
The Peculiar Investigations - A Series Of Short Stories

Peculiar Investigations In the city of Avalon, curious mage Merlin seeks purpose beyond his noble roots. He joins "Peculiar Investigations," a detective agency solving enigmatic magical disturbances and mysteries. Led by experienced Hal, the agency's approach combines research and quick response teams. Merlin's mastery of elemental magic aligns with the company's mission. As he delves into this new world, he envisions a life of exploration and purpose, far removed from his privileged past.

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7 Chs

The Great Secret Library

Merlin sipped his morning tea across from Hal at Peculiar Investigations headquarters, an idea having been on his scholarly mind of late.

"I've been trying for months to locate a rare grimoire called The Arcanum of Agnostos," Merlin remarked. "From what I've read, it's the most comprehensive text ever written on the secrets of illusionist magic. Have you ever encountered it in your travels?"

Hal set down his stoneware mug and stroked his grizzled beard thoughtfully. "Hmm...can't say I've come across that specific tome before. But if it exists, there may be one place where you could find it."

He rose with a grunt and beckoned for Merlin to follow. They entered a dusty old storeroom. Brushing aside a moth-eaten tapestry revealed an arched stone doorway leading into utter darkness.

Hal lit a torch, the flickering light illuminating a cylindrical chamber of brick and carved granite. Strange glyphs and symbols decorated the walls. In the center was an ancient wooden platform lift, its creaking pulley chains vanishing into the shadows above.

They stepped onto the platform. With a deafening grind of gears, Hal operated a series of levers and the lift began to ascend, rising at a steady crawl through the mammoth vertical shaft.

"Only a handful know of this place," Hal said, his voice echoing off the brick walls. "I trust you'll keep it that way."

Merlin nodded. "You have my silence." Curiosity coursed through him as they continued upward through the miles-deep shaft. What secret did this ancient lift lead to?

After an interminable journey upward through endless dark, the lift finally shuddered to a stop with a resounding boom. Hal heaved open the metal cage door and stepped out.

Merlin followed him onto a platform overlooking a sight that made his jaw drop: Spread before them was a Realm crafted entirely of bookshelves and tomes. Constellations glimmered overhead in a vast, starry expanse with no sky in sight. The shelves stretched on seemingly forever.

"Welcome to the Great Library, also known as the Akashic Repository," Hal proclaimed, his voice echoing slightly. "Every book ever written, along with all knowledge past and present, is contained here."

Before Merlin could barrage him with questions, Hal stepped back into the lift. "Treat the Librarian with respect. She decides what knowledge you may access." With that cryptic advice imparted, he was gone.

Alone now, Merlin descended a spiral staircase, gazing in wonder at the nigh-infinite shelves packed tight with books. This was a scholar's paradise! He wandered awestruck down the central aisle, taking in the scale of the Library's dimensions. What arcane secrets were contained in just one of these multitudes of tomes?

After passing astronomy sections, herbology texts, and shelves of artifacts, he entered an area straight from myth: books bound in dragon hide, sections devoted to crystal magic and alchemy. Touching these priceless relics sent a tingle down his spine. The possibilities here were endless!

In a reading area bathed in warm magical light, Merlin finally encountered another soul: an elegant elf woman with jet black hair and silver eyes accentuated by small oval spectacles. She gazed up serenely from an ancient tome as he approached.

"Greetings, Merlin," she said in a lyrical voice. "I've been expecting you. I am Sylvaine, the Librarian here. Please, sit."

She spoke knowingly of Merlin's quest for the Arcanum of Agnostos. "A powerful but dangerous text, that one. But first, I hope you can help me with a small...situation." Her keen gaze bored into him as she explained.

"You see, some pixies have found their way in recently and have been wreaking havoc. I cannot bring myself to banish them, but their antics must cease. Please, if you can stop them gently, the Arcanum shall be yours."

No sooner had she finished speaking than a tiny blue pixie darted out from between stacks and yanked Merlin's hair before disappearing, cackling. Loud bangs and crashes arose nearby as more pixies joined the ruckus. This would not be an easy task...

Ducking a volley of flying books lobbed by the vexing pixies, Merlin scrambled to corral them. But they evaded his every attempt, blowing raspberries and pelting him with paper wads. The once pristine aisles now looked ransacked.

Finally, he wove a complex illusion spell - the space appeared to transform into a vast cavern with deep echoing voices approaching. Spooked, the pixies instantly vanished into hideaways. As Merlin dispelled the illusion, Sylvaine approached wearing a rare smile.

"Well done," she praised. "You adhered to your principles and resolved this through ingenuity. As promised, I am happy to give you this."

From a locked display case she reverently retrieved a leatherbound tome titled The Arcanum of Agnostos in flowing calligraphy. Handing it to Merlin, her piercing gaze seemed to reach his soul.

"Knowledge and magic can do great harm or good," she warned gravely. "Use this wisely, as I sense you are meant to."

Bowing graciously, Merlin turned to leave, but Sylvaine called out once more. "Please return and visit again. It's been...too long since I had a friend."

The journey back up passed swiftly as Merlin's mind swirled with wondrous possibilities from the knowledge contained in the book cradled in his arms. This grimoire was a priceless treasure. He pondered Sylvaine's cryptic words...she knew things about him, his past, his destiny. He looked forward to unravelling those mysteries with each future visit.

When Merlin described the evidence of living history he had witnessed in the Great Library's depths, Hal just chuckled knowingly.

"Not just any riffraff can enter that place - the Labyrinth Gatekeepers beyond my lift ensure that! But Sylvaine clearly sensed something special in you, as I did from the start."

Back in his private study, Merlin lit candles and pored through the arcane secrets of illusion magic within the hallowed pages of the Arcanum far into the night. His very perceptions felt sharpened, as if new doors had opened within his mind. One day he hoped to unlock even greater mystical truths - but for now, this tome would surely give him an edge against the forces of darkness. The Librarian had been right - with knowledge came great power, and greater responsibility.