

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Bad luck

After Xander got to his bed he went to check his stats, since he heard a notification sound after his fight with that kid.

[All traces of the host ever laying a finger on the boy has now been erased by the system]

[+450 XP]

[Level 3]


[ + 5 new stats]

And after seeing the first message he was thankful that he he had the system because now he could kill in peace, without having to worry about anything.

But he also kept it at the back of his mind not to kill so recklessly as he could have been seen by people, and maybe just maybe a day would come when the system would no longer help him.

And with the new stats he just gained, his goal was to fill his stats from the strength down to his endurance.

[+ 5 strength]

And when checking out his stats he was happy that there were higher than before, or at least one of them.


[Agility: 14/14]

[Stamina: 14/14]

[Endurance: 14/14]

[Mind: 14/14]

But be was still wondering, how was a going to get the stats needed for the silver dragon's clap.

Since he was getting into more and more fights, he thought that he needed the skill as quickly as possible.

And after checking out his stats, and the system for a while he went back to sleep.


The nest day Xander and the other two did the usual which was have breakfast before they went back to their hellish training, and they saw more students standing on the concrete floor.

And when Xander used his Aura Detector skill the number of people in the to was significantly lessened.

And after that they had lunch and the three boys were on their way to the training hall, when there were attacked by a group of boys.

They wore their vests proudly, which displayed their numbers but that wasn't the scary part.

Despite their small frame and relaxed faced which showed no signs of anger, what made them scary was their vests.

The lowest number that was displayed on their vest was the number six, while the highest was eight.

The were four boys in total and two of them were at the level six, one of them at the level seven and the last of them which seemed to be their leader was at the level eight.

And now all the three boys were beginning to curse their bad luck, since just yesterday two of them which were Alvin and Xander were attacked and now this.

The group of boys who attacked Xander and his friends lead them to the part of the forest that was covered with trees, and this was the part of the Academy that was cover with trees.

And the boys unknowingly leading them the spot were Xander had killed that killed, 'man I can't believe I killed that guy and i didn't even get his name'.

Though he wasn't scared that they might be able to track him down with an ability, since the system had already cleared all traces of him ever you him ever even touching the boy.

But he was scared that someone saw him, and since the system didn't give him any notification about it stopping anyone from seeing him.

And as they drew closer to the spot Xander's heart beats even faster, until he was sure that his heart was near his throat as he was feeling pains there.

The were only a few feet away when they stopped walking forward, and if not that Alvin and kelvin were constantly starring at the boys they would have seen a weak and mad teenage boy.

And as for why the other boys didn't notice the body, it might be because be because Xander hung the boy a bit high in the tree.

But Xander felt as if they were hesitant in what their about to do, as he would see their bodies shaking a bit as if the were having a fever.

As they would constantly fidget as if something was scaring them.

"What exactly do you guys want from us", kelvin finally asked the boys.

And it seemed as if out of the three if them he was the more hot headed one.

"We were sent by someone to deliver a message to you", the boy with the level seven said.

"What kind of message", Xander questioned the other boys.

"It looks like he wasn't lying when he said that you are quite the daredevil", this time it was the guy with the level eight who said so.

"We just came here to give you a warning, don't get yourselves too involved in the maters concerning this Academy", the one with the level eight said.

"And what if we say no", Xander asked them.

The reason Xander felt unafraid was because he was a bit involved in the school, since he had made someone who had a huge family backing.

And even though it wasn't from a huge family, he still killed someone, so he was involved right.

"Then you suffer", one of the boys at the level six shouted.

"Preety okay if you ask me, I want to a bit of action while am in this place", kelvin said.

"Same here", Alvin said after being quiet for a while now.

Though he was as a bit scared before, seeing his two friends ready to challenge their selves he too was moved and it wasn't like if he sat down he would just ignore everyone.

And most importantly the three boys wanted to challenge their selves.

The boys charged in with Alvin and kelvin going for the guys at the level seven and eight, while Xander went after the two boys at the level six.


Author's note: thanks for the support guys, and don't forget to vote for this book, to boost our rankings.