

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sport
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31 Chs


(Sun light)

(breeze blowing trees)

Sachiko: hey Naomi

Naomi: ouch!

Sachiko: eh, what's wrong

Naomi: my muscles are aching, training was intense yesterday, coach was so hard on us

Sachiko: oh, I see, you guys have a track meet coming up so that is to be expected

Naomi: yeah, I guess you're right. If we want to put Toshigawa Academy on the radar in the track world then we have to win as many events as possible

Sachiko: yes

Naomi: wait, something feels off

Sachiko: what do you mean?

Naomi: normally, there would be a lot of loud shouting . Which means that Noboru is not here. I bet he's skipping again, that lazy, obnoxious punk

(Sachiko): Kawaguchi isn't here either

(Makoto looks over at Shino's desk)

Hayami-sensei: good morning everyone

Everyone: good morning sensei

Naomi: Sensei , it seems that Noboru is absent and also Kawaguchi and Katsuragi

Hayami-sensei: those boys have a basketball practice match today, so they are excused

Naomi: wait, Noboru joined the basketball team no way!! I thought he didn't take it seriously

(Sachiko): so Tetsuo is playing basketball now, this is bad, how will I convince him to join the student council now

(Rie): so Katsuragi has a match today, I really wanted to watch him play though(sigh), i guess I'll just support him from where i sit

(Makoto): a practice match , huh

Hayami-sensei: alright, let's get back to the lesson

Nanaho: what's taking Noboru so long? Don't he know that we have a game to get to

Yukio: I'm sure he's on his way , he probably just slept in

( Shino shaking)

(Hayato puts his hand on Shino's shoulder)

( Shino jumps)

Hayato: relax Shino, we are not even there yet, it'll be okay

Takahiro: there's no need to be nervous

Shino: iiii'm not n-nervous

(Hayato and Takahiro): he totally is

(Shino looks at Tetsuo)

(Shino): how can he be so calm, isn't this his first basketball game?

Noboru: your savior is here, sorry for the wait

Nanaho: you sure took your sweet time

Noboru: yeah, I slept well

Nanaho: (sigh), honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do with you

Nanaho: well , let's go then

Tetsuo: wait

Nanaho: huh?

Yukio: what's wrong Tetsuo?

Tetsuo: she's almost here

(Haruko runs towards them)

Haruko: (sigh of relief), I made it

Tetsuo: yeah and just on time too

Noboru: Tetsuo you sly dog , I didn't know that you got a girlfriend, why were you holding out on me?

Yukio: who is she?

Haruko: my name is Haruko Takahashi

Tetsuo: she's here to watch our match and learn something new, she is on the girl's basketball team at Hachioji academy

Yukio: oh, I see, then I hope you'll be able to learn something new from us

Haruko: yes, I'm looking forward to it

Noboru: don't worry Haruko, when your done watching me you'll be flabbergasted by my skills

Nanaho: shut up or I'll make you start on the bench

Noboru: no way, you can't be serious

(Everyone laughs)

Yukio: well then, team let's go win

Everyone: yes!

(Yokonan high school)

Haruko: whoa, look at the size of their track and the soccer field it's huge

Takahiro: yes Yokonan is well known as a sporting school so it was expected

Shino: that pool is huge

Yukio: Yokonan has a girl swimming team, in fact, they haven't lost a single championship for 8 years straight now

Noboru: these girls are amazing

( Girl dives into the pool)

(Touches the other end of the pool then swims back)

???: that's a new record

???: she's the fastest swimmer I know

???: you're so cool

Manabu: um, Toshigawa Academy right

Nanaho: yes

Manabu: come this way

Nanaho: okay

Manabu: you guys can change in here

Yukio: thank you

Nanaho: alright let's see, what numbers do you want?

Noboru: dibs on number ten

Yukio: a seven for me

Nakajima: I'll take the four then

Takahiro: eight

Shino: I'll take this six

Tetsuo: I'll have eleven

Nanaho : Alright everyone get ready

Everyone: yes

Noboru: I'm kind of digging the black and green combination, very fitting

Takahiro: you can say that again

???: here they come

???: they'll definitely not win this game

???: yes

Shino: wh..why are there so much people?

Noboru: isn't it obvious? They came here to watch me

Hayato: more like they came for a laugh but I'll silence this crowd for sure

Yukio: just stay calm, in a situation like this we are at a great disadvantage , I know that it may be overwhelming but we came here to win so bare with it

Everyone: yes

???: number 7 looks so handsome

???: ah, number 6 is such a cutie , too bad that he's going to loose

???: I don't know why but I feel more gravitated towards number 11 he's just absolutely gorgeous

Manabu: coach they are here

Yokonan's coach: which school?

Manabu: Toshigawa Academy

Yokonan's coach: oh , let them play against our B team

Manabu: but coach both our C and B team are out doing stamina training with the captain

Yokonan's coach : oh, well I guess it can't be helped then, they came all this way . Have them play our bench players on the A team

Manabu: okay

Nanaho: Takahashi, you can sit here on the bench

Haruko: thanks

Nanaho: everyone go get warmed up

Yukio: you heard her , move it

Everyone: yes

(Everyone sprints up and down their half of the court)

Yukio: alright everyone, form two lines

(Yukio passes the ball to Takahiro)

(Takahiro passes the ball to Yukio)

(Yukio scores a layup)

(Noboru passes the ball to Hayato)

(Hayato passes the ball to Noboru)

(Noboru scores a layup)

(Shino passes the ball to Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo passes the ball to Shino)

(Shino): take two steps and then lay the ball on the back board

(Shino shoots a layup shot)


Shino: ah

Yukio: you have plenty of time to get it don't worry , just focus

Shino: yes captain

???: damn those first years are a pain, why do we have to play these losers

???: the captain was the one who took both of them and a couple of the second years out on a run

???: how much do you think we should score in the game, a hundred and fifty? Or should we do our iconic one hundred and eleven to eleven

Manabu: um, can you guys show a little more respect, coach is here

Kayano: let me check out the competition, let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six

Kayano: looks like this game is going to be a breeze

Kogure: we cannot judge a team by it's quantity, remember only five persons can play on a court at a time

Kayano: say whatever you want, Toshigawa Academy would be a walk over for our third team

Takahiro: looks like we are playing the first team

Yukio: yes

Shino: ooh no!

Noboru: I can take on anyone,(smirks) so let them come

Hayato: isn't that Takeshi Kayano and …

(Kogure and Kayano walks over to Toshigawa Academy's team)

Kayano: oh , is that you Hayato, I haven't seen you since junior high, how come you didn't play last year?

Hayato: that's none of your concern, all I know is that I'll beat you today

Kayano: one step at a time, first try to get coach to take me off the bench then you can talk.

Hayato: yes

Kogure: Yukio it's been a while, how have you been

Yukio: everything has been great so far

Kogure: that's great to hear

Kogure: I see that you have put together a team, hopefully they don't get tired by the end of the first quarter. Sadly I won't be playing, coach won't allow me. Well try your best not to be humiliated kay?

Yukio: trust me, we wouldn't have come here if we weren't ready