

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

What a hit

"How did you even know about all of this", he asked and Xander could almost feel his heart fly up to his mouth.

He was stunned for a moment, before he slowly turned around while facing the man.

But during that short moment he had easily, thought of a lie that he hoped was enough was to get him to of this mess

'I am going to learn how to keep my big mouth shut', he promised himself never to repeat something like this ever again.

"Xander tell me, how were you able to sense that they were people in that room, and you were also able to sense the state they were currently in, when you don't have an ability",he paused to allow what he said to sink into Xander's head.

"When both of your friends with abilities were unable to sense anything, not to talk more of telling me the exact state they were in". He said and stooped, and it was all said in a calm voice.

But Xander was still going to lie to sir Bartholomew, he would give a story which seemed to be a good explanation.

"If you must know", Xander said and paused before he continued.

"My mother used to train me since I had no ability, she trained me on how to improve my five senses to a very high stage", he said a bit nervous and he knew that himself wouldn't by that story.

Because even if what he said was through it couldn't explain how he knew that they were injured so much, and from such a far distance.

"Your mother must really care for you", he said and smiled at Xander before he made a motion with his hands for Xander to leave.

"You are free to go", and as soon as those words came out of sir Bartholomew's mouth he ran out as calmly as possible, so he would not make himself more of a suspect, and also so that the man would not change his mind and tell him to stay,but not before thanking him.

And when Xander got out he wondered why sir Bartholomew let him leave just like that, and he didn't even ask Xander any further questions.

But he kept the thought at the back of his mind and promised to check it out at some other time.

When he got back to the room he shared with his friends, they asked him what happened and he told them, but he did tell them that he was actually trained by his mother so that they too would buy his story.

At night time when most of the students were sleeping, Xander woke up but rather than him going out to hunt for beast he was in search for the boy who beat up him and Alvin.

He tore out a piece of cloth and tied it to cover his eyes, so as not to bring attention to himself.

He went and searched around the Academy and luckily he met the boy in a part of the school that was covered in trees, and he was practicing his ice ability.

Xander took out his katana and made sure to cover the hilt before hand, so as to avoid attention to himself.

He took a small stone from the ground and threw at at the boy, but luckily he created a wall of ice just in time so it was stopped by the thick wall of ice.

And thankfully it was a thick wall of ice, if it wasn't thick enough the stone would have crushed the boys head on impact.

"Who are you anyway", the boy asked with arrogance in his voice.

But Xander kept quiet as speaking would give him away.

"I am talking to you, you imbecile", he shouted at Xander, but Xander still kept quiet making him more furious.

The boy threw out a large ball of ice, but Xander slashed it in half with his katana before it could touch him.

The boy screamed in frustration and fire more ice balls, the same size as a basket ball.

But the attacks didn't even come close to Xander as he slashed every single one of the ice balls, the boy too created two of his very own ice swords and charged in.

He swung one of the swords towards Xander's ribs, while at the same time threw out an attack that was aimed at his neck with the intention to kill Xander.

But Xander took a step back, and grabbed the sword that was aimed at his ribs with his hands, and his grip was so strong that the boy could only move the sword a little bit.

While he used his own sword to twist the one that came charging in on to his neck like a bull that has seen a red object, he twisted the sword and injured the boy in his left shoulder, and he made sure that the sword got in halfway through his bone.

He forcefully moved the boys right sword, and this threw the boy closer to him and Xander used his knee to give him a heavy blow in the ribs and a few ribs were broken on impact.

But while he was busy with the boy, his Aura Detector skill wasn't on and soon after he broke the boys ribs.

He saw the boy smiling before he said, "tell the devil I said hi, little punk" he said.

And soon Xander felt a sharp pain in his chest, and it was very very close to his heart.

The pain was a little too much making him fall on one knee, he soon began to cough out blood. He really was thankful that he moved if not he would be dead for sure, but he didn't know he suffered terribly until he saw the message in his system.

[-7 HP]


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