
The person in the mirror

The year was 2314. Most of the human kind were turned into human-like creatures by a unknown species. There are the Phoenix’s mermaids, dragons, fairies, werewolves, vampires, foxes, snakes, panthers, cats, dogs, and normal humans. How the system works now is the Golden Phoenix ruled all of the land like a god. But she was captured and her powers were put into a magical induced sleep. Now it's up to all of the species that were in her alliance to save her or the world will go into complete darkness. Only one of each species is accepted. This is Flayme’s fate.

loser_shadow · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter one - The untold tale

I once thought that everything was normal. Up until a few days ago. My parents have been lying to me my whole life and I don't know how to handle it. They told me that "the truth will unravel on the blood moon" which is in two days. The villagers say that's when vampires and werewolves come out to hunt. So we should all stay inside right…? Wrong. The most vulnerable place is your home! So grab a knife and go out into the night, make sure to cover your neck, and put a hat over your hair. That's what the story says at least. But that's not true. Most vampires, myself included have chosen to go 'vegan' to where we only eat animal blood, no humans for us! And werewolf's but… they don't like humans period. Hi, my name is Flayme, weird name right? It's because of my weird auburn and orange hair. I'm thought of as a vampire because of my parents but no one believes it, I don't even drink blood. I eat regular food, human food, but everyone knows I'm not human… so what am I? That's what I'm going to find out. After dinner with my mother and father, I go outside and look at the sunset. I'm longing to burn like the sun. While my parents are stuck inside. I'm able to go outside in the daylight, which all vampires are envious of. But I'm no vampire that's for sure. When I got back home I had many books about the different species, humans make up 60 percent of the population. then werewolves, vampires and foxes make up about 30. 25 percent goes to the Red Phoenix's, the mermaids, dragons, fairies, the snakes and the panthers. And then the most dangerous and rarest creature of all, the Golden Phoenix. Whoever is the golden Phoenix becomes the ruler of the whole world. Since they are a god, with their golden feathers and special abilities. But there's only one left as of now. And she's hidden away, tucked under plain sight. But what they don't know is this world will change either for the best…or the worst. Life may not be as easy as it seems for most creatures cause there are one bad species out there. They're called the darkness, no one is able to see them. They live in the shadows. Why no one will ever know, they have the worst magic of all, shadow magic. It allows them to become invisible and gives the weak animals nightmares while they sleep. While the Golden phoenix's powers aren't awakened yet they lurk and cause havoc to all species. Except her. Ember was walking in the woods until she saw a werewolf hunting. She hid and climbed up a tree to get the higher ground, most animals can climb, but werewolves can't. You would think they could. But their extra weight from their fur, ears, and tail won't allow them to climb without help. She looked down and saw that the werewolf was actually hurt, and wasn't hunting. So she went down and helped the wolf. She then took the child home, and the child explained that he was the child of their alpha. His name was Randalf and he was 11 in human years. And he had a twin brother and his name was Gilliam. When she got home her parents' yelled at her, telling her she smells horrific, like a wet dog. But she did not care, she helped someone that's all she cared about. "Sorry mom and dad, he was hurt and I could not live with myself if I did not help him." They sighed and told her to be careful next time, and told her to take a shower. She took a shower and then went out to the village, and helped them with whatever they had needed her to do.