
The Pillar's Mission

When you love someone, you do what you know to make them happy and safe. That belief Seirena Montaque has and will do for the man she loves. Seirena, the daughter of a strong merman king and a human is willing to sacrifice everything to the extent of losing herself, her mermaid form, and her birthright for the man she loves. But… what will happen when fate won't go according to plan? Torn on her responsibilities as the Pillar and her love for the man she secretly loves, Seirena will face dangers. How far can she go just to save the man she loves? Will she be able to save him or will she die saving him?

Ennaira1011 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: secret feeling of love  

Lash looks at me once again still looking as confused and lost as to why I am being like this all of a sudden. I understand him with my usual cheerful attitude and my happy aura had changed into sadness and seriousness and I can see that look of worry on his face.

"Why- Why are you in a hurry for me to find the Pillar? As I know, the Pillar is fated to end... the evil force of darkness… which is…. What are you thinking?" he asks as I sigh and look at him feeling this deep sadness thinking of what will happen to him in the future.

"Lash, just look for the Pillar and I will tell you what you should do by the time you find that person… a woman or a man? You said I can't use my abilities for your sake… not even for others' sake for it will affect me since every time I will use my abilities I weaken… so please and I am sorry. Find The Pillar for I can't use my ability to find the Pillar for you. I will be just here… I will wait." I said as I look down at my glass of wine then I heard his sigh.

'I am sorry Lash I can't tell you everything… that I already know where that person is... you have to go and look for her and make her love you. That will be the only way I know I can save you from your doomed fate.' I sigh as I look out of the window.

"I will make sure to find the Pillar. How can I know who…."

"You will know when this necklace will glow." I said handing him a necklace which Lash look at in surprise as he look wondering how I have this necklace.

The necklace Lash is holding now is called Nymphes, a legendary necklace said to be made by the gods and gifted to one person who will become the Pillar of the sea and land. It will be like the mark that will signify that he or she is the Pillar and that he/she holds a stronger power that can defeat all evil. The Nymphes were supposed to have disappeared after the mage king Vertus or my father was entrusted with it had disappeared.

'I guess the gods know that my father will be the father of the chosen Pillar hence why they had given him the Nymphes for safekeeping.' I utter in my mind as I remember how the sea god gave me that necklace at the same time that he said I am the chosen Pillar.

Lashervon looks into the legendary necklace and I know that he can feel strong magic surging in it. I sigh as I look at the necklace; I hope Lash will find her as soon as possible before his curse becomes unbearable for him.

'I wonder though, will he be able to fall in love with her and… will she fall in love to Lash? I am aware that Lash is scary and there is this darkness surrounding him but… he is undeniably handsome and a good person. I hope that she will see that and fall in love with him.' I utter in my mind even if I feel that stinging pain of jealousy just by the thought of Lash being with another girl.

We both look towards the door when it opens and Felmarie comes in looking as if she is having thousands of problems. I stand and meet her as Lash looks at us trying to make sense of what we are talking about so I made sure our whispers can't be heard by him.

"Something came up, I will be leaving." I said after I speak with Felmarie as I walk towards Lash who looks at me making my heart beat even faster while I am trying to restrain myself from hugging him tightly.

I immediately walk towards my closet and change. My heart feels as heavy as I know that the deal I made with the sea god is risky and may fail but I am praying so much for it not to fail as there are lives at stake. Then there is that mission I have to do even how dangerous it is and how weak my body and powers are, in my condition now. A mermaid without her true form is considered weak and a mortal… and I am that as of now.

"What is happening? Please tell me, did something happen?" Lash asks as he looks at me but I try so much to avert my eyes as I know he may see right through my plans of leaving.

"Lady Seirena, we must go now." Felmarie said making me nod.

"Wait…" Lash didn't even finish when we headed toward the door.

I sigh as I look at Felmarie while she drives the car. I sigh as I look into the window and feel that cold breeze over my face.

"Lady Seirena, are you feeling alright?"

"I supposed, you had seen it right. That dark shadow around Lash is slowly becoming darker and darker. Sooner or later the curse will consume him. We must hurry before it is too late." I said.

I take a deep breath and look outside the window before I take a deep breath and throw that bracelet into the window. That was a gift from Lash and I am not stupid not to know about the tracker inside. I know Lash will do everything he can to track my location; I know once I will travel away he will surely notice and come looking for me. I want him to concentrate on finding the temporary Pillar, his clock is ticking.

"These are the files and documents you asked me to find about that girl. She is pretty normal and… she… has a dull record it is not fun even researching for." Felmarie said handing me a folder as I sigh and take it.

I scan through the files. As I look into the girl's profile. She is far so different than me and we are like the sun and the moon with how dull her life is just like Felmarie said. Mellea Cortez… born in a province and from a farming family. No current love life, no travel records, no criminal records, and fewer friends... a pure definition of innocence. Just like how I imagine she will be, a white lily that is yet to be tinted. She has a pure heart that can soothe and clear even the darkest waters. If my plan works, her heart will surely fall for Lash and when the time comes… her love will save him… well that is IF my plans go accordingly.

'I am worried about what the sea god told me. Sometimes there are things we can't plan to see and plan to prepare too. Even if I lead a red carpet to the path there will always be some carpets on the sides that can appear and they might walk into it. I just have to have faith and wait for what will happen.' I sigh.

I can feel that heaviness, why must I be given such responsibilities? Why must I have to see everyone's fate yet can't seem to fix or change it? It is tormenting me as it is too much burden.

"Lady Seirena! Hold on!" Felmarie's call made me look around just to be surprised when the car suddenly stops just as Felmarie wave her hand to stop the car from spinning through the road.

"What is happening?" I ask as I can feel the pounding of my chest from the surprise and I can't seem to understand what had happened as we are just driving towards the company.

"A flat tire?" I ask as I look towards the driver who is wiping blood from his forehead as he looks at us in the back.

"No-No ma'am, there is a van that s-suddenly cut our path. I-I have to stir to the right but the road is too slippery, forgive me. Are you both alright?" our driver said as I can sense the worry and fear that is making him stutter.

I look towards the window and see that gray van that had stopped across the road. I sigh before I walk out of the van while Felmarie follows behind me and is alerted.

"Be careful Lady Seirena, I had a bad feeling about this." she said making me sigh as I trusted Felmarie's instinct as she is a great sea warrior.

I was about to walk towards the van when Felmarie covered me when the side door suddenly slide open.

"Oh, it's that woman again." I sigh as I see who slowly came out of that van wearing red velvet pumps and wearing a bluish office suit and skirt while she takes off her glasses.

Hmnnn what do you think of our Seirena? Is She stupid to do that for love???? ^_* Is loving the man who had nurtured you until adulthood a sin????? Even if he lives diferent lifetime unlike humnas???

Ennaira1011creators' thoughts