
The Power of The Unknown Child

Tesladerrick · Ost
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3 Chs

Lu Shu Knowing About Super Powers

Lu shu did not necessarily believe the news that was going viral because, according to him there was no one with super powers in the world however, when he and Xiaoya watched the fire magic show performed by a man on the stage, Lu shu felt a strange radiant energy emanating from the necklace his mother had given him. He then assumed that the man wasn't doing magic tricks but rather had super powers to control fire.

Out of curiosity Lu Shu then sneaked backstage with his sister and how shocked they saw a group of people dressed in black ambush the fire bending man and then shoot the man with a stun gun however, they soon discovered Lu Shu and his little sister but Lu shu made an excuse so they wouldn't be suspected.

Even though he and his sister were let go in the end, the leader of the group seems to still suspect Lu shu. Likewise, Lu shu suspected they were not police as they told him, Lu shu and his sister then met a young man named Zhi wei who asked about what happened backstage.

Lu shu did not respond and immediately left him.