
The Phantom sage

Join in on the story on how the most despised in his tribe becomes the one to unify the continent

Phantom_Sage · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Prologue (Remastered)

"White, furry tail and ears, white hair, red eyes, pale skin." muttered a tribe member of the gray wolves from the seating area of the library. "Why did a blessed child have to be such a disgrace? Low magic power, and no fighting capabilities."

"Yeah, he's so weak and pathetic, but we have no choice, he was entrusted to us by his father." replied another.

Phan, the young boy the tribe members spoke about, sat out in the far corner of the library with a pile of books, ranging from Magicology to Physics. Phan sat there in tattered rags, which can barely be considered clothes. His father being incapable able of taking an infant Phan with him, his father had to abandon him at the village Phan's deceased mother came from. At first the tribe took exquisite care of him but as he grew older and started to study magic with the rest of the younglings, the tribe branded him as talentless. Since Phan adopted his father's tenacious nature, he did not give up and tried to persevere through theory rather than application. This resulted in Phan, creating his own casting style which massively reduced the mana consumption. However, Phan decided to keep this a secret from the tribe, whilst also reaping the benefits that came from being a child of his father.

"I can hear you, you know" Phan thought to himself as he got up to return the books, he had piled near him and take the one he was reading out. He put the books back with meticulous care, as if they were his children and he was their mother. Even if the books were taken from the wrong place, he would make sure they were returned to the right place, once he was done with them.

Phan left the library hurriedly, to avoid any other tribes' men from seeing him. At that moment, a golden flash of lightning hit Phan rendering him unconscious. His hair charred black and frizzed up into an afro, while his twitching body was surrounded by his clans' men.

The next day, Phan had woken up in his sister's bed. Though not being related by blood, Phan still considers her as a sister. His sister being ten years older than him, took exceptional care of him, whenever he was injured or beaten black and blue. His sister was a tall lady with gray fur and hair, along with amber eyes, as well as being very voluptuous. She was laying on Phans legs and sleeping on the edge of the bed. Though Phan sees her as a sister, he can't help but think that she's such a beautiful woman and that any man that marries her would be lucky.

"Hay you, you're finally awake." Said a strange voice. Phan's ear perked up, in agitation as if he were a rabbit hearing a twig snap.

Phan looked around desperately, alert, trying to figure out where the voice came from. "W-who are you? and what do you want?" asked Phan trying to listen for the origin of the voice.

"I'm a fallen God and I coincidently ended up inside your soul container, and I believe that you mortals call it a body of flesh." After listening to the voice's explanation, Phan could not find the origin, but suspected it that it was some form of telepathy. After further inspection of the voice, the voice sounded arrogant and felt as if it belonged to a 'Desirable man' or a 'Cool man'. "It seems as though, that smoking hot female will be waking up soon." said the Fallen God before he went silent.

Phan's sister moaned as she was waking up, rubbing her eyes, and stretching across the bed. "Phan!" Exclaimed his sister, with her tail wagging in excitement. "Thank God that you're alive" she said jumping onto phan hugging him in the process.

"I won't be if you don't stop hugging me." said Phan's muffled voice as his head was buried into his sister's chest.

"Ah! sorry." Said his sister, releasing Phan from her grasps. "It was just because I was so happy and relieved that you were alive, and I just couldn't help."

"Sis it's fine..." said Phan putting his hand on her shoulder and looking down. "You've done it so much, that I should have gotten used to it at this point. Plus, I should be used to being buried, just look at all the book's I've read."

"Yeah, but still. You were hit by lightning. I should be a lot more careful when handling you." She replied in a panic, hands waving around.

"Its fine, I am a blessed child after all. What's a little zap going to do to me?" He said trying to cheer her up, whilst acting all smug. "Well, Imma go and practice some magic and maybe some hunting."

"No!" Shouted his sister. "You can't, you were out for three days, you have to rest!"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, THREE DAYS?" Phan took some time to process this information. "I thought it was for only a day"

"You're weak right now, you should rest up and eat well for now."

"I'm fine, I won't feel better if I don't move my body and check if my mana flow is messed up."

"Just sleep in, just for today." She sighed, knowing there's no way she could convince him to rest up. "I'll go and make lunch, you should sleep." She said walking away from Phan.

The moment she left the room, Phan proceeded to jump out of the window, and sneak his way to the forest, avoiding the tribes' men as much as possible. On his way to the forest, he dashed pass Skull and his pack. Skull was another tribe member of the Gray wolfmen and silver mane wolfmen. Due to his half-blood causing a problem in skin pigmentation, he had developed a skull pattern on his face, hence giving him the name Skull.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Said Skull arrogantly.

Phan groaned as he stopped dead in his tracks, dropping his shoulders and looking up to the sky as he turned to face Skull. "Can we not do this today?" asked Phan trying his best to avoid a beating.

"Well, we gotta tell Mr. Survive a bolt of lightning that he ain't all that somehow, don't we?" Skull replied to Phan while pounding one fist into the palm of his hands, while the rest of his pack creep up to Phan, surrounding him.

"Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?" Phan said smug, while half-heartedly 'Squaring-up'.

"She also taught me to make sure people know where they belong." Skull said grinning showing his fang like teeth. "Jump him!"

Phan was engulfed in a cartoonish dust cloud of fists, legs and small explosions caused by magic. When the dust cloud faded, everyone but phan had disappeared. Phan was left lying on the ground beaten black and blue, as well as having his arm and legs bent in places that shouldn't be bent and twisted in ways, he never knew were possible.

"Light. Infusion. Self. Heal." Phan muttered. Each word Phan muttered caused a glowing yellow tinted white ring to form. Each ring was about 5% larger than the previous ring, starting from the size of his small, 8-year-old palms.

When Phan finished the chant, his body began to glow and began to let off some kind of white particle. Gradually his bruises and cuts healed and faded, while his arms and legs began to twist and realign back into place. Even though Phan was fully healed in a matter of seconds, he continued to lay on the floor. His paper white hair was gathering dirt and dust as he laid there, covering his eyes with his thin, bony arms. He clenched his jaw with enough force for his mouth to be considered a vice. His breath became heavy as he began to breath faster and deeper. After a while, Phan relaxed his jaw and took a large sigh.

"Not now…" Phan muttered to himself. "If I do it now, I'll lose out on a lot of benefits."

Phan got up from the floor and dusted what little clothes he had, before running of into the forest to proceeded with what he was planning to do before the interruption. It was the apex of spring; the leaves were a dark emerald green and rustle in the wind; the wind would bring in a chilling breeze that would counter the warmth coming from the sun. The flurry of birds would sing a peaceful song and the cicadae would try to live their already short lives to the fullest, singing their buzz filled song. The trees tower over Phan, reaching staggering heights from the eyes of the 8-year-old Phan. Phan deviated from the overused dirt path that would lead to outside the Wolfmen territory. He stops at the edge of the path for a moment.

"Enchant. Boost. Self, Legs." Phan muttered, just before jumping branch to branch like a monkey or primitive primate. He was going deeper into the forest, deeper than any tribe members has gone before. Soon enough, he had entered a clearing.

The trees at the edge of the clearing were covered in traces of burning, charring, impacts and cutting. The clearing was littered with small craters, as if there was a meteor shower in that area. Whatever land that was left looked as if it was artificially filled in with more dirt than before it was hollowed out, making the area uneven. Phan clambered down the tree he was perched on, and hurriedly ran to the craters to fill them using magic.

"Now that we're alone, I believe we can talk in peace." The Fallen God said, after disappearing for some time.

All released chapters are going to be remastered, with new techniques and slower pace and far more descriptive

(also if u guys got any ideas do tell)

Phantom_Sagecreators' thoughts