
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

DMLE Arrive

"Oh no."

Daphne raised her eyebrows raised her eyebrows at Millicent Bulstrode. Her table mate was staring down at the Hufflepuff table and the main doors.

"I hope Susan isn't in big trouble from her aunt. Otherwise I hope she is and she isn't being expelled or something nasty happening like that."


Daphne looked behind her towards the main doors as well. Sure enough, Madam Bones was walking in and sitting down next to Susan at the Hufflepuff table, and a couple other parents were walking up to their children's tables. Some more entered the Great Hall, while Hannah ran up to Head Boy Gillian. He sat up at Hannah's approach, listened intently to what was out of ear shot, and then pulled something out of his pocket and tapped it.

"I imagine that's an emergency meeting, as he normally is a lot more subtle than that."

Daphne pulled out her vial and saw that yes, in the fifteen minutes after lunch there was a meeting. She pocketed her vial as two men approached the Slutherin table and sat down.

"Why are you here, Dad? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I am at work. We're back up because there has been a large number of people that has been hurt because of a certain professor? We're imagining that she won't leave without making a fuss and that with the number of people injured or scared that we will all be needed. I imagine that we'll be taking everybody's interview about all that's been happening in the last few months..."

"I'm glad you're here, Daddy."

The man smiled. He had been talking with more emphasis so that more of the table could hear what was going on, but still quietly enough that those at the head table didn't hear what was going on. Indeed, those further away from him were passing the information on to their table mates.


Harry sighed when he heard the news of why there were people here. Finally, something was happening, even if things weren't going to plan as they had wanted it to. He was happy to here that there would be an arrest at least happening. He frowned as well because he didn't know if he would be required to step in personally yet or not. He turned to his brother.

"How are you?"

"I am relieved, but since it has not completely finished happening yet, I am still in suspense."


Indeed, Harry was about to twitch, and Dudley was tapping his leg beside him nervously. In order to keep from twitching, Harry grabbed his brother in a hug.

Draco was watching from across the table.

"I understand you're nervous."

"Well, three out of four years say that I will have something to do with getting Umbridge to leave personally and it will end up being bigger than I want it to be. Hey, if she tries anything, will you defend me?"



"Slytherins stick together."


Madam Bones stood up when the last two Aurors came in in uniform. They walked to the high table and one of the Aurors walked around behind Inquisitor Umbridge.

"Inquisitor Umbridge, we have come to arrest you for torturing minors, being a threat to the health of the general public and minors, and malicious use of a Minister writ for a restricted use item. You are also stripped of your Ministry position. Anything you say can be used against you in court. Please come quietly."

Madam Umbridge stood up sharply with a shriek of rage.

"How dare you! How dare you! I have not done anything beyond the writ that I have from the Minister and I have been having to deal abundantly harshly on the freaky little youth that refuse to learn. There is nothing here that you can do. Seriously, when I get in front of the Wizengamot, you had better hope that you have someplace to hide your ugly little niece for when I am out, I will go after you and your heiress and make sure you will regret this! Oh!"

The one behind her had slipped on the cuffs while she was ranting. He had all of one minute for her to realize that she was cuffed before she started to struggle. Struggle she did, and he hung on. Another came up to help him. Unfortunately for him, she had another wand on her person, and she stunned him as soon as she could, which was at the "oh". The other one managed to stay out of wand point, but he was having difficulties for a few seconds. Madam Bones took little time to stun the woman.

"We will add resisting arrest to the list of crimes. Tonks, awaken Kingsley."

"Aye, Madam."

"Good. Kingsley, levitate the prisoner with Tonks as escort to the prison cells. The rest of us will start taking statements. Apparently this will involve the entire school, so Headmaster, could you please cancel classes for the rest of the day? There are two Aurors per House doing the interviews, and everyone else will be keeping an eye on everybody. Could I have the help of the teachers and prefects with keeping everyone in the House common rooms and dorms. Teachers, we will meet with you first in the staff rooms. Ripley and Roberts, get the evidence from Madam Umbridge's office and classroom please."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Umbridge left the castle. Headmaster Dumbledore canceled classes in that breath, and everyone stood up after eating to head to their common rooms. Head Boy Gillian rescheduled the emergency meeting, and headed off to his House's common room as well.


Madam Bones groaned. It was being as time consuming as thought. She had the prefects and Umbridge's own Inquisitors wearing protective armour for protection from her when she asked. She had numerous students with scarred hands. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan ran an apothecary with a cream that was stronger than the typical healing cream for those with repeated use, and both boys and various of the higher students said the cream had come from the resident potion's master originally. She had a couple of blood quills. She also had the Quidditch team playing and practicing over the Black Lake out of sight from the DADA teacher's office. She also had a classroom under a Fidelius according to what people could describe, and since she had seen and had letters from Susan about the lack of practicals in a major year, she thought it might be something to do with said class. It was also student run, as no teachers had any idea about it. Also, the fact that the students had managed to put a room under Fidelius without sending one of them to the Hospital Wing with major magical exhaustion was telling. The teachers had mentioned, and Susan as well, that Slytherin and Gryffindor had formed an alliance, and the rest of the student body had joined. It was a headache.

Well, if the whole student body was in cahoots with each other, she would have to ask more questions at the top. That meant the Head Boy, Head Girl, prefects, and Harry Potter. Apparently Potter always had something to do with the excitement of the school year, and usually as a victim of circumstances.


"So you mean to say that through really old Muggle stories involving magic, holiday rituals, and dark arts rituals, you found the old way to cast powerful spells and used it to cast a Fidelius? Potter and friends got the armour's main material, and it is all student made? That there is a DADA class that is being taught to the student body by the students?"

"Yes to all the above. It was a group effort."

"Was what Umbridge was doing in response to you, or were you doing this in response to her?"

"We were responding to her."

"Will you be willing to give me a copy of your notes?"

"If you can protect it very well."

"Thank you."

Eventually, she got permission from the whole group. This group casting would be taught to the Aurors. They needed to be able to protect places like that