
Chapter 130: Temptation


Xiao NianNian blushed and drilled his body directly into Xia Yuxi's arms. "You can't watch it anyway!"

Is it possible to write Wei Zexuan's bad words?

Who knows the minds of children? But Xia Yuxi was really curious about what NianNian had done. She shook her hand at Wei Zexuan, "Then trouble this daddy to step further away. My and NianNian's little secret cannot be known to anyone else!"

Wei Zexuan raised his forehead, feeling that in front of these two people, his IQ would have to be kept low.

Actually, he have to cooperate with this play code.

He gave Xia Yuxi a look, which means that he must take the child to see his grandfather today, let him seize the time, and then impatiently went to the corner of the room and sat on the small sofa.

Seeing that his dad was far away, NianNian reached out and pulled out the previous paper ball from his clothes. His small hand stretched the paper on the table, and then looked at the words above seriously, his face was red.

Xia Yuxi got permission, and only then looked at the piece of paper in front of her. The font of the crayon was still wet, and two or three words would be replaced by a pinyin. Obviously, this little guy used the power of translator.

What has it written!

Xia Yuxi struggled to read: "Dad! I used to hate you..."

As soon as she read a beginning, she was pulled by NianNian's arm and the child's anxious face was red. Xia Yuxi nodded "Oh!" And then changed to silent meditation.

"Dad! I used to hate you, because every time I see you, my mother will beat me. I guess you don't like me, so I don't like you but now I like you very much."

Seeing this, Xia Yuxi's throat choked, she opened her lips and didn't know what to say, her eyes fell on Wei Zexuan's face in the distance.

"Auntie.. Auntie, can you return it to me?" NianNian said, shaking her arm.

"Auntie hasn't finished reading."

NianNian seemed to be afraid of being discovered by his father, so he snatched the piece of paper back, "Auntie, actually I haven't finished writing. I'll show it to you after I finish writing!"

Xia Yuxi slowly crouched down and stared at the child's face, "NianNian..."

"Huh?" The little guy turned his eyes wide, his naively face.

"Do you want to stay with Dad?"

The little guy thought for a while, then nodded gently.

Xia Yuxi's chest twitched twice, and then said, "If you want to stay with Dad, please show this to Dad! Otherwise Dad will never know what you think in your mind. Remember that Auntie told you before, if you really love someone, just say it out loud! Because NianNian is a brave boy, right?"

Although NianNian is small, he understands Xia Yuxi's words.

So he blushed again and turned his head away, "I won't tell."

Xia Yuxi smiled bitterly in her heart. He didn't know he was about to be sent to another unfamiliar environment again soon. In fact, what did such a small child did wrong? Leaving mom and dad, who can he like consistently?

Thinking about this, Xia Yuxi felt that Wei Zexuan's decision was wrong.

No matter what it was for, or whatever it was in Wei Zexuan's mind, NianNian was not a toy that was thrown around. Although he was small, he should have his own opinion.

Standing up, Xia Yuxi nipped at NianNian's little hand, "Come on, auntie is with you, you must be brave."

Like the first time the child arrived in front of Wei Zexuan, Xia Yuxi took the paper in his hand and handed it to Wei Zexuan. "Look at it, this is a letter from your son to you."


It 's a little embarrassing to NianNian, but Xia Yuxi once again clenched the child's small hand tightly, and then NianNian calmed down. He raised his chest tall, and then said a little stump, "Dad, this is me written to you, do you want to see it?"

He braced his courage to finish his speech, and suddenly got behind Xia Yuxi, and then just looked at him secretly.

Wei Zexuan couldn't understand what the two people were doing, but it was funny. 'I just looked at this paper that he wrote...'

When he finished the first sentence, his eyebrows were tightly ruffled together. The man raised his eyebrows and glanced at the child, with an unspeakable emotion on his face.

Then NianNian slowly said, "I like you very much now. I love you! The teacher said that you are the most handsome dad among our classmates. I am very proud! I told my classmates that my dad allowed me to play casually without studying. They said you were the best dad. Auntie said..."

Seeing this, Wei Zexuan kept silent for a long time, and he felt a little embarrassed for a while, because a few words the child said, make him an urge to cry.

Although there is not much talk and the text is not exquisite, it can be recognized as a father by his son.

Suddenly, the sound of the room is quiet.

The little guy finally came out from behind Xia Yuxi, shaking his voice and said, "Auntie said, Dad loves me the most. Although he has a bad temper and is very busy, he will save time to sleep and play with me, Actually, I know it. I know that Dad come to my room every night. Sometimes you sit there and secretly watch me. Sometimes you secretly kiss me. In fact, I want to kiss my dad, but I 'm afraid... "

Wei Zexuan raised his head fiercely, his eyes red. So scared that NianNian hurried back two steps.

The little guy didn't have time to catch Xia Yuxi's trousers and was pulled into his arms by Wei Zexuan.

He took up his son's small face and giving him countless kisses. The kissed, stunned the little guy. Wei Zexuan murmured, "Good boy, dad loves you. For you, I..."

Wei Zexuan really couldn't talk anymore. He hugged his son's body directly. He was afraid that only he, himself knows at this moment how much his sacrifice is for this child.

As Xia Yuxi said before the memory loss, 'This child, Wei Zexuan can't give up easily. After all, blood is thicker than water!'

At the moment, Xia Yuxi, unaware of her own sorrow, was deeply affected by the father and son standing on the spot, and her heart was sore.

She knew that her cousin was reluctant to give birth to a child. She was happy for Wei Zexuan, and thinking about this matter would make Wei Zexuan make the right decision.

Watching the father and son hugged each other intimately, Xia Yuxi walked to the door with a small smile. She gently concealed a long breath behind the door and thought that this matter should be over.

"Miss Xia, is the Sir in the room?" The driver stood there neatly under the stairs. When he saw Xia Yuxi walking out of the room, he asked anxiously.

Xia Yuxi walked down the stairs and said, "In the room, what's wrong?"

The driver looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "Mr. Wei wants to use the car and keep me waiting here! Can you help me call him?"

Xia Yuxi thought about it, and then shook her hand, "It's okay, you don't have to wait here, you should go! Cousin canceled his itinerary today."

"Canceled? But the old man..."

Xia Yuxi said with a crooked lips, "Yes! Cancelled, he won't go anywhere. If you don't believe you, go upstairs and ask him!"

Having said that, she turned to Sister Joe with a smile.

When Wei Zexuan walked out of the room, it was an hour later. At this time, he completed the family book, and placed it inside his inner suit's pocket as a treasure. Naturally, the idea of ​​sending the child away has been eliminated.

But the moment he walked out of the room, he started to have a headache again. In his heart, he shouldn't let Xia Yuxi take his thoughts anymore, because every minute they are together, Wei Zexuan will have more guilt, but what should he do with NianNian?

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, and he picked it up a little irritably, which was called by Han Ruowei.

"Brother! It's a little troublesome to handle things here. The co-operating party has to go through the capital verification process because the project funds are too large. You see..."

In the past few days, Wei Zexuan sent Han Ruowei again because of a huge project, apart, his only trust is Han Ruowei.

But the other party is still difficult to dealt with, this is expected.

Wei Zexuan looked back at his son's room, and then said, "Okay, I know, since this is the first cooperation, we should show a little sincerity. I can follow this matter. One hour later, I will be ready to take over the documents, but be sure to keep them confidential now."

After putting down the phone, Wei Zexuan turned around and went back to the room where NianNian was. Not long ago, when the child was carried out, the little person actually wore a suit.

Xia Yuxi just walked out of Sister Joe's room, looking at Wei Zexuan and the two guys exclaimed, "Why are you doing this? A little grand!"

NianNian was also blindfolded, only obediently held in his father's arms.

Wei Zexuan hurried down the stairs holding his son and walked out of the door for a while, "I'll go to the company to do something."

"With thoughts?"


Xia Yuxi choked, and then chuckled with laughter, "Okay, what's wrong with President Wei?" She said jokingly, and then came over and pulled NianNian's little hand.

"NianNian! Are you the crown prince going to the royal palace of your father, the emperor? You have to show it with some manner and be majestic."

Nostalgia nodded, Wei Zexuan hummed.

Unexpectedly, he was teased by Xia Yuxi, "Brother, don't you say you want to go to the old man? How did you change the itinerary?"

Wei Zexuan's face was red, and Xia Yuxi glanced at him. "Less nonsense, I'm reducing the burden on you, so you can take a good rest at home!"

He really didn't have much time, so he threw the next sentence and went to the company.

As soon as the father and son left, Xia Yuxi was really idle, not relaxed, but empty.

When people are empty, they will think wildly. Xia Yuxi, who is sitting on the sofa and watching TV stupidly, will naturally think of yesterday again.

That stair...

She threw away the fruit in her hand and sat up on the sofa, remembering that she had planned to go to Liu Zhiyan at noon, so she was forgotten by the father and son.

Go or not? She was hesitant in her heart.

At this time, Sister Joe took off her apron and walked over to her side. "Xiaoxi, I will go out. The dishes at night lack some ingredients. I will go to the nearby supermarket."

Xia Yuxi thought about it and said yes, then asked anxiously, "How about my mother?"

"Oh! Sleeping in the room, she played mahjong a few days ago, regardless of the day and night. She's much more quiet these two days."

Xia Yuxi nodded, and then shook her hand to Sister Joe, "Go! Go! Also, I miss and want to eat simmered dumplings. Could Sister Joe take a route to help me buy some back?"

"Shuijianbao? Isn't that on the south side of the city?" Sister Joe showed embarrassment on her face, but instead of thinking that she rarely asked for something, it was okay to help once in a while. "Okay!" I'm going to buy, anyway."

Xia Yuxi sent Sister Joe out, and as soon as she saw the car driving away, she turned and went to her room, simply cleaned it up, and then went to Liu Zhiyan.

Liu Zhiyan was a little surprised at her arrival. Xia Yuxi really lost her memory. She had the courage to come here. It was really the sun came out of the west.

But what will Liu Zhiyan do? Of course she won't, because Xia Yuxi can't be here even if she thinks about something.

But due to her arrival, Liu Zhiyan still smiled.

"Why are you here?" She greeted unhappy and not friendly.

After a little thought in her heart, she directly asked, "Miss Liu, why did you push me down the stairs."

Liu Zhiyan gave Xia Yuxi a seat. She originally sat down elegantly and planned to make a pot of tea, but she suddenly heard this sentence.

The teapot under her hand shook, and the hot water splashed out onto her hand. Even Xia Yuxi was taken aback by her action, but Liu Zhiyan didn't notice the pain on the back of the hand.

She looked at Xia Yuxi so straight, there were two or three seconds of stunnedness.

"Be careful..." Xia Yuxi exclaimed and took a step forward, before she noticed the abnormality in Liu Zhiyan's expression.

She didn't even perceive her own hands, it seems that her words have played a big role in her heart! Is that picture true?

Xia Yuxi only felt scalp tingling, and Liu Zhiyan's gaze converged when she stopped.

When Liu Zhiyan was seen like this, she was refreshed. She hurriedly shook the water stain on the back of her hand and saw a red skin. "This... damn."

She whispered in her mouth, and then shouted the teapot on the coffee table, "Come here, where are you? Hurry and come bring me some ice cubes!"

The babysitter hurried over and spent a long time beside Liu Zhiyan. When she left, Xia Yuxi found that Liu Zhiyan's expression had become normal, and no clues were found.