

Kai was a drifter, they say he was found clinging to life on a piece of driftwood one day. He was found by the crew of the paladin, a small merchant ship known to frequently traverse dangerous waters.

He was brought to the captain, James Buckle and the captain, unsure what to do with the strange child , took him in.

Now Captain James was by no means, a good man, in fact he was known to be on good terms with many illegal traders, and he dabbled in some slave trading. James had once been a pirate and when he saw the young golden eyed child who looked no older than four he had an idea.

James wife, Rose Buckle was barren and she often talked about her dream of having children, so James saw the young lost boy as an opportunity to please his wife and when she grew tired of the brat he could sell it to the highest bidder.

Thus the young boy was given a home, in a small village near the coast of the Crimson Ocean, named for the abundance of pirates inhabiting its waters. it was not a nice home by any means but his newfound mother cherished him dearly although his father was almost always absent.

Time passed and as Kai grew older he dreamed of exploring the vast land and finding his true home, all he had from before he was found were a few memories of a life filled with grandeur and laughter, he also had a small chain that he wore on his wrist, attached to it was a small black skull made from a mysterious stone.

He his this from his family because he knew, even from a young age, how cruel his father could be. Although his mother loved him dearly, she never really knew what to do with the small child so she mostly let him go off on his own.

His little escapades taught him all he needed to know about the real world, mainly how to judge character, there were many people in his village who bore strong hatred for his merchant father, as he had swindled many out of their earnings.

Kai dreamed of leaving the small village behind and exploring the vast world, he wished to see and experience everything that the world had to offer.

His mother may not have known how to handle a young child but she certainly knee many good stories, every knight, young Kai would sit with his mother by the fire on the old couch and listen to her as she told him tales of pirates and monsters and demons and ghouls.

Kai took inspiration from these stories and dreamed of being a pirate with his own crew and ship.

One day his father returned, he stumbled into the house as drunk as a skunk and passed out on the floor. Kai and his mother were both horrified and surprised.

Kai was sent to bed and his mother got to work cleaning up James. Kai was disappointed but he as he headed up the stairs, he caught sight of the sheath which hung from his father's waist.

The next morning, Kai gathered up the courage to approach his father, His father seemed to be weary and annoyed but Kai walked up to him and stated firmly," I want to be a pirate"

Captain James had seen many things in his life but nothing could have prepared him for this moment, although he had originally planned to sell the child, he had developed a fondness for the small boy.

He stared the boy in the eye and after a moment of thought, he stood up, "Follow me."

Kai was immediately filled with excitement and although he was a mere child, he was ecstatic.

Kai was just a lad, a mere seven years on his belt and already he dreamed of leaving home, thought James.

James lead Kai to what would become known to him as the training room, for the days that followed, James had Kai doing basic physical exercises while he worked on making him his first weapon.

James decided to craft it himself as he wanted to ensure that it was done correctly and he had been banned from almost all the local stores.

Eventually after a few days Kai was presented with a dull edged scimitar, it was very well balanced and had a wooden handle, it has a bit heavy for Kai but he would soon adjust, for the next five years Kai trained under the guidance of James who honed his skill until he could fight proficiently with many different weapons, a favourite of kai was the scimitar and the double bladed scimitar.

James was still away a lot of the time but he gave Kai a very strict training regime and as he aged, he upped the intensity of the training.

All of the other children stayed away from Kai in fear of his his strange eyes and also due to the warnings of their parents, golden eyes were a trait of the sea creatures which killed many sailors who traversed the sea as well as his bronze skin and dark hair that stood out amongst the other children Kai felt indifferent to his treatment and focused solely on his dream.

He trained hard every day but although he trained and worked hard, he never stopped his tradition of listening to stories by the fire with his mother, in fact the older he grew, the closer he felt to his mother.

All was well and Kai enjoyed his peaceful life up until the day of his twelfth birthday...