
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

Sirius Thoughts, Dudley's Not A Squib

"Yeah, right. I don't see I did anything wrong in this scenario. I think I should have done more."

"Sirius, please listen..."

"No! I am done with this, and I'm not listening."

Harry stared at the mirror that was once again reflecting himself. It had started out a good day, but the morning had not ended so well. A fight with Sirius over a topic he had not even thought would be an issue (house elves) was making him doubt himself quite strongly. He was not crying, but he was slightly shaken as he put the mirror away.


Harry looked up to see Dudley.


"I need to get my steps in. Wanna come with me?"


Harry quickly headed downstairs with Dudley following behind towards the door. Once they headed outside, they started doing laps around the property as they had become used to doing. The apples were getting close to ripe as a whole, and the elves had already gathered a few of the early ripe ones from the trees. The gardens were coming along splendidly as a whole.

"Harry, before we came here, I never thought of where my food, like the apples, came from. I think it's cool to see we're eating food grown here."


"I mean, why think about food when you're basically taught that it will be given to you when you want it generally, despite how others feel? However, when I see apples on the trees and then see the apples on the table, it kinda brings it, the idea, into the net."

"Brings it home."

"Yeah, that."

Harry smiled. The better balanced meals and the exercise had been making a difference in his cousin. The daily conversations and walks also kept both boys from becoming too housebound and feeling closed in.

Of course, there was still the other side of Dudley. Harry had known since he was younger that there was something different than Dudley, even compared to the rest of his group. He had a definite learning disability, at least towards the academic. It also showed itself in his adjusting to things. Dudley felt wrong, and fidgeted, unless he had had at least a minor argument in the morning. Harry was learning to pick random fights over the most petty things that could easily determined over who was right or wrong just so Dudley wouldn't pick something that Harry hurt worse over. The thing with living together so long was that they knew where each others buttons were.

The Weasleys had been coming over regularly as well. Dudley and Ron were like two peas in a pod, yet either got on well or were so opposed to each other there was no helping them until they got over themselves. It didn't help that Dudley was sneakier about things, and suddenly Harry's hidden determination that Dudley would most likely be in Gryffindor became weaker and less sure. He started getting flashbacks from his various confrontations with Draco and suddenly everything made sense. The twins were excited and roped Harry into helping them make their products. Still unwilling to be a test bunny, he agreed to be the note taker. The twins did move their stuff over to Harry's when he let them know that they could set up at his place. Given the amount of space the twins didn't have, they took Harry up on his offer almost right away and became daily visitors. When it came to Hermione, Dudley was below her level, and lapped up information until his brain hurt when she was in the verbal sharing mood. Harry ended up doing a lot of explaining, using football and baseball as much as possible as a comparison. Once Hermione asked Harry if they could check each other' work, and Harry agreed. He had surprised her by doing a lot of his homework already.

Once the boys were back inside, Harry went up to his room to discover that Sirius was calling him again.

"Hello, Sirius."

"Hey, Harry. Look, I'm sorry. I... Look, Arthur told me that you were behind a Fidelius and blood wards, so you're pretty safe. If you won't tell Albus, I guess that's fine, but are you safe, cub?"

"Yes, I am safe, Sirius. You're forgiven that. The Weasleys are also coming over quite regularly. The twins have set up their business in one of the unused rooms, so they're coming over regularly. Of course, that means Ron and Hermione coming over, and often Ginny and the rest."

"That's good."

"Hey, while I don't like how you treat Kreature, I understand that you two do not get along. Just please treat him as nice as you can. Would you mind if I asked if one of my elves would help you clean up the place?"

"Are they trustworthy?"

"They are Potter elves and have been doing a good job over here."


Sirius didn't know what to think. On one hand, he was happy to have his god son closer to reach and away from his awful relatives. On the other, he wasn't... He wasn't sure what he wasn't, but it bothered him. He wasn't where Dumbledore had said he was safe, but if he was on Potter property behind similar wards to Privet Drive and Grimmauld, he was what Dumbledore would deem safe. However, Dumbledore wanted Harry back with his aunt, yet he and his cousin had left with his aunt's full agreement. Was Dumbledore not wanting Harry to have a happy home life, grow up, or what? He was confused.

A short time later, and Harry was once again on the Mirror, with two elves behind him.

"Hi, so my elves gave me a good scolding once they heard a single elf, no matter how old or grumpy, was taking care of your house. These two behind me have volunteered to take turns each day cleaning there. By the way, one of them has already started mothering me, so don't be surprised if she cooks. That is Holly waving right now. When she's not there that day, Hoppy, the one hopping, will be helping clean as well. They both volunteered. Please treat them well. They will leave you in the dirt if you don't."

"I am afraid it is going to be a long term project. I am very happy you're doing this. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Since you haven't been here, and I am also under Fidelius, I will head over to the Weasley's, and there they can read the secret. Does that sound good? I'll be there shortly."

"I can be ready to go in an hour, Mr. Black," stated Holly and Hoppy.

"All right then, I will see you in an hour."

The two men signed off. Harry once again thanked his elves. They grinned, gave him a quick hug, and popped away.

An hour later, Harry, Hoppy, and Holly were greeting Sirius Black upon entrance to the Burrow. After reading the script, Holly popped away with a small haversack, Sirius Black in tow. Harry stopped for a conversation with Molly, and Hoppy went back to the house. Just a short time later, Harry followed suit after a short but good conversation with the Weasley matriarch.


Dudley didn't know what to make of Sirius, and the same could be said the other way around. Sirius was happy that Dudley wasn't being mean to Harry anymore, but didn't get why Dudley looked at him sideways when he aggravated his former classmate or told stories about it. Dudley was starting to figure out why Sirius ragging on Snape was tugging him through a loop, as it was the same behaviour he used to have with Harry, but couldn't always keep up with the former prisoner. However, he noticed that the excitable man didn't see the similarity between the two of them. Harry and he did bicker regularly still, but there was hardly any animosity behind it anymore. However, each of them had tons of stories about catching people off guard. They both also liked sports. While the two worlds' games had similarities, they weren't the same so they ended explaining the games, though Dudley had practice explaining as well as had previously discussed both worlds' games with Ron. Sirius was as excitable and as easily distracted as Marge's dogs, so it didn't put him off as much as it could have once he saw Sirius transform. Sirius was having a difficult time seeing someone with Harry over the mirror as well, especially seeing the difference that Petunia's pampering of the one showed in the mirror. In each case, they put each other off of each other. It may have been for the best.

There was something though, that Harry, Dudley, Sirius, and the Weasleys were somewhat excited about. Dudley had started showing accidental magic.

The first time was one day when Dudley had been feeling rather lost and mourning all he had lost in a corner hideaway in the parlour. He was missing his dead friend and almost brother, wishing his parents actually would accept magic, and really wishing for a hankie or something to blow his nose on as the one he had brought was soaked through. He really needed something for his nose and was really wishing for one when one sailed through the air. He picked it up off his lap and studied it.

"Is someone there?"

One of the house elves stepped out from behind the plant and from in front of the window ledge holding his cleaner rag and fallen leaves. "I is here. Do you need somethings?"

"No, I was just wondering if you sent this to me?"

"No, I didn't, and there isn't anybody here to sends this to you else. Yous must be sending this to yourself with magic."

"I... magic? Really?"

"You sits and calms. Your magic be acting with your feelings. Since this is news to you, I will get Master Harry."

He went and took care of the garbage in his hand and sent the cloth to the laundry. Very shortly, he popped away and returned with Harry.

"Hey, Duds. I heard that you performed some accidental magic?"

"Yeah, a hankie fell on my head when I was wishing for one."

"Good for you!"

Harry seeing the troubled look on Dudley's face sobered quickly.

"Do you need to talk?"

"I was excited for a second, but... Do you realize that now there is no way that Dad would let me go there anymore? All those years he's taught me to hate freaks and now to him I am one as well. I know I wasn't so bad this year, but this is more than just going behind my dad's back and helping you. This is being like you and they hate those like you."

Harry put his hand on Dudley's shoulder and crouched beside him as much as possible.

"I never really said this, but since we're dealing with the same person and facing the same stuff if we ever go back there..."


"No, despite how hard to say this is, I am trying to say I think I understand. There was a short period of time in my life where I wanted to be like your uncle so he would like me. It's not the same though."

Dudley wet laughed, then started crying again. "Not really. They didn't see you as part of us, the family. I used to make you feel jealous, and I thought it was funny. Now, what was I thinking? I don't deserve any of this."

"Being part of the family probably makes the separation hurt more, because you're saying good bye to more than I did. You got kicked out recently, and that probably hurt you more than it hurt me. You were home there, and tried to make me feel more at home once you knew what you were doing was wrong. Thank you very much for that."

"You're not planning to kick me out, are you?"

"No, I am not letting a certain relative in though, nor keying him to the wards. I mean the one we discovered. He's tried to kill me a lot, and I doubt that will change any time soon. You, though, have never tried to kill me, and though you've not been nice a lot, made things right when you realized you were in the wrong. I'll take you over him any day. I think that is the difference between you and Sirius. You didn't hold onto a grudge with me for thirty years or so.

Oh, apparently, you have been getting through to Sirius, and since Snape will hardly let Sirius talk to him let alone be in the same room together, he has finally sent Snape an apology letter. Both of them are really really stubborn, and I don't know if Snape will accept it and/or apologize to me. Yeah, he's been bullying me at school while at the same time putting in some minimal effort to keep me safe each year. Only the problem is, he looks at me and sees my dad and Sirius, who acted like Fred and George but with the same way you did. James was like Sirius, and he never apologized if what Snape keeps yelling is correct. That and I look like his childhood bully with the eyes of my mother, who he was friends with."

"Wait, so..."

"That's probably information Sirius doesn't realize he gave me. He tends to focus on stories of my dad, with little snippets of information about random people. He tends to run his mouth towards anyone he feels like family with, and I am one of those.

"Hey, do you think you're calm yet?"


"That's good."

"Harry, I think I want to go to school with you. While I may not be able to do much, I would rather be with you. Also, I know I'm going to need the help for anything school related."

"We can see if you get a letter sent to you when I get my test scores, but other wise I will have to send one off and enroll you."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

In a week and a half, Dudley had accidentally charmed his curtains black (by wishing it wasn't so bright), summoned a spoon, and once turned a door upside down. Fortunately the magic was easily repairable. Telling the Weasleys and Sirius brought on tales of accidental magic from each represented generation, and what could have been an emotional disaster became something normal in this world and something allowed to chuckle over if it resulted in something funny, like the aforementioned door flip.


Harry ended up sending Dumbledore a letter regarding Dudley, asking him to let Dudley go to Hogwarts. He explained about the recent accidental magic Dudley had been doing, and stated that he would cover the required tuition. He also asked that since Dudley was fifteen to room in the dorms with those of his age, stating that it would be inappropriate for him to room with eleven year olds. Dudley, noticing what he was doing, wrote a letter for Remus Lupin, updating him on his life since he had left school for the year. Harry showed him how to tie the letters onto Hedwig, and let her out the window.

The owl returned that evening, but confusing Harry, seemed unable to enter the house.

He walked out with Dudley and Dobby to see what the matter was.

"Hey, girl, do you think that you can come here?"

Hedwig looked at her owner, hooted, and remained on the branch.

"Dobby, can you see what the matter is?"

"There bes nasty moving magic on the letters."

Harry nodded. Apparently they had been turned into portkeys. Hedwig had been smart to not let them touch the letters.

"Dobby, can you take it off the letters?"

"Nasty Master Lucius teaches me this. Dobby can."

"Thank you, Dobby. Could you please give me a book if we have one that teaches me how to do this?"

"Yes, Master Harry," stated Dobby, and hopped and popped away.

Hedwig hopped onto Harry's shoulder, allowing him to carry her inside. Once there, she hopped onto the banister, finally letting her human take off the letters. She was petted by both Harry and awkwardly Dudley, as Harry cooed to her. Eventually, she made it be known she was going to leave, and they stopped as she spread her wings and flew up to the loft.

Harry handed Dudley's letters to him, and opened his own. Reading the letter Dumbledore had sent him, he was mildly distracted both by a book appearing in the crook of his arm and Dudley pumping his fist going "yes, yes, yes!"

"You have your letter?"

"Yes, they're letting me come too."

"I'm glad. Do you have your supply lists?"


"I haven't gotten mine yet. I guess I'll floo the Weasleys and see if we could do it as a group?"


He looked down once again at the scolding letter Dumbledore had written him for leaving his mother's blood wards. Once he read that, he wrote Dumbledore politely but firmly that "I thank you for your consideration in my safety. However, I am behind a Potter blood ward and a Fidelius Charm, as well as old Potter wards. Recognizing the spells together that I was behind at Godric's Hollow and had the killing curse bounce, I suppose I am as safe as I can get. Thank you once again for your concern in my safety, but we will not plan on moving there in the recent future. As for the charge for my brother's schooling, I will pay that to you as soon as possible after arriving at Hogwarts, though if you have a form that would automatically complete the transaction for as long as my brother ends up going to school there, it would be appreciated. I hope you have a good day. Sincerely, Harry Potter."

"Can I see your supply list?"

"Sure," said Dudley as he handed it over.

"Okay, I thought so. That isn't the right book. Let me just... yeah, we'll by that defense book, so the teacher can see that you have it, but you'll also be getting my old book. My year basically taught ourselves from it because the teacher was so bad and it looks like you'll have to do the same. That means if this is the book they want me to buy, I am going to ask the sales clerk what the fifth year book last year was. We had a better teacher last year, even if he was secretly a Death Eater, so whatever book he recommended I will learn from. This one I am guessing will be pretty theory heavy. That isn't technically bad, just we're going into war and we need to be able to defend ourselves. We can't do that with just theory. Sorry, I'm rambling."

"No, it's okay."

"Sorry, its just I know this year will be rough because Voldy has a body now."

"Instead of the minions, you also have to fight the big boss or try to stay out of his way because you're not strong enough and minimize the damage as well as you can."



"Hey, Ron, have you got your school supplies yet?"

"Not all of them. We were kind of waiting on you guys, remember?"

"Dudley has his list now, so we're good to go. Oh, I think we should bring last years defense books from your brothers as well as this years. Dudley has the wrong book down so I am giving him my first year book. You know we almost taught ourselves first year defense, and it looks like we may be doing it again, only behind the teacher's back."

"So the DADA teacher will be trouble again, mate?"


"Well, at least we have advance warning because you figured it out."

"I wouldn't have if Dudley hadn't been going to Hogwarts as well."

"It looks like your luck decided to give you a break for once."

"Hopefully its not a warning over how bad it will get."

"Harry, did you have to put it so blunt?"

"Sorry, mate."

Chuckles from all parties.

"Yeah, so let me ask my mom."


"Mom, Harry's asking if we can go shopping together? They have Dudley's list now."

"If they can get here by nine, we can head out as a group then."

"Yes, Mom. Okay, did you guys here that? Mom says to be here by nine."

"We can do that."

"Sure, I'll see you in the morning."

"Bye, and see you both in the morning."

Ron disappeared out of the floo, and Harry shut it. Once they were sitting on the couch again and letting the blood flow back into their legs, Dudley decided to ask a question that had been bothering him.

"Harry, you said those black scary things were called Dementors. Do they just hunt people, or are they controlled somehow?"

"They live at Azkaban Prison, and are governed by the Ministry, our government. Oh, I see. So we had two of them come towards us, so that means the government or someone in it and can tell them to come after us wants to kill us as well. Swell, and I thought it was hard enough fighting on one front. Now I might have to face three sides. Okay, time to go snake."


"It's the animal representing one of the Hogwarts houses. We have four houses that they will sort you into: Gryffindor, which has a lion in the crest; Slytherin, which has a snake; Hufflepuff which has a badger; and Ravenclaw, which has a raven. They are sorted by characteristics: bravery, cunning and ambition, loyalty and hardworking, and book smarts. I was supposed to be a Slytherin, but long story short, because of three people I met, I asked the hat not to put me in Slytherin, so the hat put me into Gryffindor. It's not like I don't fit into Gryffindor at all, but I end up dashing headlong into danger just like a 'foolish Gryffindor', as Snape says."

"But don't you speak to snakes?"

"I know, right? Maybe I belong there after all."

Dudley threw a pillow at Harry. Harry threw a blanket back. Dudley tucked the blanket over his shoulders. Harry tossed the pillow at Dudley's face, which bounced onto the floor. A short scramble for it later, and Harry sat on the pillow with Dudley back where he had been. Dudley tossed the blanket back, and Harry tossed back the pillow.

"We can still hang out even if we end up in different houses, right?"

"Yes, its just a lot harder. I mean if you're in Slytherin and I'm in Gryffindor, it will become next to impossible because of the heavy house rivalry, but the library is still an inter-house zone."

"I'd like to hang out with you still, because I don't want to spend the whole day with junior highs."

"Sure. About that, you'll dorm with our age group, something about it not being really appropriate to house you with eleven year old kids."

Dudley snorted. "I can see the kids being super happy about that too."

Harry smirked.

"About the sorting hat, and I'm not supposed to tell so please keep it quiet, there is an equal chance for you to be in Gryffindor and Slytherin. If he puts you in Slytherin, if you tell the hat I'm willing to be resorted this year, he will happily put me in Slytherin."

There was a bit of silence as Dudley thought it over.

"The house of the cunning? I mean earlier this summer working together to keep Mom from finding out was fun, and we'll survive better together then alone."


A little more silence was in the living room and then Harry spoke up again.

"You know, we should see if there is a book that will let us know about etiquette and stuff around the purebloods, because a lot of them are in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. They take offense pretty easily, and we should try to avoid angering our room mates beyond what they'll be because I'm suddenly in their room."

"Right. Will you write that down for me please?"

"Sure. Ready for a plan of attack if we do end up in Slytherin?"

"I'll take my breaks as I need them."

"Okay, three names: Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe. Draco is my main school yard bully, the other two are his body guards."

"Do we befriend the bodyguards or the bully?"

"Vincent seems loyal enough he could have gone into Hufflepuff. He sticks to Draco. Greg is a maybe, but if we do that the snake's head will rear up and defend itself. Draco is rich enough so it could be real loyalty or because of his money, but I don't know."

"Cunning, so befriend the snake head then?"

"Maybe, but at least civility outside the common room and dorms."

"To go after the head snake, you need to establish yourself into a place from whence you are a viable threat. It will get his attention. Whether or not he will go after you or seek to befriend you, I don't know."

"Play low. Don't let him walk over you, but don't put yourself in his way as much as possible."

"Let him see you belong."

"Yep. Three more names: Parkinson, Nott, and Zabini. Pansy Parkinson literally hangs around Malfoy, and both are known Dark Lord supporters. Theodore Nott could go either way, as he has a bad family situation and his dad supports the Dark Lord. If his only support remains his classmates, he might swing that way just to remain with them. Zabini is grey, a neutral party for now. However, he is powerful, and because of his mom, a prime target for Death Eater recruiters, which Draco might be."

Dudley hummed. After a few seconds he said, "I guess we're treating Parkinson like Malfoy then?"

Harry nodded, and continued, "We'll try to befriend Nott and Zabini. To do so, we'll have to treat them as the powerful snakes in their own right as they are."

"Catch them before they become comfortable."

"On the train if not before."

"How do we tell the others what we're doing?"

"I'll say that since I grew up with you, I know there's a good chance you won't make Gryffindor, so I'm introducing you to others in our year. The twins will help."

Dudley laughed. "Who knows? The true Gryffs might start a charm offensive, and we can pretend to be part of it."

"True," said a grinning Harry. "I'd better introduce you to some others from the other houses then as well. Luna Lovegood is in Ravenclaw, though a year younger. Susan Bones is in Hufflepuff, so besides the others we talked about, we have people from all houses in our year group to introduce you to."

"But they're girls!"

"I'm sure that will be an opening to the houses though."


"Well good night, I'll see you at breakfast."

"Good night, Harry."


The next morning, after a quick breakfast, Harry and Dudley flooed over to the Burrow. Having flooed there many times by now, it was not a hardship anymore as it had been in Harry's second year. Their vault key in a mokeskin bag, Harry also brought the invisibility cloak in his bag which he stuck in his pocket. Harry and Dudley also wore some of their newer casual clothing, which Harry and Dudley had decided to get after moving. They didn't want to offend the Weasley thrift sense too badly, but also didn't want to offend any new house mates.

"Is there anything we can skip to make this as short as possible?"

"Unfortunately, since Dudley is just starting and isn't my size, we're having to hit all of the supply shops. I have to get new robes as I actually grew this year."

"Yes, and we're thankful you aren't starved this summer."

"Thank you for the offer, though."

"It's fine, Mum,..."

"It will be fun."

"While we know that Harry took Dudley..."

"...Shopping a time or two..."

"...We know they haven't seen it all..."

"...So this will be fine." Fred and George finished together.

"Are you really sure?" asked Molly a little anxiously.

"We'll be fine, Mum. Thank you for having a heart. You show us every day," said Ginny as she hugged her mother.

With Mrs. Weasley calming down, and Hermione coming down, everyone was ready to go.

It went smoothly. At Flourish and Blotts, they grabbed the required and discussed books as well as a few extras because the year ahead looked like extra information would be needed. Quills, inks, parchment, and blotting paper were grabbed, as well as the required robes from those who needed them. Everything went smoothly, except for the fact that they ran into Malfoy's group soon after leaving the second hand robes shop. Harry and Dudley nodded to each other.

"So, you're searching for usable rags, are you Potter?"

"Hello, Zabini, Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle. Have you checked the oysters yet?"

"Why would a Malfoy check there?" asked Malfoy, recognizing the inference to the shop.

"Sometimes one finds pearls," stated Dudley calmly.

"Unlike your pet Weasels, I have no need to."

"Take that back," said Ron, his voice already starting to rise.

Fred clamped a hand over his mouth. George nodded and clamped a hand down on his shoulder. Then they started.

"His pets we are not."

"His aides, though, we are..."

"For who can forget he..."

"Faced a basilisk to save our sister..."

"Defended against assumed Dementors..."

"While playing in a Quidditch match..."

"Or flew a broom against a dragon..."

"And escaped You-Know-Who?"

"We have given our loyalty..."

"To one who deserves it..."

"And repays it with kindness..."

"Or why do you think he keeps protecting us?" finished the twins in unison.

At the mention of the supposed Dementors, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle looked embarrassed, though Draco quickly covered that up with offense. The other two looked mildly amused for a second before looking blank.

Harry looked embarrassed as well. "Thanks, guys. Anyway, my brother Dudley is coming to school this year, and he probably won't end up in Gryffindor."

"You think he'll end up in Slytherin?"

"There's a one out of three chance."

"What, your brother might end up in an opposing house? A Snake?"

"I have had family members in Slytherin. I'm pretty sure it won't offend my parents."


"Good bye for now, Potter. Don't expect to see us soon."

"Good bye for now."

Hermione looked at the twins. "Guys, that was awesome. It wasn't a traditional poem, but it was poetry. Can you teach me?"

They looked at her.

"Why thank you, Hermione..."

"We could give lessons..."

"But one of us or Ron would..."

"Have to help."

"You only have one voice."

"Ah. I don't have a twin I'm afraid. I guess I'll borrow someone."


Of the things that happened during the summer, only a few require taking note on Harry's side. Harry found a book that explained potions in a way he got, and also included a charm one could cast on the cauldron that would keep thrown ingredients out. The shield hovered a few inches over the rim so Harry or whoever was using the cauldron could still put stuff in. Second, Harry got his will done so that Dudley, not next in line, got the bulk, as well as naming him heir. The third thing was Sirius let Harry know that he was his heir, and that he would one day own Grimmauld Place. Harry did end up visiting for a short while, but since Dumbledore didn't look at him, he wasn't sure if he had even been seen or not. That just confused Harry when he stopped and thought about the trouble he had been given by that very man over where he lived.

On the Slytherin side, things were not completely smooth sailing. The Death Eaters reluctantly became a group again with a leader they were afraid of. Draco cautiously had a conversation about why someone would be loyal to a person. It gave him a lot to think about. Parkinson was just looking forward to the upcoming chaos. Zabini, after watching the twins, was still weighing information. He was after all, still neutral.

So things went.