

DaoistluNLTN · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 :

" I want all the documents by noon " ; the CEO of Stan Enterprises said .

Evelyn Michelle Stan , the CEO of her own company is the only female CEO in this male dominant world . For years other companies have tried to overthrow her and take over her company but she is hella stubborn , the most successful CEO and the only remaining Stan in her family .

" Yes ma'am " ; her assistant Dylan said before returning to his work .

Her company specialized in manufacturing weaponry for the military and the navy . Many military personnel came and gave special orders for armoury .

Other competition companies were jealous of her . One such competition company's head was Samuel Williams and he always had a grudge against Evelyn . He wanted to literally kill her and had had tried a lot of ways to kill her using his personal hitman and snipers but always failed because of her personal bodyguard Ivan .

In truth , Samuel has never seen her in real life , just heard stories about her .

Evelyn sat at her desk and looked around her private office . She had models of sniper guns on display on her walls . She smiled slightly at the picture which sat at her desk . It was of Ivan and her . Ivan had his arms around her shoulders and both of them were smiling brightly .

Ivan had square glasses and neatly trimmed hair and a beautiful smile . Evelyn had long brown hair with some electric blue and pink strips . She had forest green eyes and always a slight frown whenever she was in her office .

To others , Ivan was her bodyguard but to her he was her teddy bear .

Ivan entered through the door just as she was thinking about him .

" Hi sweet cheeks " ; he greeted her .

" Hey teddy bear " ; she said half heartedly .

" What's wrong ? " ; he asked her worriedly .

" Another threat came from Williams " ; she sighed .

She started crying from all the stress and threats .

Ivan immediately wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth slowly shushing her .

" I don't think I am enough , Ivie . I don't think I can do this anymore . I am so weak and here I am , the CEO of this expensive company who has no talent , no strength , no nothing " ; she cried .

" Hey , hey . Hey ! look at me " ; Ivan said firmly as he forced her to look at me .

" You are the strongest , kindest , most beautiful and the most capable person for running this company " ; Ivan said to her .

Evelyn nodded .

" Now , about that threat " ; Ivan said .

Evelyn handed the already open letter to him .




~ Williams .

" This is serious" ; Ivan said .

" Yeah , so ? No police or no officers will help me . " ; Evelyn said sadly .

" Geez Eve , what am I ? The next door neighbour ? " ; he joked .

Evelyn laughed .

" Nah ! You are my teddy bear " ; she said sweetly .

" Hehe hehehe . I know " ; Ivan said smiling .

" I think I should get back to work " ; Evelyn said . Ivan nodded and left her alone .

While she worked peacefully , for now , on the other side Samuel Williams was hatching a plan . He called Alejandro and gave him a task . A task which had risks but Samuel was a man of risks !

It was a new day , a new challenge for Evelyn .

" Two days to go " ; she thought .

Despite Ivan's multiple promises she still was mentally preparing herself for her death . Ivan had refused to leave her side and has increased security around the building .

Samuel had bought one of the rival companies and sent Alejandro , the former CEO of the company Samuel bought to spy on Evelyn and to send daily updates to him .

Alejandro reacher Stan Enterprises and entered the big building . He was stopped at least a hundred times by various guards and Ivan checked him properly , Before letting him enter Evelyn's private room .

" Good morning , Miss Stan " ; Alejandro greeted her .

" Good morning " ; Evelyn said back .

" Miss Stan , I am Alejandro Myrack and I would like to coordinate with you on our shared project on the new kind of military sniper guns " ; he said to her .

" Direct . I like it but I am sorry I won't be able to coordinate with your team . I say this because my team finds it easy when they work alone and not with other strangers . So , thank you for your offer but I am not interested . These guns are my plans and my ideas and I don't intend on sharing them . " ; Evelyn said and waved her hands to take away Alejandro .

Although before going , Alejandro managed to put a small device under her desk and snap a few pictures of her using the contact lense cameras .

Ivan entered as soon as Alejandro left .

" What did he want ? " ; he asked .

" To share the manufacturing ideas for the new models of guns " ; she replied rubbing her temple .

" Aha " ; he said shaking his head .

" Two days to go . Till I die " ; Evelyn said .

" Will you stop it ? " ; Ivan scolded her .

" How can I ? I am scared " ; Evelyn defended herself .

" Please don't be scared . I promise nothing will happen to you " ; Ivan assured her .

Evelyn just nodded .

Who knew what the future held for her ❓

This is a small chapter because it only has introductions .

DaoistluNLTNcreators' thoughts