
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

Dudley Becomes A Potter, And Introductions To Other Matters

Harry had it all planned out. At least, he thought he had it all planned out. He thought he would spend the summer at the Dursleys doing chores and mostly getting ignored, even sending his owl to the twins to make sure she didn't starve. He knew the Dursley's wouldn't let him die, but they weren't as caring for his owl.

This summer had started out weird. Uncle Vernon was angry to be saddled with him and took it out on him like normal; Aunt Petunia was acting the same and ignoring him mostly, like normal; but Dudley had apparently had a moral growth spurt over the last school year. Sure, he acted like normal out in the public, but behind people's backs, he helped Harry smuggle things inside like buying an extra chocolate bar or water bottle, and accidentally dropping it inside the cat flap on his bedroom door, bandages, "accidentally" bought too-small (for Dudley) clothing, and books. He had saved what school books that the teachers had not wanted returned and dropped them off under Harry's bed before he came home with a note saying that being locked up in a room was bad enough without something to do. Harry had slipped a thank you note inside his pocket when Dudley had pushed past him on the stairs, but the half-smile and quick nod he had sent Harry was quickly hidden from his parents. That was the start of the strangeness.

Later on, when they had managed to be somewhere neither of Dudley's friends or relatives could see or over hear, Dudley had apologized for what he had been doing. He had been seeing a school counsellor (the neighbour) who was more than just talking but also being someone Dudley had unconsciously been wanting to be able to confide in and look up to. His parents weren't interested in that part, just that he was someone people in the neighbourhood liked. Harry had warily accepted the apology, not quite trusting it was real, but since it was an obvious change, he completely forgave him. He recognized the trust wasn't there, but they were at a place where they could start trusting each other.

A few days after that, Dudley asked him about magic. He'd seen Harry's accidental magic growing up, so he knew it was real, despite his parents saying repeatedly it wasn't. Harry had been a little vague, telling him also that there was a Secrecy Act that meant that people weren't really supposed to tell other people that didn't know, but because the household did know, despite saying they didn't, it wasn't really a thing he couldn't tell Dudley. Dudley couldn't tell anyone else though, which Dudley accepted eventually, though he kept saying he didn't like that, but he understood not breaking a law people were actively enforcing.

During one of their hidden discussions, Harry had finally broken down about Voldemort's resurrection and seeing Cedric Diggory die. Harry had felt so relaxed after being able to tell someone. Dudley thought he knew something of how that felt, but not completely. He had to watch Harry get beat up and wasn't able to help either. However, a random thought hit Dudley because of what Harry had told him and he burst out laughing. "What?"

"Sorry, I'm not making fun of you. I had a random thought. Here, can I see the science book I lent you?"


"Here. I thought this was relevant. So, our bodies are made up of DNA, right? And that comes from your parents. When you were part of this ritual, he had to use some of your blood to make himself a body. Your blood contains your DNA. You said that rat guy took quite a bit, right?"

"Yeah, so you're saying that because he used me to make his body along with the rat that we're now his parents along with his dad, depending on how much of his dad's DNA was still in that bone."

"Yes. Sorry, my thought was you telling this Dark Lord off and sending him to his room."

"Oh. Treating him like a little kid? Wow."

At that, they both fell over laughing, though Harry had to quickly stifle it and pretend to be crying as Petunia rounded the corner.

"I hope you're not slacking off."

"No, Ma'am. I'll get my chores done."

"Good," and she left. The two boys looked at each other and grinned. That thought and pulling one off on Petunia kept the spirits of the two boys relatively higher for the rest of the day.

One day, they were forced to go to the park. Dudley left first because his doctor had told him he needed to do more exercise. Harry left after he finished his chores that he could do then. Dudley, already with his cronies, had announced a game of Harry Hunting. Harry still really dreaded the game now because of Piers, who hated him as much as Vernon did. Harry was running away from Piers when he felt cold and saw the sky go dark. Running around a tree, he ran into Dudley, wishing once again not to be here as he spun tangled in the arms of Dudley. They ended up in front of the Leaky Cauldron. One look at Dudley, and he could tell that Dudley could see the place.

"Is this real? I mean, those people aren't seeing it. Do they not notice that everyone is walking past it and looking away from it except for a few people?"

"No, they don't. Only squibs and those who can use magic can see it. A squib is someone who may have a slight ability with magic, but for all intents and purposes, has to do things like what Vernon would call a normal person. Aunt Petunia is a squib. I guess you are one too. Shall we go inside?"

"This isn't all of your world, is it?"

"No, this is just an entrance to what I guess is the equivalent to a shopping mall."


"By the way, I don't have money on me, so we'll have to go to the bank first."

"Okay," said a still stunned Dudley.

Harry pulled him inside. Once inside the Leaky Cauldron, the two boys headed straight to the back entrance and walked through. Dudley watched curiously as Harry pulled out his wand and hit some bricks in a sequence. He watched then as the bricks realigned and formed an archway.

"Remember, most of these people are basically living in a completely separate world from ours, so while language is the same, clothing isn't, same with coinage. You'll see things here that you won't see anywhere else," Harry warned him.

With that, Harry guided Dudley through the archway, and into another world. It was completely another world. Seeing this, Dudley understood for the first time why Vernon called Harry a freak.

"It's not just the fact that you can do magic, is it? It's because you literally belong somewhere else," he said eventually.

Harry sighed. He had been pointing out stores he had been to as they walked along. "I wouldn't be completely shocked if that were the case. The bank is that big building over there. Just a word of warning, the people running the bank are goblins, not humans. There are humans that work for the bank, but not where it deals with money. They also deal in curse breaking and stuff like that. Just be warned."

With that they approached the bank. Standing in queue for a teller, Dudley thought he felt appropriately nervous of the little fierce beings. Honestly, they looked as nasty calm as Vernon in a rage. He gulped. Apparently, there was a small issue for Harry in getting his money. He didn't have his key. The goblin proved his identity quickly, grabbed a key from under the counter, and gestured Harry to follow. Dudley went with him, not knowing what else to do. A ride not unlike a roller coaster later, which Dudley did not mind, they were standing in front of a bank vault which the goblin opened with the spare key. A quick "he can come in" from Harry, and Dudley was allowed past the goblin into the vault. He stopped and stared.

"Wow, this is so much. Do you know how much you have? Like a bank statement?"

"No, I've never had a bank statement."

"That's not good. I mean even I get one for my kiddy bank account."

"Now that you mention that, that is weird. I mean if everyone gets one and I don't, then..."

"Something is not working the way it's supposed to."

After standing up, Harry had an idea. "Hey, do you want to help me look for a family tree or something while we are in here? Maybe we could see if that idea earlier is correct."

"You mean the one where you told me finally what was bugging you first before I had it?"


After a while of searching, Harry found a door in the side of the vault and opened it. "I found it."

"Wow, your family used to be so large. What happened?"

"Two wars fought almost back to back. The first one was the same time as the Second World War in the muggle world, the second one started a few years later. There are also fewer people here than there are in the muggle world."

"Oh. Well, let's look for you."

The two boys scanned the hanging looking around the ends of branches looking for Harry. "It looks like you have a few cousins still living, even though they aren't Potters."

"That's neat. So much for you guys being the only family left."

"Is that the reason they told you about being put with us?"

"Yes. That and I was exaggerating things. Oh, and there were some wards there that apparently keep me safe from people who want to hurt me from outside."

"Hey, I know what you've told teachers and I know you always told less than what actually happened. That is just so wrong."

"I know."

"Oh, hey look, I found you."

"So you did. Look, what do you know."

"You're just avoiding me saying I was right."

"Yes. Hey look, it even lists Him as a third parent?"

"That's weird. So basically two fathers and sons who are two people have been fighting each other since... you were what, one? That's so weird."

"Hey look, I found another place over here where the family tree did the same thing."

"Really? Wow. Hey, I brought my camera. I'll take a few pictures."

"That would be great."

They walked back to the goblin. "Hi, mister. Could you please help Harry with his bank statements? Harry hasn't been getting any."

The goblin looked at them both. "Are you sure, because you should have been getting them since you were eleven."

"No, the only mail I've gotten has been about Hogwarts. Could you help me with that please?"

"Yes. I will help with this. You not getting them is a disgrace to the goblin nation. Follow me and I will take you to my cubicle where we will get this sorted?"

"Absolutely. Please, lead the way."

The goblin had them get back into the cart, and then stopped half-way to the tellers. From there, they walked into a large office where the goblin stopped to get a file, and then walked past that through a hallway into an office room with four cubicles. The goblin lead them over to one and opened the file.

"I see you were declared an adult in the wizarding world since the end of last school term, because of the completion of a magical contract, correct?"

"Yes, I was forced to participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

"Based on that, you are supposed to be looking after your bank statements yourself. Well, since you are here, I'll give you an update of your vaults today. This includes the main one, the little one you've been using for expenses, and all the little side ones, which I know you noticed at least one today."

"Who gets my stuff when I die? I noticed that You-Know-Who was listed under my name on the family tapestry. Can I declare someone else as getting it?"

"You can. You can just will someone else them instead, or you can adopt someone else and name them your primary heir."

"Well, since we've been fighting back and forth and now he has a body, I recognize how easily he could kill me. Dudley, is that okay if I name you as my heir?"

"Harry, are you sure? I mean, we've only been getting along this summer compared to what normally happens."

"I mean it. If I die, I don't want the Minister funding his bad decisions from it or You-Know-Who getting it either. It also means that you will have money in this world right away. You won't be able to access the whole thing, obviously, unless I am with you, but you'll be able to use the little one I was using for school expenses. Please, Dudley?"

The goblin watched them. "If it makes matters easier, there is a brotherhood adoption that we can do. It might even make Dudley here even able to do a few spells."

"I'd be labelled a freak from Dad, won't I?"

"Dudley, I think after today, your dad would call us both freaks."

"I see what you mean. We're both here, right? Okay, we'll do the brotherhood adoption."

"I will also name him as my heir."

"Excellent. The fee can be taken from the vault, right?"

"Yes. Quick question, since I am not the one with my key right now, can you get it cancelled and get me a new one? I have a feeling we won't be going back to where we were after this."

"Harry, are you sure?"

"I mean, we'll go back for our stuff, but I have this suspicion that if Petunia and Vernon realizes I am emancipated, they'll kick me out, and we know what it's like being the lone "freak" there."

"I'll get the key cancelled and a new one. I am going to call the binder, alright?"

"Thank you very much."

The goblin left.

"What about school?"

"Dudley, if after this you are a wizard, you'll be coming with me to school, or studying on your own and completing the tests at the Ministry. Otherwise, I think we could arrange for you to keep going to your school and get you transportation. Whichever you prefer."

"Wow. With your school stories, I think I might want the second option."

"Excuse me, sorry for the interruption, but I was called to do a brotherhood adoption?"

"Hi, Bill. Yes, we would. Dudley, meet my unofficially adopted brother, Bill Weasley. Bill, meet my cousin whom I adopting, Dudley Dursley."

"So you're part of that family, huh?"

"Yeah, we're basically running away, now that Harry's been declared an adult."

"From what I've heard, I don't blame either of you. I heard about getting Harry to school two or three years ago. Now, I need you both to sign this parchment (which they did), cut your palms a little with this knife and hold hands. I'll heal you both after."

The two younger boys took the knives and cut their palms and held hands. Bill waved his wand in a complicated pattern and chanted. Once that was done, they let go, and let him heal their hands.

"What I just did was to inform the Ministry and Gringott's that you are now declared siblings. It will show up in your file Harry, and Dudley, you just got one. You'll also now show up on a family tapestry if you have one."

"We do, we found it today."

"Neat. I'll tell the twins you can have your owl back, yes?"

"Thank you, Bill."

The goblin popped back in and Bill left. "Now here's your new key. Are you looking for a place to stay? If you are, the Potters had more property than the one in Godric's Hollow."

"Wow. Are they in good shape?"

"They are. Here, I'll let you look the file over."

"Thank you."

The two boys, looking them over, decided that while living in a manor might be neat, they probably didn't want to right yet as it was too large. However, besides the cottage in Godric's Hollow, there was another one in the same county as the Weasleys.

"Can we get into these properties at any time?"

"You can, as the head of house, but you'll have to key any one else in. They sell good books about warding at Flourish and Blott's."

"Thank you. Can I get you to have someone take us to the cottage not in Godric's Hollow? And how do I change where my mail goes? I'm thinking about making sure my bank mail gets there."

"Your mail should follow your magical signature. If you came again to the bank in three hours, Bill would be done working and could take you there. However, you said you've not been getting mail. I'll double check the mailing directives. Oh, they've been sent to Hogwarts. I'll get you to sign this paper here saying you've authorized my changing the mailing address."

"Thank you."

The goblin lead them through tunnels all the way to the main foyer, where the two boys walked out of the bank after thanking the goblin once again.

"How about we hit Flourish and Blott's, and then get ice cream. It's really good with a huge amount of flavours."


At the bookstore, Harry picked up the warding books, an introduction book to the wizarding world, an introduction book to quidditch, a book that claimed to help one understand potions, some interesting defense books, and some household spell and prank books, as well as a couple of story books, since he now could. He also picked up more parchment and quills at the quill shop.

Then they went to Fortesque's Ice Cream Parlour. Harry was correct about the flavour choices. They were both hungry so they both got some. While they were there, Harry introduced Dudley to the idea of Quidditch, and then they talked for an hour talking about various sports. Afterwards, Harry showed him some of his favourite spots and spent a great deal of time in the quidditch store.

When they got back to the bank, they were greeted by Bill who was waiting by the main stairs.

"So, little brother is getting a new place?"

"Hi Bill. Could you take us there please?"

"Don't forget our stuff," whispered Dudley into Harry's ear.

"Oh, and could you please apparate us back to Privet Drive and come with us to get our stuff? We bought an expanding trunk for Dudley's stuff, and all of our stuff is still there."

At Bill's raised eyebrow, he admitted, "I was running away from a bully,"

"And a scary, black, floaty, cold thing..."

"And a dementor when I ran into Dudley and accidentally apparated. We landed in front of the Leaky Cauldron."

"I say you've had a day. Let's get the house part settled, and then lets get your stuff. I think I should come with you to help."

"Thank you. Do you know how wards work? I need to key you guys in and some practical experience from someone will be helpful.

"Also," at this Harry paused and looked at Dudley, who tilted his head, and then at Bill. "Can you please not tell Dumbledore? He'll want to put us back at the Dursely's because of something called blood wards. You-Know-Who now is a relative though so he can come in at any time. Can I get a vow you won't tell Dumbledore where we live? If you want to put the strongest wards on the place you know if they can get stronger than you can, if it makes you feel better. You could put it under Fidelius Charm like my parent's place was and then you could have a good excuse to not be able to tell."

"That, dear brother, is a manipulation of the simplest kind and well executed, even if it is clear enough to see through."

Bill straightened up and said clearly, "I, William Arthur Weasley, swear on my magic not to tell the location of Harry Potter's and Dudley Potter's house and home unless told I can. So mote it be. Shall we be going?"

With that, he directed the two boys to hang onto him tightly by his waist since he would need at least one arm. Spinning, he apparated in front of a drive. It was not a long drive, but the foot path from there was the same length as going to Hogsmead. Behind a rowan hedge, a two story farm house stood on top of a hill. Surprising everyone, there was a fast creek with a warded bridge that they had to figure out before they could cross. Once Harry had keyed them to the bridge following Bill's instructions, the gates opened and they crossed into the yard proper. Walking around the house, they found an apple orchard and a garden that was obviously tended.

At seeing a tended garden, and knowing he had to key them in here, the obvious answer came to Harry. "Potter elves, Dobby, come here please."


"House elves. It's why the garden is tended and everything is in good shape," explained Harry as Dobby and four other elves popped into existence in front of Harry, Dudley, and Bill. "House elves, I am your new master, Harry Potter. Dudley is living with me. Dobby, do you want to be my elf too?"

Harry grinned as the house elves started twirling and clapping in excitement.

"Dobby say yes. Dobby live with the Great Harry Potter. Dobby happy. The Great Harry Potter holds out his hand."

Harry did so, not knowing what would happen next, but the mirthful feeling he had had faded into an attitude of solemnity at the importance of the occasion. Dobby took Harry's hand, put it on his head, and knelt, saying, "Harry Potter must says I, Harry Potter, is taking Dobby as my elf. So mote it be."

Harry repeated, "I, Harry James Potter, take Dobby as my elf. So mote it be."

Dobby leaped up, hugged Harry, and joined the other elves in a group hug. "We bes making yous a big supper for happy you are home."

"Can you please wait? I don't know who's all staying."

"Dobby can wait."

With that, the group of elves minus Dobby disappeared.

Harry went to Dudley and Bill who were waiting for him further along and talking. They stopped when he came up to them.

"So, how are the elves?"

"Excited to have someone in the house. Bill, will you please stay for supper?"

"I would love to have supper with you two. It would help make it feel homey. Afterwards, I'll connect the Floo, and we'll talk visitors later."

"Thank you. How are the wards looking?"

"I decided to wait until you were here to check. Let's head in then, shall we?"

"Dobby, can you let the elves know all three are here for supper, and can you please get an elf to show us where the wards were set up?"

"Dobby is being happy to help," declared the little elf, who quickly popped away. A second later, another house elf popped in.

"Hello, masters," he introduced himself, "I is Glibby. I bes showing the warding room. Follow, pleases."

The three young men followed the house elf down into room in the basement at the end of a seeming dead end. Bill recognized many of the wards, while Harry stood there reading the books and helping Bill identity the few remaining obscure ones through vague reference here and few details there to complete the pictures. "Well Harry, you've got almost all the wards I can think of, though a few are needing redone. There was a family line blood ward on this place that we need to key yourself and Dudley into so that the property recognizes you as the ones living here, and lets you apparate, which you aren't supposed to do until you are seventeen, and bring guests in through the wards into the house. It will also protect you from those who intend to harm you, even if you let them in. The house can make people's lives difficult if they are in here and want to mess with you. We've already done the bridge. About the Fidelius Charm, who do you want as Secret Keeper? Personally, out of all my brothers, any of the next three are excellent at keeping secrets. Luna Lovegood also lives nearby."

"Can I think about it? Also, how do I key myself and Dudley in to the family ward?"

"We take a sterilized knife, prick your finger, and let three drops of blood on it, Dudley doing the same, and then you as head of house have to chant these lines before pouring a goblet of cold minty water onto it. We have to prepare the minty water, so you have time to memorize."

Since they had time until supper, they started preparing. The house elf popped away to come back with a goblet of water and a sprig of mint. Bill carefully took them both and very finely tore up the mint and put it in the goblet. Meanwhile, Harry and Dudley worked together to get the lines right. About a half hour later, Bill quizzed them and declared them competent, even if, as Bill put it, "only one of you currently is head of house. With the issues Harry has, its good someone else knows."

Then they started the little ritual. It wasn't too hard, though making sure the blood landed there was a little bit tricky. Then, Harry chanted the lines, feeling the wards waken as he did so. It was a good thing that Dudley was saying them along quietly, as there were a couple times he was forgot a word and needed the hint to say the next one. He felt the magic settle in the last words, poured the minty water on, and then felt the magic relax. It was still attached to him, but it was no longer swirling in his vision and feeling like a tornado around him. He stepped away from the warding stone and took a breath.


"Amazing, aren't they? The rest will not be as showy when I renew them. Good job, little brother."

"Thanks for saying them with me, Dudley. There were a couple times there when I forgot the next word from just being in the middle of that. I could read your lips though. Thank you."

"You are welcome, brother."

"You're right, you can call each other brother now. Well, Dudley, Harry is my family's adopted unofficial little brother, except for Ginny who is younger, so that makes you a little brother as well. When things get worked out, hopefully you'll come visit us sometime. We'd love to have you over, even if we aren't the richest of folk."

"Hey Bill, I think George should be the secret keeper. Those twins keep all sorts of secrets and are good friends. If at some point we need to change secret keepers because suspicion falls on them, I think Luna Lovegood would be a good substitute."

"Good idea, she keeps a close mouth as a seer, and keeps things in a code that only she and very few others can understand. I need to not talk to you for while I do this."


"What's a seer?"

"I guess the best way to describe it is to have visions that indicate the future. Often she can't even tell people what will happen, just help prepare people for what will happen. She can do everything a Gypsy fortune teller supposedly does, but for real. The hardest part for her I guess is that she is often bullied and a year younger than us."


"Yeah. She's very trustworthy and a good friend. She's one of the people I've kind of adopted at school. I've also got another friend, Hermione Granger, who's a muggle born witch, that people say acts like a sister towards me. Oh, and there's also Neville Longbottom, who excels at plants; Sirius Black, my godfather; Remus Lupin, who is my godfather's friend; and Tonks, who I think has a crush on Remus Lupin."

"Wait, Remus Lupin? He is my counsellor at school."

"That's interesting. At least he has a job. It's hard for him to find work here."

"Why? He's a great teacher."

"I know. He taught our defence class in third year, but had to leave when he forgot his potion because he's a werewolf, and went to attack us when we were outside on the full moon. Sirius, who is a dog Animagus, which means he turns into a dog, herded him off and saved us from him. Then we had to save them from the dementors, because the Ministry had decided to guard the school with them that year. It was not a good year."

"Dementors, like that thing I saw behind you in the park before we left?"


"I would also not want those around me."

"Okay guys, I'm done here. Let's head up."

Once they left the room and shut and locked the door, they were met again by Glibby. "Masters, food is ready. If you would follow me to the washroom to wash and then the dining room."

The rest of the evening was busy. Right after dinner, Bill went and got Arthur Weasley, with the permission of Harry, to help in getting the boys to Privet Drive to get their stuff. They were met at the door by Petunia, who huffed at them, told them that if they were to leave to grab their stuff, but hugged Dudley and, for the first time ever, thanked Harry for keeping her boy safe. It turns out Piers and another from that group had been attacked by dementors in the park. Harry's was quick to grab, and Dudley just opened his trunk and stuffed everything in, thankful for the expanding feature they had made sure to get. He was saddened somewhat at Harry's statement that electronics didn't seem to work around magic, but he got all his board and card games along. Once back, they put their stuff in the entrance and quickly toured the house, choosing their bedrooms. Dobby trailed along and brought their stuff to their rooms, which they made sure to thank him for. Finally, they waited at the bridge for the Weasleys, after asking the house elves to have tea ready.

Harry was so happy to see them again. While he knew that the main reason to have them here was so that he, Bill, and George could set the Fidelius Charm, it was so nice to have his family here. Molly scolded Dudley for being so mean to Harry previously, but when Dudley said that they had made up and had treated each other like proper family for a good month before today, which Harry confirmed even with a vow on his magic that he was being truthful, the Weasley matriarch welcomed him with open arms. Harry explained to the family that his location was going under Fidelius. Molly cried that her children had to be so careful, but that she was so glad that her children trusted her to know where they were.

"I can't tell anyone, I know that, but I'll be glad to stop by and talk. We can meet here or at my place for dinners. Is the Floo set up? Once we have that set up, we'll be able to pop over and see you or you, Dudley, can come over and see us, especially while Harry is away at school. It will be just me then, as the rest of them are at school or working, but it will be nice for company. It doesn't take much magic to Floo, just the same amount it takes to see this. We'll teach you how."

This had poor Dudley stammering, not expecting this from someone he had just met. It seems with Molly's scolding, and Harry's confirmation of how they were no longer at each other's throats, the rest of the family adopted him as well. To his surprise, he got on well with the rest of the boys, and took the ribbing they gave him gracefully, and gave as good back to the joy of Ginny and Fred. When Harry, Bill, and George came back, he noticed how easily Harry fit in with the group as well. Talking by a fire with a cup of tea was a good way to end this he thought, even if he had just been mobbed by a bunch of red heads.