It might be that she really thought too much.

Xia Yuxi, who was relieved, began to laugh silly. She asked, "Huh? We grew up together since childhood. Did you really have no conflicts with me once? It seems like you will always let me look like that, but why don't I believe him? Just your President Wei's temper..."

Originally, Xia Yuxi was to joke with him, but Wei Zexuan's expression froze. "No, you are my most precious."

Xia Yuxi blurred a bit, but when she looked at his expression, she knew that sweetness was in his heart. This is to ignore Wei Zexuan.

"My father, my auntie are the most precious, what about me?"


Wei Zexuan opened his lips and said awkwardly, "Tied for first, there are only two of you in this world."

They seemingly harmonious at firsts, but they could not be merged together, either Xia Yuxi, or the child and Liu Zhiyan.

After a few days of trouble, Wei Zexuan didn't say anything, but he felt that he owed Xia Yuxi. He thought how to make her good compensation, and he casually suggested, "Xiaoxi, I will miss you at work tomorrow, you. Do you want to follow me to the company?"

Xia Yuxi looked at him in surprise, "Why am I going?"

"Let's me take a look at cousin's company. It's no fun staying at home alone. If I finish my work early, the three of us will go out together and have a meal!"

Xia Yuxi tilted her head and asked in disgust, "Why? Date?"

Wei Zexuan coughed and looked down at his son subconsciously, "Don't talk nonsense, we will go to work together tomorrow morning."

Xia Yuxi, although the identity of Mrs. Wei's president for many years, the company is very strange to her. She lives like an invisible person, and even Wei Zexuan rarely mentions her in front of others.

Counting down the most famous period of the time, it was because Liu Zhiyan was having fun, and when their marriage broke down, this woman really came to the surface, but it was only a flash in the pan. Therefore, almost no one knew in the company, Wei Zexuan kept her safely.

In the morning, when Wei Zexuan took his child and walked into the company with Xia Yuxi, several senior management and personal assistants who were at the door were stunned, but those who could follow Wei Zexuan were smart people. In an unknown situation, no one dared to ask about his wife.

Xia Yuxi walked back on high heels and watched a group of people in front of her staring at Wei Zexuan, not knowing what to say in the middle, and no one could care for her anyway, and she began to look left and right.

She knew that Wei Zexuan had done a great deal of business and was very famous in this city, but she was still shocked of what she saw her today.

This Wei's hall, like a huge deep well, is a seemingly infinite circular staircase upward, and the skylight on the top floor illuminates the lobby, making people feel very majestic.

This design is obviously unreasonable, but it actually exists, so it is inevitable that people will admire the designer.

The people of Wei's company have standard dress and brand-name wear. Even the hairstyles and shoes are very suitable. Xia Yuxi remembered a news where she saw it. The above said, 'Weis, an international group. For employees, there are regular image courses, which shows the scale and quality of personnel... So, what kind of prominence did she rely on?

But Wei Zexuan in Xia Yuxi's heart is just a good brother, just a good boyfriend. To put it bluntly, such a super-high-gold President Wei, have also personally bathe his son and wipe his butt?

"Poof." Xia Yuxi laughed out from the back.

Wei Zexuan raised his hand and stopped the assistant. When he turned back, he pulled Xia Yuxi to his side. "What are you laughing? What did you see?"

When everyone's eyes fell on Xia Yuxi's face, she bowed her head, "Nothing."

Wei Zexuan nodded, patted her little hand, and then grabbed her hand so brazenly inbhis hand. Xia Yuxi struggled a little because he held Niannian in one hand, which was too shocking. But Wei Zexuan tighten his hands, saying that he did not mean to let go.

This... This will not work! In any case, in the eyes of company's employees, they are brothers and sisters! Doesn't he consider his face?

Xia Yuxi's face blushed suddenly at her thoughts. When she looked up at Wei Zexuan again, the eyes of the two intertwined. He was laughing, very indifferently.

Xia Yuxi opened her lips and said nothing, but she was already shouting, 'God! This guy is not planning to openly love in his relationship!' No way! This is too fast, and I can't accept it at all.

Xia Yuxi was dragged into the presidential elevator in this way. Before the elevator door closed, the assistant stood outside the door and said the last sentence, "Mr. Wei and Vice President Han returned to China in the middle of the night yesterday and came to the company today. This time, she will make a summary with you alone in the afternoon."

Wei Zexuan nodded, and the elevator door closed.

In the space of only three people, Xia Yuxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Wei Zexuan had just placed the NianNian on the ground, she hurriedly asked, "What are you doing just now! Why are you pulling my hand like a child, did you see so many people looking just now?"

Wei Zexuan didn't even look at her. He tidied his tie on the reflective door of the elevator. "Aren't you just a child?"

Xia Yuxi covered her face, and her face was reddish again, What! Suddenly becoming slick, she has been running for thirty years.

Angrily, with a little coquettishness, after Xia Yuxi was angry, he still came together and did not resign. "Are you really afraid of employees telling nonsense in private?"

Wei Zexuan arranged his tie and turned around. His straight body approached Xia Yuxi. When the man bowed his head, the aura was very strong, but the words were gentle. "Xiaoxi, do you care?"

Xia Yuxi scratched her back. In fact, it's really not good to be gossips. It's just that the relationship between these three people is somewhat awkward.

She thought about it and whispered, "Actually, I don't care, if I can talk to you..."

"That's fine."

Wei Zexuan didn't want to talk about any feelings in front of the child, he hurriedly stopped her words, and then he pulled Xia Yuxi down in front of him, and said very seriously, "I now wish the world knows that you are mine, you can't regret it."

Xia Yuxi: "..." What happened to this man today? Why did Wei Zexuan's style change slightly after the relationship between them was determined!

The woman twitched her lips and smiled embarrassingly, but her face grew red. She thought that if Wei Zexuan's sweet toothlessness continued, she might really regret it. She doesn't like it, and don't want to talk about it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi raised her head and asked, "Eh! Can you tell me how much money you have! Does this mean that everything I see now will become mine in the future? That's not it. The richest woman?"

Wei Zexuan: "..."

He pushed away Xia Yuxi, who was approaching, and said with some disgust, "Go on the side, rich fans!"

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xia Yuxi had been sitting in Wei Zexuan's office for an hour and a half, she had not seen the man since entering the office door.

Ha ha, the so-called bringing her to the company to meet the world, but just looking for someone to help bring the children? Not at all happy.

Xia Yuxi looked at NianNian and two secretaries having fun. She remembered that the assistant before the elevator say, 'Vice President Han came to work. Isn't Vice President Han, Ruowei Han?'

Since Wei Zexuan is not here, and the child's taken care, why not go talk to Han Ruowei!

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi greeted the secretary and sneaked out of the office, but she was not familiar with the Wei's company. She went out to be a large secretary room, but she could not tell where the vice president should be.

Xia Yuxi hurriedly walked towards the secretary, "Hello, where is Vice President Han's office?"