
Chapter 112: The Two Love Each Other

A few days later, Nu Hai sent a sample of Xia Yuxi's photo, telling her that the photo was ready to be released for 100,000 copies, and when it was printed, it would start selling.

Xia Yuxi took her photo and couldn't put it down. She turned over and looked at it twice a day.

Wei Zexuan is also very satisfied with this set of photos, but his satisfaction is not the same as Xia Yuxi's. He was satisfied that Xia Yuxi's clothes were modest, and there were no large areas exposed. I don't want some so-called photo shoots on the market, and expose what can and cannot be exposed.

This Nu Hai work is really good, Wei Zexuan decided to reuse him more in the future.

In the past two days, Wei Zexuan has resumed his work. After all, there is still a lot of work that he needs to deal with. He repeatedly told Sister Joe before going to work that he must be optimistic about Xia Yuxi. He also worried that Liu Zhiyan would use her to do more articles.

But this Liu Zhiyan fell silent. Instead, He Yiwei, who had not seen Xia Yuxi for nearly a month, came over and were found several times.

Although the security staff at the door still refused to let him in, He Yiwei didn't give up. When he came for the third time, he didn't know what to go and made a big fuss. He stood at the door and started calling Xia Yuxi's name.

Xia Yuxi couldn't hear such a big movement. Disregarding Sister Joe's obstruction, she opened the door and happened to see He Yiwei being deported by security personnel.

With Xia Yuxi's insistence, the security had no choice but to let He Yiwei go in.

This is the first time He Yiwei has come to Xia Yuxi's house. He looked at the decoration of the living room, from furniture to small ornaments, all of which reflected the intentions of the hostess.

In He Yiwei's heart, there are five flavors of Chen Za at the moment. On the one hand, he laments Xia Yuxi's magnificent blue heart. On the other hand, he is jealous that Wei Zexuan can have her.

"Yi Wei, drink tea." Xia Yuxi asked Sister Joe to rest in the house. She helped He Yiwei make a cup of tea and handed it over. She would like to thank He Yiwei for his dedication.

After taking Xia Yuxi's tea, He Yiwei sipped gently. Although the voice he just shouted was smoking, his elegant style of habit had prevented him from making any rude actions.

When He Yiwei put down the cup in his hand, he saw Xia Yuxi's photo sample on the coffee table and couldn't help but pick it up and read it.

"Is this?" He Yiwei just thought it was Xia Yuxi's photo, but the style he looked at was very commercial, not quite like the average person's style.

Xia Yuxi smiled shyly, "I felt that my body was ok a few days ago, and I went out to work. This is a photo shoot."

Of course, He Yiwei knew that Wei Zexuan lied to Xia Yuxi that she was a supermodel. When he saw the magazine last time, He Yiwei was already surprised.

Only then, he saw this photo, he once again felt Wei Zexuan's deep feelings for Xia Yuxi! This man seems to be able to do anything for Xia Yuxi!

He Yiwei felt him stronger than ever before.

He originally thought that Wei Zexuan didn't really love Xia Yuxi, just because of the possessiveness of men, he didn't want to let go. But since Xia Yuxi's accident, what he has done is obviously from the deep love for this woman.

Although he knew that if he confessed to Xia Yuxi at this time, there was indeed a suspicion of taking advantage of others, but He Yiwei could not manage so much. He was afraid that if he did not act again, Xia Yuxi would fall into Wei Zexuan as before In love.

Thinking about this, He Yiwei cleared his throat and reached out to grab Xia Yuxi's hand, "Xiaoxi, I know you forgot all the things before, but I believe you can feel that I really like you! So would you please socialize with me and see?"

He Yiwei is not the same as Wei Zexuan. Wei Zexuan is overbearing. He may not say anything and directly express his feelings with actions. But He Yiwei is gentle, even if he is courting, he must first ask the other party's wishes.

Xia Yuxi actually had a good impression of He Yiwei. She felt that without Wei Zexuan, she would love this empathetic, gentle and considerate man.

But that is after all! The reality is that she still fell in love with the overbearing man!

Xia Yuxi did not know what she thought before the memory loss. She really chose to be with He Yiwei in order to escape Wei Zexuan, or did she really like He Yiwei.

But these are not important anymore. Although she has amnesia now, she has her own opinion.

Xia Yuxi thought very well these days that she was unwilling to use He Yiwei in order to escape Wei Zexuan. On the one hand, she felt that this was unfair to He Yiwei. If she didn't really love him and barely stayed with him, it would definitely hurt him in the end.

On the other hand, Xia Yuxi wanted to stay with Wei Zexuan privately, even as a sister. As long as she can see him every day when she wakes up, cooks and chats with him every day, she is satisfied.

Even if such a day will not last long, but she is still willing to do so.

Therefore, after He Yiwei said his heart, Xia Yuxi took the teapot to help He Yiwei continue to draw water, and pulled out her hand.

"Yi Wei, thank you for loving me. But I really like my life now, so I'm sorry." Xia Yuxi slowly put down the kettle, looked directly at He Yiwei's eyes, and said apologetically.

He Yiwei thought that even if Xia Yuxi would not agree, at least he would consider it because he could feel that she did not hate him.

But he did not expect that Xia Yuxi after the amnesia was the same as before, refused him without hesitation.

Even the apologetic eyes are exactly the same. He even stunned for a moment, as if he had returned to his original rejection.

She said she likes her life now? Do you like to live with Wei Zexuan? Is he still a step late, she still fell in love with that man? Even if he is his cousin now?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through He Yiwei's mind! These thoughts drive him crazy, he really wants to ask these questions desperately, or tell the truth!

Tell her that Wei Zexuan had hurt her!

But he suddenly thought of his conversation with Wei Zexuan in the hospital.

If he now says everything to stop Xia Yuxi and Wei Zexuan together, then he really pushed Xia Yuxi into the abyss again! Xia Yuxi's previous pains, he has followed through!

Now she is at least happy! Does he really choose to tell Xia Yuxi the truth and deprive her of the happiness now?

He Yiwei closed his eyes in pain, and Xia Yuxi's smiling face lingered in his mind.

No, he can't be so selfish! Can't watch Xia Yuxi return to that pain again.

When He Yiwei opened his eyes again, he had already made a decision. He wanted to take Xia Yuxi, but also wanted to give her happiness. Now that she is already feeling happy, he would rather be in pain and protect her silently.

At least he cannot be the one who destroys her happiness!

He Yiwei, who made this decision, hurriedly said goodbye to Xia Yuxi. He was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, he would be unable to make any actions that he regretted.

After sending away He Yiwei, Xia Yuxi sat on the sofa and began to daze. When she saw that she refused him, He Yiwei's painful look.

Although she did not regret her actions, it would be a pity if she lost this friend He Yiwei because of this.

Wei Zexuan, who came back from work, was furious after hearing what happened in the security report today. He scolded the person in charge of security and called the secretary to ask her to rearrange a group of people the next day.

At dinner, the atmosphere at home is also particularly depressed. Although Wei Zexuan didn't say anything about Xia Yuxi, but the whole person had a black face, so scared that sister Joe and Fang Jinghua couldn't take a breath.

Xia Yuxi has long known Wei Zexuan's temper, knowing that although he has a strong temper and is angry, he will definitely not hurt her. So she was the same as no one else, eating happily, and talking about a new paragraph from time to time, and laughing there.

Didn't she meet He Yiwei today? As for being so happy? Wei Zexuan, who was already angry, was even more angry when he saw Xia Yuxi still so happy.

He threw down his chopsticks and turned upstairs!

After Wei Zexuan entered the study room angrily, he opened a document angrily, preparing to distract his attention. But an hour later, he found it useless, and he couldn't read the documents on the table.

He really wanted to rush out and ask Xia Yuxi what she said to He Yiwei and what he did! But he dare not. Xia Yuxi has already shown off with him, saying that the two are just brother and sister! He was afraid that if he questioned her, she would make her even more disgusted with him.

What a fool! Wei Zexuan got angry and thumped on the desk.

When Xia Yuxi pushed the door in, she just saw this scene! She snickered and walked over with the mousse cake she made.

"Brother, who made you angry?" Xia Yuxi asked for some reason, and pushed the cake to the person infront.

Wei Zexuan snorted without speaking. Although Xia Yuxi likes to see Wei Zexuan sulking, his stomach has just recovered. The doctor said that he must eat on time, but he was just angry and because he didn't take a few bites for dinner.

So she took Wei Zexuan's hand and stuffed the spoon in, "Don't be angry, you try the cake I made for you. This was made for you."

After hearing Xia Yuxi's pleasing remarks, Wei Zexuan was in a slightly better mood.

"I heard that He Yiwei has been here in the afternoon. What is he doing here?" He asked while eating the cake.

Xia Yuxi smiled, "Just come and see me."

Wei Zexuan put down the spoon in his hand and asked nervously, "What did you say?"

Xia Yuxi didn't want Wei Zexuan to be angry again because of this incident. After all, his body was still recovering. "I think there are so many good men in the world, and I should choose them again."

Xia Yuxi walked out after throwing away this unanswered question.

After Wei Zexuan came to sensed the meaning in her words, he couldn't help but be amused, and then took the spoon and ate it. He didn't think that this cake was delicious!

About another week later, Nu Hai called Xia Yuxi and told her that the photo had been sold out. The point was written according to the contract and hit Xia Yuxi's account.

Xia Yuxi's in a good mood called Han Ruowei and asked her to go shopping with her. This is the first time she has used her money to buy things since she lost her memory!

After turning the women's bag with Han Ruowei, Xia Yuxi proposed to go to see the electronic equipment.

"What do you think about that? Want to switch to endorsement electronic equipment?" Han Ruowei carried Xia Yuxi's face with a big bag. She really likes this lively Xia Yuxi, who is many times stronger than the stupid girl who only knows how to wrong herself.

Xia Yuxi avoided Han Ruowei's hand and rubbed the pinched place. The girl had no light weight. She is addicted to playing Yin Mojun, she has become a habit.

"What electronic device do I endorse! I actually want to buy a present for my cousin."

"Yo.., yo..!" Han Ruowei exclaimed exaggeratedly. It seems that the two have developed well recently. Xia Yuxi both offered to buy a gift for Wei Zexuan.

Xia Yuxi looked at Han Ruowei's exaggerated look, couldn't help rolling her eyes, and said with a smile: "You also know that cousin has been taking care of me, so I want to thank him.

"Then I am very kind to you, why don't you say thank you?"

"Than it's better not to have a cousin!" Xia Yuxi threw a sentence and turned to walk forward. This Han Ruowei is endless.

Han Ruowei quickly caught up. In fact, as a bystander, she has already seen that Xia Yuxi's eighty-nine out of ten is emotional with Wei Zexuan again, which is what she would like to see.

But she couldn't take this matter to the table and said that Xia Yuxi's character still likes to love Wei Zexuan silently. If Xia Yuri really knows everythings, then she will definitely shrink back.

Xia Yuxi actually came to Sony's VR device this time. When Wei Zexuan accompanied her to shop in Tokyo, she once glanced inside while passing Sony Showroom. Although he did not enter in the end, Xia Yuxi knew that he was still very interested in these high-tech things.

Because she didn't understand this, she listened to Han Ruowei's and took the most expensive one recently.

After choosing a gift, Han Ruowei asked Xia Yuxi to give her the same gift, so she took her to the Guerlain counter and chose a kiss lipstick.

Xia Yuxi smiled as he watched Han Ruowei coloring the color numbers one by one, "How do you pick these particularly colorful colors?"

Han Ruowei didn't look back, and continued to look at the mirror, comparing the coloring numbers, "Yin Mojun likes me like this. Don't look at me, I don't take him seriously, in fact, I know what style he likes! Although brother is not very optimistic about us, but life is hard to have two loves, I am willing to be with him, Dumybest!"