
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

War Counsel Commences

Harry drummed his fingers across the tables once, twice, thrice, and then stopped. He waited a minute and did it again. After a third repetition, he had, he was sure, all the muggle born or muggle aware on edge near him, including Hermione behind him. Of course, the fact was he did this after the dratted toad had posted those rules. Where did she think she was? This was a school, not a prison. It seemed the trial of the alliance was about to start sooner into the month of October than wanted, but at least she hadn't taken away Hogsmeade weekends yet.

"What's up, Harry?"

"That, those rules, are dangerous. We need to find a way around them fast."

"I agree. Meeting after supper. Spread the word."

Dudley shivered.

Harry rubbed his shoulder. He could hear Hermione already telling those around her, and knew it would easily spread from there.


"I want to say, this could work. You want to have a bunch of us Slytherins run around and act like prefects, but not touch any of the new rules. This is going to take cross house cooperation. Of course, the fact we'll answer to her means that she'll get a large amount of house pride out of it."

Daphne Greengrass turned her head and looked at the assembled counsel, two boys and two girls from each year fifth year and up, gathered in the room.

Hannah sniffed. "Umbridge is, if anything, smug. Any group of people that only answers to her is only going to raise her ego."

Hermione raised her hand. "I know I am not a leader in this circle, only a researcher. Is any of this that she is doing even legal? Even with the Minister's signature?"

Neville, Justin, Draco, and Susan Bones looked rather grim.

"It's grey. It's something that is looked down on, but cannot legally be prosecuted unless proven without doubt that they are doing something wrong."

Hermione smirked.

"Is it too early to bring Rita into play?"

That brought some reaction. Harry and Ron looked at her and looked at the sky, Harry shaking his head. Draco looked as if he had been punched in the nose again, looking mildly sick. The rest were a mix of contemplation or disgust.

"I think that's a little extreme right now, Hermione," stated Harry. "Unless of course you do it without us knowing or being there. Rita is in play all ready, and we're going to have to do things proper if her change about will come across as genuine."

Ron stated, "So, we know she has a huge ego. She wants to be seen as pretty, even though she looks horrid. She wants us to all believe that You-Know-Who is not back. She may know procedure, she may know the rules and guidelines for hiring, but she doesn't know how to teach or can't teach well. She will now also have her own set of prefects, if we use the term, and not hers. She also, sorry folks, tortures kids in detention. She's going two to the side and one back, I think, and unknowingly trapping some of her side's key players. So, we are planning on using our rooks and knights obviously, and once she's chasing those, bringing out our bishops?"

Draco grinned.

"She's going to think you guys are acting suspicious, so once she's really deeply looking into finding something suspicious, the ones not being investigated will be the ones breaking the rules going after her. It will take some coordination."

Harry frowned, saying, "It will also take some people not doing things rashly. We are going to be taking some hits, guys. I know Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs from experience will either run in fear or act out if the general attitude is strong enough. We're going to be angry. We're just also going to have to be patient, because as Susan said, until we find enough to charge her with or what we can charge her with, there's nothing we can do."

"If she has something that says she can get us to write in our blood, can we get someone to read it to see if she's even not exceeding the use of it? I'm sorry, but some of us are being drained by it. Maybe see if she has a specific way that we can even complain."

"She's starting to pressure some of us sixth and seventh years, that if we sign a form to do as she says, we won't be in detention with her."

"That may be a topic for a smaller amount of people."

"Next topic, what are we doing for class? How are we even going to pass DADA?"

"I suppose getting dirty full of fishy water is not a good option, otherwise I'd suggest where Ginny was in my second year. Where Slytherin's Monster lived."

"No thanks," the same girl replied, "I don't want to have to replace all my clothes each week."

"Or we could each have a set that would always smell of dead fish?"

"Sorry, no, Ron."

"I'm sure there's other hidden places in this castle."

"I guess we can work on that one. Okay, how are we even going to teach the stuff? I am pretty sure this year's text book is not going to pass the OWL. Does anyone know what past texts were used from siblings or parents or anyone?"

Fred and George looked at each other. Fred spoke up, "Well, in our fifth year, Lupin taught, and as you know was one of our better teachers. So I could get the book from home so we could get the book title for everyone? And does it work for everyone to grab the titles from that year and give them to younger students if they don't want to keep them? Or lend them out? That way, even the youngsters won't be entering the world without anyway to defend themselves somewhat."

"Wait, do we agree to share the books? Do we also agree to teach the younger grades? This is going to be a lot of work, so think long about it."

Silence reigned in the Head Boy's Room where they were all gathered together.


"I agree that we should teach the younger years. However, I believe that the books might need some more discussion."

"Any one second that?"

Neville raised his hand, and said, "I agree to what Fred just said, that we should teach the younger years and books might need more discussion."

"For aye, raise your hands."

Most did.

"Any opposed, do likewise."

No one did.

"All right. Next up, should we talk teachers, teaching schedules, or books?"

"Should we treat this as an underground school?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we have the board, we're going to have the class, the teachers, the students, the facility, and the books. Should we also add on the underground medical facility and games as well?"

The Head Boy sat up at the end of the oval on the floor and appeared deep in thought.

"One of the things that soldiers have to deal with is lack of moral. It is one of the things, besides loss of equipment, knowledge, or belief in a cause, that can end a fight, maybe even cause spies. Sorry, nerd here nerding on the world wars. She's cutting away at our support structures, just like the Nazis did with the Jews. It's psychological siege warfare, and we're going to have to stock up on the supplies. I say we will need games, and dare I say it, the twin's joke stuff. We'll need it to survive."

"Justin Finch-Fletchly, do you have any of those books with you here? We might want to see those, or any notes you can bring from them."

"Just him, or should the rest of us check to see if we have anything that would apply?"

"Do you want to volunteer this? I'll put them down as a volunteer thing, even though we're probably going to need all the help we can get. We're not going to vote on it."

"All right."

Justin said, "Sure."

"Ron, do you have that?"


"Back to the DADA books from Lupin's class, should we owl them from our parents?"

"That should work. I'm not sure about the seventh years though."

"Maybe owl Lupin. He probably still has his notes, even."

The Head Boy looked at him, and asked, "Do you think he would?"

Harry nodded and answered, "Since he really enjoyed that job, absolutely. I can imagine he would probably want to do it again without having to run because of being a werewolf."

There were a few grimaces around the group.

"Yeah, I can see how that could affect the ability to keep a job."

The Head Boy rapped his knuckles on the floor, trying to get people's attention. Once he had it, he spoke up, "All right, everybody, now the topic of teachers, since the topic of books has been tabled until next week at some point. Who should teach the classes?"

"I really think that no one younger than us should," stated Susan. "While we are still students, we all can teach simple spells by now."

"What do you think of the sixth years handling first through fourth years?"

"As long as we're not putting students into a position where they will be bullied, I'm fine with it. We don't need more Umbridges or Snapes."

"Maybe put the student teachers in groups of two, because I know I don't have much patience some days."

"Maybe mix up the houses, but alternate each week which house is being taught with which, because I don't know, I don't want another Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry sprouting under my nose?"

"You mean while you are teaching it?"


"How about putting teachers in alternating weeks so that they have a week off to catch up with their other school work?"

"That sounds good."

There were general sounds of agreement.

"With those of us studying for exams, could you give us a little more time to catch up?"

"You're thinking like another teacher combo to help take the weight of teaching your class?"


"That works."

"I agree."

"Hey, wait, was that a motion, and was that carried?"


"Thanks," stated Ron as he hurriedly scribbled down stuff in short hand.

"All right, then. Folks, I'm going to pair you up and tell you what year you'll be teaching. Ron, pay attention, and make sure you get them all in order."

"Got it."

Draco looked at Harry, whom he was sitting beside.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Me, no. However, ever since first year, I have learned there is no such thing as a normal school year here. I am guessing that this is going to be my craziness this year."

"I've noticed that this year you're not leading it. Do you mind that?"

"I'm not leading it? I guess not, now. Do I mind? Not really? I mean, I've got enough to do to keep my brother calm, and with my grades, there's no way I'm not going to be asked to be one of the ones teaching our class. That's without You-Know-What and Umbridge already hating me."

Harry stretched his legs out before sitting on them again.

Draco raised his eyebrows. He'd almost forgotten about Harry's visions from Voldemort. Lately, they hadn't been bad at all. They were just lots of halls, very boring indeed. That didn't mean that they couldn't be worse, much worse. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Yeah, let's just forget about that for now, especially with a more immediate enemy.

The Head Boy was in front of them.

"Okay, Draco, I'm partnering you with Susan. You'll be one of four alternating pairs for your year. Given the information we already have, Umbridge is focusing heavily on your year, so we'll be giving you guys the most space. Harry, I'm partnering you with Hermione, and you'll be another. The four of you, along with Hannah, Ron, Justin, and Padma, are coordinating the lessons for this year. Got that?"

Harry nodded, and said, "Yes, sir."

Draco did as well.

The Head Boy walked back to Ron, who took a few minutes to write down all the pairs for the years.

"All right, every one, one more subject, underground hospital wing. Do we need this?"

"Yes, because I can't get the stuff needed for heavy quill use from the hospital wing. While I might have a supplier now, that doesn't mean anyone else does."

"Thanks, Harry, anyone else?"

Hannah raised her hand.

"I haven't seen it much in my year, maybe because she's mostly focusing on Harry, but the couple younger students I've seen don't know what it is and don't know where to turn to."

"All right there is limited need. Harry, can you ask your supplier?"

Harry shook his head, saying, "I have nothing to bargain with. If he does it, it's going to be pricy."

Fred and George raised their hands. "If we get a sample of Harry's stuff, we might be able to recreate it. Is that alright?"



"Cho. Second?"


"All right. Anything else?"

Hermione lifted her hand.

"We're going to need to have a counselor or something. Since Umbridge has been here, none of the teachers, except Flitwick, have let us talk to them. We've been left alone in Gryffindor tower."

"Anyone else like that?"

Heads shook, besides Gryffindors. Snape still talked to his Slytherins, even if he disliked Harry.

The Head Boy put his head in his hands.

"Great. We have one quarter of the school that has been abandoned. Fine. Carissa, do you and I want to split that one?"

The Head Girl nodded her head and said, "Sure."

"Alright," The Head Boy lifted his head, "Can anything else be left until next week? Oh wait, before you go, I need you to sign that paper. It does not require a blood quill, so you can relax, Harry, but it will keep you from speaking to anyone Ministry related besides those of us already here, such as me, because my Dad works in the Ministry, about this. If you try, you won't be able to talk. Hermione is looking into ways to contact people for knowing the times to meet without it being obvious, but the next meeting I'll have to let you know the old fashioned way, got that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, please. This year is going to be long enough. Please call me Gillian."

With the prefects watching, they all signed the paper before they left.


Draco pulled Harry away from the group almost immediately after they left the room.

"Draco, what's up?"

"Do you mind talking to me for a bit? There's an empty room I know about."

"I need some less people around. Sure."

The two boys quickly walked the couple floors of stairs down from the Head Boy's Rooms this year to the main floor, where they walked down a corridor and into a room just off of the courtyard. Once there, Harry took a deep breath in and relaxed, looking at the colours the sun was turning the sky and the clouds in the west through the window. He turned sideways to Draco and leaned on a desk, waiting for the boy to bring up what he wanted to in a relaxed manner. A tap on his shoulder, which he saw, let him know his former rival was ready.

"Things you've mentioned in the past and today have made me aware this is a needed conversation. Harry, do you trust me?"

Oh, a deep topic. He thought it would be, with Draco's request to come here.

"How much trust are you talking about?"

"If I help you with this, you and I are going to have to trust each other with our lives. All of our secrets, good and bad, may come up during this. Also, because of this, there is no way I will be able to join the Dark Lord. He'd kill me as soon as he read my mind."


"Yeah. I'm saying that there is a way for you to block off your visions from the Dark Lord. It is called Occlumency; my godfather taught me. It is very invasive. I will see your memories, ones you like and ones you don't like and ones you wish no one would ever see, as I teach you. That is why I ask if you trust me."

Harry nodded his head.

"That is where we're going to have issues. As far as I can tell, I trust Hermione. Ron is my friend, yes, but I don't trust him near as much as Hermione as he walked out on me last year. You, I've been able to trust to make things difficult for my entire time here, but that is going to be something different. Let me see you as a trustworthy prefect as you're going to be, that won't snitch on anything we do we deem necessary to survive for a week before you ask me to do that."

"I get it. You don't trust me to hold my tongue around certain authority figures if it can put me in a higher position."

"Yes. Your trust test is to prove to me you are more than your ambition."

"I see where you would be coming from. From when I made fun of Ron on the train, I've been saying, 'wait until my father hears about this'. Now there's a Slytherin DADA teacher heavily against Dumbledore and I am about to volunteer to be her pet spy almost, at least it would be if we hadn't met as a student counsel about it. That doesn't even touch on the fact that my godfather hates you for no reason I can see since we walked into the classroom, and it didn't even touch my mind as wrong until Umbridge came and did the same thing. Very well, I will prove myself for a week, and then we'll revisit this, alright, Harry?"

"Draco, I've not been the best either. However, as we agreed, we'll be civil at the very least. How about this, since you acting like a normal prefect is what you are supposed to be doing anyway, how about I give you a secret that you cannot tell anyone or anything until after we meet in a week or so? You will most likely want to tell someone, but you can't. Got it?"


"Ready? My bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs until my letter came and it was dusty and full of spiders as the dust came down whenever the Dursleys walked on the stairs."

"Cupboard under the stairs?"

"In Muggle housing it is common to put a cupboard under the stairs where it won't take up space that would otherwise be used in a room. Muggle floors are normally about eight feet high, so there's a lack of height as well as narrowness."

Draco's eyes widened.

"Are you sure? You don't want me to tell anyone?" he squeaked.

"I haven't found a teacher that believes me and Headmaster Dumbledore sends me right back anyway. He says it's because of the blood wards, but they only worked in first year. So yes, I'm sure."

Draco sighed and paced a few steps.

"All right. I can see how this would be a test of trust. It's something awful that someone would want to tell someone eventually as it would start to weigh on them even if it didn't bother them first. Now as for you, despite what I've said, I have a crush on Granger. You aren't to tell her, and then in a couple of weeks, set up a blind date with us."

"That's going to require trust on her part too, Draco. She's like my sister so don't hurt her. If she doesn't want to be with you, can you behave civilly with her after when you meet again?"

"I am sure that can work. Now we need to leave now, as in ten minutes its curfew, and Umbridge starts catching people fast."

Harry groaned and walked ahead of Draco to the common room, walking as quickly as he could without running.


Dudley stretched as he sat at the table with his year mates. They were currently going over their essays, and Dudley was helping them with better essay format while they were helping Dudley get the various theories differentiated in his head. As far as he could tell, this was helping them as well, because it was one way to have an idea, but another thing to explain it. It also meant that the others around him didn't feel dumb, though in his defense his magic wasn't available for him to use until later, as he thought about it. In some ways, it helped being the fifteen year old in amongst the eleven year olds, but sometimes it was boring. They were so cute, but he wanted and needed more mature interaction.

Looking around, he saw Dennis and Colin Creevey. The two brothers could be annoying, but they seemed amazed as he was with the magic going on around him. They had even got something that reminded Dudley of home to work in the magical world; in fact he had one as well. He thought, now that things were a little more settled in the student body, maybe he could talk with them. He saw them getting up, and walked over to them.

"Hey, I noticed your camera. Did you buy that one in the magical world or did you buy it back home?"

"You're interested in the camera?"

"Why didn't you talk earlier?"

"Are you serious? A Slytherin, no matter how low, talking to a Gryffindor?"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"Look, it's fine. So, I've got this camera from back at Mom's and Dad's. Do you have to do anything to make them take the right kind of pictures or is there a special kind of film?"

"What kind of camera is it?"

"I've got a Minolta."

As they packed up their book bags and headed out of the library, Dudley really hoped that maybe here there would be a couple of boys that could fill a spot that Harry couldn't.