
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Wrong Lesson

Alma left without another word while the Academy Director pointed to her supply closet, "It's a little messy, but there's plenty of room."

I nodded as I got up and walked to the closet. The tail didn't have any weight to it, which was the only positive. However, I knocked a cup of water over before I finally made it inside the very ordinary but messy closet. This was worse than learning to ride a bike.

Once I was dressed and came out of the closet, I saw Rose was gone.

"Where's Rose?"

Cora was sitting back at her desk, still half naked, and looked up, "Oh, she's already left, dear."

I nodded sadly, knowing it was the sacrifice I had to make to keep her to myself.

"Alright, I guess, uh, I'll go ahead and go," I said hesitantly as Cora eyed me.

She nodded and went back to looking at the papers on her desk, and I realized I didn't have a chance to ask about the burn I got from that asshole Lucious.

"Um, Cora, can I ask you a question?"

Looking up again, she smiled, "Of course, dear. What is it?"

I started stuttering, trying not to stare at her breasts because they were sitting perfectly on the edge of the desk. They were making me think of sexual acts I'd like to do with them, "I, um, wanted to know how, uh, you know, on my back?"

"I thought you'd never ask! I am still a teacher, after all, and when teaching, it's not against the rules to do it in the office," she said, standing up and walking over to me in a sultry manner.

I could only stare before she got closer and pushed me back onto the couch.

I scrambled to sit up, unsure what was happening, but she was suddenly on top of me. Her breasts which were already hard to ignore, were suddenly in my face while her knees held down my arms.

"I, I think you misunderstood," I pleaded, but then her hand reached between us, and I felt her unzip the fly to my pants, making me squirm as I felt her fingers grasp around my already stiff body part between my legs.

"Oh, I understand, don't worry, and it's okay because I am going to teach you where your hard cock goes first, and lucky for you, I'm already wet, so there's no need for foreplay. Generally, we demons can't get pregnant, so you and I can go straight to the action of fucking. Now you understand most demon sex causes humans to forget, but you won't forget a single thing here in Hell. It's all for the sake of learning. Once you are in Ms. Peter's class, you'll get plenty of experience."

I couldn't believe what was happening. She thought I was asking how to have sex. Who is Ms. Peters?

"Stop, please, Director, this isn't what I was asking for!"

Her tangerine eyes blinked at me behind her glasses as she held my cock in her hands, "It's not?"

I quickly shook my head while trying to scoot out from underneath her.

"No, I wanted to know about a demon's ability, like what that guy Lucious hit me with. HOW DID I GET THAT BURN ON MY BACK?" I yelled, asking frantically as she subconsciously started stroking me.

She laughed and then blushed from embarrassment while letting me go, my breath already rapid from being close.

"I see! I'm so sorry dear. I thought you were acting shy because you didn't know how to have sex! Give me a moment. Let me put some clothes on," she said, sliding off me and going to the supply closet before shutting the door.

I was hard, trying to zip my pants up, and for a split second there, I didn't want her to stop. But Rose's face appeared in my mind while I stared at the woman's breasts, making me resist.

"Okay now, let's see," she said, coming back out of the closet wearing the same kind of dress as before, "Here, take this."

Pulling a book off the shelf by the sofa, she opened it scanning the contents before slamming it close and handing it to me.

"You will need it for a Master lesson later, but for right now, it will help you with an understanding of how a Master and Sex Slave relationship works along with the benefits and the shared abilities."

I nodded, "Thank you," and read the cover, "Sex and The Nature of the Beasts."

"Yes, it was a number one bestseller here several years ago. It's a limited edition," she said in response, smiling wide.

"Oh, cool, well I better go. Hopefully, Marcus is still out there."

The Academy Director nodded, "He is. I can hear him listening through the door right now."

A loud thump came from the door, and I chuckled, waving goodbye before opening the door to see the demon student Marcus turn quickly and adjust his glasses.

"Lead the way, Marcus!"


Unfortunately, I learned early that the academy's director, Cora, is more of a chess piece than an actual figurehead. Even calling her by her first name seemed too casual, but it made my plan more manageable in the long run. She obviously held no love for the Grand Master, Lucious, and I knew I could use that fact to my advantage later.


After we were down the steps from Cora's office, instead of going straight passing the general curriculum classes, Marcus turned left, taking us down a different hallway.

Just like the others, we passed several classes that seemed relatively normal. However, my attention was diverted for a moment when a giant flame caught my attention. I figured it must have been chemistry class.

Marcus was fast. In the few seconds I was focused on the pyro display, he had managed to walk ahead of me by a few classrooms.

"Hey, Marcus, wait for a second, will ya?"

He didn't say anything. He just kept walking.

"Hey, how long have you been a student here?"

Still nothing.

I finally caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder to get his attention, but the poor guy screamed, pulling earbuds out I didn't know he'd put in, "Ahhh, what do you want!?"

"I was asking you how long you have been here," I responded while he continued fast walking.

"A few weeks."

"Ah, I see," I responded, feeling he wasn't up for conversation.

"Have you taken any Masterclasses yet?"

When I asked, I put some insinuation in my voice, but he slowed his walk and shook his head, "No, and I don't plan on it."

"Wait, what?"

He stopped, his blue eyes peeking at me behind long chopped bangs, "L-Look, I just want to be left alone. You do your thing, whatever that is, and I'll do, do mine! The student housing is through that door," he said pointing at the double metal doors ahead of us, "We are in 3D. If Sicah is there, he will help you with everything else."

Putting his earbud back in, he turned before I could even protest and hurried back down the hall.

"Geesh, kids these days," I murmured, heading to the double doors.