Marcus Radiation Hamilton, otherwise known as Mark to his friends and family, is a normal college student attending his 3rd year at the VR University of Leipzig which was originally in Germany but now most schools no longer have as much regional barriers as before. Mark is very normal as compared to others at the same age as him in the world. There is, of course, one exception to this as compared to much of the people attending his college. Mark has been graded and assessed as a grade F superhuman.
After the tragic WWIII, the aftermath of the biochemical and nuclear radiation was felt across the globe. This resulted in the majority of the remaining human race to develop mutations which are commonly referred to as superpowers. These powers can be anything from being a little smarter than others at your age group, understanding all languages or never getting sick at the low end. The high-end powers can consist of being able to fly, super strength and speed and even the ability to control people and things with your mind. These are just examples of the basic types of powers even normal people can suddenly have after experiencing fallout from the tragic war.
Roughly 6 months after the first sign of superpowers appearing in people, the United Nations of the time along with all other governments and world leaders still in power drafted a series of rules and specifications regarding the mutants or "evolved" humans. The first part of the rules which was later known as the Karma Accords was a series of laws and regulations for super humans in order to prevent abuse and misuse of their powers and the creation of the United Nations Hero Association to enforce these rules which is jointly controlled by the UN and its leaders. This enforcement was only possible through the funds that the UN had continued to gather through the royalties Igor Karma's company continued to receive thanks to the end of WWIII and its accords. The second part of the Karma Accords was a mandated specification system that even today is reinforced by each government on its citizens. At the age of 10 each child will be assessed by special machines in order to determine their superpower and the resulting rank which will be updated every 5 years in case of change. This rank would go on to become a standard for which every person in society is valued with. This led to a class like system where people who were F and E ranks were poor normally poor with D and C ranks being predominantly the middle class and anyone with a B rank or higher is considered wealthy or privileged. This class system bled into everyday life as well with schools, jobs, mortgage companies and even governments using your issued class rank as a form of collateral to assess what you will be worth and what you can do.
All of this leads to Mark, who against all odds was able to enter a prestigious University despite the fact his rank is clearly F rank. Like many children growing up Mark always wanted to be one of the 1 in a million people who randomly had a B rank ability and would be able to be rich and successful when they grow up. Sadly, Mark was graded with a F rank ability which was no surprise considering both his parents were F rank and worked two jobs and the highest rank in his family is his grandfather who has a E+ rank. With abilities being as varied and different as everyone who receives them there is a massive database which has been compiled since the first documented superpowers case back in 2150.
The real question to ask though is what is Mark's superpower? And is it possible that he can work hard and get a higher rank? The answer to this is best shown in the the orginal machine's reading when Mark was tested at 10 years old.
Name: Marcus Radiation Hamilton
Power: Radiation
Rank: F (E+)
Description: Minor use of common types of radiation including infrared, gamma and ultraviolet radiations.
Presented ability usage consists of: Lack of damage from Sun's rays and natural radiation, Ability to see beyond the visible light spectrum, and the ability to slightly warm up objects with infrared radiation.
Mark has a starting rank of F with a maximum potential growth cap of E+ with his ability able to increase only slightly if he continuously trains it every day of his life. This much like many of the poorer people in the world diminishes their hope that one day they will become like many of the legendary Heroes like the ones in the UNHA.
The United Nations Hero Association is world renowned, with having a requirement of at least B+ hero ability and the majority of its members having extreme combat potential which is a necessity to enforce the rules of the Karma Accords. The overall rankings are only absolutely certain up to the S class rank. The ranks go from F rank at the lowest to the SSS rank at the highest.
There is only one known SSS rank superhuman and he is only known as Timeless Monk. He was discovered in a routine check of residents for superpowers in 2350 in a unnamed monestary in hat used to be China. His only response to questions is silence and he sits at the summit of a mountain where the monestary is built around. The government reports that he is extremely dangerous and should not be approached under any circumstances. This report was after rumors of forcing the monk to leave was met with people visibly aging to broken skeletal remains when touching the monk.
This is my first real chapter, not counting the prologue. Please feel free to let me know what you think about it or anything at all. Thanks for reading!