
Sundari Waterfall Mystical Story

Today's event students of the Budi Pekerti School are heading to a waterfall called Sundari Waterfall which is not far from the place where they held a campfire and slept in the tent last night.

The information was announced when they enjoyed breakfast this morning. Because they are waiting for the next direction so they are given free time to rest around the pavilion which is at the starting point of the meeting later before leaving.

Vino sat quietly on the side of the fence from the pavilion while looking at the scenery that was good if seen from the side he sat now.

Bryant is buying him a drink to bring later when heading to the Sundari Waterfall.

Robert who walked to go to the front of the pavilion, suddenly saw Vino sitting alone he decided to approach him.

"Why is it alone?" Robert asked while sitting beside him "Where is the guy?"