
Chapter 10: Dare to hit me?

Han Ruowei originally planned to visit Xia Yuxi. After all, she also noticed Xia Yuxi's fever burning badly yesterday, but she did not expect to see the man who saved her yesterday. For a monent, she could not controlled her anger, and vented out.

"It was Mr. He who saved me last time. How can you say that?" Hearing Han Ruowei said, Xia Yuxi quickly explained.

"Why can't I say? You can't get rid of him outside. Now, you bring him home. What do you want to say now?" Han Ruowei just have to re-examine Xia Yuxi in person. How can she not known that she's this type of person for so many years!

"You can't even speak?" The first time he saw this woman, He Yiwei was somewhat disgusted from the bottom of his heart. Now she's indiscriminately smearing his relationship with Xia Yuxi, which makes him unbearable.

"I can't speak? You even didn't know your position? You don't know whose home is this?" Han Ruowei yelled and picked up the tea on the coffee table. The smell of fragrance tea made her mood a lot better, but her attitude is still terrible. "Wu Wei, you listen to me..." Xia Yuxi quickly pulled He Yiwei, sorry to see him to showed his displeasure.

"Okay, you explain." Sitting opposite her, Han Ruowei wanted to hear how Xia Yuri explained.

"When I went out to buy food today, I accidentally met Mr. He, and Mr. He sent me back with kindness. It was as simple as that." Xia Yuxi looked at Han Ruowei seriously, for fear that she would not believe.

"So smart?" Han Ruowei's expression was exactly the same as Wei Zexuan.

"If you have no evidence, don't talk. Who do you think you are? How dare to accuse me here? Have you even notice, who's sitting here?" Han Ruowei was trembled by his words, her eyes staring at He Yiwei, who had nothing to do with this.

"So this is the evidence, so why are you so arrogant?" He Yiwei's not angry and laughs.

"You'd better put yourself in a respect attitude!" Han Ruowei said, she picked up her phone and intended to call the security room of the villa.

Seeing Han Ruowei's action, Xia Yuxi certainly knows what she wants to do, and quickly goes to He Yiwei's side and whispers: "Here is the Wei's family. You still have to leave first. Otherwise, it will be bad if something really goes wrong." When she finished whispering, Xia Yuxi lowered her head and apologized

"Good." He Yiwei is not an unreasonable person. Here is the Wei family's territory. It is so big that it has a security room, and he does not want to see Xia Yuxi's embarrassment. He just happened to have encountered such a lousy thing today, and it would be really inappropriate for him to stay.

"Then you..." Not waiting for He Yiwei to say anything, Xia Yuxi nodded hard and said that she had no problem. With such an answer, He Yiwei looked at Han Ruowei with confidence and walked to the door. The footsteps gradually disappeared.

"I talk about you, can you be a bit cautious." After He Yiwei left, Han Ruowei fell on a soft sofa. In her eyes, Xia Yuxi is the kind of person who gathers all the mistakes on herself, even if she is framed, she will not explained. This character of Xia Yuxi really makes her pitiful and hateful.

Hearing her saying this, Xia Yuxi just smiled lightly. She knew that what Han Ruowei does was for her own good, but she also had her own hard-to-say hardships.

What is it to a fight, furthermore, she have no place to go if leave here. Just say that the power of the Wei's family is strong. If they deliberately made her difficult, she afraid that she will not have her foot set in this country. "If you continue to be so weak, you will be bullied." Han Ruowei saw that Xia Yuxi showed no reaction, just a gentle smile, and this made her frustrated.

"Are you crazy? Or stupid?" Han Ruowei really felt that she was concerned about her being in vain.

"No, I am fine." Xia Yuxi glared at Han Ruowei with a heartless smile. Her soft sad emotion and cracked lips made people feel particularly distressed.

Han Ruowei took a lip balm from her bag and put it in Xia Yuxi's hand. She looked at the sky outside and suddenly said: "You bought so many food today, I have to eat here tonight."

"Okay." Xia Yuxi knows that she has always been a big eater. Although sometimes, Han Ruowei had many things, some even too harsh, but they are all good for her.

After picking up the lip balm and carefully applying it to the lips, Xia Yuxi pulled a smile: "I am going to cook now."

In the evening, heard Wei Zexuan's car stopped infront of the villa. Han Ruowei put down the nuts in her hand and greeted him. She's standing at the front door watching Wei Zexuan coming down from the car, like she's his wife.

Leaving the villa in the morning, Wei Zexuan's mood is like a badly disgusted. All day, his heart's full of reverberating from the morning. 'Xia Yuxi, you little white face, are you not afraid of death.'

It's time to get off work, Wei Zexuan, who originally wanted to come home earlier, sat in the office for a long time. Finally, the sky was getting dark and it was really time to go back. At this moment, seeing Han Ruowei standing by the door, Wei Zexuan did not showed any feelings, but just looked at this proud cousin and walked straight inside.

The rich food scent surrounds the whole living room, and Han Ruowei, who was ignored by Wei Zexuan, suddenly became angry. She walked over to Wei Zexuan and stared at him with a unpleasant face.

"Hurry and go back." Wei Zexuan looked at Han Ruowei sideways and his tone was dull.

"I want to stay here for dinner!" I waited for the whole day. "You..." Wei Zexuan did not feel entangled with her, handed the coat to the butler and walked upstairs. "Hey, where are you going? Xiaoxi has cooked a lot of delicious food."

When he heard Han Ruowei's words, Wei Zexuan who was on the stairs, were slightly stagnation. "Hurry up and let eat immediately." After that, Han Ruowei turned directly to the kitchen.

After cleaning up for a moment, Wei Zexuan changed into a casual dress and went downstairs to the kitchen. Only him and Han Ruowei were on the dining table, and Xia Yuxi was still cooking in the kitchen.

"Didn't you say that you want a meal?" Wei Zexuan just fixed his eyes on the table and screened her home-cooked food. There was something flowing in his eyes. "Its nothing, this is only.. just a meal?" He thought to himself. Han Ruowei got up and took the plate in Xia Yuxi's hand and gently placed it on the table.