
Chapter 132: Matchmaker

"Xiaoxi? Come help me! Indistinctly, Xia Yuxi heard Wei Zexuan calling her. She quickly put the divorce agreement into the drawer and hurriedly left the studyroom.

In NianNian's room, this clumsy father was helping his son to wear a sock, but he had never done such meticulous things before.

Xia Yuxi hurriedly walked over and pushed Wei Zexuan aside, "Oh! Look at you, how can you take care of a child, it's stupid."

Wei Zexuan, a big man, was blushed with countenance, and he stood beside the bed in embarrassment.

It was Xiao NianNian, who said with a sigh of relief after putting on his clothes, "Dad is not intentional, Auntie is so fierce!"

Xia Yuxi really couldn't help it. It seems that this Auntie couldn't kiss his father and son anyway. She poked her little conscience and said, "You still help him talk, he almost didn't help you!"

NianNian spit out his tongue, grinning and rolling around in the bed.

Xia Yuxi stood up and clapped her hands and said to Wei Zexuan, "Brother, if you can't do this kind of thing, call me later."

Wei Zexuan rubbed his forehead, "No, I'll learn a little bit. I can't call you again. Oh... yes! What were you doing just now?"

Xia Yuxi's heart missed the next shot. Her small face explained incoherently, "In, in the living room!"

"I just pushed the door out and called you, didn't you see you in the living room?"

This... Xia Yuxi's heart was about to jump out, she said with a straight face, "You blame me for your bad eyes, I'm in the living room. There is one more thing, I want to announce to you, I will start work tomorrow."

Wei Zexuan had just sat next to his son. He had planned to ask casually. Hearing this, he straightened up and said unpleasantly, "What started? Don't tell me, you to go to Nu Hai, he's not working now."


"You need rest."

"Then make me? Otherwise, I will be too boring at home the whole day."

The two people stalemate together when they didn't agree, and Wei Zexuan started talking again for a long time, "Come on, let Nu Hai arrange some tiring work for you."

Between looking at his child and working, Wei Zexuan finally compromised.

Xia Yuxi was naturally happy to get what she wanted, but she just felt that this cousin had to dismantle her and NianNian, not once or twice. Why? No matter what, it is good to do something.

Early the next morning, Wei Zexuan took his son to the company, and Xia Yuxi was about the same as Fang Jinghua's preparation, and went directly to Nu Hai by car.

She thought Wei Zexuan had greeted Nu Hai, but when she arrived, she discovered that Nu Hai's face was dumbfounded.

"Too... Miss Xia, are you coming back to work?"

Xia Yuxi sat on the sofa in Nu Hai's office and nodded heavily. "Why? Have I been robbed of my work during this time? Can't arrange a job?"

Nu Hai rubbed his forehead in embarrassment, he said that... 'It was originally just a model with the same stand-in. How about you being robbed of work?'

"Miss Xia, recently..."

Xia Yuxi guessed that this would be the result. Fortunately, she was not the kind of person to work quick, so she raised her hand and said, "It's okay. Anyway, my cousin said that I can't take any scale of shooting recently, so you can just arrange it. Do it, don't let me sit idle."

When Nu Hai heard this sentence, the cold sweat was gone. The small work was much easier to handle, and there were many under his hands. He was really afraid that the opening of President Wei's golden mouth would make him give Xia Yuxi another big and shocking scene, which would almost kill him.

Nu Hai was grateful and sat at his desk quickly looking at the work in hand. In fact, many are suitable for Xia Yuxi. Because of her natural model temperament and very good shape, she chose not to work.

In a few minutes, he sorted out a stack of excellent and simple copywriting, and then put a comfortable face forward, "Miss Xia, look at these! It's all afternoon work, and it won't delay you other things."

Xia Yuxi glanced at the copywriting, and then asked strangely, "Why is it all in the afternoon? I had nothing else to do?" She tilted her head and waited for Nu Hai's answer.

Nu Hai realized that his thinking was still of Xia Yuxi's amnesia, because she still had other jobs during the day.


Xia Yuxi glanced at Nu Hai suspiciously, "Why? I still have things to do in the morning?"

"Uh..." Nu Hai was relatively solid-eyed, and he couldn't make any better lies in a moment, so he was asked by Xia Yuxi.

"I really had other jobs this morning? What kind of work? You talk about it."

Nu Hai didn't know what to say, just try to be as vague as possible, "Well, please ask Yin Mojun!"

'Yin Mojun?' Isn't he Han Ruowei's boyfriend?

Xia Yuxi knew that Mr. Yin always came to visit when she was ill. It seems that several people had been in a good relationship before, but she never thought of any connection between herself and Yin Mojun.

Nu Hai said this, Xia Yuxi suddenly realized that she might hear more from Yin Mojun, did she really work for that person? No more embarrassment, Xia Yuxi simply took the job and left.

The suspension is like a boom. In the afternoon of the next day, she is ready to resume work.

On the way home with Fang Jinghua, Xia Yuxi thought carefully and always felt that Yin Mojun had been neglected by her. Should she go there?

Seeing that it was almost at the door of the house, Xia Yuxi asked Fang Jinghua to go back to help Sister Joe prepare lunch, and then went to the Yin Group by car. Except for Fang Jinghua, no one was notified of the change in her schedule.

So Yin Mojun knew nothing about her arrival. When Xia Yuxi walked into the Yin's lobby, the first feeling was that the place was no stranger, the staff walking hurriedly, and the front desk staff standing neatly.

The feeling of deja vu made her believe what Nu Hai said in the morning.

"Hello, I want to see you Mr. Yin." Xia Yuxi came to the front desk and explained her intention. She thought there should be registration or inquiry.

Unexpectedly, the receptionist froze for a moment, tilted his head and looked at Xia Yuxi, "Xiaoxi, don't you know me?"

Should Xia Yuxi know her? She looked around awkwardly and gave the receptionist a smile, "Uh... hehe."

"No wonder!" The reception staff smiled very kindly. "You haven't come back in a long times. The company has changed a lot! When you were at the front desk, we spent two or three days with each other. She don't remember if we should!

The front desk? Xia Yuxi was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. She never imagined that she had such a work experience, because it is too inconsistent with the identity of a well-known model!

The model and the front desk, are they not mistaken? Xia Yuxi smiled socially, and was confused in her heart, "Which... Can I see President Yin now?"

"Of course! You are still in the position of special assistant! Our President Yin has never issued a notice saying that you are not an employee of the Yin Family!"

'What is this and what?' When Xia Yuxi heard this, she was completely blinded.

Within a few minutes of taking the elevator upstairs, Xia Yuxi greeted several strange faces before and after, as if she really worked here for a while.

But she couldn't remember it at all, and had already been "received" by these people! "Special help"! It's unclear what happened, her experience seems a bit strange, but today trip is really worthwhile!

In the secretary's office, Xia Yuxi came to Yin Mojun's office door, in response to everyone's surprised eyes.

The secretary sitting at the door stood up and bowed to her, saying, "It's time for rest, you can go in directly."

Such courtesy made Xia Yuxi a little embarrassed. She didn't seem to have to knock on the door or anything. Thinking about this, Xia Yuxi gently pushed the door in front of her with small hands.

After a squeak, Xia Yuxi's half body protruded into the door. What a big office! Rarely arranging some items, Yin Mojun's desk in the middle appeared particularly abrupt. The man was sitting at the table, bowing his head and holding a pen, frowning tightly.

Xia Yuxi took a glance of it, and her eyes fell on Yin Mojun's diagonal back, where there was an empty table. If she listened right along the way, did the empty desk belong to her?

"Cough! Yin Mojun?"

Yin Mojun raised his head when he heard the sound and was surprised to see Xia Yuxi at the door. The man got up and came over, tilting his head and saying, "Xiaoxi, why are you here?"

It seems that such a sudden outburst did not cause any disturbance. Xia Yuxi's suspended heart showed a slight smile when she let go, and she came in and said, "Oh! Just pass by and take a look at you."

Yin Mojun is the kind of person who gets along very well, especially the kind of self-familiarity is invincible. He doesn't seem to mind why Xia Yuxi came, as long as she comes, he will be happy.

The man approached, pulled Xia Yuxi's arm, almost dragged her to his desk, and then said carelessly, "You know me. Xuoxi, you must especially have felt my embarrassment. Come save me."

"Oh.. ah?"

Before Xia Yuxi understood what was going on, Yin Mojun pushed her to sit in front of the boss's desk, and then a pen was stiffly inserted into her hand.

"Sign, when you're here!"

Xia Yuxi felt that there was a sultry scent in her nose, as if there was a feeling of nosebleed. 'What is this? Does the seemingly powerful document actually allow her to sign it?'

She looked at Yin Mojun with a shocked expression and saw the man nodded seriously.

Xia Yuxi was stunned. "Really sign?"

Yin Mojun nodded, "Of course, sign quickly!"

"But I have something to ask you..."

"Tell me after signing."

Xia Yuxi stalked, as if there was no follow-up plot if she didn't follow it. She had to bow her head in embarrassment and seriously sign in the lower right corner of the document.

"Eh? What did you write about this?" Yin Mojun saw that her handwriting had just fallen and snatched the document. Although President Yin doesn't know how to write, it doesn't mean he won't read it.

As soon as the man held his forehead, Xia Yuxi had no memory. She would of course sign her name. But this big contract worth 200 million yuan, signing her name is a lost!

For a time, crying and laughing. Yin Mojun shot the document and directly raised the phone at the corner of the desk, "Reprint a copy of that contract in the morning, wait! Give me two more cups of coffee."

Until Yin Mojun put down the phone, Xia Yuxi looked at him with a pen like a fool.

Yin Mojun took care of his thoughts and defeated, "Okay, let me talk about what you want to ask me first."

Xia Yuxi looked up and muttered in her heart, and then said, "I heard that I have worked with you before, so I came to see myself."

"You heard?" Yin Mojun slowly sat on his own corner of the table, and looked at Xia Yuxi's small face with a serious look.

"Well, I heard."

The man pursed his lower lip and asked, "Who did you heard from?"

"Nu Hai." This person's name, Yin Mojun probably knows a little bit. During Xia Yuxi's hospitalization period, he was not an important person. He might have spoken for a while, but it did cause Yin Mojun trouble.

Because he knew clearly, Xia Yuxi was chasing here, it is bound to be with curiosity. 'What should I say about her previous work? In order to extract her from the entire past story, this is a technical job.'

So, Yin Mojun scratched his forehead. "Yeah, if there is no you, and there is no Han Ruowei and me today? Isn't this a secret between us?"

"Secret?" Xia Yuxi straightened her body, "What's the relationship with you and Han Ruowei?"

At this time, the secretary pushed the door and walked in, brought a document and two cups of coffee, and placed it in front of Xia Yuxi.

Yin Mojun picked up one of the cups and sipped it in his mouth, then said slowly, "Then think about it now, whose name should be signed here?"

In fact, Xia Yuxi couldn't remember it at all, but there was a terrible thing called hinting.

There are only two people in this office. They didn't sign Xia Yuxi. Naturally, they signed Yin Mojun? So Xia Yuxi re-signed Yin Mojun on the document in just a moment.

She seemed to straighten out some things in the midst. Could it be that she was here before and also signed the signature for Yin Mojun?

"I signed for you before?"

Yin Mojun nodded, not letting her talk indiscriminately, but said in a guided tone, "I think you should remember it, how much I liked Han Ruowei at the beginning, but unfortunately this line is a bit far away. So you came, if you didn't sign for me in the office, how could Han Ruowei come later!"

These words are almost watertight, making Xia Yuxi feel that things are so logical. So a model like her became a special assistant in Yin Mojun's office, which definitely makes sense! For the love of her little cousin, she believes she made it.

And with Yin Mojun's attitude, it seems that she really can recall the past.

"Oh! This way..."

Xia Yuxi sucked her lips and nodded, "What about later?"

"Later, if Han Ruowei signed it for me, you will naturally go back and be your model. After all, you are our matchmaker."