
Chapter 135: Will a four-year-old child lie?

Wei Zexuan got into the car and rushed to the shopping mall. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

The driver silently raised the speed to the highest level, and there was no sound in a small space for a while. Because of the quietness, the ringing phone sounds particularly abrupt.

Wei Zexuan thought it was Xia Yuxi who called him and picked it up in a hurry, but unexpectedly heard Liu Zhiyan's voice, "I made some glutinous rice balls that you love to eat, I delivered them to the door. Can you get the people at home come out to take."

The man's eyes narrowed, and there was a little more anxiety. "You don't need to do this. Take it back!"

"It's already at your door!"

"Take it back!" The man just yelled and hung up.

For another few seconds of silence, Wei Zexuan thumped down on the seat beside him, and he realized that Liu Zhiyan's words were not that simple. With her character, even if she is rejected, will she give up? If she want to cover up the things she lost, she can't be found? This is really a mess.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Liu Zhiyan's phone call came in again, and Wei Zexuan directly pressed the mute button on the phone.

The child's whereabouts is uncertain, even if he known about it, he intends to carry it on his own.

Half an hour later, the running Wei Zexuan approached Xia Yuxi. This terrified woman was crouching on the ground holding her head and crying, and there were many security personnel in the mall around her. He thought, 'Xia Yuxi can think of all the methods that can be used.'

"Haven't you found him? Have you watched over him?"

A seemingly security foreman came forward and said respectfully, "Mr. Wei, the child's whereabouts are still unknown. The announcement of the tracing has been looped on the radio, and the monitoring is..."

This man pointed his finger at the game room behind him, and Wei Zexuan saw that the overcrowded place was useless even if it was monitored. How could he photograph the little person on the ground next to him?

"And so?" The foreman sank his head, he stopped speaking.

Xia Yuxi slowly stood up from the ground, her hands clenched Wei Zexuan's arm tightly, and wept until she cried, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't take it out, I..."

Wei Zexuan did not want to be angry, but this matter was indeed Xia Yuxi's advocacy.

"How can you be so careless..." The man almost controlled his emotions and blamed. Xia Yuxi knew that this was the normal condition of a father, but her heart was more painful.

After finishing his speech, Wei Zexuan turned around and took out the phone. He ordered the most powerful people to search around the mall in a rug style. But a minute and a second made him tremble.

If a boy less than five years old is really so easy to find, those search sites will not be overcrowded. he's afraid it will be targeted by professional people.

A few minutes later, successive calls rang into Wei Zexuan's cell phone, and the man's face grew deeper.

Xia Yuxi cried until her body was as light as a feather. She shook her body slightly, looking for any possibility in her mind. This is when the phone in her pocket rang.


"Miss Xia, please tell me where is my son?"

Xia Yuxi reflected for two or three seconds before he heard the voice come from Liu Zhiyan. She did not know how this matter was known by the child's mother, and she was not a liar.

"I'm sorry, I just want to bring my kids out to play."

"Where?" Liu Zhiyan asked in the voice of extreme suppression on the end of the phone. After hearing Xia Yuxi reported the address, she hung up at once.

Xia Yuxi did not know what this phone meant, until half an hour later Liu Zhiyan rushed in from outside the crowd and slapped her face in the face.

"What are you doing!"

When Wei Zexuan didn't pay attention, Xia Yuxi slapped fiercely. When he reacted, he used the body to treat the woman behind. Liu Zhiyan's face was pale, she was still shaking with one hand, and the other hand was covering the lower abdomen.

Wei Zexuan is not a fool. He knows that even if he regenerates Liu Zhiyan's behavior, he cannot yell at her. After all, she still has another child in her belly.

"What did you say to me ?!" Liu Zhiyan blinked slowly with her wide eyes. "What about the child? Do you just take my child so casually? Who do you throw him at random?"

At the end, Liu Zhiyan's voice broke through, and her eyes turned red.

Wei Zexuan clenched his teeth and stared at Liu Zhiyan with a staring look, "Is the child important or the theory important? If you are really worried about missing, help find it now."

He was almost calm, but Liu Zhiyan was just biting, "Why? My child is lost, can I still say a word? You give me a break, I want to ask Xia Yuxi what the heart is! "

"You!" Wei Zexuan stepped forward, but the woman behind him pulled his arm.

Xia Yuxi stood between them with a blank face, sinking her head slightly, and said humbly, "Brother, don't speak for me, Miss Liu is alright to blamed me. It's because I'm careless, so I lost him."

"You did it on purpose!" Liu Zhiyan shouted angrily.

Xia Yuxi's frightened shoulder shuddered, categorically denying, "How come I deliberately, I like him so much..."

"Isn't it? You ran over yesterday and asked me why I pushed you down the stairs. Didn't you think of something, so take my child in revenge?"

"But didn't you say you didn't do that?"

Liu Zhiyan smiled, his eyes fell on Wei Zexuan's face, "NianNian is small, but not a stupid child, he will cry and laugh and shout, how could he be lost, Wei Zexuan, you give me an answer!"

For a time, Wei Zexuan was also confused by the conversation between the two women. What was pushed downstairs, what was intentionally lost?

The attachment to the child made this man unable to distinguish for a while. His eyes flicked on the faces of Liu Zhiyan and Xia Yuxi, and then he asked lightly, "Today, why did you tell me? Why you didn't tell me?"

Xia Yuxi's face instantly turned white, and she took a wrong step backward. "You... doubt me?"

"No, I just want to hear why."

Xia Yuxinuo nodded, tears on her eyelids, and couldn't help but drip down again, "You said that something happened to the child, I brought it out. This game room is also agreed between you and NianNian! I followed it all the time, but it was too noisy when I received a call..."

"What phone, who's phone?"

Xia Yuxi was asked by Liu Zhiyan, and her mind was buzzing again. She really wanted to tell me that it was just a courier phone that she had misunderstood, but it seemed like she was talking nonsense.

Xia Yuxi didn't say any more, just raised her head and seriously looked at Wei Zexuan's face, "Do you... believe me?"

The man took a breath and lowered his head. He certainly believes in Xia Yuxi, but Liu Zhiyan should also give a statement. After all, the relationship between mother and child can't be solved by a apology for a reason.

Thinking of this, Wei Zexuan stepped forward and pushed away Liu Zhiyan who was planning to be aggressive.

"Before the child was found, the reason is still unknown. This time it was indeed Xiaoxi's mistake. In the future, I will try to bring the child myself. In addition, I know that you are anxious, but don't squander here, no matter what the result, I will bear."

Liu Zhiyan beat Wei Zexuan's shoulder, "You bear it?!"

She laughed angrily, "What can you take on? Is the child born of you? I have suffered for those few months, and NianNian has been with me for four years. What about you?"

Yes, at this time, Liu Zhiyan felt that the world owed her.

Wei Zexuan heard these four looks at the environment, and then said in a calm voice, "You are enough, what do you want?"

Liu Zhiyan pointed one hand behind the man and gritted his teeth, saying, "No matter if the child is recovered or not, I don't need your apology, get her out! Get out of the Wei family! The child's people live there, Wei Zexuan. If you are the father of NianNian, if you still take care of the second son in my stomach, are you planning to be so indulgent?"

It seems that the same problem is happening, but the protagonist has changed.

At the same time, Xia Yuxi lost her child, and Liu Zhiyan was also intolerant, but his children were on both sides, wouldn't his father be in pain?

"Shut up!" When Wei Zexuan's emotions were suppressed to the extreme, anger burst out, and then he raised his hand outside the crowd and called out a few men.

"Bring her back, and don't allow her to go out."

Now, the things that have been missed have made Wei Zexuan burnt, and he is not at all like managing disputes between women. At this time, a few people rushed in from outside the crowd.

"Are you looking for the child?"

Everyone present was almost attracted to this voice, and an aunt about 50 years old looked inward, and then she slowly pulled something from behind.

For a few seconds, the little head of NianNian came out timidly, but the little hand just grabbed the auntie's trousers and dared not step forward.

"NianNian!" Several people shouted almost in unison.

Liu Zhiyan was originally standing on the periphery. She was the closest. After shouting, she put the child between her legs and fell. The woman lowered her head and rubbed her son's forehead repeatedly, like a soft inquiry.

Wei Zexuan originally rushed forward two steps.

But seeing their mother and son together, the man closed his eyes tightly towards the sky when he stopped. He swept his forehead and eyes with his big hands, and rubbed his face hard. Fortunately... Nian Nian was brought back.

Xia Yuxi stood at the end with a smile but tears on her face. She was so excited that she didn't know what to say, and she dared not step forward.


Liu Zhiyan whispered a few words with the child before releasing the voice and said, "Where did you go just now? How can you run around? Your mother almost quarreled with your auntie. You ran by yourself. Did it fall?"

NianNian bit his lip, looked at her mother timidly, and then hugged her mother's trousers tightly, and then bowed her head silently.

"It's okay, Daddy doesn't blame you." Wei Zexuan leaned over and squatted under the child's feet. "Come back, just come back."

He is not very good at expressing, but the excitement in his heart is not inferior to his mother. "For whatever reason, it has passed."

"That won't work!" Liu Zhiyan, who was above her head, committed stubbornness again. She shook his son's arm and said, "NianNian, you tell your mother the truth, did you run away yourself. I can't injustice your auntie, but absolutely not allow anyone to harm my child!"

She is a bit unreasonable!

Wei Zexuan stood up and gave a color to his subordinates, meaning that since the child had been found, Liu Zhiyan should also be sent back to have a good rest.

NianNian suddenly opened his mouth at that moment, and he said with a trembling, "Yes... it's an aunt."

For a moment, the noisy crowd was silent, and their eyes all fell on this little person under 5 years old.

They saw the little boy shaking his shoulders all the time. He said as he looked up at his mother, and then continued, "Auntie asked me to play motorcycle... then, then..."

Wei Zexuan turned back and stared at Xia Yuxi.

Xia Yuxi didn't expect to hear such a sentence suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise, "No, it's not..."

But what she said at the moment didn't seem to be the center of the topic, and the immature voice sounded again, "Auntie left me on the motorcycle and left. I was afraid that the motorcycle was too high. I crawled down and waited for my auntie... I didn't wait..."

She don't know why, Xia Yuxi's ears seemed to be blocked by something. She could no longer hear what the child said. She only felt that the light above her head turned again. They always looked at her with all kinds of eyes.

"No... not me." She just explained instinctively, but the words in her mouth flickered and looked so pale.

The picture in front of me suddenly turned, Xia Yuxi hadn't waited for a reaction, and her face was slapped with a slap. This slap allowed her to see the person in front of her.. Liu Zhiyan's red eyes, staring fiercely.

Hold yourself. She wanted to avoid this gaze, but she saw Wei Zexuan's cold eyes.

"Not me. Really not me! How can you lie to..."

Liu Zhiyan's high voice caused her eardrum to buzz, "Xia Yuxi! You are clearly pretending to be, how could a 4-year-old kid lie!"

After all, she raised her hand again, and the angry mother had no regard for the other child in her belly, and had to teach this person who had lost him!

The moment the arm flew up, Wei Zexuan's anger stopped everything, "Go away! Xia Yuxi, you get out of the Wei family today!"

Look up and look far. Why did Wei Zexuan look so strange.

This morning, he put the child in his arms, his face was still apologetic and gentle, but a few hours later, it was also because of the child, his cousin was already an outsider.

Xia Yuxi felt that her breathing started slowly, and every breath was sucked into the lungs, pulling the heart to hurt. She nodded and could understand the deep affection between father and son, but they are cousins ​​and they grew up from young to old?

Isn't everything she did not match the child's words? Still in his heart, the surname Wei or Xia was already clear.

Blinking her eyes, Xia Yuxi looked up and held back the tears, because she remembered that she was sadly in love with this man, and with the encouragement of Yin Mojun, she had planned to try it boldly. Fortunately, nothing has started.