

'Good Morning young master' I said to him.

I asked Ayden about that man's study room. Early morning dressed in simple clothing of white shirt and black pants I went to greet him and ask him some questions. Young master was reviewing his documents sitting on his large ebony table in the presence of various kinds of books in the shelf facing his back like a background. The only thing that caught my eyes in this large mansion was the number of books strewn in every room and the sparse decoration. The mansion was modest in comparison to other Aristos.

'Good Morning Noor' The man said looking at me. He had stopped reviewing the documents, talking while looking straight in my eyes.

'I thank you for your hospitality and respect. However, I would like to ask you a question.'

'Go ahead.'

He could have guessed what I wanted to ask. Anyone in my position would have asked the same question.

'What is your name young master'

The man was dumbfounded at my question. His eyes wide and mouth agape

I knew what he was waiting for me to ask the reason he wanted to die; however, I was trained to do unexpected things. The sheer amount of surprise in his eyes confirmed it.

'You do you ask'

'I cannot kill someone if I do not know their name.

'Vish Kanya thing?'

'My thing.'

'I cannot tell you that '

'And I cannot kill you then' I cut him short. 'You are an ichor master. One of the most powerful being while I on the other hand am a lowly Vish Kanya who have neither the power nor courage to kill her own master.'

'How about I give you the power to kill me' The man said while considering for a while.

'What will you be doing for it. If it is some shaman practice on me then I humbly refuse. My body has been tampered enough in this world'

'No, I am talking about Remnants of Damocles. If I gather all of them then I can be killed right?'

'Remints of Damocles are only written in fairy tales there is no way that thing is real'

remnants of Damocles are a kind of legend in this world. Domiciles was a diamond sword made by one of the founding twelve ichors and was presented to the king of Pantheon after he ascended the throne. However, the power of the sword was maddening and the king started war on other kingdoms. The whole world fell into chaos and Damocles was made deemed as a blood thirsty sword, broken into twelve pieces and kept at various places throughout the world, hidden for peace.

'Every fairytale has some truth in them. I have found the location of the first remnant; it is a well-known place in the city of Reverie' he said suggestively.

'No way the rumored Dreamless town?'

'I knew Noor was smart…tomorrow I am going to find the first remand please wait patiently in this mansion.'

'No way I cannot let you go to this way. It is so dangerous.' I said panicking at his peaceful demeanor. Even if he is strong there is no way he could survive in the Dreamless Town. That place is truly dangerous.

'Oh my, when did the apathetic Noor became someone to think of others. You are my slave, try acting like one.'

I felt a terrible pain in my heart. Almost as if someone was crushing it with his hands. It was momentous but felt as if I would die. I gasped and panted until I could get rid of the trauma

Bastard! He used the soul damage technique on me! If it wasn't for this Sklaven Mark!

'Fine…. but I will…. also go with you' I said while crouching on the floor, struggling from the trauma of soul damage.

'What? I cannot allow you so'

How can you show me your concerned eyes while you did this to me!

'I will do so for a reward' I said while moving my legs and getting back on my feet. He offered me his hand but I refused to take it. My small pride would get hurt if I took that hand.

'What is the reward'

'Just tell me your name'