
Chapter 129: Strange Thoughts

Wei Zexuan's idea is understandable. It is the most normal thing for grandma to bring her grandchildren, and he is so busy with work that a child has completely tied to Xia Yuxi.

If NianNian was sent to Li Ranqing, it was really the best choice.

But Xia Yuxi tightened her eyebrows and remembered the day when her aunt saw the little grandson.

Her aunt's character was completely uncomfortable, and she has not seen it many times, but she always felt that the old woman was too proud.

It may be that she has a good life, which makes her look uncomfortable. Especially when she treats this grandson, she has no patience at all. It's no better to stay by Liu Zhiyan's side too!

Xia Yuxi asked embarrassedly, "Brother, do you think that's good? I don't think my aunt likes it!"

"After all, its her grandson."

This is true, even if my aunt doesn't like it, but NianNian is the root of the Wei family after all. Sooner or later, he is the successor of this family.

Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "It's better if you think it's good, but isn't your mom saying she's going abroad? Would you like to call her first?"

This decision was temporarily thought by Wei Zexuan. After being reminded by Xia Yuxi, he also felt the need to ask first. Putting down the tableware in his hand, Wei Zexuan called Li Ranqing.

At this time, Li Ranqing just opened the phone when the plane landed. After ten hours of flying, she was a little tired. When she received the call, she was yelling and asked her driver to carry her luggage to the car.

"What's the matter? I'm busy here." Li Ranqing shouted as soon as the phone was connected.

Wei Zexuan on the phone was stunned at first, thinking that his mother would be upset when she answered, or maybe it was not the time to talk about it, but as soon as she looked up, Xia Yuxi was sitting across from him looking at him urgently.

"Are you going on vacation abroad again? When will you come back?"

Li Ranqing has been out of the country for several months in a year. This is a common occurrence. Her son has never cared about it. What's wrong? She just remembered herself as soon as she came out?

This made her feel a little soothed. "Why, you still know that you miss your mother! I guess it will be a week. If you have filial piety, I can go back in two or three days."

She said while thinking, in fact, she is not willing to fly around all the time. Li Ranqing was happy, but unexpectedly heard the son over the phone say, "Mom, you should come back as soon as possible! I have been busy with my work recently, and I want to entrust you to take care of NianNian."

The old woman stalked for a while and then shouted at Wei Zexuan, "You want me go back and take care of your child?"

"Your grandson."

"Oh!" Li Ranqing raised her jaw and looked up at the blue sky outside the airport. "I don't know where this grandson came from, nor did he enter the account of Wei's family! The child born by that woman will never enter my door, you know! Don't tell me to help you. Have you thought about how to tell your father about this?"

Originally, Wei Zexuan thought it was a very easy thing, but he was a bit under-considered.

The mother was very close to him, so she knew more or less of things about him, but his father did not know the existence of NianNian. A grandson suddenly appeared, and it was estimated that the old mansion will explode.

Seeing that Wei Zexuan hadn't spoken for a long time, Xia Yuxi moved her body forward, and she whispered, "Brother, what's wrong? What did your mom say?"

Coincidentally, Li Ranqing yelled over the phone, "I tell you, don't think about taking this child, if you call it not for filial piety, you don't have to call me again after hanging this call."

The sound was not too loud, just enough for Xia Yuxi's ear, she was so frightened that she sat back in her seat.

Then, she saw Wei Zexuan put the phone away with a black face.

In front of the dining table, the two of them did not speak and remained quiet for a long time.

Xia Yuxi actually guessed that her aunt disagreed, but after this happened, she realized that her cousin must have lost his face infront of her. How good is this? It must be embarrassing to be rejected by his mother!

The two can't always sit so awkwardly?

She braced her courage and squeezed out a smile, and picked the dish with her chopsticks and sent it to Wei Zexuan's bowl. "Brother, you know, I will miss him. Can you not send him away, just let him stay. Is it okay to be with me at home?"


Wei Zexuan got up. It should be the case, but Xia Yuxi's suggestion made him a little angry.

He pushed away the tableware in his hands, stood up, and quickly walked towards the second floor, "I will meet my father in these two days. The child are better on their side. Your idea is useless!"

'He is reluctant!'

Xia Yuxi hurriedly followed up and said, "Brother, don't do this, even if the uncle agrees to take this little grandson, he has to take care of your mom too! You see, they are older and should enjoy their lives. You should be understan..."

Before Xia Yuxi finished her speech, Wei Zexuan suddenly turned around.

This made her completely unprepared, and the moment the two were about to collide, Xia Yuxi opened her eyes wide and stepped on his slippers...

She forgot that it was on the stairs.

Xia Yuxi exclaimed. When she faced the staircase that was hanging, this scene...

The long staircase was long way down, and the feeling of falling into the abyss seemed familiar.

Her eyes turned black, her memory returned, and the moment she closed her eyes, she didn't know why, Liu Zhiyan suddenly jumped out of her mind, and her little hand embraced her belly subconsciously.

"Don't... my child..."

More frightening than the falling, Xia Yuxi's sudden jump out of thoughts, because she saw Liu Zhiyan's face, because she yelled out words that made her cry out in cold sweat.

However, there is no pain.

After she staggered down two steps, her waist was held tightly.

But the shudder on her body was constant, and the picture in her head became more vivid.

Where is the stairs? Liu Zhiyan stood high above her, with a smile on her lips...

Xia Yuxi slowly opened her eyes.

In front of him was Wei Zexuan's nervous, pale face. He was frightened as if she had fallen down. As soon as he opened his eyes, he embraced Xia Yuxi tightly in his arms.

"Xiaoxi! I'm sorry!"

Wei Zexuan hold Xia Yuxi tightly into his arms like he picked up his child. He rubbed her back, stroked the back of the woman's back with his big hand, and kissed on her forehead.

But the woman in his arms still shivered, stiff like a stone.

Xia Yuxi's head was full of that picture, and it was repeated. She saw Liu Zhiyan standing high up, and her terrifying smile, although she didn't know what this picture meant.

Looking down, she looked at her lower abdomen tremblingly, and her hands were still holding there tightly. 'Why? How could she have such a reaction, shouldn't she fall down the stairs and protect her head first?'

Also, what did she just said?

'Child?' Why is she with a child since she's not married or in love?

Slowly raising her head, Xia Yuxi met Wei Zexuan's worried eyes, "Brother..."

Wei Zexuan thought she was frightened and comforted repeatedly, "It's okay, there's no harm. Xiaoxi, I'm sorry, I'm too emotional and almost hurt you..."

Xia Yuxi grabbed his arm all at once, "Brother, have I ever fallen down the stairs before?"

Her words made Wei Zexuan stunned, and then the man's eyes drifted away. "No, how can you have such an encounter." Instead of looking at Xia Yuxi's eyes, he stood up and held Xia Yuxi's body step by step toward the second floor.

Xia Yuxi didn't believed in Wei Zexuan, so her mind was in a mess.

'Did I hallucinate myself? But why is the impression in my head so clear? But her cousin said so that she didn't hurt herself. Of course, he will not deceive her.'

Wei Zexuan took Xia Yuxi back to the room, covered her with a quilt, and let her rest early.

Although there was no harm caused by a false alarm, his expression seemed to have suffered a great disaster. Xia Yuxi felt that it was him who should take a good rest, so Wei Zexuan also went back to bed early.

Naturally, the things she missed were temporarily stopped, but after Wei Zexuan left, Xia Yuxi found that she could not sleep at all.

The thoughts in her head shouted, as if to prove that it was true, because Liu Zhiyan's expression was too vivid, was it an illusion.

What to do?

Maybe something really happened before? And her cousin doesn't know? But it is not impossible.

Xia Yuxi thought of going to ask Liu Zhiyan herself, but Wei Zexuan didn't seem to like the connection between them...

The tossing and turning on the night seemed particularly long.

At noon the next day, Wei Zexuan returned home hurriedly at this time, which surprised Sister Joe.

"Sir, isn't the company busy today? Why are you back this time?" Sister Joe asked in surprise as she took over what Wei Zexuan handed over.

Wei Zexuan was a little serious, and he did not answer directly. He just asked in a cold voice, "What do you want? Have you gone to kindergarten?"

"Oh! No, he's at home today, hiding in the room for awhile, do you want me to bring him to you?"

Wei Zexuan changed his slippers and hurriedly walked towards the second floor, and said casually, "No need, I will go to his room by myself."

At this time, Xia Yuxi walked out of the room neatly dressed. She had planned to go to Liu Zhiyan, but she did not expect to see Wei Zexuan as soon as she opened her door.

"How did you come back so earlier?"

"Where are you going?"

When the two stood together, they asked in unison.

Xia Yuxi felt guilty and said in a hurry, "Oh! I can't miss class today. I plan to take him to a nearby mall to play naughty castle."

"No need," Wei Zexuan said with a wave of his hand. "I took him to my father's side today. After all, he is almost five years old. Sooner or later he will see his grandfather."

His action is so fast?

Yesterday, he was rejected by Li Ranqing, and today he plan to send NianNian away. That is to say, he must send this child to the old man?

Why is this? ! Xia Yuxi felt anxious. She can see that Wei Zexuan really likes children, because every time the eyes of the father and son meet, the kind of strong fatherly love will be revealed. But his hot and cold feelings for NianNian were entangled between love and hate.

In fact, Xia Yuxi really doesn't mind helping him to take care, but why did he choose to send NianNian away?

"Brother, can't you think about it again? I really don't care. If you are worried that I'm tired, then I should pay more attention to rest in the future! I think this matter should be considered long, at least think about it. How about you talk to uncle..."

However, Xia Yuxi's words were not finished yet, and the stubborn Wei Zexuan had pushed the door into his son's room.

In an instant, the two adults were quiet, after all, no matter what happened, emotions could not bring to the child.

In the room, NianNian knelt on the chair in front of her study desk, prostrate the half-round body on the table, and seemed to be doing something seriously. He didn't even notice when they came in.

Xia Yuxi walked softly and looked at what NianNian Nian was doing. He saw that he was looking closely at the crayon, and he was trying to write something on a piece of paper. The crooked words, Xia Yuxi couldn't help but snorted.

NianNian realized that someone was coming, and raised his head, his eyes wide, "Auntie!"

"NianNian, what are you writing so seriously, you didn't realized when auntie come in!"

Xia Yuxi glanced at the paper again, but the little guy cleverly blocked it with his fat elbow. "It's not finished yet, Auntir can't look at it now!"

"How about Daddy?"

Wei Zexuan also came over and leaned on his son's table.

NianNian was stunned again, only to find that his father was trailing behind, and as a result, he looked at Wei Zexuan and his face changed suddenly, and the paper that was pressed under his elbow was cluttered into his collar.

This is strange, what is this little guy hiding? His auntie can't see it for the time being, and his daddy seems to be unable to look at all.

Such a small person actually thought so carefully.

After the two adults looked at each other, they all look awakward.

Xia Yuxi body leaned over and said, "NianNian, what's wrong with you? Is there any secret that NianNian don't want us to know? Auntie feel very sad! Because Auntie regards NianNian as her best friend."

The child couldn't bear to coax. He glanced at Xia Yuxi and squeezed his lips in embarrassment. Then he leaned over and said in Xia Yuxi's ear, "Auntie, you can watch, but daddy cannot see it!"