
Chapter 106: What happened to her cousin

Before Xia Yuxi reacted, the eyes of the two men stared together.

She quickly got up and said, "Yiwei, you go back first. Cousin is uncomfortable. I have to take care of him today."

Looking at the slightly imploring expression on Xia Yuxi's face, he did not want to make her embarrassed, He Yiwei nodded reluctantly, "then I will go back first. You must take care of yourself. I will come to see you again."

After speaking, he stopped looking at Wei Zexuan, turned around and went out.

Watching He Yiwei go, Xia Yuxi turned to Wei Zexuan, crouched down, and raised her head to the man in the wheelchair and said, "Brother, what are you doing! Once he comes, you will kill him. No matter, it's rude to people who's visiting you."

"You help him talk?"

Wei Zexuan's mood also affected her. Xia Yuxi wanted to argue, but closed her mouth.

But this time Wei Zexuan's anger seemed to be a little stronger than before. Xia Yuxi was squatting on the ground and her legs were numb, and her dear cousin was still motionless.

Until her legs numbly could not help but pinch her hands, Wei Zexuan coldly stretched out an arm and motioned for her to help herself.

Xia Yuxi held his hand, and quickly stood up, but because of squatting too long times, her legs were numb, and caused her not to stand firmly. Immediately, she flew into Wei Zexuan's arms.

Realizing that she was falling into the arms of her cousin in an extremely unsightly posture, Xia Yuxi's face turned red again. Her heartbeat began to accelerate, going on like this, she really doubted that she would die of heartbeat one day.

Regardless of the soreness on her legs, Xia Yuxi scrambled up from Wei Zexuan's body. To hide her tension, she quickly squatted down and tried to help Wei Zexuan get up.

"Hey, my cousin is back." Han Ruowei, who just came in from the outside, saw that Xia Yuxi was helping Wei Zexuan in a difficult way, and came quickly to help. The call just informed something wrong at work, so she took so long.

Who knew she had just helped Wei Zexuan come up, she was thrown away by this cold man, and she could only watch as he pressed all the weight on the weak Xia Yuxi.

Fortunately, the wheelchair was near the bed, and Xia Yuxi helped him up.

"Xiaoxi, why are you alone. Where's Sister Joe?" She didn't bother to worry about the nerves of her cousin. Han Ruowei just sat on the stool and asked with a big grin.

"Just after the gastroscope, I asked them to go back." Before Xia Yuxi answered, Wei Zexuan said coldly.

Han Ruowei saw Xia Yuxi's slightly messy hair and knew that she must have been in the hospital last night. This silly girl was just discharged from the hospital!

"Xiao Xi, you can go back to rest. I can accompany my cousin here." Han Ruowei took Xia Yuxi's distressed hand, urging her to go back to rest.

Xia Yuri didn't went back home to rest as she was not tired.

Wei Zexuan thought of Xia Yuxi's intimacy with He Yiwei just now, and he was out of breath, and said to Han Ruowei, "You go back first, and come back after work at night."

Han Ruowei glanced at Xia Yuxi sympathetically, but shrugged helplessly.

Even if her cousin deserves to perform well, she can't steal the cousin's limelight, not to mention that she doesn't like to do things like serving Wei Zexuan.

"Let's do it, I'll go, Xiaoxi will work hard for a while." She stepped out of the door on her high heels.

Wei Zexuan suddenly said behind her, "Are you ready? After I am discharged from the hospital, I will fly to Northern Europe to discuss cooperation with Saisi Group!"

Han Ruowei paused and looked back, staring at the person in the hospital bed, "Brother? Are you on a public grudge?"

Didn't she just go out and make a phone call? Did the two guys do anything extraordinary? Cut! So jealous of his wife. It's heartfelt to her cousin who can't kiss her anymore!

"What do you want to see? If you don't leave, you will go to Russia's negotiations next month!"

Han Ruowei felt that her old blood was stuck in her throat and it couldn't get out. She can only admit that she is a cousin who must compare with each other!


Watching Han Ruowei fall off the door, Xia Yuxi carefully looked at Wei Zexuan. Compared to Han Ruowei, he was crouched and trained just like pediatrics.

Suddenly she was curious about how she get along with Wei Zexuan before her accident. If, like Han Ruowei and the two of them, she still likes this man, she has a tendency to be abused!

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi couldn't help laughing.

Wei Zexuan, leaning halfway on the hospital bed, squinted and looked at the woman sitting opposite him, occasionally cheering, and the fog in his eyes became thicker and thicker.

He Yiwei told her what made her laugh from now on!

Any reason, tells him to be calm first! But the jealousy in his heart was like the volcano that about to erupt and he couldn't control it.

"What are you thinking about, so happy? Speaking out makes me happy too." Wei Zexuan suddenly bullied her, and stopped just under 10 cm away from Xia Yuxi's face.

Feeling Wei Zexuan's sudden approaching, Xia Yuxi looked up in shock, and the handsome face, which had been drawn hundreds of times in her heart, suddenly appeared before her.

She quickly leaned back, her face turned red again, and she stuttered, "No, nothing."

But all this saw Wei Zexuan's eyes as if she was caught having intimacy with her lover, she was shy.

"Do you like that man that much?" Finally couldn't help it, Wei Zexuan leaned back to the bed again, his eyes were colder than before, and the feeling of the indoor temperature had tremendous dropped.

"I don't like him. I don't even remember anyone. Who can I like now?"

Xia Yuxi finally couldn't hold back, whispered.


Either she was annoyed by the question, or she wanted to pull the distance between the two of them, she flung her aside impatiently, "Brother, you are so strange, why care about He Yiwei so much? Even for me, its doesn't matter. If the man and woman is unmarried, couldn't we have a relationship?"

With this in mind, Wei Zexuan let go of his clenched fist, looked at Xia Yuxi neerly, and said lightly, "If you really like him, talk about it."

After closing this sentence, he closed his eyes, because this sentence had exhausted all his strength.

Xia Yuxi originally thought Wei Zexuan would be angry, but he did not expect that he would say such a sentence after a long silence. Xia Yuxi was angry, but was answered. She don't know why, after hearing this sentence, she felt a pain in her heart, and her deep disappointment covered her heart.

Shaking her head, Xia Yuxi hopes to get rid of this uncontrollable thought in her head. Sadly, she finds it useless.

Instead, her disappointment slowly turned into anger!

Hearing the movement, Wei Zexuan opened his eyes in a panic, did she really go to He Yiwei?

Seeing that the person in his heart was sitting silently on another bed, Wei Zexuan cool his heart down. After all, if Xia Yuxi really went to He Yiwei, he really didn't know what crazy behavior he would make.

Wei Zexuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

So the whole room fell into a long silence.

Xia Yuxi has seen Wei Zexuan look angry, but has never seen him like he does now, without saying a word. Gradually she went from angry to worried, 'What if Wei Zexuan's ignoring her, what should I do?'

Thinking of this, she quietly looked up at the person on the bed. Only to find that the person on the bed was looking at himself intently.

When the two eyes met, Wei Zexuan pretended to look around. Xia Yuxi fearing that he would see her face blush, quickly lowered her head.

Near noon, Sister Joe came to the hospital to deliver meals, and the two were relieved a little from this embarrassment.

Said it was a meal delivery, but it was mainly for Xia Yuxi. Wei Zexuan had less than 24 hours of bleeding, and the doctor banned him from eating.

After eating, Xia Yuxi saw the slight peeling of Wei Zexuan's lips, poured a glass of warm water and walked silently to Wei Zexuan.

This make Wei Zexuan's heart felt warm. Xia Yuxi couldn't help but blushed again.

How she wanted to caress the dry lips of the man in front of her!

The sudden thoughts startled Xia Yuxi. She hurriedly lowered the cotton swab in her hand, and stood up to leave.

"Xiaoxi, I..." Suddenly Wei Zexuan took Xia Yuxi's hand, and he kept trying to say something.

Xia Yuxi's heart thumped, thumped! She even thought that if she continued to jump like this, she would faint.

When she gathered her courage and looked to Wei Zexuan, she found that the man's face had a strange flush. Xia Yuxi suddenly thought about how Wei Zexuan wanted to go to the bathroom in the morning!

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Xia Yuxi asked with a blush.

After seeing Wei Zexuan nodded gently, Xia Yuxi was relieved, but at the same time there was a slight disappointment. Unwilling to think more, Sister Joe went to wash the dishes, only she could help Wei Zexuan.

As in the morning, Xia Yuxi struggled to help Wei Zexuan walk to the bathroom. This time she was not as nervous as in the morning. Perhaps practice makes perfect. The cooperation between the two is much better.

But when she put Wei Zexuan back on the bed, she was surprised to find that she had a craving for Wei Zexuan.

Can't go on like this! Do not use the same stem twice


Without waiting for Han Ruowei to come to work in the evening, she found an excuse to Sister Joe, and leave first.

She must go back and calm down but it was useless to return home. Xia Yuxi still couldn't control herself. No matter when she was eating or sleeping, she was full of Wei Zexuan.

The next morning, there was Wei Zexuan's operation, and Xia Yuxi, who had not slept well at night, came to the hospital early.

When she saw Wei Zexuan, her heart was beating, but she felt unprecedented peace of mind.

Xia Yuxi began to get nervous until Wei Zexuan was pushed into the operating room. Although doctors have repeatedly assured that this is only a minor operation, she still sweats with nervous palms.

"Who is the family member's type A blood? Our hospital suddenly picked up a few patients in a car accident today, and the blood in the blood bank was not enough." Halfway through the operation, a nurse ran out of the operating room and asked hurriedly.

Xia Yuxi stood up immediately, "I'm here, use my blood!"

Worried about Xia Yuxi's body, Han Ruowei quickly grabbed her and said to the nurse, "Draw mine, she has just cure from sick."

The nurse looked at the two people who were fighting, and said anxiously, "Don't fight with each other, come and have a blood test with me, not necessarily can use it!"

After the blood test results came out, Han Ruowei was type A and Xia Yuxi was type B. Too late to say anything, Han Ruowei followed the nurse in a hurry.

Xia Yuxi sat on the bench in the operating room by herself, and murmured in her heart, 'AA gave birth to A, BB gave birth to B. If she is really Wei Zexuan's cousin, the worst is that the parents of AB blood have an AB child. What happened to her cousin, type B?'

"Xiaoxi, don't worry about it, this is just a minor operation. My cousin must be alive after coming out."

Hearing Han Ruowei's voice, Xia Yuxi quickly regained her heart. Now that her cousin is still in the operating room, why is she thinking about her blood type alone? Maybe she just inherited her mother's blood type completely!

With enough blood, Wei Zexuan was quickly pushed out of the operating room. Han Ruowei and Xia Yuxi quickly greeted him.

Seeing Wei Zexuan still asleep, Xia Yuxi's heart shrank a bit, "Doctor, why isn't my brother awake?"

"The operation was very successful. This, Mr. Wei's anesthesia hasn't passed yet! When the medicine is over, he will naturally wake up."

Xia Yuxi listened, and was only a little relieved. However, she could not see Wei Zexuan waking up, she still couldn't be completely relieved, so she was sitting near his bed all the time, no matter who persuaded, she would not leave.

Fortunately, before noon, Wei Zexuan woke up! Although not as exaggerated as Han Ruowei said, the spirit does look good.

Until this time, Xia Yuxi's dangling heart was completely put down.

Looking at Wei Zexuan who had recovered, Xia Yuxi suddenly felt, it was not worth to get angry for a cousin's heavy words yesterday. As long as you can see that your cousin's healthy, she's willing to be scolds her every day.

Xia Yuxi had thought about it, and taken special care of Wei Zexuan for the past two days. Wei Zexuan's naturally happy, and his body recovers faster. If it were not for the doctor to have him observe for another half a month, he would have expected to be discharged immediately.

On this day, Wei Zexuan sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at the company's documents. Xia Yuxi quietly accompanied him on the side. The room is quiet and warm. Both people feel great, and they are enjoying this wonderful moment silently.

"ZeXuan, how is your health?" The gentle female voice that suddenly sounded broke the beauty of this moment. Liu Zhiyan hugged Wei Nian and walked in quickly.

When she saw that there were only Wei Zexuan and Xia Yuxi in the room, her eyes flashed. She pretended to pinch her hair behind her ears, and when she looked up again, she was full of anxiety.

"Big... Sister Zhiyan, you are here."

Xia Yuxi got up and gave up her seat. Now that she knows the relationship between Liu Zhiyan and her cousin, she still dominates the position next to Wei Zexuan, which is too much.

Liu Zhiyan was rude. She stepped forward and sat down, pulling Wei Zexuan's hand. "You don't even know the news of your hospitalization. I'm scared to death."

"Xiao Xi, help me go get to the doctor."

Wei Zexuan was very upset to see Xia Yuxi leave him. But afraid of what Liu Zhiyan would say, she forced her out.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Xia Yuxi left the room, Wei Zexuan withdrew his hand and looked at Liu Zhiyan coldly. He was disgusted looking at this hypocritical woman now!

Liu Zhiyan withdrew her hands awkwardly, and raised Wei Nian into her arms again. "What else can I do, just worry about you and want to come and see."

"Okay, now that you've seen it, you can go." After saying this, Wei Zexuan lowered his head and continued to look at the file.

Liu Zhiyan pushed Wei Nian gently and silently read the word "dad".

Wei Nian thought that his mother was playing a guessing game with him again. If he could guess correctly, his mother would reward him with a big toy car!

"Dad!" Wei Nian shouted excitedly at the thought of having another toy.

A proud smile appeared on Liu Zhiyan's face, but replaced by a weeping expression, "ZeXuan, I know you are angry with me. But your son thoughts are innocent. He haven't seen you, and always asked for dad at home."

Knowing that Liu Zhiyan was again using his child as a shield, but Wei Zexuan was relentless to treat his own child.

He put down the papers in his hands and embraced Wei Nian from Liu Zhiyan's arms. Just let her stay for a few more minutes for the sake of the child.

Because the doctor's office was not too far away, Wei Zexuan was worried about Xia Yuxi's return, so a few minutes later, although he was reluctant to the child leave, he let Liu Zhiyan go.

Of course, Liu Zhiyan knew what Wei Zexuan was afraid of! Since he was reluctant to let Xia Yuxi leave, it was only she who went out in person.

This stupid woman wasn't her opponent before her memory loss, wasn't she letting her pinch herself after her memory loss?

Out of the ward, Liu Zhiyan hugged Wei Nian and hid at the corner of the corridor. When she saw Xia Yuxi was about to come over, she hugged the child and bumped into it.

"Yeah! NianNian, goodbye to aunt soon." Liu Zhiyan pretended to accidentally meet Xia Yuxi, and shook Wei Nian's little hand, as if he had taught the child said goodbye.

It turns out that this child is the one that Sister Joe said! Although Xia Yuxi had thought of it for a long time, she heard it from Liu Zhiyan's words and could felt a pain in her heart.

"Sister Zhiyan, are you leaving now?" Xia Yuxi squeezed out a smile, not wanting to be seen. Although she knew that she should pull the nephew's small hand, she must not be able to get close to her when she looked at the child.

"Yes! Zexuan is afraid of his son getting any bacteria in the hospital, so he urged me to hurry back."

Unexpectedly, the cousin who has always been overbearing has such a careful side. He must be very concerned about his child! Xia Yuxi felt a bit of bitterness in her heart.

"Xiao Xi, you have worked hard these days. You said that this person was fine when he slept with me the night before, and suddenly was hospitalized the next day! I was scared to death when I heard the news."

It turned out that he really stayed with Liu Zhiyan that night!