
Chapter 407 - I forbid you from lying to me

"She fell in love with him, but to him, she was just a job," Jacob stated bitterly. But Robin could tell that there was more to the story and asked seriously,

"This is more serious than I thought. You mean that her whole family was killed?"

"Yes, by a man who claimed to love her. He thought he had killed her also, when he shot her in the chest, missing her heart by a millimeter. Her death was faked by the man who found her."

"He is the same person who owns the agency she currently works for. Her death was faked and she was given a new identity. Her real name is Genesis Clide."

Robin froze at the mention of the name, as he remembered it vividly. "Wait a minute. You mean that she is the first daughter of the late Governor Gershon Clide? The governor who was murdered with his family six years ago?"